22168256? ago

The older I get, the more doctors I see to try to fix shit. None of them can fix anything. They all offer ongoing treatment to reduce symptoms, and all the pills you can swallow.

22168416? ago

Modern doctors are prescription writing drones trained to treat symptoms. They are worthless hucksters for big pharma.

22166147? ago

WOW. That one hellova read. My birth year 1991. No history on mothers or fathers of diabetes or excema - I have both. I'm not overweight, I work out regularly in addition to being active in my personal life. One my thing about me...F'N PISSED.

22164945? ago

Avoid them . No vaccinations for my kids.. no One cause of death in the world is prescription medicine.

22164814? ago

I've learned to do WITHOUT healthcare (seat of evil these days). They want $1850 a MONTH from me to NOT go to the doctor, then $7K deductible? (silver plan). FUCK OFF. I die when I die, I'll go get street drugs for the pain when the time comes maybe.

Until niggers DIE from their gunshot wounds, you've picked THEM over ME. That's pretty much EVIL over good.

22164295? ago

plus there is glyphosate. in the vaccinnes and also aborted baby DNA in the vaccinnes. Crap they are changing our DNA. sick liars.

thanks for the post.

how do we end this nightmare for our children.

22161563? ago

I have a chronic condition. I believe I got it from taking Avelox for a sinus infection 10 years ago. I’ve never been the same since. Didn’t know about the dangers of taking strong antibiotics.

22161010? ago

smoke weed every day rip in pieces lil peep gang gang

22160577? ago

They want you to die, after millions of dollars spent

22163419? ago

Exactly. The medical industrial complex is just another way to separate you from your money.

22159891? ago

I have six kids. I had eleven brothers and sisters. I had over fifty cousins. I didn’t know a single person with a peanut allergy. Why do all my kids have food allergies? Because they were born after 1989.

This is true. I have 3 siblings and I graduated HS in 1980. Growing up, none of us had, or knew, anyone with peanut allergy. Back then, if anyone said they had a food allergy, they would be told to STFU and eat because they were just trying to get out of eating something they didn't want to eat.

22163907? ago

Same here. And now I have a kid with a peanut allergy.

22159830? ago

Change your diet! You are running on the wrong fuel. You are not intended to eat Carbohydrates as a primary source of energy. Eat fat the same as your body stores for energy later. Fat 9 calories per gram, 4 calories per gram for carbs. Your body goes through hell trying to process the food intended for the lower rung on the food chain. You can't feel better by buying more stuff or listening to the doctor that benefits from your illness. Open your eyes and realize they lied to you and an apple a day doesn't keep the Dr away.. it gives him a job. Also 53 percent of us die from heart disease because carbs harden your arteries since your not supposed to be eating them. Horses and cows are and it then makes your heart explode because your prolonged carb loading has jacked your whole system. Kills 1 out of 2 of us! It will correct so many things you wouldn't believe. Diabetes, cancer, behavioral issues, everyones systems are out of wack so they think they need this or that or don't feel right because your body is trying to tell you. They are preying on that by selling you stuff and then drugs to make you feel different. Just misreading the signal your body is sending you. Tired all the time? Hungry all the time? Thinking about how your feel constantly? Fear porn is easily believed by a person running with sugar brain for the fact that Ketones power part of your brain and if your body doesn't know how to process it's primary source of energy and hence you are not producing ketones and part of your brain is not lighting up.. Try it you'll thank me, as we are all the same, human! Peace and much love! Ciao. xD

22164886? ago

What about protein? Can you give some examples of some foods to eat?

22165374? ago

Protein is your building blocks. So eat protein, just chose to burn fat as your energy source instead of carbs. Worst thing you can do is mix the two in my opinion.. just about everyone I know carb loads everyday and their bodies don't even know how to burn fat or process it. Your primary fuel source, kind of sad that everyone has never experienced life running on the correct fuel. It changed my life.. look up the keto diet. Once you switch over and your body is running correctly, efficently, you'll figure out what healthy truly is and find a person you never knew existed. Everyone is sick! Obesity, diabetes, cancer, behavioral issues, the list goes on and on it's because of misinformation. Copy cat syndrome, monkey see monkey do. Everything makes sense, look into it and give it a try. Takes months to get fat adapted but once you get running on fats and processing them efficiently it's obvious, atleast was for me. I eat mostly meat, healthy fats, butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, cheese, eggs, heavy cream, all the good stuff! Most people die from heart attacks thinking they are eating healthy, they never figure out what it feels like. Sick their entire lives. Sad.

22165204? ago

Rice and beans. Also check out: https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=05pe-dzwvNg

Hope it knocks your socks off and you share the shit out of it

22159683? ago

oh we know who always profits

22161883? ago

Those damn Hindus again!

22159649? ago

Duh, they are trying to kill us.

22159469? ago

Good share Patriot.

Have you looked into cancer? How to fix the body? This is my theory.

Drink only water for 30 days. After a few days, body changes from digesting food to healing body.

Since it has no food intake, body goes around eating all the crap. With intake of water, flushes all acid out of system, eating all the crap it doesn't need.

It's like a full body detox, only for the strong mind though.

22163783? ago


22159135? ago

Welcome to modern life. The average age of death for "natural cases" in the middle ages, aka anything that wasn't a contagious diseas or viking hacking to death, was 62 years old. The reason historians cite averages like 38 is because 1 out of 3 babies died in their first year. Generally is person lived past 10, they were very likely to make it to...about 62 years old.

i work in Medical records. I can tell you know that something like 50% of patients in hospices we bill for die about 65-68 years old. That utterly marginally better than 1000 years ago.

Meanwhile its well documented the top 1% meanwhile live an average of 30-40 years longer than the bottom 50% in every 1st world nation. Look at the "elite" 90-100 is the average age they kick the bucket. 62...or 95...its all depends on how much money you have.

And yes, I'm 37, and literally everybody I know of has a chronic medical condition and one of my friends already died of an untreated condition because he was trying to self-treat, because his insurance had a deductible that was 30% of his yearly income.

This is America, this is the glorious future we we told about right?

Fuck this and fuck us, we will all be dead soon. Good fuckin riddance to this shithole world filled with shithole people.

22163726? ago

Even when you have health insurance, the shit for brains doctors aren't trained to cure jack shit. They shrugtheir worthless fucking shoulders and hand you a prescription. They arent even doctors here, theyre drug dealers. Fucking worthless hospitals are extortion facilities.

22158954? ago

FML. I'm not exactly antivax, but I definately dont trust bigpharma and their agenda 21, with insane numbers of autistic kids, massive amounts of allergies, etc....

I plan on having kids, but so BOT want then getting 75 vaccines. How could someone get around this? Are there births at home where you can avoid getting shots? Maybe find a doctor who will give you a "yeah I gave the child these shots" but he actually "accidentally " shoots that shit in the garbage, just so we can get the certificate that the child is vaxxed? Do I have to raise the kids in a 3rd world country until they are past the age of vaccines?

I feel like they are ONLY pumping kids in the 1st world (aka white countries) with this shit, and the brown countries they leave alone...

How can I get around the bullshit???

22160178? ago

Home births, or birthing centers are your best bet. At the hospital they won't even gain consent before giving Hep B and vit K shots. (You can also receive vitamin K orally instead of the shot.) And then homeschool your children, which you should be doing anyway. And make sure you find a pediatrician who isn't going to call CPS claiming you abuse your children by limiting, delaying, or refusing vaccines.

22160326? ago

Thank you based pede. I still have a couple years before we make a few Patriots, I think home birth is best with a (what's that polish word for midwife, I forget) but homeschooling will be difficult, we will both have to work to love our current lifestyle, so I need to find a private school, or magnet or Montessori, even though I'm an atheist and dont want christfag childrape schooling...

The vaccines are my biggest worry, about how to sneak by, and have "the system " think the kids are vaxed when they arent, or they have gotten REAL vaccinations given to 3rs world people, and not the ones meant to destroy the 1st white countries...

22163926? ago

So don't "live your current lifestyle". Make sacrifices for your children. Why would you choose to hand them over to strangers who do not love them and willingly allow those strangers to be the biggest influence over who and what your children become?

22158766? ago

Money is in the treatment, not the cure.

22158906? ago

Jews also like the "soft kill" of gentiles.

22160647? ago

Don't the Jewish schools also require vaccinations??? Aren't they killing their own kids too? They do all live in this world and our neighborhoods, so it seems like they are screwed too.

22161948? ago

No, the Hasidics don't vaccinate at all. haven't you been paying attention to the news at all? They blamed the NY measles outbreak on the Hasidics.

22158669? ago

I was so healthy when I was young, no problems, was so happy when I went in the military the doctor they said healthy as a horse, no problems with teeth etc. In my 30s I started getting migraines. I had never had a headache, I didn't even know what a headache felt like, and all of the sudden I'm in the emergency room getting morphine for pain and phenergan for the nasea. So I went on this 20 year journey trying to resolve what that problem was, got diagnosed with sleep apnea, so now I have a stupid machine that was supposed to fix the headaches, got a bunch of work done in my mouth to fix my teeth issues, but now I have to take daily meds for chronic migraines and the reactionary triptans for immediate fix, if I don't I get them multiple times a week, then I got psorisis on my scalp - awful sores on back of my scalp - tried everything to resolve that to no avail, kidney stones, gall bladder stones - they removed my gall bladder now I shit like a goose, BPH so now I'm on some pill to help me pee because the rotor rooter I had 10 years ago didn't last - might have to do that again they said. I have always tried to eat healthy and exercise, I can't believe how I feel like I'm falling apart. I started eating whole food plant based diet for the last year, not much better. I don't know what to do at this point. I go to kaiser they don't know either, they just go, ok try this pill, if that doesn't work, increase the dose, if that doesn't work, we go to another pill and start all over again. Is it old age? I'm only 57.. I don't feel like I should be having all these problems. I quit taking flue shots a few years ago. No telling what the military pumped into me over the 20 years I was in...

22164911? ago

Try this. Switch to just meat and water. I know it says depression in the title, but it cured many problems he was having. Watch "Joe Rogan - Jordan Peterson's Carnivore Diet Cured His Depression?" on YouTube. https://youtu.be/HLF29w6YqXs

22159499? ago

Hang in there brother, we are all in this together.

22159638? ago


22159829? ago

Interesting, I've seen references to this but didn't pursue it. I couldn't see taking another drug, especially one that would trip you out.

My first concert when I was a kid in the 70's was a Rush concert. One of my friends gave me mushrooms to try, I think I took too many.

I remember taking them in the parking lot, then I "woke up" and was standing in line with the crowd to get in, then I woke up and was in front of the stage and nobody was around me the pace was empty, then I woke up and was sitting with my legs crossed on the floor in front of the stage and a lot of legs and feet were around me, then I woke up and I was standing in front of the stage and it was pitch black and a single spot light overhead came on and slowly descended on Getty and when he lit up he started to play, and then the next thing I knew I was up in the rafter seats by myself and the concert place was empty. Everybody was gone, I had to hitch hike home, to this day I have no idea what Rush played and never took shrooms again O.o

22160221? ago

Micro dosing won’t get you high. But god forbid if I started getting Migraines the first thing I’d be trying is psilocybin mushrooms.

22160904? ago

How does one acquire these?

How do you know what your getting so you don't poison yourself?

22165248? ago

Unless you know kids who deal drugs, the best way might be to grow them yourself. Spores are legal, and available online. As is instruction and equipment.

22159163? ago

First mistake, going to a doctor. Second mistake, doing what they say.

Let's fix your life. Or at least get a start.


Eat a carnivore diet, best cuts you can afford, as raw or rare as you can stand until healthy and have no more inflammation. Do your own health assessments, research c reactive protein, and other bio markers for ldl and hdl. Go direct to the lab. Forgo the doctor. Also Drink only water. Use the zero water filter brand.

Once healthy, eat steamed and cooked veggies, cruciferous and sprouts, with a few roots like beets, only those which have been a staple for humans the longest. Grow your own. You're not a ruminant with multiple stomachs, you can't process or benefit from raw vegetation. Our bodies are amazing natural chemists, but they can't absorb or process most of the nutrients on the label if its a plant, which is the biggest lie the vegetarians tell. Also Avoid nightshades and anything with cytokines like most legumes. Avoid soy like the plague it is. Has phytoestrogens. Does exactly what you think it would.


Hit the gym and lift as heavy as possible, legs and upper body days separately. Find a power lifter, not body builder, to coach you or at least talk with. Increase muscle mass to your maximum potential for your age asap. Eating mostly rare meat, make sure you get about 2 grams protein per pound lean body mass peer day while lifting heavy. Do Hiit cardio only on off days for 'rest'. Use row machine and bikes over tread mills while inside for low joint impact and high benefit, and do hill sprints or trail sprints when outside. 3 to 5 Hiit rounds twice a week and you're good.

Don't do Pr0n and stop batin'

Profit from long life and health.

Your welcome.

22159628? ago

Thank you! I know exercise is good for us. Even though I'm limited to what I can do by old back and knee injuries. I can't run or bike, but I walk every day. I'm just not sure about diet. I got dragged down by all these health issues and static tech job sitting in front of PC all day and night. Since I started that plant based diet and walking an hour every day I lost 40 lbs in 6 months. I feel better, but the health conditions haven't improved. There is so much conflicting information everywhere it's hard to know what to do or who's advice to take when you're not the subject matter expert, and even then, I find the subject matter experts are conflicted, or corrupt. I love meat, I would be happy to get my teeth back into a nice piece of meat, but that is what I was eating like before. I avoid soy, sugar and processed foods and only drink water.

22158604? ago

Thank for this! I find it interesting that there was the “satanic panic” in 1988... this 2018 article calls it hysteria, but given what we now know it was not unfounded. I found this quote telling:

“ Upon hearing a tale of alleged Satanic activity, people attempted to be more watchful...”

And it goes on blaming the religious right for ‘witch hunt’ mentality, and, of course, their use of ‘conspiracy theory’ to deny credibility.

And here we are today, with the same things going on, but much much worse.


22165012? ago

There were tunnels found under the mcmartin preschool just a few months ago. Seems like a different batch of fbi guys makes a difference.

22159519? ago

The "satanic panic" was just standard MSM fear mongering. That one was particularly ridiculous, but it's not like they haven't made similar bullshit claims, like the "pill parties" where teens would dump their parent's meds into a bowl and just take a handful of them. Or the 'tide pod craze'. Anything to have to avoid reporting real news.

22165006? ago

Satanic panic was recently proved true with the mcmartin preschool tunnels found.

22168705? ago

MSM made it like people were playing D&D to summon demons.

22158527? ago

Compelling info.

22158490? ago

I could write a book on what vaccines have done to my 4 kids and how my families life has been altered. The amount of parents with messed up kids is staggering and yet most still wont or can't connect vaccines because "you're crazy" if you think that way, fucking sheep.

22158123? ago

Does anyone know if the heads of these drugs companies take the vaxx's themselves?

22163772? ago

If not, let's tie them down and inject them with their own medicine.

22165650? ago

"medicine"? don't you mean poison?

22167250? ago

Well they claim it's medicine, so let's see what the result is. Just giving them a few doses for their health, of course!

22158588? ago

Makes me wish HIPPA was abolished and all medical records had to be forced into public. There might be downsides that I'm not aware of though.

22158112? ago

(((They))) are trying to kill us with biological weapons.

22163446? ago


22158086? ago

As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted with wealth will be corrupted.

Nearly everything is poisoned.

We are sabotaged. We are occupied.

22157956? ago

NEVER trust a mandatory vaxxer. If they're that fucked up on one area, they're that fucked up and tyrannical in all areas.

22157953? ago

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22157926? ago

Copied from the other thread:

I am a geneticist as I am staunchly against vaccines, much to the chagrine of many colleagues though more than our might think agree with me. If anyone has questions let me know. I am financially compensated by a university, a biotech company and the NIH. I have worked in academia and industry and seen the ins and outs of research, funding/granting, drug approval and vaccine approval (VERY different than drug approval). I can go into detai in dozens of reasons I don't trust vaccines all using either my personal knowledge and experience or the word of the CDC and vaccine doctors themselves


22160310? ago

please go into detail.

22169351? ago

Sorry to keep you waiting. My concerns break down to a few categories. Health effects, money, regulation/law, and the cover ups.

Health concerns are the fact the cdc STILL won't admit thiomerosal causes brain damage but doesn't cite a single source while I have 138 academic papers in a stack showing the various horrific effects that were known as early as the 50's. Most of Europe banned mercury preservatives in the 70's. Aluminum is another, it's an adjuvant used to boost the immune response but that also comes with autoimmune disease. 1 in 5 people have autoimmune disease. Autism and SIDS are totally new things since we started giving babies 100-1000x the amount of heavy metals that a full grown man should be exposed to. Vaccines contain formaldehyde, foreign DNA and protein which will cause immune response, aborted fetal cells, countless other viruses some of which cause cancer (notably the HPV and polio vaccines). This health angle is covered better by others but I can elaborate if needed.

Another issue is money. Most doctors pushing vaccines or researching them take massive payments in the millions from Merck, Pfizer, and GSK (the big name manufacturers). They cannot have an unbiased opinion while taking payments.

Before I go further I'd like to address my own biases. I have in the past been financially compensated by a pharma company though I am no longer working there. They did not have any involvement in vaccines but rather only in small molecule therapies for rare disease. My current NIH grant is genetic research and nothing to do with vaccines, and my university funding comes from a medical school paying me to research a human genetic disease (no vaccine connection either). That being said I have been paid by a number of organizations and even though none have vaccine links I am something of an insider in the pharma industry as a whole if you choose not to trust my opinion.

Anyway, vaccines also draw big money for NIH and other government bodies. If you research or distribute vaccines, you get well above average grant funding and kickbacks. The people at government bodies doing this are usually in turn on the payroll of the recipients. Ie you agree to give Merck $1,000,000,000 of taxpayer money, they cut you a check for $1,000,000. That sort of thing. I can't tell you amounts because I'm not high up enough to know personally but I was/am high up enough to know for a fact that goes on.

Regulation is another shocking area. Vaccines are fast tracked through approval in a process much different than drugs. Drugs typically take years, billions of dollars, strict control over preclinical and clinical work in cell lines and mice, then dogs, then primates and finally humans. These must be double blinded and placebo controlled.

Vaccines are not required to fulfill any of those requirements and typically receive approval in 6 months with no placebo controlled study. They are allowed to cause deaths in clinical trials. The trick they use is this: the "placebo" is the exact same shot except missing the antigen. So for flu, it just doesn't have the flu virus. It still contains aluminum, dna fragments, formaldehyde, whole cells from human fetal tissue, foreign protein such as albumin, sometimes mercury, and much more. So when both this "placebo" and the real vaccine cause say, 5 deaths, it gets approved because vaccine was no worse than "placebo". But it's not a real placebo and it still killed people. It sounds shocking but I've read the clinical trial data for Merck's vaccines and they admit it kills. Out of just a few hundred patients, the MMR vaccine killed 3 people if memory serves me.

Congress passed a law so you can't sue vaccine manufacturers for injury or death. You can sue any other company if their product injures to but not vaccines. Instead the government pays you hush money to the tune of $3.5 billion so far paid out.

Finally on this front, the cdc schedule is ridiculously aggressive. It calls for 8-9 shots in a single day for newborns then again later. In total, 72 doses are recommended when this number is 2 dozen in rest of the world. And all spaced out.

Finally, the whole thing is kept quiet. There's a massive propaganda campaign to keep it silent and shame anyone who points out the glaring problems. They try to mandate vaccines or force you if you want to attend public school. There are videos showing doctors forcibly administering vaccines against patients will. And yet no one will talk about it.

The evidence is so out of control they can't let us even talk about it at all. Doctors straight up won't report if you have vaccine injury. I have a lot more if anyone is interested this is the tip of the iceberg. I can link hundreds of papers and the CDC won't give you a single one. Doctors and scientists have started speaking out. Our children are ill and it's not normal. Hope that helps some.


22178079? ago

This is beyond me, you, and the Gov....I'm interested.

22170997? ago

Thank you.

22157879? ago

It's barbaric. And scary. Thanks for sharing.

22157853? ago

Today a chronic disease means:

"Hey doc, remember those pills you gave me last time? Well, turns out I'm addicted to them. Oh yeah, yeah of course I'm still in a lot of pain here. Cant you tell by the grimace on my face? Oh three months worth? Perfect, i feel better already. See ya in 3 months with a new excuse."

22157843? ago

Don't eat sugar, carbs, veggies, grain and corn fed meat or mold based cheeses. Also only use iodine salt as a spice. Your health will sky rocket. Drink raw cows milk as well. In closing, also eat your grass fed meat raw and eat organ meat. I have done so for about 8 months and I feel 20 years younger.

22159959? ago

what dumb faggot downvotes this

22166184? ago

Hans wormfood

22158567? ago

Any product recommendations you really like? Something you buy frequently?

22158751? ago

I eat as much grass fed beef as possible, as that is the most nutrient dense. Steaks when I can afford it, or else hamburger meat. Salmon is king of the fish. Makrel is good too. Else sardines. Gouda cheese is the best cheapest. Look for grass fed carnivores on youtube and what I eat in a day videos to get ideas.

22157677? ago

The majority owners of big pharma should all be executed for treason.

22159736? ago

How do we get rid of these people and change the policies? Seriously, i have kids and want to protect them.

22159791? ago

Vote only for open anti-semites, that also speak openly about white interests. Run yourself if you have the will for it.

Any other solution you should discuss with only people you've known forever on camping trips. Be sure to throw all phones in a Faraday cage first.

I always recommend giving Trump his 4 year chance for peace... Which doesn't look likely especially if he passes this H1B Legal ethnic cleansing bill.

22159569? ago

Medical associations too.

Do you have high blood pressure? You need medication, not to reduce your stress levels.

Do you have high cholesterol? You need medication and highly processed vegetable products, not to fix your diet by eating more meat.

Are you "depressed" (aka bored for most people)? You need medication, not to fix your life.

I've gotten into arguments over this stuff a lot, and people never win. Conspiracy or not, modern medicine is evil by intent. They offer no solutions just bandaids soaked in poison.

Modern Medicine should be screaming livid at the state of society, not enforcing drone like compliance into it.

Student loans, underpaying job at a Fortune 500 company, overtime without compensation, renting because you still can't afford to buy, try an antidepressant so you can numb your God given instinct that you're in a wrong situation until you leave yourself with no room for escape so your misery can destroy the lives of those around you.

22163869? ago

My husband was depressed. He went to the doctor, got some pills he didn't want or ask for. They made the situation worse, almost immediately, so he stopped those and got different ones. We researched that med, and decided it was a non-starter. He decided at that point that there had to be a better way and ended up finding God. And the depression is pretty much gone.

A little over a year ago, an eye exam showed that he had a blood pressure that was super high, 230/120. We were sent directly to the ER. They couldn't believe he had no symptoms with the HBP, but he didn't. He got medicine. And long story short, he quit smoking, quit caffeine (except a couple cups of coffee daily), quit salt, quit alcohol, I have changed the way I cook, he exercises..... and takes the meds. And still, it is high, but only about 140/80. I don't understand why it is still elevated when he has done everything, made ALL the changes that everybody says need to be made. AND he is taking that poison, too, that is supposed to make it all better.

I hate medicines, and I fight my own battles with taking what I am supposed to.... I really hate the stuff.

22204349? ago

Try 30 min cardio and drinking some apple cider vinegar diluted in water daily. Helped my father reduce blood pressure immediately when the doc recommended medicine obviously.

22178211? ago

Dr. Milton Mills might have an answer for you. Hope you find what you're looking for. Lots of women are losing their men because of these doctor recommended drugs.

22169691? ago

Anti-depressants have only shown any effectiveness if they're tri-cyclic: Dopamine, Serotonin, Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. That's cocaine. Cocaine is very effective at making you not depressed. It's also very addictive. So they reformulated it to work longer term. It takes 2 weeks for it to accumulate enough in your body to start having an effect. Cocaine works almost instantly, takes about 3 hours to wear off and about 48-72 hours for the cocaine blues to go away, and a couple weeks for your mind to go straight again.

Imagine how long it takes to purge the pills from your body.

I'm glad your husband found God and not drug addiction. Finding God stopped me using cocaine. I kept having these weird what felt like lucid dreams (I never slept properly after using) but it was always darkness as I never dream, and one night I decided to explore the dark and saw what looked like a shadow demon. I could feel whilst asleep I was having an arrhythmia (thank you God for what a doctor told me was a very healthy and large/powerful heart) because I was seeing a fucking shadow demon lol. I prayed to God and got my sword: love. I love my wife, I love my kids, I love my dog, i love my house, my parents, my in laws, my friends, their kids, my neighbors, i love my city... that demon was left powerless and couldn't touch my heart. I woke up, and haven't touched cocaine since.

As for your husband's blood pressure 140/80 is fine. The low number is what matters most. Your blood vessels are plumbing, the low number is what will tear the system apart especially in the veins. 140 is the peak pressure from the heart beat and is only a problem if arteries are hardening due to damage (normally sugar).

What's your husband's resting heart rate?

I have a resting heart rate of 55bpm and 140/70. I was told I'd never drop my number because my heart rate is so low. There's a finite minimum volume of blood that has to circulate, the slower the pump (bpm) the more has to get pumped hence a more powerful peak.

If you're concerned then basil, cinnamon, cardamom, garlic, ginger, are all dietary ways to help reduce blood pressure.

22171723? ago

Thanks for the tip! Not sure what his resting heart rate is, I do know it is lower than mine! I believe it's around 70bpm. Congrats on kicking drugs, I know that is hard to do. But, God and Love can conquer all.

22172984? ago

They can, and thank you.

70bpm is great. 80 is considered ideal. That means your husband's heart is working 7/8ths as much. There's also a very strong correlation between heart rate and longevity, look at turtles!

I think at this point stressing over his health is going to be more harmful! It might even lower his blood pressure lol

22178271? ago

Gosh, thanks for your tips. We all benefit from them.

22173956? ago

I'm not stressing much, I have my own issues to worry about, lol. But he thinks he is just >< this close to dying.... silly man!

22166125? ago

140/80 isn't high BP. A few years ago 140/80 was seen as fine, now doctors have been sent government directives to lower that number to 120/80. Doing this widens the net and catches more people in the "high BP" bracket, thereby earning more money for the drug companies. Patrick Holford has some good books on lowering BP naturally. They may be worth a read.

22171674? ago

I figured as much. I know the government lowered the standards fairly recently, but I never knew what they were before. I think he is pretty much fine, but he thinks he has to get it to 120/80. The monitor we bought indicates that his 140 is HBP, so he believes that. I'm not going to change up anything, the way I cook now, or any other changes we made, since he is doing well!

22178220? ago

I agree with this assumption too.

22159610? ago

You won this time but, you've run into someone who already agreed with you.

It says in the talmud they aren't allowed to cure goyim.

22167396? ago

Thanks for throwing in your "I hate Jews" bullshit, it's so helpful to listen to that crap.

22167427? ago

Fuck off slave.

Nothing will ever change if you can't even admit who runs big pharma.

22178287? ago

Thanks for doing the Lords work.

22159310? ago

The majority are JeWs

22159548? ago



The later has had the cure for most forms of cancer since the 70s. These Jews are just sitting on it to get profit for treatment. If you know anyone who died from cancer they were actually murdered by these Jews.

They are absolutely evil and a natsoc leader would execute them for treason and the murder of hundreds of millions. These big pharma Jews killed way more than the (((bolsheviks))) and commie chinks combined.

22161002? ago


22157337? ago

There has been unprecedented growth in a new class of chronic diseases in the US since 1990. Four categories of disease have virtually exploded: autoimmune, neurological, metabolic and inflammatory.

While the major health threats of the 20th century - cardiovascular disease, infectious disease and cancer - are barely growing, at least 36 chronic diseases and disorders have more than doubled in the past generation. Twenty have more than tripled. Many of these new age diseases were unknown until the 1980s. Here is a sampling of the growth in prevalence of diseases and disorders: autism (2094%), Alzheimer’s (299%), COPD (148%), diabetes (305%), sleep apnea (430%), celiac disease (1111%), ADHD (819%), asthma (142%), depression (280%), bipolar disease – youth (10833%), osteoarthritis (449%), lupus (787%), inflammatory bowel disease (120%), chronic fatigue syndrome (11027%), fibromyalgia (7727%), multiple sclerosis (117%) and hypothyroidism (702%).


22163800? ago

Not to take away from vaccines, which are responsible for quite enough on their own, but how big of a role does the "geo-engineering" play with these diseases? For instance, I've understood that Alzheimers is basically a heavy metal poisoning in the brain. And the geo-engineering pours heavy metals into the air, so it is in our food, water, and the air we breathe. I really do wonder how much those chemtrails are affecting our collective health.

22163317? ago

Thank you for posting this ^ info.

22156858? ago

Here we go with the vaccine BS again. lol

22157702? ago

No kids, huh? Go get a flu shot for yourself then.

22157786? ago

3 kids. All healthy as an OX. No autism. I don;t need a flu shot. Healthy as an OX. I am impervious to all diseases and sickneses.

22158197? ago

Do you also live in a Magic Kingdom?

22159025? ago

Why yes I do. Thanks for asking.

Ask Me Anything

22158139? ago

So your children are a part of the 46%.

22157880? ago

Then I hope you don't mind if jam this needle into your butt cheeck. It's mandatory doncha know?

22157908? ago

They are teens. They are not required or mandated to get a Flu shot. Besides my kids are Home Schooled.

22159010? ago

Not your kids.

It's your buttcheecks I'm after.

22156774? ago

But do you know who the ultimate authority is? It’s the Institute of Medicine. That is why Congress named the Institute of Medicine to be the ultimate authority on vaccine safety. And do you know what the Institute of Medicine says? It says there are 150 diseases that they think are caused by vaccines, and the CDC has been directed to study them. They said that in 1994. CDC refused. They said it again in 1998. CDC refused. They said it again in 2011. They say it every year.

The Institute of Medicine says we have no idea whether these vaccines are causing this huge chronic disease epidemic. That is the ultimate authority. Not WHO. Not CDC. And the only way they can deal with these arguments is by shutting us up.

The vaccine misinformation is not coming from us, it’s coming from them. How many of you have heard the networks report that 80,000 people died of flu last year? You know what CDC’s data said? And CDC told the networks that number. I don’t blame them, but the press is supposed to check. My father told me, people in power lie. And you’re supposed to check on it. You know what CDC’s own data said? 2300 people died of flu, not 80,000.

How many of you have heard that the death rate for measles is 1 in 1,000? CDC told them that. CDC’s own data says that it’s 1 in 10,000 people and 1 in 500,000 Americans. That’s what CDC’s data says. But that’s not what you’ll hear from the networks.

Any of you who watched NBC the other night saw Lester Holt. All of the news shows have become advertisements and they’re all part of this orchestrated frenzy that we’re terrified of measles. And we’ve got to get this vaccine and we’ve got to pass this mandate. Lester Holt is sponsored by Merck, which makes the vaccine. Lester Holt showed a frightening picture on his show of a baby that was afflicted by these terrible measles bumps. It turns out it was fake. He had to fake it. He’s never apologized. NBC never apologized. That is misinformation.

And Lester Holt is sitting there saying we’ve got to shut down this misinformation about vaccines while he is the primary promoter of that information.

This industry has been able to disable all of the institutions of our democracy that stand between a greedy corporation and a vulnerable child. As Del pointed out, they are the biggest lobbyists on Capitol Hill. There are more lobbyists than Congressmen and Senators combined. They give double the amount of oil and gas. They give four times what defense and aerospace give.

They own Congress. That’s why Congress will not subpoena Bill Thompson, the chief scientist at CDC who says they’ve been lying to us for all these years. They’ve been destroying data. And they won’t call him in and question him.

They have been able to disable the regulatory agencies through capture. Those agencies are now sock-puppets for the industries they’re supposed to regulate. They’ve been able to neutralize the lawyers by making it illegal to sue a vaccine company. The lawyers and the courts are gone.

They’ve been able to neutralize the press, all press scrutiny. Now, they’re neutralizing the internet. They’re shutting us down so we cannot speak. So that nobody has to listen to the truth. So that nobody has to read the peer-reviewed science. So nobody has to listen to the questions.

The last thing standing between the corporation and that little baby is the mom and the dad. And this greedy industry cannot stand that mother who is going to stop her little baby from being vaccinated. From buying their product and then being hooked for the rest of their lives on Adderal, Epi-Pens, Ritalin, the anti-seizure medications, and the Prozac they get at the back end of this insane industry.

And what do the democrats say? Well, there is no such thing as vaccine injury. It’s all an illusion and these women are hysterical. And they’re so easily deluded. But these women know what happened to their child.

I would say it’s time for the Democratic party to start listening to women. And what happened to the central, fundamental plank of the democratic party? My body, my choice!

And why is our party advocating censorship?

And why is our party in bed with one of the dirtiest industries in the history of mankind?

We need to take our children back. We need to take our country back. We need to take our democracy back. Thank you.”