22165654? ago

Another testimony by Dr Deisher: https://bioethicsarchive.georgetown.edu/pcbe/transcripts/sept08/deisher_statement.pdf

Also, Her son died of cancer at 14 years of age. Dr. Desher blamed the vaccines for this cancer. An article was written by Dorit Rubinstein Reiss to denounce this claim. Take a look at Dorit Rubinstein Reiss wikipedia information...nothing out of the ordinary here??? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorit_Rubinstein_Reiss

22165347? ago

this is why among other reasons they are figting to cover the ownership of small countries vaccine institutes and pharmaceutics under big pharma umbrella

22163225? ago

We did fine without vaccines for 4 billion years.

22162649? ago

8 shills on the board and three fat thumb upvoaters

22162100? ago

Thank you for putting this out there!

22161437? ago

Truthers resist the vaccine redpill because it's too painful to acknowledge that we've inflicted serious, chronic damage on our children by doing something considered safe and necessary. Those of us with kids who had acute adverse reactions to their vaccines had to come to that realization pretty fucking quickly, and all of us can understand the desire to roll over and stay asleep rather than endure the guilt, anger, and sadness that comes with having drunk the vaccine Kool Aid.

22161311? ago

Everyone should check out Dr. Russel Blaylock:


And also this heavyweight from MIT:


22159668? ago

Dr. Theresa Deisher did not kill herself!

22159079? ago

Reddit sending me ‘news’ notification today with a smear article about anti vaxxers and so many pro cat comments it’s obviously BS

22159090? ago

*vaxx not cat

22159098? ago

Cats are fine.

22158586? ago

OP is a fag as usual, this is not the Doctor posting on QRV, it's her posting on her own website. OP, in the future please mention that you are linking an (very good) article and don't pretend to be the author.


22158307? ago

What actions has POTUS taken to combat these evils? Specifically pertaining to vaccines?

22158444? ago

Trump has been taking on big pharma, but they are so powerfully entrenched that the Pres. isn't getting much traction against them.

First of all Trump’s appointed drug pricing Czar was found dead. He had multiple blunt force injuries but it was ruled a suicide.

Daniel Best was the senior adviser to Alex Azar, secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), for drug pricing reform.

He has been attempting to lower drug prices, with little success.

Federal judges have blocked Trump administration from requiring drug companies to list prices in TV Ads.

And fighting the opioid crisis in a multi-pronged attack.

22158259? ago

I have a child, who was injured by the MMR in September, 2004. Four days later, the diarrhea started, and let’s just say I’m on my 3rd carpet steamer. He was diagnosed with autism exactly 2 weeks later. He was part of the Autism Omnibus Proceedings. Hannah Poling’s neurologist volunteered to testify on my son’s behalf. After 7 years, we were advised by our vaccine attorneys to drop the case because the “court” was too corrupt. He’s been attending a school for the past 9 years that costs $58,000/year. He turns 18 this year, so I have to start the process for guardianship. He will live with me until my husband and I are dead. I pray that I will out-live him because I shutter to think what will happen to him after we’re gone.

Not looking for sympathy here. This is just the reality of it, and I’m sure there are thousands more just like him or worse.

22161464? ago

My kids were harmed, too. Parents like you who spoke up gave me the confidence and information necessary to stop vaccinating early and seek alternative treatments while my kids were still young enough to benefit from them. THANK YOU. You and others like you saved my family.

22158539? ago

I'm so sorry that this was done to your family and your child. I can't imagine the heartbreak and frustration. There are thousands of stories like yours, and yes, some worse, like this video of a couple that lost all three triplet children on the same day to severe autism.

22158615? ago

Thank you for the kind words.

22157942? ago

Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 42 and Obummer.

22157901? ago

I am a geneticist as I am staunchly against vaccines, much to the chagrine of many colleagues though more than our might think agree with me. If anyone has questions let me know. I am financially compensated by a university, a biotech company and the NIH. I have worked in academia and industry and seen the ins and outs of research, funding/granting, drug approval and vaccine approval (VERY different than drug approval). I can go into detai in dozens of reasons I don't trust vaccines all using either my personal knowledge and experience or the word of the CDC and vaccine doctors themselves


22158646? ago

I had a consult with a geneticist when I was pg with my 3rd kid. Told me specifically to stop vaccinating. “You’ve paid your debt to Society...”

22157551? ago

Consider that Google & Facebook don't scramble to censoring any other medicine/medical procedure. See post re: Adam Schiff's letter to them urging censoring. No other drug is supremely protected from liability and exempted from routine review and approval.

22157255? ago

I was force vaccinated in canada and I had seizures after that for years and had to learn to heal myself with herbs , nutrition, and god's light.


22157224? ago

These people control the money supply they have more than they could ever use. Vaccines are for weakening their enemies as a soft kill for global population control. Most people would be quite a bit smarter, stronger and live longer had they never received a vaccine.

22158549? ago

Most profitable division of Big Pharma? Vaccines.

22157264? ago

Im not sure how this comment doesnt have 50 upvoats yet!

22156714? ago

Abortions? In my vaccines?

22156529? ago


22156478? ago

In NY state if you don’t vax your kids they can’t go to public school! No biggie. But they also will involve cps and get the parents on endangering their own childern. So what do those parents suppose to do. Allow cps to take their babies! Were fucked like many other people!!!

22156383? ago

Everyone wants to believe that the government has your best interest at heart. But, when it comes to the almighty dollar, you are just another commodity to them.

22156019? ago

I was always unsure how bad the vaccine issue really was, too many posts jumping to conclusions with little evidence. This is by far the most informative post I've read on the subject. Thank you OP!!!

22166600? ago

Soap box seems to have some shit agenda, whats with the down vote farms the stalking and harassment of users? @heygeorge @R3BIRTH @ExpertShitposter

22155961? ago

So to you more educated goats: What's the best course of action? Avoid all vaccines? Or are there some that you'd still say are worthwhile?

22158734? ago

I avoid vaccines and the entire medical industry unless obviously necessary. Vaccines definitely cut the death rate from disease but good hygiene went a long way towards that too. Without hygiene we will need vaccines, so we need to make them accountable. In 2006 or so, a rider bill named BARDA (Bioterrorism ??? Act) was passed that made vaccine ingredients exempt from FOIA and made manufacturers exempt from liability. There was a campaign against it, to no avail.

22158679? ago

Educate yourself, so you can decide for yourself.

22159027? ago

Asking people more educated than me is part of that process. Was just wondering what people who put in hours of research have done, if they vaccinate their kids for anything in particular, or if they avoid all of them at all costs. From there, I'd go digging into the new information. No need to start from the very beginning if I can utilize others research and ideas.

22159923? ago

Check out the National Vaccine Information Center.


I have a vaccine injured child so my view will be different than others without that experience. If you’re asking my opinion, I wouldn’t do any. My 13 year old isn’t vaccinated at all and is the healthiest and most “typical” of the 3.

22157483? ago

Avoid like the plaque

22155948? ago

What is a great way to destroy a population?

Introduce contaminants to destroy the DNA of future generations, use your power as lawmakers to force everybody to ingest said contaminants (while making them pay your through their insurance for the privilige, of course)

22155945? ago

Disgusting…Thank goodness my wife and I fought and refused any vaxxes for both our kids! Still battling today with the schools and stuff. It's a total joke.

22165693? ago

More power to you patriot and your wife! Hang strong.

22158662? ago

We’ll be battling that one til the bitter end, along with that “free and appropriate education” they’re supposed to be getting,

22156445? ago

A Very BAD joke ❗

22155938? ago

Many THANKS to this BRAVE scientist.

Truth telling is rebellious act in a tyranny.

PRAY HARD that Dr Deisher remains safe.

22155817? ago

Follow ages and birth rates throughout England from 1300s,-1900 60s-70 or higher year old deaths no medicines or vaccines. Birth rates that I saw 1600- 1800s 16-19 kids per family, The women were having kids into late 50s. look at now struggles everywhere, We have already been poisoned, We need to protect future generations

22164908? ago

Stfu w/o population control we are doomed.

22155691? ago

We are occupied and sabotaged. Slavers don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.

This is just covert crimes against humanity in a war on us our occupiers pretend they're not engaged in.

22155590? ago

I know lots of people who have had kids recently. to my knowledge they all vaccinated. You would assume if vaccines were literal poison, at least one of them would have adverse effects. That wasn't the case. Not saying anything other than what I'm saying.

22161355? ago

As they get older, you'll probably see an increase in autoimmune disorders, ADHD, acne, food sensitivities, cancer, et cetera.

22156388? ago

Vaccines probably don't all come from the same source/manufacturer. IDK what to think about all this. I do know in the 70s, there were several news bits and "feel good" stories about autism. Each news bit or story ended with a positive outlook about autism as in the children were exceptionally gifted and perhaps this was why they were autistic. Then came the 80s, and more and more children were being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and the "feel good" stories of exceptionally gifted dissipated. I always thought the hippie drug culture of the 60s and 70s is what damaged the parental/child DNA. However, am uncomfortable with fetal DNA (non-self) in the vaccines. How do we know what the fetal DNA is and if it is healthy or damaged? Lots of questions.

22155618? ago

You don't understand the extent of the damage. There are over 150 diseases now listed in vaccine inserts. These include the neuro-developmental diseases, ADD, ADHD, language delays, speech delays, tics, Tourette Syndrome, ASD, and autism. The auto-immune disorders, Guillan-Barre, multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. The anyphylactic diseases, food allergies, rhinitis, asthma, and eczema. Not to mention the weaponized cancer found in this study.

22155832? ago

This really needs to be higher up in the messaging. People just see framing of the anti-vaccine argument as "Vaccines make kids retarded" and dismiss everything.

22155561? ago

Couple of things here. First, your average NPC/normie is not going to read past the first paragraph of this letter so no one is getting redpilled by this being widely distributed. The only media that will actually awaken the masses are short, vital videos and memes. That's the only way to reach these people at this point in time. Second, doctors can write open letters of the most convincing and scientific nature and no fucks from politicians or Big Pharma lobbyists will ever be given. None. Their agenda will push on harder and stronger than ever and the masses remain woefully ignorant to what really going on.

22155543? ago

Stanford is a CIA shop. This article is fucking worthless.

22155650? ago

Haha go fuck yourself. The CIA wants us vaccinated retard.

22169175? ago

Why would I go fuck myself? Your Mom is always available.

22171946? ago

But my mom isn't a dude, and you're a faggot, so what use would you have for a woman?

22176635? ago

Good come back. Reminds of the time we were all running a train on your slut mother. Good times in deed. Only thing surprising about the whole event, I didn't know your mom was a nigger lover. Not surprised though.

22155416? ago

excellent thank you!

22155396? ago

Quality post. OP's like you are making Voat an informative place and I thank you for the work you put into sharing this information!

22155274? ago

So they're putting some chosen line of human DNA into vaccines, and they also happen to have a "contaminant" in the vaccine that helps introduced DNA integrate into the existing DNA? Am I reading that right? That is genetic modification of the population on a mass scale. What direction are they pushing us evolutionarily? Ehat traits are they inserting into our DNA? That's what I want to know.

Also, I work at an autism school. Every one of my students has physiological difficulties that come along with their autism, sometimes even autoimmune disorders. Yet they maintain that autism is strictly a "mental illness." It is not what they are saying it is, and I see that with my own eyes every day.

22164890? ago

I’m holding out for the creation of Niggerpox.

22158380? ago

It causes an immune response, which turns inflammatory. This inflammation occurs in the brain with autism. The reason boys are more likely to have autism Im guessing is because they are XY and missing the extra leg of DNA that the XX of females have which must protect them to some degree.

22161268? ago

That's right. And I was told by DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctors that these kids have impaired detoxification pathways (methylation). Girls naturally produce glutathione due to higher estrogen levels, while boys naturally produce less, and glutathione is a major component in methylation.

22158378? ago

Many of our kids will never marry. There’s your population control problem solved.

22156483? ago

Autism simply put is brain damage. Different levels of brain damage create different levels of autism. Typical things that go along with this are gut issues. Many parents have been able to bring their kids back by stopping vaccinations, special diets, healing the gut is an AMAZING tool when it comes to changing the behavior of children. There is so much information out there on this subject its just not pushed in our faces.

22158898? ago

Yes, gut healing is the best way!! All of my students have strange eating habits and/or serious digestion problems, which suggests great imbalances in the gut. Look up the GAPS diet by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. This has helped thousands recover from autism and other mental health issues. Healing the gut is the key to health!!

22158413? ago

Doctors don’t require much nutrition education to pass their Boards. And their continuing education comes from Big Pharma. And as a Mom to 3 ASD kids, I would limit the term “brain damage” with your parents and students. I know what you meant.

22226904? ago

Maybe its just me, but I don't see how the term "brain damage" is some how insulting. its a simple fact, its not meant to be mean, or some how call someone stupid or whatever is going through your warped brains in thinking this way. Brain damage is simply that - brain damage. The brain was damaged, yes it might cause many good things but a good majority it causes problems that the person has to live with for the rest of their lives. Its a simple fact. Stop being so easily offended.

22227281? ago

Perhaps if you had disabled children, you might be able to understand my point of view. At the end of the day, I really don’t care what you think.

22158025? ago

healing the gut is so underrated!!

22157199? ago

I wouldnt say my aspergers is brain damage its given me super powers.


22158771? ago

I'd say the same thing.

22158442? ago

My daughter has Asperger’s too. I don’t consider her “damaged” either. God doesn’t make mistakes.

22159697? ago

This right here is the problem. I know you love your kid but refusing to admit she has a disability is holding her and millions of others back from healing and possible treatment. Autism is neural malformation, they cant socialize properly or relate to normal people at all. A lot of people with Autism cant speak or function on their own or take care of themselves. They have major meltdowns as kids which cause their parents to live in fear of going out and being isolated and resentful. It is suffering, it is hell, it is alienating, and it is not a speshul fucking superpower.

22159889? ago

Oh please... of course it’s a disability! I know it’s a disability. I have 3 of them, and if you knew what I’ve gone through in the past 16 years to care for them and set them up for success, you might have a different opinion of me. I’ve been around enough autism to know when one might be speaking/posting, and sometimes, a little compassion is needed.

22165320? ago

You have 3 autistic children? Did you vaccinate all of them?

22165917? ago

My first 2 are fully vaccinated. My youngest is not, and is the highest functioning.

22159888? ago

You are so ignorant its not even fathomable to explain how so. My eye sight is 20/15 corrected i see in the dark like nobody else my hearing has been tested off the charts super sonic i know yoga and martial arts with out ever studing them, i got a 99 on my asvab test could pick any field of study. The list of gifts goes well beyond any resonable explaination. I with aspergers was a football star capt, i did the obsticle course in the marines so well my Di was astonished and told me you have a gift, ran the pt test with pnumonia. Im not what you call super powered i dont know what is. And yes i woukd be considered special. So go learn to read and reserch because you sir mam faggot sound like a sure fired ignoramus.

22165235? ago

all this any retard could do

22155859? ago

Rather, those with similar DNA are more likely to have an autoimmune response, ie develop autism. If anything it is used to target those with similar DNA. Good odds it's common to a large swath of whites.

22159051? ago

The aborted baby used for the cell line MRC-5 is known to be a white male that was aborted for "psychiatric reason". So the vaccine will effect white male babies the most.

22165223? ago

It affects boys more across the board. I read somewhere its common in little male niglets too.

22158682? ago

It’s 8:1

Autism with type A blood: Autism with other blood types

Also, cancer is more prevalent in type A blood. I work in a hospital. I can look at a patient’s problem list & accurately guess their blood type. If they have cancer that has metastasized & nothing seems to work... they’re most likely type A.

It’s fascinating what your blood type can reveal. It’s a suppressed subject.

22160230? ago

Interested in what you might have noticed about rh factor. So many rumors swirl around about it.

22163343? ago

Rh is my favorite subject. I rarely see a negative in the hospital. If I do it’s “autoimmune” or cancer from outside factors like 60 year pack per day smoker.

I usually can pick out Rh negative people in general, I’m a negative. There are traits that negatives have, mental & physical. I’ve read that O negative people cannot get HIV, but there’s no way to prove this because the information about negatives is hidden. I’ve read that many elites are negative, I once found this fascinating. Now I find it troubling because those “elite” are the evil, corrupt cabal.

The origins of the negative blood type isn’t known, just hypothesis’s’. If anyone has information, please share!

And while I’m on this subject, the Rhogam shot had mercury in it until 2001 and caused many side effects for mothers & baby. The US gives the shot during pregnancy & after. The UK only gives it after birth. I’m convinced there’s a lot more than what meets the eye. Screening for negatives, then poisoning offspring...

22169744? ago

I'm Rh negative. Just an anomaly. No one in my immediate family is Rh- There is a guy, Robert Sepehr who has some interesting videos about the Basque people and their higher incidence of Rh-. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zWTnCmcH3zek/

I don't have any data about the elites being more Rh-, just rumors. I'd like more data about it.

I've read rumors about left handed, green eyes, red hair, having higher incidence. I'm lefty and sometimes have green eyes, so interested in finding out more.

I am never significantly ill, distrust the medical establishment, and am sensitive enough to my own physiology to self heal with diet or supplements.

I'm fascinated by the subject but everyone I know (all the Rh+ people) tell me it's just a genetic anomaly. It's like they don't even understand basic genetics, so I don't talk to them about it. I do think there is a key to understanding the gaps in our history there, though.

22174786? ago

It’s scary how much we are alike. I am from 2 positives. My sibling is positive. My children are all positives. I have one grandparent on each side that was negative, but they passed before I was 3, I can barely remember them.

My eyes change colors. I’m right handed for writing, most likely because it’s what I was taught. With every activity I use my left side, left eye dominant. Blonde hair while my family has brown.

I’m never significantly ill either. I do not trust western medicine. I’m fascinated with probiotics, fermented foods, and herbs. I attempt to lessen my chemical burden as much as possible. Vaccines & cancer “therapy” are evil.

I’m smarter than most, easily get along with most. The love of my life is AB+, my complete opposite.

I know there’s more to being negative, I can feel it. My intuition is spot on. I sometimes feel like my grandpa (deceased, negative) enlightens me with ideas/knowledge. It’s hard to explain.

22647967? ago

I've been wanting to reply, but LIFE. So, my grandfather that passed before I was born was the Rh- around me. He visits me in dreams and is one of my primary guides from the other side, though there are a few others. I tend to attract in some major spiritual energy and aware people. I'm also rarely ill unless I'm upset (when a dog friend died, I got gravely sick from being too much in grief). There is definitely something to Rh- and I have been researching. This is the line that is making the most sense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZqJsX-Gfgo

22156533? ago

hmmm, so that is why it is more common in males than females.

The prevalence ratio is about 4 males for every 1 female diagnosed. Currently, one in every 42 males and one in 189 females in the United States is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. (Per Wikipedia)

Not proof, just anecdotal, but one of the youtubers I watch regularly had a male / female set of twins. The male is autistic and the female is normal. The kids just turned 18, and yes they are white. They are not identical twins, obviously, but they should have some similar DNA, but the girl was not affected.

22226926? ago

I read a study done on boys and girls to find out why more boys were getting autism than girls, I can't remember exactly but I think it was something about the testosterone levels in the boys can make it worse. Something they have that girls don't have as much as... I wish I could remember off the top of my head.

22158460? ago

Testosterone inhibits the body’s ability to rid itself of heavy metal.

22156277? ago

Not quite. Similar DNA is necessary for organ transplants to reduce the autoimmune response. More likely the low prevalence of autism in blacks is because retardation is normal so autism doesn't look unusual.

22155599? ago

So more accurately, the human DNA in vaccines helps the vaccine's delivery into your own body. It doesn't merge the DNA with yours, but it does introduce a contaminant that triggers many peoples' autoimmune system to fight it or shut down.

22227023? ago

That is the purpose of the adjuvent, which is typically aluminum. The reason mostly the DNA is found in vaccines is because the vaccine is created in the DNA. A shit ton of horrible debilitating viruses (to include cancer causing viruses like SV-40 virus) is found in Monkeys. They create some vaccines in monkey kidney cells, also dog and pig DNA etc are found in vaccines. Its sick if you go on the CDC website and read the ingredients on vaccines its disgusting. Either way, your body sees it as a foreign body and anything else in there - why do you think we had such an UP surge in the amount of kids that were suddenly deathly allergic to peanuts - they were using peanut protein in a couple vaccines which caused the body to learn to attack that peanut protein. Same with the yeast protein, people are highly allergic to gluten. etc etc etc...

22156930? ago

I'm referencing this point in the article:

"It is therefore possible that the HERVK gene fragment present in the MMR vaccine is active, codes for the integrase or the envelope protein, and thus has the potential to induce gene insertion, fostering insertional mutagenesis and autoimmunity."

The insertional mutagenesis is the key point.

22156234? ago

The human cells are used to cultivate the live virus. The virus is then deactivated so it's safe to administer. The concept is tried and tested and sound. The implementation is flawed. Or perhaps intentionally harmful.

The misinformation surrounding vaccinations is especially curious and shows further information is necessary, but this only creates more controversy and misinformation.

22227047? ago

Its interesting to me that considering the majority if people saying vaccines is a good idea tend to believe in evolution, so tell me.. if you believe in evolution or talking about them believing in it, how did humans manage to stay alive for hundreds of thousands of years without vaccines?

22227328? ago

The same way diseases evolved. They only kill a percentage of victims or the disease doesn't get to spread. Ebola for example has no long term implications because an outbreak will kill people too quickly.

So if measles, mumps, and rubella only kill 5% each, that's roughly 15 more children you must have and raise too pass on your family line.

22155528? ago

Who knows what kind of aborted hellspawn DNA they are using. There are now 150 diseases listed on vaccine inserts. And then in Sept. 2019 we had this study:

Genetic sequencing of common vaccine finds entire male human genome from aborted human baby with abnormal, modified genes. 560 of those genes are linked to cancer.

Vaccines are routinely formulated with aborted human fetal cells known as MRC-5 and WI-38. The linked study is the complete genome sequencing of this MRC-5 cell line that’s deliberately inserted into multiple vaccines.


MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 14 week old aborted caucasian male fetus, aborted for psychiatric reason. The cell line was isolated by J.P. Jacobs and colleagues in September 1966...

The Corvelva team summarized their findings as follows:

  1. The fetal cell line was found to belong to a male fetus.

  2. The cell line presents itself in such a way that it is likely to be very old, thus consistent with the declared line of the 1960s.

  3. The fetal human DNA represented in this vaccine is a complete individual genome, that is, the genomic DNA of all the chromosomes of an individual is present in the vaccine.

  4. The human genomic DNA contained in this vaccine is clearly, undoubtedly abnormal, presenting important inconsistencies with a typical human genome, that is, with that of a healthy individual.

  5. 560 genes known to be associated with forms of cancer were tested and all underwent major modifications.

  6. There are variations whose consequences are not even known, not yet appearing in the literature, but which still affect genes involved in the induction of human cancer.

  7. What is also clearly abnormal is the genome excess showing changes in the number of copies and structural variants.

  8. The contaminant fetal DNA present in all samples analyzed in varying quantities is up to 300 times higher than the limit imposed by the EMA for carcinogenic DNA.

What’s clear from this genetic sequencing is that the vaccine industry is inoculating children with engineered cancer.

This would, of course, ensure long-term revenues from the cancer drugs that are also manufactured and sold by the same pharmaceutical giants that manufacture and market vaccines.

22156118? ago

And the fact that it contains aborted cells at all means it has endured the trauma of being ripped apart in the womb. Meaning all the already horrific scientific facts aside, this doesn't even get into the energetic aspects of having a murder victim's cell memory inserted into your being..

22156230? ago

And the MRC-5 cell line used in vaccines is from a baby aborted for some psychiatric reason. This is the DNA injected into infant's bodies.


22155452? ago

They are trying to normalize it. The word "neurodiversity" has popped up in normie circles lately and I just roll my eyes so hard. Its not a special talent or that they are "just born different" they are neurologically damaged. This is a disease, a disability, yet they act like these kids are not suffering.

22158871? ago

Exactly. That movement for acceptance of mental illness is completely missing the mark. They are trying to normalize mental illness, which ignores the suffering experienced by the ones who have it, their families, and all who know and love them. It also traps people in victim mentality and blinds them to the fact that healing is possible.

22156059? ago

I just saw that term today, and it made me cringe as well.

22155262? ago

I just don't get how people in this community wanting truth aren't hip to the real vaccine agenda. To not understand ALL of these institutions have been infiltrated and subverted is proof of how much brainwashing needs to be undone here.

Thank you for posting this.

22158543? ago

Pediatricians are taught to vaccinate the world. Not 70% or 80%. They want 100%, which means multiple doses and everyone is different. Before my kid’s vax injury, I would dutifully catch him up on his vaccines after he had been sick. Will never forgive myself for that.

22161682? ago

Same here. Knowing what I know now, I'd choose the measles for my kid over vaccine injury any day.

22156279? ago

There is indeed a ton of brainwashing to be un-done. Pretty much everything we learned was corrupted. Some topics are easier than others to undo, and I it's different for each person

22155193? ago

who ever was on WMAL this morning was pushing Vaccines hard, just seemed strange on that station

22155163? ago

It seems to me that the use of animal DNA in vaccines is actually incrementally turning humans into animals. This is perhaps the mysterious nature of non-verbal autism.

22155137? ago


Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.

Future topic.

Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb).

Think AIDS.

Future topic.




22155125? ago

Bill Gates didn't want his kids vaccinated. That's all I need to know.

22162370? ago

Gates openly said that vaccines were a good way to reduce the world's population.

22155279? ago


22156873? ago

Google it.

22155496? ago

Yeah no shit, that would be the biggest normie redpill of the century. I wanna see that source too

22158337? ago

Better yet... check out the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). It’s a non profit, bipartisan watchdog organization. You can look up any vaccine and see pros and cons. www.nvic.org.

22155112? ago

The only thing that matters is neither the suppliers nor the so-called regulators have transparent accountability. As a result of the suppliers possessing zero moral hazard for their actions and conduct, we have zero moral responsibility to engage with them.

22155351? ago

Exactly anon.


“Transparency serves to achieve accountability, which means that government and authorities can be held responsible for their actions.

Without transparency and accountability, trust will be lacking between a government and those whom it governs.”

I.e. Because without transparency and accountability, government and authorities will end up being controlled by the deep state / Cabal and the awake citizenry will (rightfully) not trust it.

22155007? ago

OP, where did this come from originally?

Where was this letter originally adressed?

22154965? ago

Vaccines are safe. I had several while in the military. Vaccines you have no clue existed. Stop following the dumbed down conspiracy theory crowd and use your own head.

22156138? ago

Just because you had them as an ADULT and didn't suffer ill effects does not mean it's safe to be pumping all this crap into children and INFANTS.

Edit: typo

Huge difference IMO.

22156203? ago

I had vaccines as a child as well. All's good. Healthy as an OX the VA say's.

22155840? ago

Well they turned you into a faggot kike.

22155846? ago

Nah ..

22155518? ago

Or maybe you're just more easily mind controlled due to all the vaccinations you've had?

22155628? ago

Mind Controlled? Pretty sure that while you're pointing that proverbial finger you have three more pointing back at yourself. You really shouldn't talk about yourself that way. Although it is obvious.

22155682? ago

I stand by my statement, vaccinated people lose their cognition and regurgitate things they hear about the three fingers pointing back, etc. while pointing at "anti-vaxxers" as the problem when, by vaccine logic, anti vaxxers are no threat to anyone. Vaccine logic is a fallacy, many of those vaccines you got were experiments.

22155717? ago

I said nothing about anti-vaxxers. YOU DID. It doesn't matter to me if one chooses to get vaccinated or not. However there is ZERO proof that vaccines cause autism. You're just regurgitating what the fringe conspiracy theorists say. lol

22155753? ago

Zero proof? Ok, nevermind the secret vaccine court that hands out billions of taxpayer dollars with the only caveat being an NDA to get the money. Sorry for you that you've been so colonized but hey, thanks for not being a mandatory vaxxer, at least you still have some semblance of humanity.

22155807? ago

There isn't a scintilla of proof. I have had several vaccines while in the Military bub. Zero wrong with me. My kids were vaccinated. All three are A - B students.

22157957? ago

More propaganda Conspiracy no need to click the link.

22157964? ago


My head is proudly up my ass and I'm not pulling it out for anything.

22157978? ago

I know your head is up your ass.

22157994? ago

Yawn, thanks for playing Yaniv.

22158010? ago

Yawn, thanks for playing dweeb.

22158041? ago

Hey, you never answered the questions:

who grades your A and B receiving HOMESCHOOLED kids? How do you support a single-wage-earning household AND spend your days trolling voat?

22158030? ago

^^ Here you are continuing to prove that your cognition has been so fucked up that all you can do is mimic, you can't even come up with your own insults.

22156352? ago

All three are A - B students.

All that means is that they're good little conformists, just like their daddy. High IQ people tend to be horrible at indoctrination but not you guys. I'd think twice before being proud of that.

22156517? ago

They are home schooled. Now what?

22157911? ago

So who's grading them? How do you afford to raise kids on one salary and spend your days here? LOL at you and your moving targets!

22155900? ago

And you've done thorough research on the subject? Multiple studies linked to by the OP (aka proof) are sitting there waiting to be debunked, but you'd rather ignore that than acknowledge that MMR vaccines could be the reason your kids have cancer in their 30s or explain the explosion of ADHD diagnoses.

Someone your "several vaccines" have you talking out of your ass. You don't know shit, so stop arguing on behalf of big pharma jews who won't vaccinate their own kids.

22156014? ago

Obviously you have never served in the Military. Ask someone who has served. They will tell you that in Boot you receive 21 vaccines right from the jump your third week. Then you are vaccinated every so often after that... contingent upon your length of service.

No one is getting cancer from MMR.

The cancers are coming from above you. Yeah that is how dumbed down you people are. You're breathing in chemicals sprayed right over your head. You're drinking chemicals and eating chemicals daily. You clean with chemicals.

It's the chemicals not the vaccines.

22156387? ago

Ask someone who has served. They will tell you that in Boot you receive 21 vaccines right from the jump your third week.

Everyone I know who has served ends up hospitalized every few years with some mystery illness no doctor can even diagnose let alone treat, like white pustules all over the body that ooze measurable toxins "for no apparent reason" - lucky you that your body conformed nicely. If you're a white guy, they made sure to use that info to figure out how to keep the white man down.

22156508? ago

I am German/Scottish decent. Most of the people you are mentioning at the VA is due to chemical and biological weaponry that is used. However .. the Pentagon doesn't allow you Civi's to know that bit of information.

There is no obscure program with-in the Military making sure the white man or woman is being targeted. Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that is spewing out of your mouth?

22157923? ago

WHEN did you serve? Under what president-s?

22156079? ago

Of course, chemtrails are totally real and measurable vaccine contaminants are totally fake.

Proof here that vaccines made this guy retarded. Case closed.

22156115? ago

I mentioned several factors bubba smith. I understand that you are sub zero IQ and very uneducated. Must of been the vaccines. lol

22156188? ago

There isn't a scintilla of proof. I eat multiple times per day and breathe unfiltered air. Zero wrong with me. My kids eat and breathe too. All three are A - B students.

22156246? ago

I am impervious to all disease and sickness.

22154985? ago

Read the information first before responding with your useless personal anecdotes.

22155018? ago

I don't need to read the information. I've read and researched every conspiracy theory angle on this subject. Vaccines are safe. PERIOD. I had several in the Miltary. I haven't been sick or had a cold in over 22 years. I am also a GENIUS.

22155955? ago

STFU sill, the HHS classifies vaccines as "unavoidably unsafe"

22156095? ago

22156141? ago

Shut up paid shill....even SCOTUS has ruled that vaccines have "unavoidable adverse side effects"

22156195? ago

Someone, somewhere, sometime, long, long ago and far away, said that, "The US Supreme Court has ruled that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe," referencing the use of the term in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth. And it has been repeated over and over. But it is not accurate. lol You people are so dumbed down you can no longer measure truth from lies.

That language was based on language from the Second Restatement of Torts (a legal treatise by tort scholars), adopted by most state courts in the mid-1960’s, that considered all vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe” products. The Restatement opined that such products, “properly prepared, and accompanied by proper directions and warnings, is not defective, nor is it unreasonably dangerous.”

The Bruesewitz v. Wyeth case interpreted the highlighted text below from the National Vaccine Injury Act to find that it did not permit design defect litigation – that issue had been unclear since 1986, and different state high courts and federal circuits had decided the issue differently. So, Ginger is correct that the US Supreme Court never decided that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” directly, but it acknowledged that Congress considers them to be so.

Sec. 300aa-22. Standards of responsibility

(a) General rule

Except as provided in subsections (b), (c), and (e) of this section State law shall apply to a civil action brought for damages for a vaccine-related injury or death.

(b) Unavoidable adverse side effects; warnings

(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1,1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.

(2) For purposes of paragraph (1), a vaccine shall be presumed to be accompanied by proper directions and warnings if the vaccine manufacturer shows that it complied in all material respects with all requirements under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act."


22156227? ago

It's a 2011 ruling paid shill

22156260? ago

It is what it is. Vaccines do not cause autism. PERIOD.

22156349? ago

How much does big pharma pay you shill? How about Dr.Hilleman on camera admitting the shots cause cancer and that "is" the intended side effect? I hope patriots finally take charge of the government. We will push for you types to be identified and charged with your part in the mass culling and poisoning of humanity.

22156602? ago

No one is paying me anything. I use my own mind and do my own research.? Dr.Hilleman on camera admitting the Salk Polio vaccine caused cancer in Monkeys. Not humans. lol

22161595? ago

Liar, humans not monkeys, even the CDC admitted it....PAID pharma shill, also fuck you.

22155550? ago

Anyone who says they are a GENIUS is by definition a moron.

22155605? ago

That is what I was told after taking tests. So sorry you're jealous.

22155116? ago

He's also too modest to mention that he eats his own nail clippings: a REAL man.

22154944? ago

Not being a scientist, the vaccine debate is somewhat out of reach for me. IN MY GUT, I know that the increased frequency of shots and the increased number of viruses in each shot are not good. On top of that, the increase seems like the very kind of evil thing the libs/progressives would push through to assist the cabal. The vitriol against anyone who questions vaccines is over the top, so much that it is clearly coordinated and swallowed whole by the same sheeple who spout MSM fake news talking points all day. Since most people aren't scientists, debates on subjects like vaccines and climate change often seem won by whoever can persuade the largest audience, and thus create the loudest voice. We need a coalition of scientists all reporting these same facts, so that as a skeptical person I can support to adversaries my gut feeling that something is wrong with vaccines. And climate change. Come on based scientists. Gather together and empower us with ammo to fight this battle. I don't mean individual scientists coming out against the current state of vaccines - I mean a coalition of scientists. Help us!

22238950? ago

Sadly... the majority of scientists and doctors who come out and speak out against this issue are either killed or their lives totally destroyed that no one will listen to them.

22156886? ago

Stepping up often means no more funding. No more funding = no more job. I bet a lot of scientists with families are afraid.

22156351? ago

This is easier said than done, though I want this to happen as well. Most scientific journals are corrupt and will not publish articles that would cause question. Journals are where scientific people go for trusted scientific information, because any scientist can review and repeat the experiments, and give feedback.

That being said, greenmedinfo has tons of articles and links to scientific literature related to health topics such as radiation damage (think 5g) and vaccine info. They also have some articles that are in more laymen's terms. I don't trust those fully, as I found holes in one if the articles, but many I have read there are good.

22155492? ago

This is my feeling too. It feels like gaslighting. The risks associated with jabs are downplayed while anyone that pipes up and says "something is wrong here" is labelled as crazy and a danger to public health. It is nigh impossible to find any impartial factual evidence online to argue the point for or against , its all just emotional reactionary stuff that trues to scare people. Personally I feel the push to vaccinate is so omnipresent and in my face I'm inclined to say no.

22154907? ago


Watch Dr. Tent's lecture on Autoimmune diseases.

22164903? ago

We could but we won’t.

22155268? ago

That was a very good read!

22154857? ago

Anything the government says to do, do the opposite. I have been thinking of water lately and the pyramid food chart. We are told we should drink 1 gallon per day, how many chemicals are we injesting per day? What foods on that chart are unhealthy and contaminated with pesticides? We need more articles like this from scientists who are tired of lying to the public and want to stop this madness,

22159746? ago

Ive never been able to drink the "required" amount of water a day. If I did I'd be back and fourth from the toilet like a whippet.

22158732? ago

Berkey water filter. Filters by gravity, no electricity. Additional filter for fluoride. It’s not cheap, but worth every cent.

22199631? ago

Was looking into this one but it's got some bad reviews. Is it really worth it?

22158502? ago

A better guideline would be half your body weight in ounces.

22156457? ago

A good majority of scientists and/or doctors that come out and try to fight for the truth like this end up dead.

22154938? ago

Anything the government says to do, do the opposite.

^This. Sad that in health department even Trump's admin hasn't made much difference.

22154830? ago

Here's some more info

Dump here - https://pastebin.com/LWwfmfQ4

22156949? ago

thanks anon

22154763? ago

I think living by this simple rule might be the best approach to life right now: Always do the opposite of what (((they))) want you to do.

22163129? ago

Lol... that’s my rule to live by. Think mirror!

22165686? ago

So you don’t wear you seat belt and smoke cigarettes all day?

22178027? ago

You are seriously fucking stupid. A seat belt is a safety device, not something being forcibly injected into your body.

22513709? ago

Oh wow. You really missed the point. Low IQ people all over trying to distract from Q.


22156025? ago

Doing the opposite is not always a good approach, as reverse psychology can often be employed to achieve the desired outcome.

22155890? ago

God's Plan for humanity is perfect and good. Evil opposes this Plan on every point and presents to humanity a choice. Deception being the tool of Satan puts the onus on every individual to choose proper actions and thoughts.

22155481? ago

Unfortunately (((they))) mix in plenty of truth and half-truth to gain trust.

Critical thinking is your best defense.

22160994? ago

Unfortunately (((they))) mix in plenty of truth and half-truth to gain trust.

Critical thinking is your best defense.

This is exactly correct. Jews are incredibly well educated. They work very hard to put themselves into positions in which they find themselves. It’s stupid to think otherwise, however they don’t have a monopoly on any industry, and can thus be stopped with basic critical thinking. Get off your ass and start studying.

22157910? ago

See Alex jones. Totally right sometimes then just causally leaves out Israel and other obvious truths. Then mixes in inter dimensional energy vampires to avoid saying jew

22158352? ago

And literally rants and raves like an actor in a movie because he IS an actor. Admitted in court his whole online persona is an act to avoid losing custody of his kid.

22155954? ago

Case in point: vaccinations.

The concept is sound. And so are many vaccinations. It’s specific ones, like the MMR vaccin this doc talks about, that are purposely dangerous.

22157426? ago

The concept of an antigen specific vaccine is a sound one, BUT, it is the adjuvants used with the vaccines that are causing the problems.

Adjuvants are used to highten immune response, as preservatives like heavy metals, or as leftover genetic material from the manufacturing process. These adjuvants have not been adequately tested - especially when vaccines are given in combination and may have adjuvants that are possibly cross reacting.

On Dec 2 the WHO held a summit on vaccine safety and admitted that vaccines are posing a danger to the public and that more testing must be done on the vaccine adjuvants.

In addition, many of the vaccines produced can effect certain populations differently. Vaccines, in a sense, can be used as biological weapons.

This is of the utmost importance to educate the public. The risk is real. The censorship is real. And the intimidation tactics against desent are also real. Educate yourself - Please.

22162349? ago

Immunity DOES NOT come from the end of a needle.

22158312? ago

Thimerosal was grandfathered into the FDA in 1939. Never safety tested and 49% ethyl mercury by weight.

22158704? ago

Most adjuvants have never been tested for safety. Actually, for me, the rogue genetic material contaminating vaccines is just as concerning, if not more so, than the heavy metals and squalene.

Manufacturers have, with complete disregard for the public, knowingly continued to distribute contaminated vaccines. We now have 3 generations that have been damaged and had their lives shortened by vaccine contamination.

Vaccine antigens can help irradacate disease and save lives. However, their delivery is a poison pill. We need safe and effective vaccines - but what is being pushed upon us and our children is anything but effective and much less safe.

22156436? ago

Not a single vaccine is "good". You are still lacking information on the subject. I have studied this over 10 years and there is not a single vaccine out there that is in anyway sound, safe, ethical etc. Look up Dr. Andrew Moulden "All vaccines cause harm" on you tube. He is dead by the way, they killed him about 2 weeks before he was going to publish is work on the harm vaccines do to our brains.

22162341? ago

^^This^^ Dr. Moulden's writings are stellar. Read about zeta potential. Dr. Moulden was murdered. Most of his writings were scrubbed from the internet. I downloaded everything that I could find, including a few videos. I don't know what's left online. I'd be willing to share what I have if folks are interested.

22199595? ago

I'm interested in whatever you got bro

22210512? ago

Do you skype? I can drop docs there to you.

22232350? ago

No I don't. How about a dropbox or google drive or mega download link?

22249394? ago

Looks easy to upload files to dropbox. I am not crazy about putting my name anywhere online. How will you find my docs on dropbox?

22260833? ago

You don't need to use your real name. Just create a free account with a fake name. Then you get a share link to the files you upload. Simple google search bro.

22278732? ago

there are 2 files but the third produces errors in the upload. I tried changing the title but it didn't make a difference. THAT file is the book, "Every Vaccine Produces Harm". It was a kindle book and it's no longer on amazon, which I suspected would happen. That's one large reason that I type the books into pdf files. I don't see how you can have it.....make a skype account?

22278351? ago

look for Roger That on dropbox; am uploading files now

22281396? ago

Paste a share link here (right click the file)

22275799? ago

Thank you. I did not think of creating another account--already made one awhile back. That would do it. I will address that after an appointment I've got in a bit. I really want to share the files with those who are interested.

22240560? ago

I have dropbox, not sure how to send files though

22155827? ago

Not to mention the theoretical (and actual) GUN to your head about many things they "require".

22155752? ago

Nailed it. Half truths abound, but ultimately they lead to full lies in practice.

Another topic is the sun. We've been convinced the sun is out to kill us, so we slap on the chemicals and tarp our retinas with UV protection polarized sunglasses. Which if anyone looks at the literature blocking or filtering sun exposure constantly ruins hormonal and neurotransmitter levels, and destroys Vitamin D levels which ironically raises the risk for most cancers and heart disease.

"Health and Light" by John Ott red pills on this.

22158756? ago

But then you have the fuckwits who think that "sun gazing" is good for you and encourage you to stare into the sun. Good to send you blind, more like.

22158026? ago

The "sun" lolololol.

More like Israeli light emitting craft, big nose!

22157133? ago


22155502? ago

^^ this

Whether it's esoteric or physical information, they always give you 85% good information so they can totally fuck you over and manipulate you with the other 15%.

22154746? ago

Oh FFS you and the flat earthers need to go on a South American retreat and stay there.

22154911? ago

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

22154873? ago

Try responding to the information instead of your low IQ cognitive dissonance tantrum.