22205655? ago

The only thing i can of, is Q is meant to be a releif to rising suspicions of isreali interference in american politics by shifting blame to just dems and muslims. Isreal is the root of MOST of the problems that are talked about. Fiat Currency, forced migration, deep state working against us. All of these were pushed by isreali agents

22204415? ago

Pacify?!! Once again, the Dems are projecting. They are the cult and their lemmings are completely pacified, weak, conquered, small and enslaved. We the People think for ourselves. We’ve left the slave compound and the corrupt Slav masters are angry!

22203881? ago

Just hope it is not controlled opposition.

22202704? ago

Q is not and was never a psyop. Name a psyop where people were eñcoursged to think for themselves.

22202661? ago

The problem is you all think you're red pilled, but you are not. Not even close. Trump is over seas meeting with all those Globalist leaders in secret again. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Kushner along with other Trump associates in his administration went to the Bilderburg meetings in May 2019.

Sauce = https://bilderbergmeetings.org/meetings/meeting-2019/participants-2019


Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Daniels, Matthew (USA), New space and technology projects, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Ellis, James O. (USA), Chairman, Users’ Advisory Group, National Space Council

Henry, Mary Kay (USA), International President, Service Employees International Union

Kushner, Jared (USA), Senior Advisor to the President, The White House

Pottinger, Matthew (USA), Senior Director, National Security Council

Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chairman Emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Treasury Secretary

Turpin, Matthew (USA), Director for China, National Security Council

You're being distracted by the activity on the surface while the Overlords march forward with their plans under the surface.

The reason you are confused is that Q and the powers that be are using Controlled Opposition and Political Theater Tactics.

Coopting or preempting a resistance Q movement to neutralize the threat that a grassroots movement would pose to an established power structure.

Hijack the goals and actions of an organization or Q movement for purposes other than those that were the original intentions of the grassroots movement.

Give the public the false illusion of choice by presenting a political party or Q organization that superficially speaks to the desires or frustrations of the people but whose actions do not further the stated goals of the organization.

Disinformation or deception of the Q-tist's. Steering the Q-tist's in the wrong direction or misdirect their energies, beliefs and actions.

Act in such a way that superficially appears to benefit the Q opposition, but in truth furthers the ends of the controlling NWO Globalist Demonic Elite.

22201781? ago

Because “truth” to us is simply disregarded as “conspiracy” to them

22201631? ago

You ALL, are doing, LITERALLY, nothing... Nothing, that is why it is working, you stupid, faggots forgot that doing something is BETTER than doing fuck all...... Fuck, Americans are retarded.

22200956? ago

/sarcasm Because big tech and MSM knows whats best for us /s

22200075? ago

I agree and disagree. The anons are the only positive out of this psyop. I believe it’s a psyop to keep us at home and trick us into believing something will happen and not to worry.

The best part of the Q thing are us. A is constantly regurgitating what we uncover.

Mid terms are safe. Yeah, well, for Dems. Hey had nothing and left with the House. Republicans lost the House and actively didn’t contend 30+ seats they gave to the Dems.

Wake up.

22200028? ago

A large grassroots movement that isn't doing anything except "trusting the plan" and otherwise not engaging with politics outside of watching youtube videos and commenting on them in containment sites that they have been driven to because they've been deplatformed everywhere else.

22200014? ago

It is a psy-op meant to awaken AND pacify. Letting the military do its job while we wake up the normies.

22199952? ago

hey Q name the jew... name circumcision... name dual citizenship

get to naming the one true enemy at the center of it all who owns the lying media?

22199902? ago

No mention of jews. No solutions to everything the ejws are doing or have done. Instead, it puts the people under the jews wing. It tricks the victim into siding with their aggressor

22199222? ago

I love how shills are the only people who present their REEEEEEEEEEEEEEing bullshit as fact.

The rest of us have theories to discuss, but not the shills. They are like gods among us - all knowing.

22199187? ago

If you don't name the Jew, your message isn't true.

22199060? ago

"Why aren't government psyops 100% effective 100% of the time?"

It's because bureaucrats, faggots, jews, and gamma males are not competent at anything but deceit, and they're all deceiving each other. Not to mention that each group is lazy. So while most psyops work most of the time, it's only because the people running the show have a lot of acquired knowledge from centuries of mass manipulation that they can still rely on. Anyways, psyops backfire all the time and they need to constantly do damage control and run new psyops to cancel the damage of the previous one.

22199019? ago

Q started the grassroots movement

No, he was just riding the wave.

22198949? ago

Maybe they just wanted to identify us. Like shooting fish in a barrel when the time comes.

It was effective at getting me to expose my power level to anyone who'll listen.

This is my final form.

22198555? ago

Why? Maybe just to make us really Really angry when We KNOW now insanely corrupt and evil the enemies of our country are. And then have no arrests...ok


Sometimes I get impatient but do understand this draining the swamp must be done right.

22199210? ago


Digits confirms! 5 by 5, or 555; either way, we're impatient but waiting!

22198463? ago

"If the Pied Piper is so bad then why is his music so alluring?"

22198561? ago

Not the point and misleading. What is the result of the music - the great awakening. The fruit is good.

22198885? ago

The rats were so into the "sweet music" the Piper was playing that they walk straight into the river and drown. They do not see their doom approaching.

22198919? ago

How is the awakening of humanity doom?

22199225? ago

What Awakening? The "Awakening" itself says to Trust the Plan and let the corrupt government uncorrupt itself.

Its like a football game where the team runs the clock out near the end to secure their victory. No, they aren't pushing for another touchdown during that time or doing risky plays. Because they have already won and all they must do is wait without risking anything.

If Hillary was POTUS today, everyone would be stockpiling guns, ammo, and years worth of food/water, instead of sitting on their ass trusting the plan.

22198457? ago

Its all ORGANIC when you dig for yourself and become invested the Scales from your Eyes slowly come down and you see like never before. It ignites a fire that you can't quench for the TRUTH!!

22198433? ago

Only idiots just as pozzed as Qtards think it’s a psyop. The obvious truth is it was someone, and then others, pranking the gullible. It helps if they are primed for hope that something will stop the ridiculously huge amount of corruption going on from top to bottom of society.

People have been discussing corruption and the Clintons for over twenty years. Most people know just how fucked that couple is, and have for a long time. Yet, they still wander around, walking, talking graft and murder magnets.

I was a member of at the time the largest web site in the world, corruption was almost all we talked about, and those two grifters. Our talking about it forced Bills impeachment, although it was pozzed from the start, since instead of pay to play and national security, or Deputy White House Counsels winding up dead mysteriously, they trotted out a red dress.

Anyone who thinks the corruption isn’t even MORE entrenched since then can’t appreciate anything I’ve written so far, because logic is lost on them.

Point to ONE judge or similar that has done shit to stop the connected from becoming filthy rich at the expense of either national security or at the lesser end of spectrum, the tax payer.

It started as a Larp, and many ate it up. Honestly though? I sorta don’t blame anyone for falling for it, having hope is a good thing.

Signed: VandalayIndustries

22199198? ago

yeah some sort of bananahammock as well, right? (to be sparklingly clear: vandalay was seinfeld; bananahammock was Phoebe.)

22199183? ago

"Signed: VandalayIndustries" ... that's some funny shit right there!

22198388? ago

The "Q is a psyop" bullshit is posted to waste your time. Don't let it.

22200731? ago

True. Q is a pseudonym. If you think Q posts bullshit why are you here?

Q 174

Coordinated effort to silence.

It will only get worse.

All for a LARP right?

22203475? ago

I didn't say that Q is bullshit. Read and pay attention.

22214204? ago

Sorry, I meant "Q is a psyop" is bullshit, I agree with you.

22198241? ago

But Q is a psyop. It was a psyop to swell up a astroturfed movement of critical thinkingers, suspicious observers and Trump supporters by working around Demonrat Congress and the Liberal-Media's blockade on the ability of Team Trump to communicate with his base. In this case Patriots, honest patriots like Trump and his generals who really believe in what they were doing were carefully creating an asterofurf movement to counter the demoralization and fracturing propaganda being developed by the Fake News democrat media and their endless legion of highly skilled psychology professors who were running their own psyop to crush the morale of the Right.

Why do you think suicides are overwhelmingly Right wing white males? Because the FAKE NEWS is a psyop, and it needed a counter operation to save the American people from psychological defeat.

Instead the Q movement has energized the Right Base, packed Trump's rallies, and crushing the FAKE NEWS psyop.

If you haven't noticed this isn't just an election. This is a soft-power civil war as Trump battles ferociously with the Deep State to stop them from pulling a complete coup of the entire American system and way of life, and pushing their genocide to purge all the Christian White, Western culture from the world and replace it with jew-led global material consumerism and satan worship.

22200948? ago

So well written..

22199181? ago

patriot liberal dogma.

You are on a phone. That first word should be "parrot" and I can see the "swype" is similar.

22199906? ago

thanks, eddit made, yah autocorrect...oof.

22199934? ago

No worries, appreciate the appreciation! :)

22199158? ago

Why do you think suicides are overwhelmingly Right wing white males? Because the FAKE NEWS is a psyop, and it needed a counter operation to save the American people from psychological defeat.

Makes me wonder: are those suicides real? Or just, like the "polls"?

22198205? ago

Q has recruited an army of relentless digital soldiers. Their effectiveness is evident in the amazing amount of research that they have generated in the past few years.

Except there is a relative ineffectiveness at getting at some basic truths about questionable aspects of Trump himself. Including his connections with Chabad, Russian mafia, etc. And those surrounding him. Bill Barr for example is as DS as they come.

Also keep in mind; sometimes an elaborate hoax is created to veil a even more elaborate reality.

22198119? ago

Because Q haters are blackpilled

22198011? ago

Grass roots movement of people on the internet who do nothing but smoke hopium all day...

Q is fun to watch. His gullible fan boys are fun to watch too. Watching people actually trust the federal government to do what's right is fucking hysterical.

22198047? ago

The white hats took control of the gov't in 2016. What's right: two executive orders unleashing the justice Dept. on child traffickers and pedophiles resulting in thousands of Human Trafficking Arrests

22200631? ago

Can't believe people actually use the term "white hats". Amazing gullibility.

22198237? ago


22197984? ago

Did it? Here I was thinking the goyim knew on their own

22197930? ago

IF Q is a psyop why did it create a large grassroots truth movement: The Great Awakening?

Large ? how many people ? 300+ user online on voat ?

IF Q is a psyop why did it empower and motivate people to dig up a vast amount material to share, redpill, cheer each other on in exposing the greatest evils that mankind has ever seen?

Pizzagate already did that.

IF Q is a psyop why is it under constant attack and maligned by the MSM?

Bill Clinton was impeached too. They attack each other to keep the "show" going to fool you, and you never learn for the past decades.

IF Q is a psyop why is it being censored and deplatformed by big tech?

Why is Trump never mentioned Q to his millions of supporters to "wake them up" ? Answer, they want to keep you niche and isolated. Divide and conquer.

22199032? ago

Q attempts to steel the fruit

Is that like vegetative metallic taxidermy?

22197910? ago

The trolls are playing checkers.

Their biggest rant is that, because we Qanons are following Q, we don't want to join them to "really fix" the problem. As if they were all going to pick up their guns and start a revolution, but they can't do it because us "boomer" Qanons won't join them.

But they won't answer what kind of revolution they had planned. They won't state what type of violence is necessary to achieve their goals. They won't say against whom or what they would have revolted, the US government? The Trump administration?

They are hyper-focused on peeling Qanons away from supporting Q. It's their mission in life. It puts them in a position of defending the pedophiles and politicians who have obviously committed treason.

They want to conflate Q with hating minorities. They want to conflate Q with being a Nazi. In reality, they are nothing but democrat slavers here to make free speech platforms inhospitable to plantation escapees. They are paid consensus crackers hoping to brand Q as anti-semitic, actual racists, potentially violent revolutionists.

Q is a psyop. A true psyop designed to wake people up and make the cabal cower in fear.

22200623? ago

You are one stupid normie.

22199027? ago

Great comment. You nailed it. WWG1WGA

22197863? ago

The shills want us violent right now. That is how we could turn public opinion against our movement.

It’s also 100% unnecessary since we are winning, legally.

22200636? ago

since we are winning, legally.

When you wake up, you're going to wonder what the fuck is going on.

22202489? ago

No, you will.

Still biting your nails over impeachment? Kek

22207811? ago

It's jews fighting jews. Trump is a jew. His opponents are jews. The whole thing is a show, in case you haven't noticed. But you're in the cult, so of course you'll ignore what the cult tells you to ignore.

22197814? ago

You boomer faggots haven’t accepted who your overlords are. Hint, they are kikes.

22197777? ago

Because none of the things you listed are "getting up and going outside and making things happen"

it's all a bunch of masturbatory navelgazing at our keyboards. No one is going out and seeing justice done, we're just wanking off over the thought of it.

22199007? ago


Digits confirms! You are wanking with those of your kind. I fought with the wife last night and slept in a separate room, but I did NOT wank!

22197712? ago

There is no objective way to be sure it's not a deep state civil war. I notice it gets you to double down on Christcuckery and Civic Nationalism, the two greatest threats to the West.

22197705? ago

MSM hasn't hit too hard, just enough to give Q a negative vibe to anyone who believes the MSM propaganda. ID problematic peeps, shut down and relocate see what IPs follow. Start 4ch because it's there, move 8ch because Jim is owned, move again to see who follows with TOR, shake off the normies several times and cull the rest. That would be taking the grim outlook that we are moving straight for authoritarian Orwell state. If this were the case Trump is a very bad guy. Question everything think for yourself trust no one the truth is out therre X-files

22198995? ago

Yeah, see -- I don't "want to believe" -- I want to know.

"Wanting" to "believe" seems to be, I don't know, a little trite?

22197661? ago

Think of a balance scale. The left pan is Q and the right pan is the JQ. When you first came here, the beam dipped left. The longer you spend here, the more the beam dips right. That's the psyop.

22198984? ago

Hey I've started calling them out. However, it's Rev 2:9 and 3:9 -- those who call themselves that, but are really the Synagogue of Satan; and, I realize I compress a little more than I should.

22197608? ago

Does it matter if Q is a psyop or not?

Millions, not just in the US, are united and researching truth

22198286? ago

I see only 300 users online

22198472? ago

How about 8kun? 4chan?

22198487? ago

You don't know how many are there either. I won't expect too many more than what we have here.

22198525? ago

So you know how many altogether?

22198651? ago

I don't know. Trump could make millions of q followers over night by directly tweet about Q, or simply tweet "WWG1WGA". But he won't do it. The "plan" seems to need to keep the movement small and niche.

22198898? ago

Over night?

Are you new?

22197536? ago

How many people went to Gitmo?

22197530? ago

Why no mention of jews?

Because it's a psyop and you prove that point very well.

22197638? ago

we're saving israel for last goy trust the plan

22197516? ago

I can give a reasonable answer to all those questions to tell you WHY those things could be true, but I do not want to be a nay-sayer, I do not want to be a demoralizer.

I have struggled quite a bit with all this and have at times feared Q was another Mystery Babylon spell. If you can't understand how and why it could possibly be the case than you haven't dug deep enough.

22198203? ago

I have wondered if he is able to win worldwide and solve problems no one else can solve (Middle East), that would actually make me more suspicious of him. I am hoping Mark Taylor is telling the truth, and from listening to him pray, I think he is, but I am constantly asking the Holy Spirit for discernment.

22197550? ago

The Great Awakening truth movement is good fruit. I know it's hard for people to break out of the Stockholm Syndrome and accept that good things are happening, but they are.

22200640? ago

Then why do all of those "good things" not look so good when you look closer?

22197589? ago

I believe that to be true. I want it to be true. But no matter what I can't dismiss the possibility. It's not even a choice that I do or do not make, understand?

22197602? ago

Yes, but it is more of a choice than you might think.

22197681? ago

That scares me too. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to believe in anything ever again. And if belief is at the crux of all this then I am doomed. At least when I was an atheist I had death to look forward to that would stop the pain I'm in, now that I know there's something beyond I don't know if I'm strong enough to make it there. I'm too brainwashed and tortured to pick myself up.

Oh well. Maybe I can go back to not giving a shit.

22197733? ago

There's no going back now. The only thing you need to believe is that there's work to do in awakening humanity and that you can participate, which is what the Great Awakening is all about. Q could not do this on his own, that's we they recruited us.

22197449? ago

Anyone saying its a psyop to pacify us, has gone full retard or they are fighting against good.

22197324? ago

Someone like us got to the controls, someone who sat on the livingroom floor playing with their micromachines listening to discovery channel documentaries of the aurora and area 51 grew up and got to the helm with a few other real patriots. We're all the same soul family.

22197247? ago

@serialbrain2 is really doing heavy lifting and everything revealed here is truth, not propaganda

22197593? ago

He has new channel on YT.

22197367? ago

Yes I like his work.

Have not seen much from him on this board though, but plenty of Gematria analysis going on.

22198943? ago

NMBRFG is doing good work here as well

22204965? ago

Thanks Fren. <


22210276? ago

<3 back Digits it's amazing we're everywhere :)

22210440? ago

Lights and Thunder.

22197582? ago

He has his own Youtube channel now and is going in a slightly different direction. I have been watching some of his new stuff. It is now his own voice. Just type in his 'serial brain2' and you can find his new stuff. Very interesting.

22197208? ago

Where's the ... " arrests or gtfo crowd?"

Even better, where's the "arrests or gtfo or I won't vote for Trump in Nov?"

LOL retards.

22198937? ago

I purchased arrestsorgtfo.com so they couldn't have it. Apparently, people have been using it, from the emails I'm getting. I'm not moderating anything, so -- have at it!

22198957? ago

You do realise that the closer Nov 2020 comes then the chances of having huge arrest would look bad, right?

Did you think it through?

22199291? ago

Think what through? My purchase? Yes; yes, I did!

22199356? ago

That it would look politically bad when there's high arrest NINE months before an election, no?

22199584? ago

Okay. How about the optics, of, not arresting people who committed crimes merely because they were looking for a job?

You're not thinking it through.

22199637? ago

The optics of no arrests?

Well I always saw it as an awakening for Trump guarantee of a second term then arrests when in a second term.

Did I read it incorrectly?

22199773? ago

Really don't know. I think, therefore?

22199909? ago

I think you do think but only in miniscule amounts.

Not being nasty. But you need to look at the long term.

22209770? ago

nice Digits

22197102? ago

Because the Truth is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Not anything else

22197498? ago

Jesus was not from Nazareth (obviously). The correct translation is Jesus the Nazarene. The Nazarene were gnostic and known to be followers of john the baptist while he was alive. You may benefit from researching some of what the sect of the Nazarene believed.

22198491? ago


22198615? ago

classic for a narcoleptic wake up take your fate by the balls

22198930? ago

The Breakfast Club kind?

22197097? ago

White nationalists created this movement. We've been doing it back when all of you were still brainwashed normies.

22197058? ago

Q skeptic here.

Q is a LARP, prove me wrong.

22200901? ago

Q posted photos from the 2017 Trump trip to Asia. Qmap.

He's also posted various pics from inside the WH, and POTUS personal effects. Many times he posted at the same time as POTUS tweets (zero delta). Make up your own mind, but there's plenty of reasons to think Q is close to Trump.

22202107? ago

That photo isn't pulling up on my end. Can you pull up more evidence?

22197045? ago

Because Q is not a psyop to pacify the population.

22196981? ago

The guys behind Q psyop doesn't care you are redpilled or there are 300+ senile old hicks on voat.

As long as the most redpilled patriots are pacified, they are at east. All (((they))) need to do is to keep on the left vs right / black vs white show ongoing while white race die off, they win.

The "we must not arrest before the public wakes up” is the equivalent of the left's "you kill you enemy you lose".

22197997? ago

It's bigger than that, if Trump turned anti-gun and pro Obamacare tomorrow, do you think he could keep his momentum? No, of course not.

Redpilling people is cumulative, even if you reach only lurkers. They start redpilling others in their own small ways, and it build up. People once red pilled might fall back asleep and tune out politically, however, they will never go back to being blue pilled.

Can't arrest people that are known and liked until you first show (((they))) aren't who (((they)))) present themselves as being. So, getting max numbers red pilled at least to know to expect the unexpected will ultimately minimize any resistance to overcome, plus the arrests need to bring a new awareness of what (((they))) have been doing, if people are too busy trying to burn down cities to spare them, that's no good either.

22198716? ago

Trump is already anti-gun. He banned bump stocks, hasn't done a damn thing to stop red flags, hasn't put any pressure on virginia to unfuck their shit

22198026? ago

If Trump really wants to redpill people, easy, tweet something like "WWG1WGA", or direct mention Q anon.

But he won't, because they want to keep the movement niche and small and shady, so that no mass public awaken well happen. Its a "show".

22198184? ago

that is the ace card (((trump))) is saving for when he needs it to cause massive chaos (the hegelian dialectic)

22198120? ago

He has retweeted Q references multiple times already.

22198131? ago


retweet Q reference doesn't do shit except appeasing Q followers, which is a small niche shady bunch.

22198920? ago

you need to work 'slim' in there

22196931? ago

It turns conspiracy theorists, who are on to something, into members of a cult of personality, that has two faces, and each side wants to lock up the other.

22196899? ago

There is no PLAN, Jim Watkins is the new boring "Q".It's FAKE, always was. Trump is politics as usual, RECORD DEBT and DEFICIT, McConnell lining his pockets. WHERE is Trumps health care plan that he promised? Kim laughs at clown Trump.You stupid fatass hick boomer burn outs sit in your crappy houses, stare at the internet and BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU SEE!Yeah. Q is a highly placed official...that is ALWAYS WRONG and posts (LOL) Youtube links. WOW.NO ARRESTS.NO MILITARY TRIBUNALS.NO GITMO.NO MARTIAL LAW. NO NOTHING YOU STUPID HILLBILLIES!252 users on VOAT, 252. Some revolution there GOMERS!Now time for my favorite, the replies!PANIC!!!! SCARED??????? Rabii this and that!!!!!!!!!Jesus FUCKING CHRIST! The dumbest people in America!What a bunch of senile hicks!


22197186? ago

Let's not move on just yet because I am still laughing at YOUR reply! Aaaaahahahaa!

22197061? ago

Mom is that you?

I'm done with your disparaging trash talk. It wasn't the whites who hated me, it was you!

Niggas for Q!

22196954? ago

Q helped a bunch of boomer "hicks" wake up to the Jewish Question.

Best psyop ever!

22196921? ago

Breathe...it will be ok. Waking up is a painful process for many.

22197700? ago

I have yet to truly wake someone up. I think I have made them THINK a little more, but not get truly red pilled. People are so skeptical and they won't let that go. I don't understand how people who advocate having an open mind can actually have such a closed mind. Blows my mind sometimes.

22198906? ago

Agreed! Horses, water, etc.

22197767? ago

The truth is a seed that grows. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

22196955? ago


22196864? ago

It keeps the true patriots sitting on their hands while the soft kill plays out and leads you to believe the bad guys were taken care of... Hope I'm wrong!

22199821? ago

I've heard this parroted for 1000's of times on here, yet when I bring up the fact that these same patriots sat on their asses as the Fed was established, JFK was assassinated, 9/11 happened and 2008 crashed and a shit tone of other events that happened, all I get is crickets.

Yet somehow for some reason I'm also lead to believe that these exact same patriots would be storming Washington D.C. if it weren't for Q.

Give me a break.

22225929? ago

You make a great point, but the war needs to be fought in your neighborhood, not D.C.. Their weapons are right down the road from you.

22199886? ago

Q is not the 1st psyop disinfo agent. You had FBI anon and HLI anon and AJ and bunch of others in the past.

22199961? ago

Yeah, I remember reading about AJ when the Fed was established. Try harder. Neither AJ nor FBI anon had remotely the same following Q did.

But still, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt if you can name me the pacifying psyops that were around at the time of the FED, JFK, 9/11, etc etc

22200063? ago

same following ? you mean the 300+ old hicks here ? gimme a break lol

22200151? ago

You haven't answered any of my question which implies that you don't want to/don'thave an answer. Also, Q isn't limted to Voat only. So yeah, you're missing a couple of zeros after that 300.

22232780? ago

New interlocutor - I can go with 300,000

After 3 years, still not critical mass imo

102m subscribers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-lHJZR3Gqxm24_Vd_AJ5Yw PewDiePie

Even Jimmy on Bright Insight has over 1m subs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsIlJ9eYylZQcyfMOPNUz9w

22200592? ago

There were hundreds of thousands of Sannyasins in the United States who worshipped the Indian mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, also known as Osho. So that makes him credible to you.

Also, I often refuse to provide a free education to morons. If you're a member of this cult, lol.

22200783? ago

Nice slide you did there. Not only did you not answer any of my questions, but you also changed the subject completely.

Just so you know, I don't need an education, certainly not from a basement dweller on voat. The questions where to simply highlight your inconsistency, and your refusal to answer them simply acknowledged that.

Hope you get paid good shekels to spread the doom and gloom on here, otherwise I feel sad for you. Have a nice day.

22197477? ago

Explain how it keeps people sitting on their hands. That makes no sense to me.

22225939? ago

Buys more time for them to run their agenda. The stores anticipated on run on guns had Hillary been elected. Trump bought them more time to finish the plan... Hope I'm wrong but things are far from good for use currently.

22200595? ago

That makes no sense to me.

That appears to be a common experience for you.

22208282? ago

No it absolutely isn't.

You are full of shit, better?

22210232? ago

Saying that may make you feel better about yourself, but your puppeteer is still pulling your strings.

Explain how it keeps people sitting on their hands.

Are you seriously not familiar with human interaction and manipulation? I spent years, and tens of thousands, being trained at a deep level. There's nothing to say to someone who doesn't even understand the concept. Even this comment is a waste of my time, but I've got 24 hours per day to spend, and they're burning a hole in my pocket.

22211454? ago

Maybe it would be easier if you just told us all why you sitting on your hands?

22197612? ago

Q psyop inject the notion of "the mass is stupid and ignorant while I know truth" to appease those are redpilled, at the same time it makes them believe "someone somewhere sometime else will save the world so that I don't need to do anything risky" to immobilize them.

As a pressure valve Q will have to confirm some of the conspiracies. Like all other disinfo agent, it will evade the "core games" like white genocide. Its goal is to keep as many patriots to believe "someone else will do something" as long as possible so that they can finish killing off the whites which are the only group of people capable of exercising their 2nd amendment rights.

22201293? ago

Oh my God, stop with the white genocide crap. Haven't you figured it out yet? The deep state doesnt give a shit if you are white, black or blue. It is HUMAN genocide. Get that through your ignorant head.

22198495? ago

If the globe indoctrination of our children isn't changed soon I'm home schooling and farm steading.. Fuck this fake world

22198855? ago

Right on man. I’m sick of it all. This isn’t a game watching this “show” is disrespectful to me as tax paying American citizen.

22197675? ago

This doesn't make any sense. The Great Awakening truth movement is growing, it's world wide, and the more is grows the harder it will be to cling to your weak dismissal. YOU are the one doing nothing. Not us. In fact youare doing worse than nothing, you are attempting to kill the morale of a positive truth movement. I'd rather you just sit on the sidelines and stfu while we do the good work of researching, exposing, redpilling, and motivating.

22197698? ago

Are you sure its growing ?

We had 300k+ online back in R_GA, now we have how many ? 350 ?

Is your neighbor aware of Q ? Have you asked ? Man, wake up to reality !

22201302? ago

Censorship is real.

22198083? ago

You don't necessarily know who has all woken up.

How many are even reading Q posts versus absorbing people's analysis? Even the left, many of those normies have shifted from "conspiracy theory" to "Qanon tell you that" (on sites with nothing but the MSM articles on the subject).

That's enough to push people to look deeper and not necessarily find q, or even believe, but are separately red pilled.

22198118? ago

Yet no arrests.

Oh i m sorry. There ARE arrests:

Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, Alex van der Zwaan and Richard Pinedo. All Trump Associates.

Meanwhile Obummer, Shiton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free.

Whos in control ? Who is the show fooling ?

22198263? ago

At this point to not realize that, even if Q is a shill, that arrests MUST happen or people will utterly lose faith in the systems ability to deliver.

So, if you want to give up, vote dem, and maybe you'll turn the tide back towards death in a world war.

Either that or you're just a shill.

22232908? ago

Q op is subservient to the election imo.

How would you do the arrests? A sample one or two to warn the others? Do you need convictions or merely investigations before the election?

Or do you have a nationwide roundup early one morning of all the deep staters?

Or just spread smears and innuendo and hopefully good policy and leave the arrests until after the election?

No second term, game over!

22197786? ago

Yes my neighbor is aware of Q because he looked up my bumper sticker then asked me about it. I've introduced my whole family to Q and my landlord, and she told her friend and now they text back and forth discussing Q drops.

22197828? ago

I have a similar awakening in my community too - we have become Q skeptics and are aware of Q's BS. You and your neighbor are a bit slow but you will wake up and thank me one day. I have faith in you.

22201314? ago

You are the psyop. People like you was put here to put doubt in people. Puppets on strings.

22197458? ago

You are wrong.

22225941? ago

Hope so! I see something ya'll are overlooking, and it scares me!

22197671? ago

You underestimate your opponent.

22197703? ago

The Q team is not my opponent.

22200373? ago

I didn't say Q team was your opponent. I'll leave you to figure the rest out for yourself.

22196860? ago

Q has taught the patriots to spin anything:

Patriots Act reauthorized / Pentagon launches anti 1st amendment program : "White hats need these"

Epstein "died" in official record : "we don't need him anymore, we have it all "

No one held responsible / arrested : "enjoy the show !"

Election stolen by voter frauds : "these are traps ! we need evidence of crime" (for the 101th time)

Barry bought a new house : "they are panicking !"

And the best of the worst : "Dis-info is necessay"! <-----useful for spinning any BS, any.

Q never taught anons how to research, Q taught anons how to do mental gymnastics.

22633614? ago

Brilliant Analysis ⚔️🇺🇲⚔️

WWG1WGA 4-10-20


TheGreatAwakening 🐸

Trump2020 ⚔️🇺🇲⚔️

GitmoIsStaffedAndReady 🔥

22201841? ago

Trust Sessions.. The midterms are safe!!!

22200983? ago

You are a shill sent here to dismiss Qanon. Get The Fuck Out!

22199905? ago

Nice emotional rant there. Except half your points are BS and the other half are taken out of context.

For the sake of time, I'll just point to 1 thing:

Name me one war Trump has started for the Jews... just 1 war. I'm going to wait, and by the looks of it, I'm going to have to wait a loooong time.

They baited hime to start a war with NK, nothing happened. Then they tried to go for Iran, again nothing happened. He took out their handlers inside ISIS and Iran. He's been reducing their influence over the ME, but somehow Trump is their puppet and this is part of the NWO plan.... somehow.

22202121? ago

he signed EO to ban u from boycott Israel. Nuff said.

22203270? ago

Because when he cuts them loose they will have to stand on their own somehow.

22203682? ago

Which he hasn't and considering all 10 of his grand kids are kikes, he will never cut them loose.

22200995? ago

Good reply.

22202137? ago

lol. upvoated and saved.

22198232? ago

First, if I wake up tomorrow and HRC has been arrested and is being charged w/treason or her head splattered in a shoot out w/the law, then I'm all in... My concern is that the only way for US to win is for people to actually "fight", and I don't mean "cold anger", or taking 10 friends to the rigged voting booth and hope for the best in November.

Treason has been committed across the board, at this point they can all hang and I believe they know it.

USMCA passed and the IMF is now the overseer/enforcer of it? It was signed into law, it's not Constitutional, POTUS still signed it? Was that part of the plan or laziness by someone w/in the system?

Have you heard the news clip of the IMF suddenly poking their head up talking about how they are glad the USMCA was passed?

Part of the plan?

We aren't dealing with misguided politicians, they are literally the arbiters of our demise & I'm of the mind that (fact or fiction) whatever Hitler did/didn't do their outcome will make that look like child's play.

Keep stockpiling adequate rations/arms/munitions, etc. Pray for peace, hope for "the plan" to work but, seriously, to anybody who just "trusts" you are seriously misguided.

Trust but verify, so far, I'm still not seeing anything that gives me a personal warm fuzzy. Sure, there is movement worldwide but it's under the guise of the Q movement which means, they are well informed but "trusting the plan" so they aren't about to do anything beyond be a PIA on occasion to their respective Governments who will just kill them when they become bored w/them.

You don't have to agree w/me, feel free to criticize me, I'm not a "shill" I'm a worried parent, pissed off veteran, who knows what needs to happen but it has to be something driven by a mass movement of "Patriots" not some whack-job.

Winning is not optional, justice is not optional, failure is not optional, therefore the unspeakable will at some point in the near future have to take place carried out by a massive uprising of Patriotism towards a common enemy or we lose.

"God helps those who help themselves..."

22204204? ago

God helps the helpless. Isaiah 25:4, Romans 5:6.

22210344? ago

Agreed, but many of us wouldn't qualify as helpless.

It's funny the biblical tidbits that come our way via these chat sessions. Someone quoted to me a couple years ago that Jesus hated the Jews.

Having actually read the Bible, I laughed to myself at the audacity of the claim however, I opened my bible to the quoted verse and was surprised to find it was one of many things my brain had passed right by.

That being said, I will look that up later (I don't read my Bible from the internet, don't trust the great Satan G00gle...)

22200560? ago

I agree. Hitler was great.

22210393? ago

Yeah, did not make that claim re-Hitler. He clearly had issues, I present his mustache as evidence there was something amiss w/that man.

22198972? ago

^^^^^ This ^^^^^^

22198474? ago

I see your point. Agreed 90%.

22210489? ago

I'm just glad my point came across...

22198255? ago


22200989? ago

Reddit loser above

22200114? ago

It's going to get worse before it gets better.

buy a gun.

22198854? ago

amazing you can read at all

reminds of "wall street" and gordon gekko quote:

"A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place."

22198364? ago

Then go back to Twatter...

22197745? ago

this is the best points here. here i'll add one:

we're saving israel for last

22201010? ago

Keeping israel for last while he hasn't even started the first task on his todo list. what a joke

22197759? ago

Yes, Israel lasts, and arises after western civilization dies.

22197431? ago

I understand your point of view, but this post won’t age well. To many things happening, we are on team Q’s timeline. Stop being butt hurt by date fags being wrong and buckle up.

22197855? ago

Nothing has happened. No wall, no jobs package, most immigration of all presidents. Trump is a reality TV show that you’re addicted to.

22203286? ago

What in the fuck is a jobs package?

22205748? ago

What are campaign promises?

22198649? ago

You are a straight liar.

Deportation orders up 31% nationwide. Number of refugees taken in is down 50%. Muslim refugees down 91%. No asylum for border jumpers and the wall is being built.

22205758? ago

wall being built

Lmao!!! Cope more trumpfaggot.

22198032? ago

More walls, more arguing about how much wall is being built, border crossing down? If it is JUST lip service, it’s the most nationalistic lip service I have heard from a president in my life. I’ll take it, next.

I heard he fucked with H1-bs, the economy is rolling and the press is 100% against him. Imagine if the press put confidence in the world about the changes he is trying to make. The China deal is awesome, manufacturing up, next.

Rome wasn’t built in a day complain fag. He is the most nationalistic president of our life. There is still the Israel question but that will get sorted out over next 12 years.

I can tell you are no nationalist, you won’t understand what I am saying, I can smell the lib in you. Suck it.

22197505? ago

Your talking points are so outdated and cliche... muh happening muh timeline muh no butt hurt... at the same time nothing is happening.

22197497? ago

What's happening ? OH yes, so many arrests: Flynn, Manafort, Cohen, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Roger Stone, Alex van der Zwaan and Richard Pinedo. All Trump Associates.

Meanwhile Obummer, Shiton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free. All of em involved in the Soft Coup of the President have been protected by the DS and zero charges have been brought up against them.

Makes you wonder : whos in control ?

22201267? ago

The problem is there are still ignorant fools who are still believing the fake news. Those people need to see the truth before the big arrest happens. Do you not understand the seriousness of a civil war? Or is that what you want to happen?

22204139? ago

Why those people need to see the truth before arrest ? Why not call out pedos and show the videos now ? Don't we "have it all" ?

Public Justice = Redpill. Slow walking = desensitization = bluepill

22197860? ago


22196974? ago

Very well said!

22197369? ago

Nah, he's a faggot. And actually, not very well said at all.

22196850? ago


Jews in the Trump Administration

American Presidents & Israel|Donald Trump Administration|US-Israel Relations

Avrahm (“Avi”) Berkowitz

Special Assistant to the President and assistant to Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner

Senior Advisor

David Friedman

Ambassador to Israel

Jason Greenblatt

Special Representative for International Negotiations, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict [Resigned September 2019]

Steve Mnuchin

Secretary of the Treasury

Stephen Miller

Senior Advisor, Policy

Anne Neuberger

Deputy National Manager, National Security Agency

Gary CohnDirector, White House National Economic Council [Resigned March 2018]

Reed Cordish

Assistant to the President, Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives

Avrahm Berkowitz

Deputy Advisor to the President and his Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

Rod Rosenstein

Deputy Attorney General

Elan Carr

Special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism [Nominated]

Jeffrey A. Rosen

Deputy Secretary of

Alexander Vindman

Ukraine Advisor

My own addition

The jew responsible for "compassionate releases, ICE detainment director Natalie AsherPNGAn expanded list of Jews surrounding Trump, from someone claiming and seeming to be the real amalek!

"I see the shills are strong here now that the site has been locked down. Trump is a Jew puppet. We all knew this. The proof is abundant. Voat used to know this before it was locked down and purged.

Trump's daughter Ivanka is Jewish. Trump has five children and four of them are married to Jews. All except Baron who's obviously too young to marry.

All of Trump's grandchildren are Jewish. Within one generation the Trump family will be completely Jewish.

Trump's top advisor is Ivanka's husband Jew Jared Kushner who's brothers are Goldman Sachs and his dad is a shady Democrat Jew named Charles Kushner.

Charles Kushner was charged back in 2004 for making illegal campaign contributions to the Democrats. He also paid prostitutes to sleep with politicians and seceretly filmed the encounter.

Charles Kushner leads the Kushner clan and Jared is Trump's top advisor.

The Kushners were Trump's rivals in the NYC real estate market and now they'll imherihit most of Trump's fortune through Ivanka.

Trump has also appointed numerous ex Goldman Sachs Jews including the ex President of Goldman Sachs himself.

Who controls Trump

There are many more links to Trump and Zionist Jews however I fell as if this is enough to make my point. Trump is owned by Jews. Maybe he works with them willingly or maybe they have some dirt on him ( Epstein style), or maybe it's a little of both, either way, Trump is part of their group and so you can't be surpised if he furthers their causes.

Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump](Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization

Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC

Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization

Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President

Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization

Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger](Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC

John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization

Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Lara Trump [née Yunaska](Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Vanessa Trump [née Haydon](Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg](Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President."

22200648? ago

Thanks for posting this. I know the Qultists hate seeing this, because it exposes their movement for the BM it is.

22197935? ago

^^ Paid troll.

22197977? ago

My pleasure fellow patriots. I did this all for volunteer and enjoying it.

22197347? ago

Thanks for the "IMFORMATION"...Asshole...

22197390? ago

You are very welcome fellow patriot. If you find more, let me know. I will add it to my list.

22196820? ago

Numberfagging is not research

22198811? ago

Note that he buys the rights for "six million rubles" -- holy fucking shit. That's a reference to: the fake Holocaust; the Holodomor; and, the coming Russian hoax!

Wondering now if this artist had some exposure to the future, i.e., the Simpsons showing Trump coming down the escalator, which he mentions like once a week lately!

22198768? ago

"Plagiarize! Only be sure always to call it please, 'research'." :)

22198752? ago

You are wrong.

In fact, Tom Lehrer sings about it!


22196813? ago

22196757? ago

I mean theoretically, if they believe less than 10% of the population would ever look further into it, it would make sense to string goyim along for as long as possible by giving false hope.

For example, they have 95% of people still believing Nazis and Hitler were the worst thing that has ever happened to the world, and use that as a basis for their current campaign of ALL WHITE PEOPLE BAD, LOOK AT NAZIS. They've been going with that for about 75 years now, and it's still "A known fact" that Germans bayonetted babies and made disgusting smelling soap from kike fat.

22201349? ago

Maybe if you did your research, you would have found out Hitler was a Rothschild. You know the fake Jews that overthrown Israel and the reason Hitler did nothing to Israel when he was "destroying" Jews.

22199851? ago

Nazis aren't real people, so fortunately, attempts to connect them to White people fail. Sure they bayonetted babies. They believed they were creating a better world and were simply disposing of the trash in their view, so like the guy in the park stabbing pieces of trash with the pole thingy to pick them up, Nazis would do the same with other humans they believed were trash. Disassociate yourself from the Nazis. They honor Satan with their hate.

22199914? ago

oh shut the fuck up, jew filth

22208079? ago

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

22199816? ago

Hitler is not the worse but Hitler and the Nazi were a group that embraced evil actions and deeds. don't defend the person and try to claim the crimes were made up and don't use him as an example of people believing falsehoods because it only shows how full of shit you are. Q posts have no room for your anti semetic shit

22200570? ago

What a confused fucking cow you are.

22200976? ago

Fuck off Antifa!

22201510? ago

You're on the far left, but you probably think you're a "conservative."

22200583? ago


22200086? ago

0> thats your face buddy

22200566? ago

may everything you wish upon others happen to you.

22198703? ago

Oh, it smells great! "Fight Club" propagandized that in my direction!

(Damn, so many, MANY influences in my past that were lies!)

22197228? ago

Yes this is known as a pressure release valve, meant to do exactly what you describe for as long as possible or until they throw the switch. They always intend to suppress true action at all costs because they cannot win that

22197832? ago

Except the pressure is increasing because the great awakening truth movement is redpilling the masses. You guys don't get the whole point of Q - to build a grassroots uprising of awakened people to support the overthrow of the cabal.

22198019? ago

Fake and gay. Grassroots movements create themselves, yidding (((grassroots))) movements Is not of “the people”

22201362? ago

The sharing of truth mainstream wise has been happening for sometime now.. before Q ever posted. What Q and the anons have done is to encourage this sharing even more !

22197899? ago

You asked WHY the kikes would create a large grassroots movement meant to pacify the population.

I get the point of Q as you describe, but that's only if you're right. If you're wrong, then my answer would kinda be the exact answer you are looking for. Only time will tell.

22196755? ago

Just remember that you ally wants you independent. Your enemies want you dependent and distracted.

Every single night before you go to sleep, you should figure out what you can do the next day to become more independent.

The worst people in the world want you dependent so they can pull the plug and starve en masse, like they are in Puerto Rico. Like they did in Soviet Union.

Be armed. Grow your food. Home school your childen. Eliminate debt. Diversify holdings. Create a rain catch/storage system. Build food storage. Get off meds. Exercise, and be conditioned. Do business locally ias local as possible). Help those you care about do the same.

Anyone who tells you to pass the buck and enjoy the show wishes to replace your masters, not liberate you from them.

What are you doing tomorrow to become more independent?

22196890? ago

Tomorrow I'm walking 30 miles to work. No more dependency on automobiles and county controlled roads. Fuck your fucking system.

22197007? ago

You should find someone with triple digit IQ that you trust, and run your ideas past them before acting on them.

22197026? ago

Why would I want to run my ideas past someone with a lower IQ than myself?

22198692? ago

I don't know what to tell you.

Pretty much!

22197042? ago

Because you're wrong about that too.

22196748? ago

this is a proof for sure. BUUUUTTTTTT. a real smart cabal deep state could create Q to create opposition, and hope for conflict/crisis to take advantage of it. But I dont think that is the case, but a possibility.

22196743? ago

And unity

22196685? ago

Q is Bannon. They knew 2 years ago Trump was going to get Impeached and needed something to counter the MSM narrative. The Q LARP was taken over from 4 chan just like they did with the original tea party. One of Trumps pedo mossad friends was sacrificed to play the part... ie Epstien. Trump ran the most successful beauty pageant ffs... those are all covers for sex trafficking and Melania is obviously one of them. The whole thing has turned into a drink your Ovaltine moment. I used to believe but it I was painfully obvious. No arrests, no video of Hillary beating Haitian orphans or wearing their skin. Just a group of pedow playing grab ass with the American public. Arrests or GTFO.

22196677? ago

This is why you gotta run glow in the dark niggers over with your car.

22196594? ago

Many will come Yeshua said,come in his name he said.

He said do not follow man for a reason

22196703? ago

It is talking about men in power.

By their fruits you shall know them.

Jesus was a man, the apostles were men, ect.

22200656? ago

Q's results are good.

That is total bullshit. Are you one of the tard wranglers? Is that a paid position?

22197874? ago

It is you that believes such,not here in my house.

Hundreds of Thousands have "woke" and it had nothing to do with trump or Q.

The clarity is so vivid once you step away ftom mans brain washing and corrupted truth.

End of the day,Q is not it

22196688? ago

Yeshua told us the Kingdom of God is within us.

We are man, but also Spark. We are Light-Man or Hue-Man.

22196577? ago

you got your answer man. Q is indeed a psy-op, but the good guys run it.

Don't be fooled, this is a very EXCITING time in modern history. I think that there will be a great awakening. And we will see it.

22201636? ago

All I hear is "I am truly retarded, follow me, to the moooooooon"..... Are you 12 or just an average glownigger.

22198969? ago

3772 killed Q.

22199170? ago


22198356? ago

For the first time in my life of 69 years, I've not only lived long enough to see this Awakening happen but also be able to participate and be active on the boards. Since the very first post I was Informed of, I knew In my heart and mind I had another chance to serve my country. No one can ever take that from me ever. WWG1WGA 4-10-20

QAnon #QArmy #MAGA


TheGreatAwakening 🐸


22205112? ago

;) Thank you Sir. <

22841539? ago

It's the least we can do ⚔️🇺🇸⚔️


22849731? ago


I saw the reneg[r]ade/renegade deliberate slip Kansas made in his speech as soon as it happened as I was watching.

@ 3.30 mins Pompeo deliberately stumbles on the word and says "Reneg[r]ade", referring of course to [RENEGADE]



Gematria of Renegrade: >


Here are the raw results: >

Jewish Gematria equals: 227

English Gematria equals: 462

Simple Gematria equals: 77

Notables: >

Qlobal Change 227 582 97

Cipher Code 227 516 86

Sacred Code 245 462 77

Raccoon 227 414 69


Accelerated 227 462 77

In Q Tel 244 462 77

Confirmed 227 522 87

Gamergate 236 462 77

Demise Obama 227 522 87

He Shall Be Killed 227 750 125

Renegade Killah Bee 227 744 124

Diabolos 226 462 77

Condemned 181 462 77

Moslem 225 462 77

Headband Of Al Qaida 227 630 105

Hang Time 200 462 77

Kamikaze 566 462 77

Top Dog 271 462 77

Sucker 388 462 77

Yes Man 566 462 77

MK Search 227 468 78

Liberals 227 468 78

Nephlim 172 462 77

Bible Beast 236 462 77

Banana Brain 217 462 77

Imbeciles 173 462 77

Pedafiles 200 462 77

Paedophilia 227 576 96

To War 1131 462 77

Gods Agenda 209 462 77

Jesus C 988 462 77

Is Lord 253 462 77

Dear Lord 244 462 77

God Of Peace 191 462 77

Babe Ruth 398 462 77

Wake Up 1176 462 77

Media Lies 173 462 77

Magic Magick 110 462 77

The Hidden 183 462 77

Efficient 183 462 77

Italian Mafia 227 576 96

Iranian Mafia 227 576 96

Had A Blast 227 408 68

Ask The CIA 227 462 77

Hildebrand 173 462 77

Hilery 522 462 77

Jester 880 462 77

Deep Agent 227 462 77

David Hogg 790 462 77

Damn Lies 199 462 77

Crisis 281 462 77

Matter 316 462 77

Court 433 462 77

The Big Lie 165 462 77

The Big Game 174 462 77

Playdeck 503 462 77

Hole In One 227 582 97

Hellhole 136 462 77

Dance Of Death 227 516 86

Its On 289 462 77

Fema Camps 226 462 77

CIA Agenda Ended 129 462 77

Forced Denial 227 576 96

Albright 227 462 77

Birdbrain 227 462 77


22552586? ago

Thank you, I've been out of country the last month. Give your loved ones all our Best "Patriot" from all us Patriots zin The Lone St🌟r State 🇺🇲⚔️

22552603? ago

Nice 1. I will.

May The Lord Bless you Sir.

22624043? ago


22626790? ago

Thank you for your message. I needed it.

I am having a terrible day, one from Hell. <

I will pray for us all, and myself especially today.


Thank you for all you do Patriots.

22848472? ago

Semper Fidelis ⚔️🇺🇲⚔️

22633866? ago

That's What Brothers In Arms Do

⚔️🇺🇲⚔️ Stay Strong We're With You In Spirit When Not With You Physically 💪

22638336? ago

Thanks friends. ✌️❤️🙏✊

22689968? ago


22690005? ago

22836793? ago

WWG1WGA 4-10-20☝️#Trump2020


22836833? ago

Thanks. Take care.

22610290? ago

WWG1WGA 4-10-20 ⚔️🇺🇲⚔️

22620604? ago

Yes Sir.

5:5. <



Light 'em Up.

22231811? ago

Thank you Brother, we as a collective shall prevail, or as our favorite Anon Covfefe 😉. Now comes the "Justice" phase, the whole country & world are watching. The "White Hats" In court are making Shifty Little Bag o Shitt & Nadler look like the foolish vindictive ludicrous Buffoons they are. It's a real pleasure to work with such genuinely analytical Anons with their sense of duty towards the same goals. I sleep well these days knowing our Great Republic will be In excellent Patriotic hands should God call me and tell me my works done.

22201569? ago

Ok Boomer

22200077? ago

HA, youre 69 thats a funny age

22231867? ago

I'm glad you see the humor In It 😉

To be honest, I've been on my second set of 9 lives for quite some time. Every time I think my times up, the man upstairs says

"Not So Fast Bravo, you've got much to do.. ☝️

22205142? ago

6 X 9 = 54

54 = 45 Mirrored

45 is the number of the 45th President of The United States of America > Donald John Trump. <

Just sayin'.

22198605? ago


22841533? ago


22352004? ago


22267102? ago


22208649? ago

Twisted? Saw a couple of your US flags on the Q post...

22199525? ago


22198976? ago

Hey! (Q is fake!)

22198563? ago

Great response here

22197317? ago

you got your answer man. Q is indeed a psy-op, but the good guys run it.

I think that Q is more of Truth Seekers and anyone interested in seeking the Truth can become part of it.

22197423? ago

How do you think it all got started?

22205211? ago

Maybe I should be giving this puzzle a crack. <

Most of it is unsolved. It can't be THAT hard!

BRB. <


'o-o' <

22200101? ago

Foreign or Dems to feed us who look for answers enough to keep us pacified while they run wild without consequences for their treason and crimes. Literally impeached POTUS. Meaningless and symbolic? Sure. But they did. And they steam rolled us on the so called safe mid terms.

22197278? ago

I had someone repeat this idea to me today at the VCDL rally in Richmond. I naturally countered with your explanation.

22196562? ago

Its another book for the Bible. Gods second one. I am not Religous although I believe in God and this gives me a feeling like no other. Truth

22198160? ago

No. God specifically warned against adding or subtracting anything from the Bible.

22199392? ago

He has warned Man of alot of things. But anything Man has Touched has been Corrupted. The Popes and Vatican have added and Subtracted from the Books to Fit the Luciferian agenda. For the Greatest Deception ever.

22209097? ago

I do not agree. I believe the Holy Spirit has preserved His Truth in written form.

Before you make up your mind, do your homework. Here's a great place to start. Chuck Missler is not just a preacher. He is a very intelligent, scientifically literate, phenomenal Bible teacher, understanding Hebrew and Greek, and also pleasant and funny. I learned more amazing things about our Bible from him than I did growing up in church!

You can't just write it all off as corrupt and be intellectually honest.


22198294? ago

Although this has unquestionably happened multiple times in history (council of nicaea and others). You cannot pass the buck and depend on some "unspoiled and preserved word of god" if you want truth you have to do some digging beyond the surface of the bible. Learn the ancient languages and translate the bible for yourself from as original sources as you can manage to find, study the esoteric texts, find the gems of truth hidden in all the false control structures of this life. Your creator will guide you once you remember how to listen to that soft still voice

22198646? ago

Yeah -- I think learning the old languages is an aspect of, not adding or subtracting.