22165506? ago

welcome aboard.

22163473? ago

Follow the work of Stephanie Seneff. She's the MIT scientist that discovered that glyphosate (Roundup) kills your gut bacteria using the same mechanism that it uses to kill pests. She also discovered the connection between glyphosate and autism. She has successfully partially reversed autism by getting kids to eat organic (no glyphosate), get lots of sun, and get lots of sulfites in the diet, like from shrimp.

We can beat this stuff, we just have to make some lifestyle changes.

22160155? ago

Autism, SIDS, allergies, auto-immune disorders (technically I guess all of these are auto-immune disorders).

From a spiritual perspective, your IMMUNE SYSTEM is your spiritual aura, and viruses, cancers etc are all the MATERIAL manifestations of demons, caused by defects in your immune system (because sinning grants entry). There are two ways you can stop disease:

- Stop sinning, fasting, prayer, which maintains the health of your immune system. Deliverance cures ALL diseases.

- Make a deal with the devil, so the demons basically leave you alone as long as you are fulfilling your end of the bargain

"The consequences of sin are death."

Now, how does this relate to vaccines? Look into what vaccines are made of. Mutated, aborted fetus DNA. Fucking evil. You then are INJECTED INTO YOUR BLOOD this concentrated form of EVIL to seek HEALTH BENEFITS for yourself. The injection bypasses many of the natural protections of your immune system (like injection with anything does, and spiritually, blood is a big deal). And now your immune system must fend off concentrated evil - which warrants an extreme response. Vaccines trigger a massive battle of Good vs Evil inside your own body.. and diseases like autism are the AFTERMATH of that.

Vaccines are like andrenochrome for the masses, minus the pact with Satan.

22160082? ago

It is A cause. Usually in conjunction with a crappy diet, plus all the chemicals in mind st food, water, air

22158951? ago

Fucking arrogant science bros always proclaiming at the top of their lungs " muh no evidence!!! hurr durr".

fucking faggots makes me want to sock them in their stupid soi faces.

22158758? ago

I started noticing around 2013/2014 Reddit started heavily campaigning against "anti-vaxxers" and constantly had front-page posts about how wonderful vaccines were. It was so obvious to me that Reddit was being used as a tool to spread propaganda. Sure enough now the Communist Chinese Tencent gets to spread their propaganda through it.

22158701? ago

Of Course.

22158576? ago

I'm 29 and have Asperger's.

I had every vaccine that was required for school.

22157937? ago

Polysorbate 80, an ingredient in vaccines, opens up the blood-brain barrier...

22157732? ago

@gabara was vaxxed as a little runt, so yeah

22157486? ago

Something, probably not natural, sure is. The kind of spike occurring in incidences of autism cannot be just a trend.

22157191? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i watched vaxxed on amazon prime when it was on there for free for a very short time.. the thing that any person with a brain could have seen as real was this example. it was a black lady but still...

she had twins. she brought them in for the mmr vaccine the girl twin was a little sick and she was taken out of the room were the vaccine was to be administered, well through some collosal fuck up the twin boy got a double dose of the vaccine and low and behold 3 days later after a fever and being sick he became a fucking super retarded autistic kid... fast forward the daughter was basicaly gifted and talented super smar piano player going to college..

that was it for me basicaly a twin study done on accident leading to one twin being fucking totaly autistic retard while the other is gifted and going to college... the twin boy was totaly healthy and fine up until the mmr double dose of vaccine shit

22158974? ago

good post dogle. fyi its "lo and behold" fren.

22161368? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ya i didnt think i got right.. dont think u were being a grammerkike just pointing our errors.

22157078? ago

Vaccine “safety” is one of the greatest lies and the fact that so many sheeple parrot the same old bullshit is testimony to the depth and breadth of our cultural brainwashing. When I did my own research before becoming a father that redpilled me faster than anything else and learned that is just one of many more huge lies. 20 years later most people are just as ignorant as ever but my adult children are healthier and smarter than nearly all of their peers.

22168042? ago

How are we going to progress as a civilization when the brainwashing works so well?

22156843? ago

Give your kids water with silica (like Fiji water) or add some silica drops to their water. Removes metals from the body and brain.

22156513? ago

OR, perhaps autism is a disease that the body's immune system reacts to?

Don't forget to do all the science if you're gonna do some science.

22157093? ago

True regarding causation, but even with what you quoted it is STRONGLY suggestive of a correlation in the immune system, which of course is strongly related to vaccines.

It is not a slam dunk, but that is why I titled this with a "Maybe". Undoubtedly there are other factors, but first we would have to dispel this shit myth that vaccines have nothing to do with it.

22156443? ago

I am currently wondering about flu shots and Glioblastoma

22156419? ago

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22156190? ago

Anyone who thinks these crooked fucks haven't infiltrated the medical system is lying to themselves. We could all be compromised intellectually. Luckily for us, nature finds a way. We do not have to succumb to this bullshit. You have to fight them. Research who is setting medical policy. You will find out all sorts of amazing things. My heart goes out to all the parents who have had to face these fuckers down. You shouldn't have to go through that during the birth of your child. Can you even imagine? -

22158839? ago

how do you think they managed to convince every american goy into circumcising (trauma ritual) their boys? the jews haven't just infiltrated it, they own the medical system.

22161439? ago

They didn't get to my parents luckily.

22156173? ago

maybe!? Where you been, bro!?

22156107? ago

in case the article disappears, here's an archive:


22155992? ago

Look into the work of Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Autism is linked to vitamin d deficiency.

Not saying there arent negative side effects of vaccines. There is obviously some risk if folks like Bill Gates dont get their kids vaccinated.

The biggest concern is shit like HPV vaccines. Why the fuck does a toddler need that! Things like polio are needed. You deal with the side effects someone with bad dna might have, cause the disease is a fucking nightmare.

But there arent more and more of these epidemics so why are there more and more vaccines to inject kids with...

22155818? ago

Anyone taking medical advice from a post on VOAT is clearly autistic. The lack of basic science understanding here is amazing. SMH

22156198? ago


22155801? ago

My coworker had a son that was turned into autism by vaxx, a couple of months ago. Before vaxx, happy, laughing crying baby; after vaxx, a doll that cant eat anything other than pasta.

These sick bastards must pay.

22155680? ago

Nah ... I have had several vaccines while in the Military. Haven't been sick or had a cold well over 20 years.

22157090? ago

You got the air compressse shots? They have 0 additives just the inert virus. No al no extra dna ect.

22157416? ago

Jet Gun 1990. In 1997, the Ped-O-Jet was recalled, its use abandoned by the U.S. military, and contraindicated by WHO and CDC. 1997 to present the Military uses the same methods that Civi's get Single needle use.

I retired in 2012. Actually forced out retirement by Obummer. I was aiming for a 30 year career. 22 will do. Hell of a pension.

22157609? ago

Only recalled because it wouldnt poison you.

22157766? ago

Doesn't change the fact that I am healthy as an OX and vaccines are safe. PERIOD.

22157852? ago

Thats gr8 for you. Iv got aspergers and basically a super soldier from the vaxxines. Sorry you dont understand.

22157875? ago

I am not the only one who has served and received the shots with no adverse effects. You have a weak gene pool. That is why you are sickly. Nature has a way of weeding out the weak gene pool.

22158158? ago

Hey dipshit. Im not sick. Im a super soldier. Sempre fi. Now take your inadaqute self and find the turds you flew off of fly. Let me guess army. Kek.

22155644? ago

Israel doesn't vaccinate their citizens. Zero mandatory shots. Hmm...

22158828? ago

israel vaccinates the nigger jews from ethopia. hahahahahahahaha

22157703? ago

No. They don't. First paragraph from your article:

Vaccinating your child is not required by law in Israel.

What is mandatory is if you're are going to voluntarily vaccinate you must bring your little Jew book along to the appt.

22158070? ago

It's not required in the US either dummy.

22158618? ago

Vaccines are required for kids to go to public school in the US, dumbass. Unless you have an exemption.

My original post clearly states there are no mandatory shots in Israel, which is the case.

22159425? ago

"Unless you have an exemption."

Well, there ya go. Not mandatory.

Don't send your kids to public school dummy. Haven't you learned anything on voat.

22163326? ago

They are mandatory for not just public schooling but college well, unless you have an exemption, which aren't available in many states. Not to mention several states are cracking down on homeschooling and passing bills for vaccines to be administered even to kids outside the public school system. Fuck off. Who are you shilling for?

22166670? ago

"Unless you have an exemption."

That = not mandatory.

If you can't exempt in your state, move. See? Not mandatory.

The amish, the jews, the mennonites don't vaccinate. Why not? Not mandatory.

22171451? ago

These exemptions are slowly being eradicated and there's a Federal vac bill on the table that would end up trumping all states rights. The Amish, Jews and Mennonite can't escape it.

22172278? ago

When it happens, I'll admit that we are forced. Until then......

22173244? ago

Fair enough.

22173966? ago

Werd. It's scary. They are surely killing us. We can agree on that.

I always go back to the Georgia guidestones......

22160450? ago

First, it isn't just public schools. Many private schools ALSO require it by law. Why? Because to be designated as a school of any sort, compliance with certain laws is required (regulations). I think the only way to get out of it is Homeschooling, which is the way to go if you can, but not everyone can Homeschool.

Second, "exemptions" means the GOVERNMENT is in control. You must obey unless you apply and they agree to NOT do it - you are at the mercy of the government. There is nothing that says your applications for exemptions must be timely approved. And right now many State legislatures are trying to remove exemptions altogether.

And with socialism, the government has total control. Imagine if Yang's retarded "$1000 a month" UBI ever happened. The government can then stick on 'requirements' to receiving it. Don't vaccinate, OK that is your choice! But you no longer get your UBI! This is literally why socialized medicine is the top goal of Alinsky subversion. "Medicare for all? OK! But you must vaccinate or you get 0 benefits!". We already saw this type of pressure enacted before with Obungocare. "Don't buy health insurance plan for yourself and all your children? OK! Your taxes just went up $1000s for being irresponsible". Remember what the mandate was actually called? "Individual Shared Responsibility" penalty - IE, if you DON'T obey the Medicine Jew, you are "irresponsible" - the exact argument they make for vaxx as well.

22160506? ago

Whew. Just checked.

None of that applies in my state. We don't have "applications for exemption." We can exempt out freely and are not living in a socialist country with UBI.

22155637? ago

People who shit-post about how "dumb" parents are for vaccinating their kids really have NO IDEA how vicious doctors and nurses can be, how draconian the medical insurance scam is, or how totally demon-infested the CPS system is.

Many times, one young mother with a crying baby in an already intimidating exam room and the knowledge that she is going to have to make a co-payment before they will let her leave with her child—she is up against enemies that Hercules would find daunting.

The shit-posters do not understand and they are NOT HELPING by making parents feel worse. Rather, tell the moms to have a strategy. Have the dad go to the appointments with them because two are stronger than one (and maybe he'll look physically stronger than the staff which tends to make them far more polite!) Go in with research about the dangers of "added ingredients." Go in having educated yourself on the state of your child's development.

Here's my story, which is not pretty, but it worked! You need to know that dosages are one-size-fits all, so if you have a lower-weight child, he is getting far more poison proportionally than some kid who is built like a tank—and vaccine schedules are based on ages, not the child's actual physical development—which is scientifically stupid. The pediatrician office was doing the psyop thing on me, implying I was a horrible mother and flat out telling me I was risking my child's health. (They also had a rule about no cell phone use beyond the reception area, btw). I had already said twice that I did not want to vaccinate at this time. So they went to bring in the doctor. I looked him straight in the eye and challenged him with, "God told me not to vaccinate until he weighed 60 pounds." My adrenaline was so high at that point. It was super scary. But miraculously the doctor backed down. Please don't tell parents that they are stupid; they are not. They are overwhelmed with enemies.

22165788? ago

Good post

22158511? ago

Don't let your biological instinct to protect your children be mind controlled or bullied out of you.

22158455? ago

What do you think would happen if a parent demanded that each vaccines contents were test before administering to their child? Like a full lab analysis and a printout with it? What if the parents agreed to cover lab testing costs?

Does the shit they put in vaccines not show up when analyzed? It would have to, right?

22156883? ago

not vaccine related, but my neighbors just had their second child. The birth was normal, everyone healthy. Well, the child was born around 4 am, so they stayed one full night and were supposed to get to go home that next day. The hospital "forgot" to do the jaundice test and told them they had to stay another night. The parents said the baby is fine we want to go home now, and the hospital told them they could but they would report them to CPS! So they ended up staying, not wanting to get put in the system... But this is the type of stuff the medical community does to young parents. They threaten them and force them to do things against their will... absolutely disgusting.

22158473? ago

I really hope POTUS plans on taking on this fight over the next four years! The medical industry and CPS both need to be dealt with!

22156442? ago

I understand and agree with everything you're saying but it's not shit posting to want as many people as possible to be informed BEFORE vaccinating their kids. Honestly, people need to grow a fucking spine and start standing up to this tyranny or it will roll over us and we'll lose all sovereignty.

22158487? ago

Exactly. Once you realize the truth then all fear and shame goes out the window!

22158504? ago

Every mandatory vaxxer I know is a leftist, they're fucking bullies who need to have their tactics turned back on them.

22156096? ago

I always insisted that each vaccine be done separately. They don't like it, but WILL do it with no problem.

22155662? ago

okay karen. we got this, sit down please.

22155981? ago

Fuck off fredo

22155542? ago

I would share this, and I may be missing something...but the article doesn't make the connection to vaccines. The dot that's missing is the one that points to vaccines as compromising the autoimmune system?

22157123? ago

Vaccines trigger the immune system. The link is already there, this is why the vaccines exist to start with.

22155454? ago

As someone who works with autistic children in the schools- I can tell you this:

The numbers of children diagnosed with autism- on all areas of the spectrum, are increasing JUST SINCE I"VE STARTED PRACTICING IN THE PAST 10 YEARS. Not to mention, when I was in school, we NEVER saw more than one or two of these kids in our neighborhoods in our entire childhood, or in our schools. One of my parents showed me a video of her son who I worked with,. He was a nonverbal teenager. The video showed him walking and talking as a toddler. They brought him in for a series of vaccines, literally the next day he showed detachment and stopped talking. I mean, what more proof do we need?

22161261? ago

What I need to know is, whats the safe age? At what point in childhood development can the body fight off such an attack? 8? 10? 12?

22156102? ago

They got to my brother. I believe the doctors got to my parents and they succumbed. This shit is real, and people won't wake up. They can't fathom that there may actually be some kind of f@#king conspiracy. The vaccines are not good for us. They are experimenting on us and our children. I truly believe they nearly ruined my brother's life.

22155427? ago

It's plain to see that everyone here has been vaccinated!

22155231? ago

It’s very basic. Neurotoxic chemicals like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and thimerosal cause neurological disorders.

22155199? ago

Read yesterday, from a VOAT linked article, about DMSO being particularly good at detoxing metals, and works well around the brain. Think I'd be looking into that if it an issue for me.



22155930? ago

Yes this is true. The list that DMSO will help with is long. It truly is a amazing compound.

22155189? ago

Could also be prenatal care related. A shot given to a pregnant woman or a woman attempting to get pregnant. Most likely during pregnancy.

22154995? ago

So what do you do? Do you refuse all vaccinations? Do you allow certain vaccines at certain times in development?

22156142? ago

One at a time. No multiples.

22155619? ago

Yes, you take a religious or philosophical exemption depending on what state you are in and tell them to fuck off with the shots.

22155912? ago

yes thank you!

22155283? ago

Likely yes, vaccines at a later age are probably not a problem. plenty of children are getting their tetanus shots around 4-6 y/o and not becoming autistic. Almost all of the stories posted about potential vaccine induced autism are from children under 2 years old.

22157338? ago

vaccines at a later age are probably not a problem.

Think again: Read "Malcolm is a Little Unwell". Malcolm Brabant.

(Haha, apparently Amazon is a "banned domain". Link not permitted.)

22155223? ago

Something to think about.

22154825? ago

We have an autistic grandson. He was developing normally til his vaccines at around 2yo. Thank God we were able to get an early diagnosis and treatment. Today he is a fully functioning 8yo. He has some quirks and ticks but we never thought he'd be where he is today. It makes me sick that someone did this to him on purpose. I have great disdain for "doctors" and big pharma but even more for those who implemented this atrocity. The DS.

Watching them swing will be bittersweet.

22160225? ago

What was the treament?

22190407? ago

Diet and different types of therapist mainly. He got involved in a program that helps them to focus and not be distracted, which is a huge issue for a lot of autistic kids. Like I mentioned, he still has quirks and tics but this is a kid who we didn't think would ever talk or be able to communicate normally. He now is very verbal and is actually very intelligent. Does things normal 8 yo boys do. Plays ball, video games, asks a lot of questions. We are truly blessed and pray that anyone effected by this finds help for them and their loved one(s).

22157201? ago


22156759? ago

Same here.

did you use Kerri Rivera's austism one treatment using chlorine dioxide or food or?

22155799? ago

If a body is deficient in zinc, it will store aluminium. Try some detox with infra-red light therapy and dose up on zinc. But get blood panels and shit first. I am not a Dr. but would recommend looking into it.

22157987? ago

Iodine, zinc and magnesium. Will change your life. 99% of all Americans are deficient. Affects hormones.

Anyone reading this, buy “zma” suppléments if you want the easiest fix.

22157243? ago

Oysters are a good source of zinc.

22156962? ago

Thanks for this. I knew zinc was good. But this piece was very helpfull.

22155323? ago

I'm a social worker working with children under 5. I have a book full of stories like yours but dare not bring it up with colleagues who would give me a tongue lashing on vaccine safety. So I quietly give my clients info to read and tell them to make up their own minds on vaccines and where to find doctors who won't push them.

22162856? ago

colleagues who would give me a tongue lashing on vaccine safety.

It's tough living in a world full of idiots who have no clue about anything. Honestly, I feel like a fucking alien half the time. I don't have any real friends anymore, everyone is a fucking moron. The worst part, they think they know everything about everything.

22158660? ago

Easy for me to say from my keyboard, but I feel like we need to be more vocal and just take the verbal lashings.

22177304? ago

Agree and I have several times, but it reached the point I clearly needed to shut up at work to keep work relationships and office functional. That's when I switched to telling clients directly.

22159238? ago

How quickly do you think they would get this person fired for their insubordination?

22167264? ago

True, only countermove would be to read up on employment law and set a trap to sue the shit out of them when they do.

22157220? ago

Because you are a social worker, I really hope you will watch or read this information:



22155892? ago

As an Aspie and brother of a Type 1 (IMMUNE RESPONSE BASED DIABETES) Diabetic, thank you.

The damage might not be undone, but helping others to avoid our fate is truly next to Godliness on your part. Have courage, but I recognize your desire not to rock too heavily.

22155215? ago

I am so happy for you and your grandson, we are in the same boat and working hard with treatment plans and diet, he is 4 and improving daily.

22154687? ago

No fucking shit we've been telling you for a long time now brainlet

22154804? ago

And yet you never shared this. Now shove that dildo back in your ass.

22154850? ago

Kek we've talked about t cells for quite some time, bud.

22154886? ago

Not that I have seen, EVER, on here.

22154705? ago


22154755? ago

Yes, anyone and everyone is a shill.

22154781? ago

no.. just arrogant rude cunts that mock other goats, faggot

go fuck yourself, you fucking Jew

22154795? ago

So, you retaliate by calling me a shill and telling me I need to fuck myself and gas myself?...

Also, we're anons, not goats.

Who is Pan? Who is Baphomet? Why does Voat use goat symbolism?

22154831? ago

Distract and dance fucktard. You're still a fucking shill.

At least try to act like you're on the same team as us.

22154858? ago

Why are you getting upset?...

22154897? ago

Why do you like muzzies cumming in your anus?

22154812? ago

have another downvoat, Schlomo

22154586? ago

Anybody know how to reverse it? Got a friend whose kid is autistic, very sad.

22156461? ago

Cilantro is one of the best foods for heavy metal detox.

22155809? ago

Infra red light therapy and zinc. If your body doesn't have enough zinc, it will store aluminium.

22155685? ago

22155571? ago

22155521? ago

Magnesium threonate has done very well in studies and anecdotally for us. It was our first game changer. Huge difference. Well studied. Crosses the blood brian barrier without any intestinal issues. We open the caplets and add to apple juice.

22155054? ago

Any supplement that will help remove heavy metals and detox. Fasting is good too intermittently.

22155537? ago

Yep, will add - chlorella, Humic/Fulvic minerals, intermittent fasting / autophagy (keto diet can help), infrared saunas, restoring the gut/digestive tract, aloe, lots of water daily...

Always under careful protocols, however, as releasing the toxins too quickly can make things worse.

22156844? ago

release too fast

herxheimer reaction maybe?

22158652? ago

Yeah, I think killing all the bad bacteria/fungi produces a herx reaction (upset stomach, diarrhea, etc) whereas releasing the heavy metals can produce more of a mental reaction like headache and brain fog. I'm not an expert though, just personal experience.

22155316? ago

Cilantro oil

22155503? ago

Good one.

22154909? ago

Nope. Dont let the doctors near your baby with a needle.

Parenting 101 do not let strangers inject your baby with mystery liquid

22154753? ago

Once something crosses the blood brain barrier... like mercury... there’s no getting it back. I have 3 on the spectrum... 2 with vaccine injury.

22155127? ago

pretty much, yeah. The only documented reversals I've ever heard of have been from faith healing prayer ministry. They are few and far between (Sid Roth has featured a few and he verifies "miracles" before putting them on his show for legal reasons), but I do think we will see more in the future because as more awaken to the reality of the deep state, more are learning about the power of prayer.

22155145? ago

yeah no

22154819? ago

Yikes. I do know of people (docs) using amino acids, reversing (halting rather) Parkinson's and mercury poisoning.

22154924? ago

There’s a long-standing theory that there is a brain-gut connection. You can prove this every time you walk in a bar. If you can heal the gut, you can heal the brain.

22155564? ago

Yeah, getting your carbs mostly from raw veggies reducing grain carbs, and making sure you're pooping DAILY will help a lot.

Alcohol wreaks havoc and will set your stomach health back several days or weeks.

22155098? ago

Yes, that's why I try and take probiotics and eat fermented food. Most of the serotonin is in the gut allegedly, and other neurotransmitters as well.

22154743? ago


L. Reuteri probiotics

Ashwaganda and other adaptogens

They won't feel completely normal, but with discipline exercises and a positive atmosphere, they can be pretty close to a "normal" person.

Things like internet usage (so they don't become addicted) and food intake should still be monitored, though.

22155056? ago

Autism is normally linked with IBS / Chrons / Ulcerative Colitis. The diet related things that help with UC etc also help with Autism and vice versa. The best diets for UC etc are No Sugar #1, Self RO or Distilled filtered water #2, no processed foods #3. Fruits are included in no sugar.

Raw unpasterized / unfucked with milk can be ok. Whiskey and german beer in german are ok. These are the only two alcohols that have any real production standards.

REAL probiotics, like Bio-K (super expensive) DO WORK. The cheap / "fake" shit doesn't help much / maybe at all.

22155570? ago

Can you explain what ingesting each of these things changes or hinders in individuals with ASD?

Also, the probiotic I've mentioned has been studied pretty extensively if I remember correctly. It's great for becoming social again and it certainly works.

22154695? ago


The DMG chewables are actually sublingual tablets (meant to be put under the tongue). DMG only works if it is put under the tongue or intravenously injected. That is because it only works if it goes straight into the blood stream. And how about that ALL the different companies that provided it in sublingual form disappeared over the years! FoodScience got around that by advertising them as "chewables" instead.

DMG works by allowing your blood to carry more oxygen, which therefor more oxygen gets to your brain.

22154720? ago

I'll check it out, thanks.

Surely tho the damage to the brain is irreversible?

22154952? ago

Not OP. You’d be surprised how resilient the brain is. Just look at the heart and how it runs every second for decades. The body wants to repair itself it just needs the minerals and nutrients to do so.

22155131? ago

Yes, I know an orthopedic surgeon who had mercury poisoning from an unfortunate dentist experience and couldn't sleep, nothing would work till he found (doctor supervised with urine testing) amino acid therapy, after that he began to offer the same services, same thing is being used to halt Parkinson symptoms.

22154571? ago


22154563? ago

Of course they do. That's why jews want to make them mandatory.

22154517? ago


my ass.

22154474? ago

The hospitals push vaccines on your infant before they've finished developing the blood brain barrier.

22157192? ago

And if you refuse?

Doctors Caught on Tape Plotting to Take Custody of Newborns Whose Parents Refuse Vitamin K Shots -


Are Doctors and Nurses the New Secret Police? The Unholy Alliance with DCS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suWIDqQI8xo

22157569? ago

I refuse. The doctor said, "ok, as long as you know the risks."

22158518? ago

Same here.

22154722? ago

Immune system takes 18 months to fully develop.

22156738? ago

I read 3 years but our sources may be different and I have so many can't easily find mine.

Either 18 months or 3 years...important to know

22155516? ago

im not informed but i highly doubt its even done developing after 18 months

22156482? ago

True, see a lot of college grads these days that are not developed yet.

22160781? ago

That's cause college is daycare for idiots.

22154591? ago

Ah, didn't know the blood brain barrier wasn't fully developed in infants, interesting.

22155110? ago

Babies that get a fever before around 4 months need hospital treatment (including spinal trap) to prevent meningitis.

Then we see:

When the meninges are inflamed, the blood-brain barrier may be disrupted.[13] This disruption may increase the penetration of various substances (including either toxins or antibiotics) into the brain. Antibiotics used to treat meningitis may aggravate the inflammatory response of the central nervous system by releasing neurotoxins from the cell walls of bacteria-like lipopolysaccharide (LPS).[39]

So even if you have a blood brain barrier, it can be bypassed through inflammation. Further, the structure in a baby's brain is very delicate even when operating normally.

Talking of an experiment testing permeability in infants:

(the osmotic pressure was too high and the delicate embryonal capillary vessels were partially damaged). It was later shown in experiments with a reduced volume of the injected liquids that the markers under investigation could not pass the BBB.

Just be careful injecting things into a baby.

22155152? ago

yes, thanks