22204861? ago

nice work, let the public hangings begin lol

22202152? ago

Thanks for the hard work anon!

22201279? ago

George Soros and his son John, are both complicit. No one talks about his son, but there are many stories of his involvement behind-the-scenes during the formulation of several of these rogue organizations. I am compiling a list myself, but there are of course, impediments: Such As: Links to stories, being deleted, and sources removing articles, as quick as I find them. It is frustrating, and sometimes, I feel like I am doing the work for the Deep State, by finding these articles, they don't want exposed, just so they can delete them. That is why, I am very wary, when someone asks me to give them the link. More often than not, they are running CoIntel, and are covering their tracks. Thank You for your research!

22200950? ago

Thank you for the update! It’s infuriating that the corruption is so obvious and yet nothing is done. The powers that be so indeed hate us and will lie, cheat and steal at every turn. Puerto Rico is a smaller scale of what they want to do everywhere. I’m sorry for all you have been through. This fight is on and it will include PR, as the corrupt are held accountable. Spreading Patriot Anons video helps us to wake up more people so that work is extremely important. There are SO MANY MORE of us then them maybe already that nothing is going to stop the changes that are coming!❤️

22200763? ago

This is all getting exposed. Demoncrats are throwing everything they can to divert attention from their massive and legendary crimes. All of this will go down in history with the picrures of the guilty and their tombstones!

22200755? ago

Thanks for well written article, Anon! I'm curious what % of population you think is aware of these shenanigans.

22200737? ago

Funny I just saw a tweet from Obama encouraging people to give aid to PR for the current earth quake, I can't recall if he recommended where to send donations or not but was suspicious of his tweet. Now I'm 99.9% that aid enriched theses crooked ppl. Sad smh.

22200699? ago

if you look at the celebritards who signal to teh satanz, they are largely shitty talent

epecially the pop music end of things, it's fucking dire

like propaganda news, that shit got into heads via sheer brainwashing

22200530? ago

Thank you, PR Anon!

22200160? ago

Thank you so much for your update we appreciate that from someone who is living through this nightmare. I have to admit, from what I have read recently about the several years old aid just now being discovered by the people infuriates me! Because of the wide spread corruption we are hearing about in PR is a huge reason I don't want PR to become a state. I fear the island and the corrupt Dems would make it a huge burden on our mainland. We don't need another CA /NY etc. on our hands. I hope and pray that helps come to your communities soon and your corrupt politician are jailed.

22200100? ago

Thank you for the great post op!

22199659? ago

FYI... just saw this. Some anon heard your request... https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/7863948.html#q7864105

22199625? ago

You should post this on v/GreatAwakening

22199520? ago

Thank you for the update patriot PR Anon.

22199415? ago

Thank you for the update!

22199414? ago

NPR said it was homophobic slurs that did sparked the protests. Are you saying NPR was lying?

22199349? ago

We knew they his the aid like right after it happened and the lying press including Fox didn't report it.

Now they are all of a sudden.

22204872? ago

Yep, us ANONS have known for awhile.

22199306? ago


Just Wow.

In PRanon's other post he said this may have been a rehearsal for the things they will try here on the mainland. Never forget this kind of fuckery! But then again, we already know how screwed up FEMA is...

22198989? ago

Trump tweeted about how much money went to Puerto Rico aid and all these dumb fucks were too dumb to do math and realize there had to be either a mistake in Trump's number or there was warehouses full of shit they weren't seeing.

22198980? ago


Tried to post on 8kun but something is wrong with posting right now (11pm est)

will try again later...8kun having issues earlier in the day too

22214791? ago

OP here:

I don't know how to use 8Kun..could not find it. Could you Screenshot it and upload image in catbox.moe and share the link here.


22198895? ago

Excellent info, well presented.

Soldier on.

22198618? ago

PR would be an excellent staging point when everyone in US is starving.

22201011? ago

Great point! I’ll bet they have warehouses in Haiti and other countries that they will use to bug out with. This stuff makes me sick because they are so selfish.

22198514? ago

Glad to hear from you PR Anon. I've been reading your posts for sometime. Thank you for the updates on what's really going on there. God Bless you and stay safe!

22198505? ago

Thank you for this post. The true patriots know that PR is full of good people. We are praying for Devine intervention.

22198478? ago

Thanks for the update Anon. Few questions for you, if you don't mind.

-Do most Puerto Ricans even like being affiliated with the United States? Or would they rather be an independent island? Do they feel any sort of pride being affiliated with our country?

-Are Puerto Ricans on a majority racist against white people?

-Has the narrative shifted after the discovery of these supplies where Orange Man isn't bad and your government is instead the problem?

22199515? ago


22202243? ago

Your post is so informative and helpful. It was so touching to read of people helping each other despite all this aid sitting in a warehouse. This is our inherent goodness that will win out over the evil cabal. Thank you for posting and WWGW1WGA!

22200725? ago

I am not who asked the questions but thanks for the answers. We had a guy from PR work for us for a few months, right before the 2016 elections. He had lived in FL for a while, but his dad was still in PR. He told us a story about a conversation he had with his father, he said he was thinking about voting for Bernie (he was about to start college and thought the free college sounded good). Apparently his father tore him a new one over the phone. His father proudly fought for America in the Korean war and under no circumstances would he allow his son to vote for a communist!

The guy that worked for us would always bring us in food that his wife made, PR food that we had never had. Such a nice guy, he really loved his family and his culture.

22198346? ago

Thanks for the post I hope you guys find the help you need! This summary gives some great ammo to use against Trump haters. It’s working well

22198322? ago

Read every word of it. Good luck in your fight PR Anon.

22198097? ago

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22198003? ago

And how informed is the average Puerto Rican that it was local corruption, and not Trump, that botched all the aid that was delivered?

22198111? ago

Not informed at all. The "journalist" are same as in the sates, think of something similar of CNN but in spanish, another arm of the Democrat Party.

22200049? ago

See this is the problem... There are so many fucking dumbasses that its not fixable. The people there have to stop being dumbasses and start taking the time to learn and open their eyes to what the fuck is going on. We can't sweep in and fix it because the REAL fix would be to be rid of the fucking dumbasses. Instead there is a massive island full of dumbasses crying to be bailed out and then when the bailout fails re-electing those who stole the bailout money and spent it on their re-election campaign and mansions and cars... Honestly at this point I would LOVE to see an end to all this AID bullshit. STOP THE REDISTRIBUTION. All it does is take resources from smart hard working productive people thus decreasing their potential production and reproduction in the future and gives it to useless idiotic fuckwhits who waste the resource then ask for MORE and MORE and MORE as they breed like rabbits. I think you fucking idiots need to fix your shit down there and stop asking for some white man to bail you out. If we come down there we are pushing you into the sea and fixing the place for ourselves. Problem solved. Is that what you want?

22200869? ago

Thanks, i agree.

22197945? ago

Is the population aware of things like this warehouse video? Are they still supporting these assholes?

22198207? ago

Yes, they are aware of the video but they are playing red vs blue. San Juan Mayor is red and the Governor is blue. (Democrats are red in PR and the other party PNP is blue) So instead of identifying and prosecuting the people responsible they are playing politics. It is kind of Puerto Rico's own impeachment clown circus.

22200994? ago

Of course always the media has some spin on the truth that surprises me. As you said, as many PR Anons as you can get to spread the truth the better. It’s not easy waking people up because we’ve been manipulated all our lives. However it just takes one event to crack the door open. If they’re saying it’s a red versus blue thing then ask people what is the blue party doing to investigate, prosecute and distribute the resources found? Teach them to question everything!

22197829? ago

This is a horrible situation, however the people will remember at the next election. Good clean people need to run for office, how about Lin-Manuel Miranda for Governor

22198387? ago

ha, ha... you kidding , right.

Lin-Manuel Miranda to Trump: 'You're going straight to hell'


22199691? ago

Nope, just being realistic, when he made that comment the aid was hidden and people were dying. Now that he finds out that he and his people have been betrayed and so badly served by people they trusted he and a lot of Puerto Rico citizens can pivot

22197797? ago

Great post PR anon.

I often wonder how such a small island getting so much aid can be so corrupt. Aid assistance is often times seen as payday for the corrupt politicians. They pray for the disaster relief $$$ funds and not for the people. It's also the greedy bastard US politicians that feed this corrupt machine right from the taxpayers pocket. It's a scam. A con job on citizens masquerading as humanitarian relief.

Get organized and focused. Get to the streets and make some noise. Call them out at every opportunity then raise awareness to the community. Expose it. Put it on social media. List out journalists that cover up and dodge reporting of corruption. Red pill and wake them up!

You are the news. Make it happen. Don't stop.

22202379? ago

Was thinking and waiting for your post as well PR Anon when i saw the news about the warehouse, will pray for PR! #WWG1WGA

22199337? ago

I'll tell you how it happens. Small islands are notorious for this... go check out Guam. It's worse. Hawaii is a close second. Everyone is related. Everyone is looking out for themselves. There's a poster on Despair.com that says, "No single raindrop thinks it's responsible for the flood..." And that's it in a nutshell. Small minds. Small world/me me me mentality. No sense of the larger picture until something like this smacks them right in the kisser. Easy to turn your head when you get a few $thousand and you figure it's someone else's problem.

BTW - for those wondering, this is exactly how the Obummer birth cert hoax went down. A few bucks here and there to the right people and "we no see nuthin' -- we no say nuthin'" Same as in PR. You know damn good and well there were people who've known about this for a long time. Hell, someone had to put that stuff in the fields and the warehouses. And you know those someone's have been helping themselves to it surreptitiously since then. A few trips a month to the warehouses at night and boom, you're taken care of. Screw everyone else. Now we'll see a ton of CYA going on

22197684? ago

what can we do to help? How can we help without lining the pockets of the devil?

22197643? ago

Manslaughter charges need to be filed.

22197581? ago

Another Puerto Rican here:

The situation is really F-Up . The people who are organizing the protests against the goverment (like Ricky Martin and TV personalities) are also democrats and Pro Carmen Yulin (San Juan Mayor) and her PPD party. Both parties are corrupt. They are not protesting for the good of Puerto Rico but a political hit to the PNP party , with the hopes that the Soros supported PPD get in to power in 2020.

22199270? ago

I think Yulin got arrested today

22197452? ago

Democrats are EVIL!