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Soyboy69 ago

They always manage to look more unhealthy than most long term drug addicts... I'd also like to say that at first I thought that "AA" stood for affirmative action in the post, then I realized they're too delusional to even realize it exists.

macocontentfarmer ago

The "living my authentic truth" shit is basically "submit to my imaginary reality."

ScionOfZion ago

Pray for this man.

theshopper ago

I don't trust women. Neither should anyone.

Imagine trying to make a split second decision, with life or death in the balance, with a head full of estrogen.

And a bloody crotch. Mmmmm yeah, I don't want that making decisions for me.

Mr_big ago

Ahhh this is your captin speaking we are ahhhhhh about to crash into that ahhhhh mountain to your errr right I am a pretty girl a pretty girl indeed

Sh-shh-shaaa ago

Did you just propose to weaponize mentally ill people? Interesting!

0011000100100111101 ago

what is this a article for ants!?

Bundyfly ago

Any chance of making the article larger than a stamp?

DrPhate ago

It use to be you had to be mentally stable and of good moral character to have an airline transport pilot's license.

Shotinthedark ago

So you didn't get the joke.

VitGet ago

Lol dumb castrated faggot thinks a capital L is is a capital V.

Shotinthedark ago

God damned, that's a question that needs a answer!

fightknightHERO ago

and i thought Nigger pilots was scary shit

but this? this is peak clown world

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Am I the only one who can't read anything through the blur?

Splooge ago

I don't know what happened to the image I posted, but it was huge when I originally shared it. Maybe I mislinked it; apologies.

For everyone wondering, this is an American Airlines magazine "celebrating" a "transgender" pilot -- a mentally ill man who thinks he's a woman. The text of the body doesn't really matter, the headline tells you all you need to know.

Again, sorry for the tiny image.

In_Cog_Nito ago

I suspect is hosted by a tranny lover and decided to fuck with your link. Time to find a new host.

markymarz ago


Landrictree ago

What is ibb? and why does it look like a thumbnail?

Mr_Quagmire ago

You couldn't find a smaller picture to post?

Anam ago

Only at that resolution does the tranny look remotely female.

tokui ago

To be Frank, I'm more concerned by pilots flying out drunk than pilots drinking shit-flavored sperm.

RodentLord ago

But you aren't Frank. You're tokui.

Helena73 ago

Whats 41%? What am I missing?

Doggy_Style ago

41% of trannies do what 100% of them should do. Commit suicide.

Helena73 ago

Oh yeah. I worked with one for years who was always threatening it. Eventually got fired for threatening to “blow everything up” or something. Female puberty is a hell of a ride and these dudes are really not prepared for it.

Titanbikes4ever ago

I can't read this

RaySchism ago

That sounds like the premise for a porn shoot.

RodentLord ago

Pretty much everything trannies do could be a porn shoot, they're an extension of a fetish called autogynephilia.

Doglegwarrior ago

what the fuck? 2 down votes?! go back to hiding you hook nosed fucks. if i knew my pilot was a mentsly ill sicko who has a 40% higher suicide rate then normal people! fuck no im not getting on that flight. Think of it this way if this thing did commit suicide while flying how fucking massive would the lawsuits be? knowingly putting a mentaly ill person in care of hundreds of peoppes lives possinly kids and babies! fuck you just no.

On-time ago


It’s actually WAY worst than that...

It’s 41% of them attempt suicide vs 1.6% of the general population (which 1.6% is actually misleadingly high).

But even with the cucked, 1.6% stat, that is actually 25.6 times higher, not 40% higher (because 40% higher would be 1.4x).

Doglegwarrior ago

shit! thanks for the update. did you know around 34% of the mental health field is jews? it could be higher now and the higher up you go in the power structure of the mental health field the more jewish it gets?

you can say it. every single time their is something negative for white society their is a jew behind it

On-time ago

I didn’t know that exact statistic, but makes perfect sense, especially based on everything else we know and have been witnessing.

Dogleg - this is directly related, but did you know that what you described is # 39 of the 45 Goals of the Communist Party, read into the US Congressional Record in 1963:

39) Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

Look this up on your own though. It’s legit and completely relevant to the situation we face today.

And this sort of revelatory connection is not benign. It is related to the Cabal's goals and their centuries-old, overarching plans.

yt4cz9 ago

I downvoted because I have no idea what the fuck I'm looking at with this potato grade picture.

Doglegwarrior ago

kinda reasonable

In_Cog_Nito ago

I can't read a goddamn thing. What the hell is going on here?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

You and me both. Must be some inside joke related to females pretending to be pilots.

In_Cog_Nito ago

Based on another comment, it's a transgender pilot. The "41%" refers to the suicide rate of trannies.

NoseSubversion ago

I could read it. Basically the guy is a Afghan vet who used to fly Apaches as a reservist. Then he started to hate his dick and blah blah blah. Just a Marketing gimmick to say they hired a cross dresser for virtue points. Not the fact the thing is actually a qualified pilot.

In_Cog_Nito ago

The problem is the OP posted the thumbnail instead of the full image. I then posted the online version. Here's the full image the OP should have posted:


Herp a derp muh bravery

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Yikes. They need to hear some feedback on this one. Or, oppose bailout money for TrannyAir.

JackTheGetRippedEr ago

Trans? Looks passing in 240p

Octoclops ago

I can still tell.

RodentLord ago

240p is 352 x 240. This is 180x180. 240p would be high def compared to this.

RogueWaveofGoats ago

Reminiscent of GermanWings.

Redpilleveryone ago

That’s terrifying. I’ll never fly American Airlines again.

Reinhart ago

Aren't pilots supposed to go through physical and mental evaluations?

RoundWheel ago

Commercial pilots take a physical examination. Mental exam is not part of it.

HeavyBrain ago

You'd think so, but here we are lowering the bar to enter job like firefighter and all elite units of all branches.

Reinhart ago

Lol right

"Yes women can be SEALs and Airborne Rangers and firefighters! Yaaaas queen slay! Those entry standards are too hard and therefore sexist! Lower them so I can have an equal playing field!"

Literally-Oppressed ago

Not sure if this is still true, but the entry requirements for the Canadian military are/were hillarious. Something like 8 push ups, 1 pull up, 20 sit-ups...... It's fucking pathetic. I could do that when I was ten for fuck sakes.

HeavyBrain ago

I remember a story that there was a periode (2009-2012 i think) where not one applicant for the KSK (German special foces) could pass all of the requirments, so no one passed and they didn't have new men for those 4 years.

In turn the enmey knows that they are fucked when KSK is on the case and we know they will make it back with mission accomplished.

Now lets try the same with an army that doesnt have one working tank or plane but is stocking up and pregnacy ready uniforms.

Reinhart ago

period where not one applicant for the KSK (German special foces) could pass all of the requirments, so no one passed and they didn't have new men for those 4 years.

See, this is the way it should be. Unfortunately, the US military is more concerned with "equality" (ha!) and thus this...

Now lets try the same with an army that doesnt have one working tank or plane but is stocking up and pregnacy ready uniforms. what we're seeing in the US military. In my experience, women are almost always a detriment to their unit. They're weaker, slower, and manipulative so they don't have to do any real work. Out of my decade of (non-infantry) military service, I can name exactly two women who weren't a complete waste of space.

Literally-Oppressed ago

There have been studies that show just one woman decreases combat effectiveness for everybody

Reinhart ago

Yep. My personal, anecdotal (non-combat) experience indicates that women negatively affect the performance of any unit.

But nobody in charge pays attention to studies, or personal experience when the results don't support these decisions, they just forge ahead anyway.

McPooperton ago

Not really. Sounds crazy, right?

Reinhart ago

I was being somewhat facetious.

I know for sure that pilots (in the US anyway) have to go through an FAA physical periodically. I forget the intervals, however.

I thought that after that GermanWings pilot lawn-darted a full airliner a few years back that pilots had to pass a psych eval. Maybe that was in the EU only...

I'll have to look! At any rate, there is no fucking way a tranny should be in the cockpit.

Literally-Oppressed ago

the non-conforming-genital-pit

Reinhart ago

Ah, yes, thank you for correcting my oppressive language! I must grovel for forgiveness at the feet of the nearest transwoman of color!

Gargilius ago

A FAA Class I médical required to exercise the privileges of an ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) certificate is valid one year if you are under 40 years of age, and six months if you are older (which wouldn’t apply to trannies obviously!); there is not formal psych exams, as in, you don’t get your head examined by a shrink, but the AME is supposed to take a number of factors into consideration (such as history of substance abuse, use of pharmaceutical stuff that are prohibited by the FAA, or diagnosis of psychosis, or bipolar disorder, or severe personality disorders) which one would think would disqualify these freaks... but apparently not.

Reinhart ago

there is not formal psych exams, as in, you don’t get your head examined by a shrink

See, I'm kinda surprised that hasn't bit us in the ass more. Of course, it's hard to know if you can trust a (((psychiatrist))).

The big problem I saw from the FAA website (I linked it in another comment in this thread), and maybe I read it wrong, is that the psych portion largely relies on the honesty of the pilot. I'm sure there are severe penalties if the pilot is caught in a lie, but how would anyone know if there's a problem until the problem manifests openly?

Our society's pathological desire to avoid offending anyone (except normal, straight white men) gets people killed.

Gargilius ago

I don’t trust shrinks either; there are however some additonal levels of safeguards : a pilot must go through quite a lot of recurrent training with flight instructors (and fellow pilots); a conscientious flight instructor can (actually should / must) flag pilots who exhibit behavioral (possibly mental) issues and/or poor judgement; snag though is that i) flight instructors are not shrinks (with the caveat that even if they were it wouldn’t be fool proof as mentioned earlier) and ii) aviation is a small world; you don’t necessarily want to antagonize people with whom you work closely... (note that the fact that it is a small world works both ways — we all know the ‘problem’ individuals, the ones who are sloppy, or take unnecessary risks, etc.)

Not perfect like any system that involves human judgment; that said I still trust the airlines quite a bit (compared to other systems run by humans) because of the extraordinary level of care taken to alleviate human flaws and the level of redundancy built into it...

Reinhart ago

I don't disagree; the system has worked pretty well thus far. But with this in mind...

a conscientious flight instructor can (actually should / must) flag pilots who exhibit behavioral (possibly mental) issues and/or poor judgement

...letting a tranny drive a flying aluminium cylinder with ~100 other people aboard indicates a serious failure of that system. It's concerning.

McPooperton ago

A first class medical certificate last for 12 months. 6 months if over 40. This is for US pilots.

Reinhart ago

Indeed. Thank you.

There's still no psych requirement? Haven't looked yet.

Soyboy69 ago

Bur it seems that the exam relies on the pilot to self-disclose any mental health issues. Not great.

Would you prefer that a bullshit field where everything is subjective gain even more control of your life?

Reinhart ago

No, I suppose not. You're right on this point.

McPooperton ago

I don’t think so. If you do see a shrink you are supposed to include the date and reason for the visit on the forms you fill out prior to the exam. The medical examiner reviews the information and asks questions. There are tripwires that cause the examiner to send the paperwork to the FAA for further review. That’s kind of how it works. I’m a pilot so I’ve done it a few times. Not for the airlines yet though.

Reinhart ago

See edit.

chirogonemd ago

This person couldn't even adapt to its own fucking biology and it is being given the responsibility of 200+ lives every time it lifts that fucking plane off. Can anybody be confident in the decision making ability and emotional control of someone like this in a high-pressure scenario? It couldn't even react to life properly on the ground.

shillaccount3344 ago

Well you know they are on drugs to adjust their emotions.

Zed_Leppelin ago

There's a copilot at least. But if the copilot is also a tranny or a woman you are fucked.

MrBateman ago

Same company that had like a ton of crash landings over months long periods and the vast majority were so marginalized they were basically censored?

PizzaphilePodesta ago

no more american airlines for me

trail_of_toes ago

Yup. As a woman, I fear and loathe these perverted rapists, these imposters, and I will not support companies that do.

sakuramboo ago

Now all planes will have dilation stations next to the bathrooms.

canbot ago

I am disgusted that I know what that is. Fucking clown world.

SaneandAware ago

I don't know the tranny workings - is that something they need to express their urine? Ughhhh....

SerialChiller ago

It is to keep the surgically created axe-wound from healing and closing up. The more you know...

SaneandAware ago

Dear god... shudders.

kidcip16 ago

Frequently gets infected and smells like feces.

Its so disgusting and the fact they normalize this shit.. And target children these days with it.

God help us.

ScionOfZion ago

It's disgusting that someone actually fucks it.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

How the hell do you lubricate the damned thing?

Just standard issue K-Y-Jelly?

moarzor ago

Yes. It's literally a dildo. They need to peg themselves daily. If they don't, complications arise.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

For these people "Your genitals have been torn off and the wound that remains will not close." is the condition they are looking to achieve.


SerialChiller ago

I have no idea, dude. Probably something like that, I figure they find some greasy goop.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Probably something like that, I figure they find some greasy goop.

Honey, pardon me while I run to the bathroom and lube up myself with 10W-40 so that I can fake being an aroused female mammal.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Titles predicated on using my imagination are written by cocksuckers.

Splooge ago

I'm still not entirely sure which is worse: A woman in charge of a plane or a mentally ill man.

HeavyBrain ago

If we just go by the numbers, take the woman over the tranny, trannies are all fucked up and emotionaly unhinged, reinforced by fucked up drugs that try to defy evolution.

The women might be the one rare good pilot.

Splooge ago

It's a good point. As far as I know, females (and pilots within said group) don't off themselves at alarmingly high rates. Yeah, when you lay it out like that, I'd let the woman fly.

vastrightwing ago

Here, you get the worst of both.

MrPim ago

Hey now, there was Amelia Earhart....oh

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

When I was in second grade they made us write papers about 'accomplished women' or some shit. Amelia was like the only one on the list who did something other bitch, whine or seed the North with niggers. Of course she's only known for trying to do something a man had already done and failing, which only made her all the better a choice, fucking poetic.

satisfyinghump ago

Actually, her story is far more "mysterious" then the main stream research let's on.

HeavyBrain ago

The real question is, did she bitch after she failed for the requirments to be lowered?

If she just gave up or tried to improve hersefe as far as she could without demanding equality of outcome she was lightyears ahead of the averag wamen today.

oar ago

She had a MAN do all the navigation calculations in her death trip.

The SJW leftists NEVER mention the male navigator, EVER!

It was NOT a a solo flight!

She had a skilled man do her star navigations.

frailty103 ago

Joan of Arc. She turned the tide of a significant war. Everything about her story is awesome. And she most assuredly wasn't a whiny bitch.

Levantine_Leveler ago

Joan had a Man telling her what to do.

frailty98 ago

And hopefully so do you. That is a cheesy point and you know it. Joan of Arc rocks. She is more heroic than you or I will ever be.

Levantine_Leveler ago

It’s a cheesy point to NAXALT.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Yeah her too. Didn't want to have to deal with deciphering the myth from the reality and if IIRC there was some contention among the boys for her so I just snapped up Amelia straight away cause "at least planes are cool" and I didn't want to run the risk of having to do some fucking suffragette or Elanor Roosevelt. Curie would have also been okay in retrospect (though IIRC they were a husband wife team and she just gets all the recognition for having tits...that probably melted off at some point.. shudder).

frailty99 ago

Why are so many niggerfaggots on this site so afraid of giving good, solid women credit? Marie Curie was awesome! And at least Amelia Earhart was at minimal more adventurous than 99.9%+ on this site.

This site likes to discredit women so much, they even want to discredit the women that are ten times the "man" they are.

I love me some stoic, tough women.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Because we are sick of commie-nigger-faggots who have been telling us that we have to idolize women (for any and every reason imaginable). You need to understand how ubiquitous and total the brainwashing is to understand why I'm a sperg about it. A man actually did fly around the world, does anyone know his name? We didn't have 'take your kid to work day', we had 'take your daughter to work day' for 10 years straight and we wonder why little boys are taking titty pills. The workplace once the orderly domain of men has been turned into a political circus taking place upon a legal and logistical minefield. Anyone who even questions the lysenkoism looses their job and who cares about the traditional family that guy was supporting, the state needs to raise kids in the feminist dystopia.

Both DNC candidates flat out said they will have female VP's not because there are any good candidates but because we brain wash little white soy chugger faggots into believing that a pair of X chromosomes makes one somehow virtuous and deserving. In a nation where men are men they would never allow some fucking Karen to destroy their legacy, they would never allow the wife of a child molester/murderer to be a permanent fixture on the political stage because wahmen.

I didn't want to read a book about some jewess bitch who got raped and had a good whine about it for 400 pages, I wanted a fucking education, so I made my own.

frailty16 ago

Okay. I still like women.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

I like to fuck them, I don't like to get plunged into the depths of the Pacific by them.

frailty14 ago

I really like women. I have no idea what getting plunged into the Pacific means. All good. It is the jews that created feminism. It is the jews that divide us. It is the jews that are the enemy. It is the jews that make us say things like this online. It ... is ... the ... jews.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

I have no idea what getting plunged into the Pacific means.

I know it's been like a week but this thread is about Amelia Earhart.

It is the jews that created feminism. It is the jews that divide us. It is the jews that are the enemy. It is the jews that make us say things like this online. It ... is ... the ... jews.

I mean I agree jews and marxism are like peanut butter and jelly but even if they all hopped into a giant oven tomorrow feminists would continue to be bat shit misandrist, hyper-statists that need to be dealt with.

frailty13 ago

... feminists would continue to be bat shit misandrist, hyper-statists that need to be dealt with.

There would be no feminists. It is a clever jew machination. You would agree they control the media, the education, all avenues into our minds, right? And that most women are obedient to power? (so are most men, but that is a different story for now.) Media is power. Education is power. These women are a product of jew mind control. They wouldn't be this way elsewise.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Yeah I agree if you want to rewind time 70 years (maybe more) but it's like saying "If we only closed our borders in January we wouldn't have WuFlu." While that may be true, we don't have a time machine to go back and nuke China nor with which to go back and curb-stomp hippies.

Yuri broke this down for us, all they needed to do was plant the seed, set the wheels in motion, grease and few palms and what have you and now just like the virus feminism propagates itself. The soviet union fell over four decades ago yet feminism in academia is stronger than ever. It's been allowed to fester for so long that it can no longer be excised from the average university curriculum without it looking like academic tyranny (which is exactly what they will cry). Our instinct is to bend over backwards for a distressed woman and they will continue to exploit that, it's a source of power for the worst types of women. Then there is the fact that you can't do anything with a gender studies degree besides teach gender studies and they have an abundance of graduates that will continue to perpetuate this shit because it's an industry.

One of the biggest redpills is when you realize the jew is massively over-represented in all the fields that have become corrupted, media, government, finance, academia... their phenotype is especially adept at tolerating, thriving in and even fostering rot in an institution. Growing their already enormous coffers and fostering their little desert base of operations gives them shared goals... but make no mistake the ivory tower is at the heart of it all, it feeds the media it's agendas and acts as a ministry of 'truth', it blesses the would be financiers and the elite politicians. On top of that Academia is a very old institution and one which has recently grown very, very large and if Rand can teach us anything it's that age and scale are the agents of entropy in an institution.

In sociology they have been embroiled in a battle over social constructivism for almost 100 years, a philosophical conflict that gives WWII new context, it's the lynch pin to everything the jew has built. Make any type of argument in favor of natural order/influence in a sociology course (women's studies dept. included) and watch the professor rear up like a snake guarding it's clutch. Even attempting to link behaviors to environmental triggers/adaptation in a human population was sacrilege to my feminist anthropology professor... One is to accept that cultures are the way they are because "They were taught that way and every culture is equally valid regardless of environment." as if that is any sort of stopping point for examining human behavior.

The bigger redpill is realizing you can't oppose them without force, without bringing down the whole system first... and that the last person who tried this was a German man who just wanted to be a painter/architect but had to dismantle a failed liberal democracy to oppose communism instead. In academia they still fight him every day because they know one day his ghost will come for their ivory tower.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Also interesting, there was another female aviator just as accomplished as Earhart who was active at the same time as Earhart but no one remembers her name because she didn't die in a plane crash.

allahead ago

Interesting. What was her name?

Anam ago

Probably Harriet Quimby, who also died in a plane crash. In fact, all the famous early female aviators died when their planes crashed. It could be that Amelia Earhart is better known than the others because of the mystery surrounding her disappearance.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

lmao didn't even know Earheart died the dumb bitch

Shotinthedark ago

I think Earnhardt died in 2002

slumbermachine ago

Didn’t he crash into a wall hard?

Shotinthedark ago

It was the sudden stop that killed him

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Disappeared July 2, 1937 (aged 39)

Pacific Ocean, en route to Howland Island from Lae, Papua New Guinea

In_Cog_Nito ago

Earhart =! Earnhardt