19910880? ago

"..I'm getting the impression that PR was a dress rehearsal of what will happen soon in Mainland US."

Agreed.. and I also think the metoo stuff with all the Hollywood charges was a dress rehearsal..

Practice makes perfect.

19909241? ago

Big thank you PR Anon! Great information, isn't this a great time to be alive?!?!⚡🌊😊

19909749? ago

Yes it is!!

19908421? ago

He also made a plethora of racist, sexist, homophobic and misogynistic comments and remember, he's a SHIT SKIN Democrat.

There fixed it

19909760? ago

LOL. Quite accurate

19904476? ago

Thanks for that!

19904428? ago

Time to clean up the world of the evil. Great work anon! God wins in the end. We are ridding humanity of the cancer.

19904319? ago


19903771? ago

Lets face it - Hillary and co were off the exact same mentality. They hate you to the core.

19903877? ago

Yes they are and yes they do

19903735? ago

Oh wow. These details are incredible. God bless the people of Puerto Rico. What courage you guys have. I agree that this could now easily happen just as well here in the US.

19903412? ago

It is great to get rid of the bad guys but you are just one election away from the same old. How will the people make good decisions if the media is the enemy? Did any newspapers or tv news station owners offer resignations?

19903900? ago

That is a great point, but as Q has said this is not another 4 year election. That applies to not just federal elections, but all LOCAL elections as well; PR included.

There have been some resignations of media people and some reporters, but we need their bosses to leave as well. That will happen soon.

19903383? ago

Maybe we could force the Governors in California, New York and Oregon to resign too.

19903917? ago

We showed you how it's done. It's up to you. LOL

19901405? ago

Well done, anon!

19901344? ago

No doubt this was Military Intelligence taking out Deep State scumbags! Puerto Rico fucked Trump after the Hurricane do you really think he forgot about that? You idiots need to realize you aren't dealing with some fucking cuck politician who married a dude for political expedience. This man is going to bury the deep state and any fucking douche who gets in his way and if he can't MI will...think on that!

19901477? ago

exactly -- Q has said there is a plan for "after Trump" which could mean several "afters"...

19900979? ago

ThanQ for the excellent rundown. They deserve every bit of exposure they get & I so appreciate you giving us info MSM isn't PRanon!! <3


19901105? ago


19900208? ago

In the last 10 days nearly ALL the participants of the chat tended their resignations or were fired by the governor.

In English we say "tendered" when referring to resignations. It's "tended to the wounded" or "tended to the sick".

19900903? ago

Corrected the typo. Thanks for pointing it out.

19900098? ago

I hope this info helps


Many Thanks.


19900092? ago

Thanks PR Anon. It was very useful. Specific news was hard to come by here and your contribution certainly filled a lot of information gaps.

19899937? ago

Wow! I'm horrified at the things your governor said but not surprised. We have so many politicians here that are so evil, too! Thank you for sharing this information with us! I hope the people who get into power now are decent people.

19899784? ago

Wow, thank you anon for posting. Disgusting and enlightening. I feel a sense of hope washing over me for Mainland US.

19899679? ago

Thank you for the update, patriot...

19899583? ago

Thanks for the update, very well done

19899410? ago

Excellent report! Thank you for keeping us in the loop of what is going on in Puerto Rico. My boss is also Puerto Rican and has been talking about it.

19898948? ago

Thank You for the Update. Very good info. We can not trust anything we hear on the news here. Your reports are VERY important.

19898892? ago

Words of advice. STAY VIGILANT! Just because you toppled the administration doesn't mean the good guys are going to be building it back up. STAY INVOLVED!

They saw this coming and have positioned sleepers as needed.

19898932? ago

You are correct indeed

19898762? ago

Protesters demand no more Democrat Congressional breaks in PR. Whole of the territory couldn't shit straight for a week afterward.

19898362? ago

Wow, dude. Amazing rundown. Your Edit 2 is mind-blowing

19898426? ago


19898191? ago

Take a lesson from PR. That, my friends, is how to drain a swamp! As to it being a dress rehearsal, I have been wondering just who it was that leaked the emails. It sounds like a Q-team style project. They no doubt knew about the emails. Now the Puerto Rican citizens have a responsibility to not just elect more swamp rats to take their place. This is a great red pill opportunity for non-Establishment Republicans and conservatives to present a case that there is a better way.

19899674? ago

Republicans? Rather ethical people who love their country and all its citizens. Umbrella organizations tend to become corrupt. This is a great red pill opportunity to do away with the Party system.

19901757? ago

You are right if this is an ideal world. Hopefully we can soon have such a situation, but currently it takes so much money to run a campaign that parties just naturally form to organize the like minded to concentrate the resources around a candidate. I mention Republicans and conservatives because they tend to sometimes write off certain areas like Puerto Rico and cede them to the Democrats.

19902535? ago

Copied this from PRAnons reply to another comment: PR has a different party system than the states. The Democrat / Republican situation here is more complex than in the mainland.

We have 3 parties in PR solely based on the status and relationship of the Island to the US.

The PNP (New Progressive Party,) to which the current governor belongs, pushes for statehood for the island
The PPD (Popular Democratic Party) pushed for a continuation of the status-quo, in other words to keep PR as a US Commonwealth which PR calls Free Associated State
The PIP (Puertorican Independence Party) wants what the name suggests, PR to become an independent country

There are Democrats and Republicans in each of the 3 parties, but since the PR governor Rosello is a die-hard Democrat he has given position of power in the government, and within the party, to PNP Democrats and has worked hard to push out PNP Republicans.

Both the Senate majority leader, Thomas Rivera-Schatz, and the Representative of PR in Congress, Jennifer Gonzalez, are part of the Governor's PNP party, but are Republicans.

Liberalism and Conservativeism in PR take on a different form and that would take a longer explanation, but is in general similar to the Mainland US concepts

19898067? ago

Whew lad...

19898032? ago

He asked his team if anyone had a gun to go and put a bullet in the head of the San Juan Mayor

Carmen Yulin Cruz, an SJW, is the San Juan mayor.

He also made a plethora of racist, sexist, homophobic and misogynistic comments

That just means he's a wonderful person.

19901444? ago

where in the world is she?

19897922? ago

A value added post if I ever read one. Thank you and be safe.

19897916? ago

Thank you for this post!

19897849? ago

Once people start to see how the group is affiliated worldwide.

Even the little old crazy cat ladies are going to be pissed beyond belief.

The Entire World has been made fools of.

First time, shame on you. Second time, shame on me.

19897764? ago

GREAT information!! thank you for the post and good luck in PR!!!

19897679? ago

What's the consensus in PR in regard to federal response to Maria? Is it understood PR officials were just trying to make Trump look bad?

19898107? ago

Yes. The revelations of the last month has completely upended the perception of most people in PR about the fact that it was the local government who fucked up and not Trump. You can clearly see it in the way the news are starting to talk about Trump and in the responses to tweets and articles of the MSM and well-known journalists and politicians here. The local newspapers and press still have comments sections on their sites and the comments are wonderful to read.

19899619? ago

I'm always looking to the comment sections to gauge public sentiment as well. Thanks for the info!

19897414? ago

Was his beef with the San Juan mayor that she was going to draw scrutiny?

19897640? ago

It's simple, two DeepState factions battling for control, power and influence over PR.

19897219? ago

Great post. So what happened to that corrupt lying mayor lady? I forget her name. Isn't she under investigation?

19897689? ago

Yes, she is still under investigation. Both her and the governor can be seen as two factions of the DeepState/Cabal battling for control and power over PR. We expect her to be indicted soon.

19897185? ago

My jaw literally dropped reading this. EVEN THOUGH MY RIGHT JAW JOINT IS DISLOCATED

19897825? ago

Grüezi, Salü

The Great Awakening will be World-wide. I lived in Germany for 7 yrs and studied German in Radolfzell am Bodensee so I know what you mean. The global DeepState/Cabal is heavily and historically entrenched in Switzerland, but that wont help them.

19897054? ago

Congratulations, PR Anon! Your fight for freedom and justice makes a real difference! WWG1WGA!

19897076? ago

Thank you

19897038? ago

"someone leaked online a 900 page printout of a private group chat"....

Thats Trump's FBI, probably.

NXIVM existed for decades, going down now...

Epstein, decades, going down now...

Putrid worst corruption in PR, perps going down now....

See the connections? Trump is a corruption-killing machine. Concern trolls can suck (another) dick....THIS is what we are here for, it's all happening. So big we can't always appreciate it, but the 10,000 foot view?

Corrupted public law enforcement is being cleaned up, system-wide....and almost concurrently, the public and private corrupt are being taken down as we go. Continued vigilance, but.... Life is good.

19901488? ago

but the 10,000 foot view?

Roger that. The higher your view point the better it looks. From above 20,000, it's not just another 4-year election. Above 40,000 it looks like a golden age approaches. I don't care if you all think it's silly, your Soul will know what I'm talking about at any rate, I can feel good times ahead like I haven't seen since my childhood before I knew what worrying was.

Don't get me wrong, I Am not letting my guard down yet, but when I saw Jacketless-Jim-Jordan rip into the TDS collusion narrative, it felt like frikkin' Christmas day back in the late 80's. (That time I got the big expensive toy I begged for all year long LOL!) It's that feeling of "Wow this better than I hoped!"

19901407? ago

yeah, agree, except -- today, fucking, TODAY i get a letter from the IRS saying "i see you've been trading cryptos..."

19899899? ago

Every time some tidbit gets leaked online by some anonymous source, I chuckle. Q gives us the questions that prime us for the answer, then 'pop' , the data surfaces online.

19897641? ago

I'm hopeful this is the case. What a time to be alive!

19897064? ago

I totally agree

19897005? ago

Dangerous for who indeed, thank you for the excellent post

19896824? ago

Are the politics of PR being being changed at all? Is Q getting any awareness there?

19896668? ago

Well done Patriot! Thanks for the update!

19896600? ago

Heres my question, aren't the democrats in puerto rico the conservatives, and the progressive party are the liberals no?

19896970? ago

Not really. PR has a different party system than the states. The Democrat / Republican situation here is more complex than in the mainland.

We have 3 parties in PR solely based on the status and relationship of the Island to the US.

  • The PNP (New Progressive Party,) to which the current governor belongs, pushes for statehood for the island
  • The PPD (Popular Democratic Party) pushed for a continuation of the status-quo, in other words to keep PR as a US Commonwealth which PR calls Free Associated State
  • The PIP (Puertorican Independence Party) wants what the name suggests, PR to become an independent country

There are Democrats and Republicans in each of the 3 parties, but since the PR governor Rosello is a die-hard Democrat he has given position of power in the government, and within the party, to PNP Democrats and has worked hard to push out PNP Republicans.

Both the Senate majority leader, Thomas Rivera-Schatz, and the Representative of PR in Congress, Jennifer Gonzalez, are part of the Governor's PNP party, but are Republicans.

Liberalism and Conservativeism in PR take on a different form and that would take a longer explanation, but is in general similar to the Mainland US concepts

19898134? ago

appreciate the detailed explanation

19896502? ago

Underrated post! Thank you PR Anon! WWG1WGA!!!

19896487? ago

Thanks for the post.

Do you have a link to the group chat content?

19897326? ago

Thank you.

I've backed this up locally, but it's too large to duplicate using pastebin.

Does anyone know of an online tool I can use to make an online duplicate of these text (2.8mb) and pdf files (58mb)?

19898163? ago

Tinypdf.com to reduce size

19897378? ago

It looks like it may be backed up here already: https://archive.org/details/chat_20190722/page/n11

19896402? ago

uh oh! Will she go home to Israel?

19896552? ago

You mean go home to iran?

19896584? ago

oy vey, goyz, we must bomb Iran like we didIraq. Israel is bestest ally and jews are Gawds chosen amirite, schlomo?

19898719? ago

Is that a filling or a bit of gefilte fish that's stuck in your teeth, rabbi?

19901214? ago

the fish is filling

19896607? ago

Oh, you mean go home to china. Thanks nazitard.

19896634? ago

Whatever you say, jew trash

19900077? ago

uh oh! Will she go home to Israel?

You mean go home to iran?

same difference:

Iran's Jewish rulers

19896251? ago

Your insight is so useful and appreciated!

19898911? ago

^ second that. Looks like PR has set an example for the rest of us. This is the biggest peaceful revolution since 2,000,000 South Koreans tossed out their satanic cult controlled prime minister.

19896245? ago

Why can't we do this with every Communist Democrat in America? How is Dianne Feinstein still in office?

19898226? ago

Slow roll-out, one piece at a time, digestible for the masses, each time a bigger fish doing worse things.

19896216? ago

Thanks for posting this, OP. Somehow, I think the MSM will leave out all the details.

19896551? ago

Literally all of it was in the NYT this morning.

19896212? ago

oh shit! thank you for the update. PR is still somehow connected legally to the Us so more people should be concerned about all of this.

19896564? ago

Lol somehow? Not too bright, huh?

19901201? ago

fuck you

19896711? ago

i will confess its a convoluted mess how we are linked to PR. I have read up on it. Have you? and why dont you go ahead and explain it.

19896173? ago

Via Con Dios! Thanks for the report!