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22796541? ago

I think they like to provoke us. Didn't Kevin Spacey make a weird video right before the witness against committed suicide?

22797564? ago

Stephen King is pedo?

22799908? ago

Oh yes and a Satanist:


"Satanists are extremely dangerous and malicious.

The author Stephen King is a top architect of satanic ritual abuse and psychological torment.

They are involved in the broader plot for total human enslavement which is the agenda of the New World Order.

These groups use witchcraft which is mind control, torture, satanic ritual abuse of children, deception, chemical warfare, and other covert methods of tyranny".

"Stephen King is a top Satanist and a top architect of satanic ritual abuse. This devil is a child murderer and cannibal".

"The author Stephen King is a top architect of satanic ritual abuse and psychological torment".

22799978? ago

i would not be able to handle this except for the fact we know they are all going down. sickos

22797908? ago

Remove the question mark