22842934? ago

The Bahomet religion, reality turn upside down? https://voat.co/v/HDLunited/3696783/22825313

22729070? ago

don't bother waiting for the end

22719210? ago

Same James Woods who solicited underage women? Who said it was "even better" that the girl he harassed was 16?

22714507? ago

IIRC this was a gathering of teachers. Leftist teachers are a fucking plague. Respect to the sane teachers.

23338363? ago

22712441? ago

One day these kids will be grown and hopefully hold their parents accountable for their actions.

22710784? ago

The child looks uncomfortable throughout, right up to the end where that creature gives her a hug. The child will be lost with parents who expose her to this kind of outrage.

23338508? ago

Also the video game industry? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3757237/23331037

22710324? ago

Borderline? It IS child abuse. I am saddened and ashamed by this degenerate society. GOD help us.

22709510? ago

What they are doing is trying to provoke an anti-LGTBQ reaction from us. Remember that what they care about is political power. They can't win with their unpopular policies. What they want is for every non-white person and every non-straight person to vote Democrat. That is their big dream, to hold unstoppable political power through identity politics. Meaning that people vote according to their skin color and sexual preference rather than ideas.

So they fill the mall with pictures of young women with young black men. They advance the idea of White Privilege to make you resentful. They do Drag Queen Story Hour all across the country to enrage you, so you lash out against the transgendered.

They don't really care about race. The do want to advance pedophilia, but I think the main goal here is to anger you. They want you to make posts on Facebook defending the white race. They want you to foam at the mouth while posting pictures from the Drag Queen events. They want to make you look intolerant. They want to label you a bigot so they can grab political power.

I'm not saying you should not push back. But always keep in mind what their goal is. Push back in a way that doesn't give them what they want.

22710150? ago

I noticed that they looove being a victim. They play that card big time.

22709254? ago

Absolutely fucking disgusting.

What were this childs parents thinking when they thought this was ok.

All adults in that room should be ashamed of themselves. This really makes me sick.

These people are sick.

23338331? ago

22711777? ago

Jacob Applebaum, jewish baphomet lover, core TOR developer RE: PGP, backdoors etc... Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols? Picture of Jacob Appelbaum, jewish, behind creation of TOR, loves baphomet, and connected to an old group known as Cult of The Dead Cow. Another trend? the perverts of Rome? Babylon religion, a ritual from Arabia and Always former colonies of the British Empire....... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3665552/22575045

22709089? ago

That poor little girl looks terrified!

22708760? ago

Kill'em all, let Satan sort them out.

22709103? ago

Good one! ^ I like your comment.

22708751? ago

That was tough to watch.

22708346? ago

Those parents should have their kids taken away as well as be arrested for such child abuse. If I saw that happening I would be very vocal about their disgusting abuse.

23338473? ago

QUOTE - Disney was Masonic from Day One?

' just a brain dump w random facts:

trudeau is a sinclair, scottish rite templars. his family built the rosslyn chapel. his grandfather was still born in scotland, clan sinclair.

luis farakhan is a shriner, but i usually get downvotes for mentioning this

the rosicrucians are also connected to the turkish sufi gnostics. according to the lore, christian rosenkreutz went to turkey and got initiated into some sufi gnostic order, possibly the bektashi or the sabbateans. i cant recall. i suspect the name for america comes from a.m.o.r.c. https://www.amorc.org/ they can be found everywhere though.

also, bill coopers video on the afghani roshaniya is worth a watch..

nelson mandela, the commie terrorist was a knight of malta https://www.pinterest.com/pin/449867450262517066/

the duke of gloucester is the head of all masons in the uk

the founders of the fbi, the oss/cia and the mossad were all knights of malta (templars)

the founder of the fbi was joseph (?) bonaparte, the grand nephew of napoleon bonaparte, the illuminati puppet. also the two hoovers were related and of swiss templar origin, but dont quote me on this.

stalin was a jesuit https://www.perdurabo10.net/stalin-the-priest.html '

22709286? ago

Hey if i was there i would be calling these sickos out too.

No doubt we would be thrown out for telling the truth.

22708794? ago

Same here, I would fucking berate everyone in that room until my voice broke and security kicked me out. Nobody is saying a fucking thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22708181? ago

Transvestites have a mental disorder. They should not be out among the population. They should be getting the help the desperately need in a mental healthcare facility.

23242056? ago

An Actress Lohan wanted to take refugee children, the cult of Baphomet? Why does Pakistan have the Masonic Sigil of the Baphometh or Bafometz as its symbols, a demon from Babylon, Tunisia and Jewish mysticism, the Tarot Baphomet or Goat Bull of Mendes as its Symbols? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3746405

22709303? ago

They are pedos.

22709444? ago


22709095? ago

Yes, locked up, far away from humanity.

22708151? ago

Stopped the video after two seconds. There was a time when the only 'men dressed as women' you saw were pantomime dames that everyone laughed at but this is another thing altogether. Sinister and abusive.

22709820? ago

They pray to a transexual god from babylon times? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3596223/22024783 Why are their hats red?

22712523? ago

Shriner Red Fez Hat A Symbol For The Death Of 50,000 Christians In Fez, Morocco:


As for their transexual god... Ok. The Serpent is either female or transexual. This might be Lilith.

The deity of Masonry is the Great Architect of the Universe. They also use the name Jahbulon, which is YHWY/Jehovah-Baal-Osiris.

If you carefully read Genesis 1, the story it tells is much different from Genesis 2.

In Genesis 1, humans were created in the image and likeness of the Elohim. We were given dominion over the Earth and told to eat a vegetarian diet.

In Genesis 2, YHWH/Jehovah took a man created in Genesis 1 and formed him into something else. He then put him in the Garden/Enclosure to work and keep it. This means that YHWH took dominion away, which violates Genesis 1:28. YHWH also told the man he could not eat from one tree, which is in violation of Genesis 1:29.

You see where I am going with this, so you can re-read it and re-interpret the rest of it, especially the lineages of Cain and Seth. I am not sure if the transexual Serpent fathered Cain or if YHWH did.

Remember the Rocky Horror Picture Show? I wonder if Brad is Adam and Janet is Eve, and Frank N. Furter is the Serpent or YHWH.

22730183? ago

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22707835? ago

https://tweetsave.com/realjameswoods/status/1233481837869223939 :

James Woods on Twitter: "There is a fine line between accepting people’s alternate lifestyles and engaging in what some argue is borderline child abuse. Opinions? /Hi6JM2bEqm"

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22707473? ago

Every adult in that room, especially the parents, need to be rounded up and charged with exploiting minors. Those laughing and applauding idiots are like a cancer in this world.

22712650? ago

The kid has the most disturbed expression in the room.

THIS is what Sodom and Gamorrah were like before they were smited by a meteorite.

22708775? ago

At 3-4 seconds the girl looks up at her mother to see her approving, clapping her hands high above her head. Fucking sickening. This is a mental disease.

22707867? ago

I agree 100%. There are no morals in that room other than the innocence of that kid sitting there. Parents? I did'nt see any. Sick bastards.

22714790? ago

I don’t care what celebrities think unless is Donald, Kanye or washed up C list actor James Woods

22707716? ago

You wanna know what would be a great cure for this shit...? Toxic masculinity.

22712631? ago

That's why my kids are surrounded by people with toxic masculinity.