22053453? ago

Send it to OAN, Project Veritas, WikiLeaks, and The Epoch Times

Independent YouTube News channels like Tim Pool, Luke Rudowski at WeAreChange and others will cover it

22054141? ago

I sent it to OAN and Veritas, both responded that it is not something they would cover.

22032164? ago

You should send it to Project Veritas

22039567? ago

I did yesterday, I got back a response saying it's not the type of thing they normally do.

22028801? ago

CPS in EVERY state needs to be dismantled and investigated. They're ALL involved.

22027439? ago

No proof of anything. Quit if you think it's that bad or show some proof. Your name is just plastered all over the form? BS. This post screams of disinfo and only servs the purpose of scaring people into not getting on Voat anymore.

22028816? ago

"Seems official" kek

22026754? ago

It's none of CPS's f'ing business. Are they concerned because it might distract from child trafficking?

22024764? ago

Bullshit LARPer.

Fuck off. Cabal would rather have people discussing fake shit, anything other than how they're going down for cannibalism, rape and human trafficking.

22024536? ago

CPS does not arbitrarily change laws. Laws are passed by legislators. What state are you in?

22023506? ago

Your a sick piece of shit

22023162? ago

Then photoshop-scrape your name out, you fucking coward, or admit you’re making this up.

22021578? ago

Project Veritas....send your info there

22021414? ago

Worked 30 years in the system. There are healthy components. Just know the Deep State has information about everyone; including the kids who will not be missed. They infiltrate, then hide in plain sight.

22020540? ago

The sketchy nature of the OP's claims notwithstanding...

Persons with marriage licenses do not have children. A marriage license, asked for by the involved parties, and granted by the State, gives permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal -- and the product of said marriage is subject to the State. The State is a party to the marriage. The children of a licensed marriage are considered product of the licensed marriage; thus the children are subject to the will of the State.

This is NOTHING NEW. State issued marriage licenses became normal in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Prior to that time, religious organizations were the 'main monitors' of marriage. Secondarily, marriage was considered a civil contract between the marrying parties. Period. The State has no business or power in the realm of marriage -- until citizens cede that power to the State. The divorce industry is big business. It could not exist without the acquiescence of previously autonomous citizens.

22021347? ago

Is there a legal way to break the contract?

22024389? ago

Yes...and no. The contract with the State ends with divorce. But the product of the contract remains subject to the State.

22019506? ago

OP is a shill.

22019275? ago

Probably they will redflag and take peoples' guns if they are on voat.

22018961? ago

You got a memo on a Sunday? Frankly, that's the part of your post that sounds most suspicious... It isn't "changing a law" though. It would be adapting or re-interpreting a policy or regulation.

They (CPS) has used the parents entertainment lifestyle, including TV viewing against parents for years. And yhypocirtiaclly, they've played both ends— not only have they condemned the parents choice of content, they have also gone after parets they deemed too strict by forbidding their child's TV viewing choices. So this is not all that new; just heightened. It is another log-on-the-fire in the boiling kettle of frogs analogy.

Use wisdom in what you do with this information. Don't use it in a way that promotes false outrage, and PLEASE watch your wording: don't call it a law unless you have a bill number where it was passed. If it is a regulation or directive, identify it that way. Otherwise they dismiss complaints as ignorant.

22019234? ago

Memo came in Friday, I didn't see it until this morning, but thanks for your insight.

22018689? ago

Why do you need to keep your child kidnapping job so bad? Adrenochrome addiction?

22018531? ago

From what I can see in the past year visiting voat pretty much daily is that there are no normal users on the other subs. Not many anyways. When you go into comments on say the 4chan subversive you notice a few things.

It is not active.

The comments are almost EXCLUSIVELY divisive and disgusting, not funny.

Back before they reopened registrations, most subverses that are not QRV have no 'normal' users...

They are filled with shills. With agents and people whom are paid to post this bullshit we see polluting the comments sections on QRV, it is chock full of neckbeard sweaty no lifers who sit here posting about the jews and any other horseshit that has nothing to do with Qanon.

Qanon have never once said "it's the jews" or "hey this guy is bad,and he's Jewish!" ...not one time.

So ask yourselves...why in every thread we have extremely divisive comments being upvoted?

One thing I find funny is HOW HARD they try to shill about jews.i mean it is fucking COMICAL how these losers try to spin EVERYTHING into Mah Joos.

Wanna know what Qanon has said tho? They are pedophiles and devil worshippers....


Luciferians hiding behind Judaism,hiding behind Jesus

They are fucking retards and have already lost, why do they waste their own time? It's not even amusing anymore, now it is just downright sad as fuck. Pathetic.

22021368? ago

What does this have to do with anything? What is your point?

The post is about CPS and you're ranting about the users of this website.

22018273? ago

they are changing the laws

Who is they? What legislative body? The US Congress? Some state legislature?

Do your mean it's the regulations the department makes for itself and not the actual law?

22020304? ago

It's the regulations. They're being changed soon by Alex Azar.

22018172? ago

Wow get us the update.

22017873? ago

CPS does NOT 'make law'. You want to combat CPS? Don't answer your door. Not even if CPS is standing there with police. Let them get a warrant. I repeat: DO NOT ANSWER YOUR DOOR. Fuck CPS and fuck you, too, OP for not reporting your state sanctioned child slave trade organization because 'money'. That makes you just as bad as anyone else working for CPS. Remember this: CPS workers have homes and families, too. I hope CPS gets entirely shut down and all of you CPS motherfuckers get put out on the streets.

22020312? ago

You seem like such a kind god-fearing soul. Thanks for your input.

22021375? ago

Funny that you didn't deny anything.

22020575? ago

No matter what excuses you make to yourself, working for such a corrupt and evil organization means you should be killed too. Think about that when the time comes.

22021041? ago

What a cowardly thing to say.

22017856? ago

What state?

22017146? ago

This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @ChiCom.

Posted automatically (#84128) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22017117? ago

changing the laws

Well if it is a law, then that should be easily available public information. Find the statue & state, or federal law so we can look at the law at least.

22017105? ago

what happened to privacy laws, what do they do ask NSA for data on people with children to use against them to take their children?

sounds fake

22017294? ago

No, they gather data directly from your ISP with an investigation warrant in the name of protecting kids.

It's extremely common. We do this now with work history and social media.

22019430? ago

WTF?....and you are ok with this?

That is not fucking normal it is spying on people and sneaky as fuck.

You should be a whistleblower instead of a fucking retard who fucks families lives for a wage.

Get some self respect you fucking loser.

22021534? ago

He's lying.

22019459? ago

Convincing argument

22018546? ago

So browsing history, email contacts, or contacts and content?, skype type comms - contacts or contacts and content?

What else that isn't already public?

22016848? ago

Out of curiosity. Are false claims ever prosecuted from your experience.

22016988? ago

Not that I've ever seen. We'd only go forward if we thought it was all legitimate.

22020613? ago

"We believe this person was legitimately posting on voat.co..."

22016634? ago

Filed this under Did Not Happen.

22016530? ago

Contact James OKeefe at Project Veritas! That will stop them dead in their tracks.

22016742? ago

My fear is he's not taken seriously by the main stream.

22021383? ago

And WE are? Give me a break. You're shilling.

22017009? ago

It's the patriots that need to take your info seriously....and they believe O'Keefe. It will spread from there.

22016503? ago

Comments are kinda crazy. We need good people to keep their jobs especially when it comes to children. I believe you are doing the right thing by reporting new laws and protocols practiced by CPS. Thought police and child removal will lead to more child abductions, legal or not. It's just gotta stop. Thank you for the work you do and your maturity in handling this news. Way to make a difference anon, good job, keep it up.

22021388? ago


22019466? ago

Is that you OP?

22019567? ago

OP always has an (S) but in brackets following the number name, and the number will be highlighted. I'm not OP.

22021479? ago

Easy to come back with different acct and comment w/o the (S) showing.

OP is full of it. Trying to scare patriots away.

22016240? ago

Over my dead fucking body! How's that for extremism?

22016645? ago

Right here with you

22016237? ago

Hey! Send me a name redacted copy of the law and I'll add all the leftist websites to it and send it everywhere. Let's see how that flies.

22016212? ago

Bullshit. You got a memo on a holiday weekend? It wouldn't drop when half of your agency is out on vacation.

22017398? ago

I got it Friday, but didn't read it until this morning.

22016211? ago

So....when/if this goes live are you going to continue working for this revered organization?

22016185? ago

Well FYI, you literally work for the child trafficking ring of the Cabal. How about either expose that or quit because that's nothing to have to stand before God and explain.

22016216? ago

You are wildly misinformed.

22016272? ago

No i'm not. I researched these shit stains back in 2012. I've read hundreds of stories from people begging for help getting their kidnapped children back. fuck off shill.

22017403? ago

Please link to these cases and I'll look into them.

22021364? ago

There are all kinds of Facebook groups with parents fighting to get their kids back. CPS makes money from taking kids. No kids, no money. Always follow the money. Appreciate you getting the word out. Project Veritas. Protect yourself. These people are sick.

22016141? ago

from: doglegwarrior

hey beyond the bullshit uou just uncovered and are about to expose thanks for being a good human and working in cps the shit you have to deal with is insane. i have a friend who works for cps and the stories i have been told are truly mind numbing and makes you realize a big portion of humans are literaly animals or even below animals...

also maybe you could try to contact the guys that have all the wistle blowers wear a wire and expose the fucking obvious communist running your branch of cps.

good luck

22015888? ago

Wouldn't they have to know you have kids or not? That would be violation of 4th amendment.

22015645? ago

You DO realize there's programs like photoshop and paint? You're either lying or retarded. Both? There's no excuse for hiding something like that if true.

22020645? ago

There's no excuse for hiding something like that if true.

This is pure ignorance.

22023795? ago

Found the pedo sympathizer.

22025706? ago

Did your parents have any normally-abled children?

22015992? ago

I've responded to this in other comments.

22015712? ago

??? why do you react like that

22015629? ago


22015491? ago

Keyboard warriors can just hurt feelings but have no real power to make changes in the real world other then spread ideas.

Idea's can't be stopped once they've sprung/been released.

22015401? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Rellik88.

Posted automatically (#84102) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22015399? ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Rellik88.

Posted automatically (#84101) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22015383? ago

Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing.

I can't understand how sharing information about Jews or possible pedophile rings or posting spicy memes makes one an unfit parent. The state should only consider removing children from the their parents for the most extreme reasons.

22015295? ago

do it bro, send it to the media. Just more proof "To protect the people" is just an illusion. I'd say this is more panic by our enemies because they are losing control. And yet more confirmation that we truly are the news now.

22015133? ago

They’d have to kill me first. DO NOT LET ANYONE TOUCH YOU ANNS YOUR FAMILY. This is their final warning

22014995? ago


22014823? ago

I care much less about my life than the lives of pedos trying to take my kids. I hope they are all ready to die and burn in hell.

22014818? ago

Hmm yes, well, when Canada grabbed that Chinese woman the Chinese grabbed five Canadians in reply.

Canada has not grabbed any other Chinese women so far.

Just saying.

22014748? ago

Of course.

Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.

As long as we tolerate the criminal world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

You know this is a criminal act of war by occupied, illegitimate, levels of government/agencies. You have a right and dury to do something about it. Short of that, don't fucking be complicit.

This is a horrific, inhumane, act of war being committed by horrific, inhumane, people who will stop at nothing.

Do you have a line, and where do you draw it? It should have been drawn when you learned the Supreme Law of the Land... If not, draw it now, and prepare for the inevitability of it being crossed.

22014737? ago

Lmao don’t be gullible people this is fake asf. Shills got you this time

22014755? ago

And you know this how?

22015139? ago

How do you know it’s true?

22017048? ago

I don't, but you seem very confident in calling everyone gullible in believing a "fake asf" story. I'm asking how you know this to be fake?

22019810? ago

when presented with zero evidence in a place like QRV, you should assume that it is fear mongering. not facts. i'm confident because of experience.

22020036? ago

I don't know for sure one way or the other so, best to wait for evidence rather than insult everyone here because you feel strongly about an opinion. You know what happens when you assume.

22020295? ago

thanks, wise mother.

22014638? ago

What state are you in?

22014634? ago

Is Antifa and other leftist groups listed as well?

Because if they are not, this is likely that this list is complied by SOCIALISTS!

It seems similar to the Equity and Diversity Agendas that are happening in public school all over the country.

Here's a vid over ONE county in VA.

Books can be burnt but this HHS thought police shit is over the top, as well as Medical Kidnapping.



22014448? ago

welcome to the great honeypot.

22014254? ago

Trying to cast fear.

22013979? ago

It sounds like a way to scare ppl off voat gab and 8chan.

22016079? ago


22013916? ago

Which state

22013859? ago

Prove it, niggerfaggot.

22013842? ago

Do what's right Patriot

22013708? ago

Thanks OP.

Don’t feed the bots and shills.

22013671? ago

In what state?

22013807? ago

I work for the federal organization that sets overarching policy for local state organizations.

22013629? ago

didnt CPS get a fair ammount of guns & ammunition in their budget a few years back?

22013650? ago

Yes, but no one has really seen anything from that in my office.

22015301? ago

Been hearing it all went to Syria.

22013626? ago

Need a free proxy? https://proxy.vpnmentor.com/

22015962? ago

Honestly have no clue why this was down voated... anything we can use to protect our id's should be used. Having a VPN is the best solution though.

22017623? ago

Free VPN's are the best way to have horrible security on your computer.

22021466? ago

This wasn't a free VPN....just a free proxy. It's a VPN review site that actually tells of the dangers of some free VPN's and shares the safe ones as well. Very informative. Guy Fawkes reviews.

22013552? ago

Ok so, new targets besides UN troops, all CPS workers are now enemy combatants and should be shot on sight. Dont wanna be shot? Dont help an organization like that exist. If everybody got that, decided they didnt wanna be shot for being terrorist affiliated, and quit, they couldnt exist.

22013663? ago

Thanks for threatening my life. Lots of good people who help people work here too.

22016656? ago

Yeah well that won't matter to angry parents

22014656? ago

Your welcome. Now, stop associating with child stealing, child raping, terrorists, unless of course YOU are a child stealing child raping terrorist.

22013838? ago

?? By claiming that children are corporations owned by the government? How is that "good people"?

22013863? ago

The majority of people who work for DCF, or CPS or DHHS are social workers who help poor families get by. Just because you have never needed help doesn't mean that other people haven't.

22013924? ago

I didn't say anything about other agencies, just the pedo CPS. Here in Arizona, the 2nd in command of Fort Hauacha was being supplied with children for 12 years so he could make kiddy porn and prostitute them out....12 years they supplied him with children....seriously....Fuck all of you

22014004? ago

Um ok

22014028? ago

You work for them, you are the problem. If Hitler's gate guards are guilty for being part of the system, so are you.

22014067? ago

We all appreciate your input

22013502? ago

I have bad news for OP,

If the kikes will steal children from parents who visit Voat, what will they do to OP for leaking this to that very site? OP has provided more than enough info in the comments for them to figure out who OP is.

Also, OP states,

90% of VPNs are traceable according to our data guys, I don't know the realities of that though.

OP, if your data guys are correct, you're fucked.

22013451? ago

Redact the memo and post it. What state is it from?

22013668? ago

It's directly from Alex Azar

22013427? ago

Does your husband work in Washington DC by chance? Staff anon?

22013675? ago

My husband is currently not working and we don't live in DC

22013388? ago

This board is slip sliding away.. the shills are going all out to slide the forum. Come on people you really think OP is who she says she is.. she got into it to help children but she won’t help our children because her child is sick and she needs insurance.. so larp or selfish Cunt. Either way I’m cool.DOWNVOTE THIS SHIT until OP gets her ass in the kitchen and makes some sauce. And repost next week when she’s not so frightened to lose her benefits.

22013341? ago

Whatever you do, don't call any "helplines" aka honeypots.

22013687? ago

It's common knowledge those get ignored.

22013868? ago

or whistleblowers have "accidents".

22014012? ago

The calls go to HR and HR protects the executives at all costs.

22013320? ago

Between this and the new VA and CO gun laws, doesn’t seem like patriots are in control WTF!! This is ILLEGAL!

I think they want to start a civil/revolutionary war. If they come for my guns they will not survive the encounter. I say this as a middle aged woman who works in corporate America. They have no idea what they are starting and how quickly they will lose.

22020485? ago

You fail (along with many others) to understand what "patriots" in control really means. (it's not the meaning of patriot you're probably imagining)

22022352? ago

Then enlighten us. Seriously. Spell it out.

22013227? ago

Is CDAN an extremist site ... what other wrong think is censored or banned ....Minds, Liveleak, Steemit and Bitchute? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3588498/21961239

22013139? ago

Since voat is anon can you describe how they plan to use it against people? Calling LARP if not. Today I’m a transabled t-Rex.

22013068? ago

(((media))). Kek

22026964? ago


Sent to the above this morning.

22013042? ago

Now that is one large scary step backwards.

Redact all names, info leading to you, and publish EVERYWHERE you can.

Don't rely on one avenue.

22013311? ago

I will be when it's sent to more people early next week.

22018058? ago

Do not follow above advice. Let others from voat republish everywhere else. You doing it creates a digital fingerprint that can be used to dox you.

22013039? ago

So Q and Voat are just a way of rounding us up and identifying us. Great....

22021512? ago

That's exactly what this lying shill OP wants you to believe.

22012940? ago

Can you



2) Post something legible.

22012920? ago

Boat are both on there.


22012942? ago

Voat, it was a typo

22012877? ago

Just got a government memo on a Sunday?

22012840? ago

so the pedos are gonna take your kids for trying to fight the pedo global goverment

sounds logical

22012834? ago

Fake News. Shill. Shill. Shill.

You're going to have to do better than that transparent "if you care about your children, you'd better stop hanging out here and on 8kun" to scatter Patriots.


*** No "memo" is going to "become the law nationwide."***

I'd say, "Nice try." But it wasn't.

22012825? ago

Evidence or GTFO

22012778? ago

EMERGENCY BROADCAST! Cyndie Abcug Arrested in Montana for “Qanon Conspiracy” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7fCxxCItKM

22012758? ago


Not all children are suitable for grooming. Some are rather ugly.

22012580? ago

Thats our reward for picking the wrong side in ww2 and electing a kike boomer president. Trumpstein will make sure all of his supporters are disarmed and in jail by the end of the year.

22012613? ago

Get out

22012572? ago

Definitely go to project veritas with this!

22012564? ago

Sauce or GTFO

22012542? ago

They already did it for me and all the shills on Voat discredit me every time I try to warn you all.

22012766? ago

What do you mean?

22013610? ago


Check out how many subversive replies my initial post got. I've been fighting this here for years. Every single time I say anything about what really happened to my kid.

They don't miss a beat. Check out beefartist. That's one of their accounts.

22020516? ago

You're not the OP, but the commenter in that thread?

22020963? ago

I didn't post the thread. My post started here https://voat.co/v/QRV/3592751/21997990

22013831? ago


22012465? ago

It's /pol/ on there?

22012621? ago

8kun was too of the list, but it's alphabetical

22012443? ago

Take a screen shot, blacking out names and posting on catbox.moe. Then send the link here.

Until then...no sauce.

22026919? ago


it was shared this morning

22016379? ago

Hard to do because it never happened. It specifically mentions voat? Lol, anyone who believes this is retarded

22016393? ago


22012593? ago

Right?? OP spends more time answering every reply but can’t use some fucking white out. This is such bulkshit

22020310? ago

White out doesn't remove the hidden unique identifiers in a text document. You would make a terrible spy.

22021647? ago

I would make as good a spy as she is a child protector.

22012382? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#84075) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

22012373? ago

Find the chain of criminals and a based sheriff. Have him produce warrants for threatening to kidnap. Visiting websites is protected under the 1st Amendment's freedom to assemble.

Keep arresting everyone who conspires with the kidnappers to let them off the hook.

22012403? ago

That's totally how the system works.

22013493? ago

Track down every CPS worker who enacts such vile laws and enforce your right to self defense

22012827? ago

It's how you get the old, obviously stupid laws off the books, by sending them through courts.

No one has done that on this scale yet, but could you imagine members of the Supreme Court getting indicted and arrested for their tyrannical rulings? You'd probably need a based Governor too.

22020397? ago

This is coming from the feds, and practically directly from Trump himself.

22012351? ago

They can try... My kids are something I would fight for or die for if need be.

22013505? ago

Exactly unless they have a death wish dont touch my kids

22012333? ago

Won't ever happen. Besides, voat is anon. They don't have the staff or power to do this.

Fear porn

22027009? ago

Well, it Used to be.... Anymore I wouldn't be so sure.

22020279? ago

It's apparently a new federal law by the patriots who are in control, so rejoice and worship Trump when your kids are taken from you.

22021196? ago

oh dude, this is it in a nutshell, all these qrv plebs thinking Trump is going to save/protect them if they get in the DS cross-hairs...no one individual matters to the Qs except Trump himself, you better arm up and be aware of your surroundings Q-supporters, because no one from the Trump admin is going to lift a finger for you personally

22020161? ago

They might not know what you posted, but they can know if you regularly visit the site - you have Internet history on your browser and they keep it all. If Google knows everywhere you have been, even when your phone is turned off with no Internet connection, (as on that experiment on Tucker Carlson's show a while back) then they know every website you have visited, and how often. If you visit QRV the chances of you disbelieving deep state propaganda is greater than if you regularly visit, say, CNN, NYT, Daily Beast, etc. And if you disbelieve deep state stuff, then you might not teach the kids in your care to believe their propaganda.

22015407? ago

Funny how porn is fine, gay is find but consuming wrong think harms the child.

22020190? ago

The definition of "wrong" being, "not consistent with deep state propaganda/dogma . . ." in contrast to "not truth."

22012979? ago

watch some Hotwheelz videos, he talks about how he spent a lot of his time not really moderating 8ch but instead complying with government requests to give up ip addresses

22012502? ago

Telecoms can give you up if dont use the right vpn

22016698? ago

says your VPN is probably bad. Doesn't name any names, don't offer any known good ones.

Champ move there bud. Way to just spread FUD and offer nothing of value to our community.

22020527? ago

oh sry, i shd question your whereabouts and telecom provider, to help you fucking determine the appropriate VPN...

you fucking dolt, you shouldn't even be here

22012700? ago

What is the right vpn?

22017635? ago

The only one I would trust is anonymize.net. It's run by Epik who were the hosting company that gave Gab sanctuary

22013353? ago

I've been told most of the ones that advertise are all bullshit and track you anyways.

22014872? ago

Some VPN's don't just "hide" your IP address but also encrypt all data sent / received. Proton (the secure email guys) have a VPN product that is based in Switzerland.

If the commies are coming for you they will just break into your house and put a keylogger on your devices tho.

22015630? ago

"developed by CERN and MIT scientists"

No thanks.

22012928? ago

One you control yourself, at the bare minimum

22013060? ago

In other words, no first amendment for thee if you want to keep your kids from being kidnapped and raped.

Fuck off.

22024076? ago

And eaten.

22012689? ago

90% of VPNs are traceable according to our data guys, I don't know the realities of that though.

22015098? ago

The VPN protects you from your isp seeing what you're doing, that's about it. My buddy a few years ago got contacted by his isp about torrenting movies, threatened to cut his internet off if he continued to do so. Got a VPN, no issues since.

22012733? ago


22012323? ago


22012262? ago


22012260? ago

When you write Boat, do you mean Voat?

22012315? ago

Yep, typo

22012252? ago

will this be country wide?

22012269? ago

The laws are set by health and human services and enforced by local CPS departments. So, yes.

These new rules were set by Alex Azar.

22012913? ago

Is there plan to notify parenta involved of CPS about this or just take the kids?

Can auch parents evee ger their kids back?

22012250? ago

" i have a bunch of proof, but i won't post it cause my name is on it". fuck off. it takes no more than 5 minutes to scrub an image. you're full of shit.

22012271? ago

It's not scrubbing that's the issue, it's only been shared with about 50 people until the memo goes wide.

22013392? ago

I don't think you are doing anything wrong, do you want to work for the corrupt? 50 is enough, seems like you are only leaking truth, blank out names, others can figure out whats going on and theres Plausible deniability.

22018343? ago

I agree, 50 is a wide net. Someone needs to get this out with enough time for the public to blow up about it. If it's enacted they will use it on someone, and that'll be a tragedy. It's for June, so that gives some time. Just don't take too long. This is about others, not yourself.

22012720? ago

You've already outed yourself by posting that you have a child who needs weekly treatments.

Unless that's one of your colleagues.

22013488? ago

Have you met health people or care workers? He / She hasn't dozzed anything because This lifestyle comes with the turf ... everyone of them has some family issue or some retarded in the family who needs weekly treatments

22013962? ago

Sadly you're not far off on this.

22013145? ago

OP is sloppy in self doxing.

22013343? ago

Op is larpity larpenstein

22013187? ago

You can't be very smart and have a job working for any government agency.

22013966? ago

If you believe government workers are overpaid with luxurious benefits, who's the dumb one here?

22015591? ago

I believe they all have something which can be used to leverage them into shutting up in the face of the horrors they see every day. E.g. OP has a kid that needs weekly treatments.

22013433? ago

Thanks. It was the only job I could get with good benefits

22026903? ago

must not be looking too hard then.

22020333? ago

Wow,.talk about self-denigration...

22015608? ago

And you probably only got it because they can leverage you with your kid.

22012227? ago

Good. Remove the kids, and you prevent a future generation of Nazi shitheads.

22012219? ago

This is the definition of terrorism

22020068? ago

And communism.

22016104? ago

This is the definition of a fucking LARP to scare people off voat.

If it were even true, no one is going to go round up kids of people who have simply visited this site.

22023160? ago

You can't into evil or are shill. Either way, your statement is retarded. Children have been taken under lesser circumstances.

22016628? ago

No they will just use your visitation to voat in the case against you later if custody issues ever come up. "Oh yes, and the defendant here was also a frequent visitor to the domestic terrorist and nazi site voat, only further proving why he is not fit to look after kids."

22025751? ago


22017803? ago

Nope not gonna comply

22016610? ago

I know right talk about stupid ideas to die for

22012187? ago

What bullshit. This is more Leftist control of “WrongThink.”

22012694? ago

Not just leftist, this came from Alex Azar

22013346? ago

forward it to a bunch internally, work friends you now have a reason to deny as it has already started to spread. Then make a jpg of it black out the names, cut and blank using a photoshop, save a new jpeg, post that shit all over the chans, voat, gab etc If you want to be really careful before you post, go into some second hand store, buy a cheap second hand laptop, pick up some wireless signal near a restaurant or hotel. Post all that crap, throw away the laptop and be done with it. Veritas OAN dailynews in the end of the day they are all news outlets, they can help with truth, they can post your story but they will wait for the right day, they are in the media business and are more interested in politics and collecting adverts and interweb hits. If you want you can email the Alt-media but don't expect them to help too much. . . They did take the kids of some dad who named his child Hitler and yet nobody freaks out when the islamics name their child after a mass murdering pedophile terrorist named moohammad, you wonder sometimes who is really running the show?

22013927? ago

If you want to be really careful before you post, go into some second hand store, buy a cheap second hand laptop, pick up some wireless signal near a restaurant or hotel. Post all that crap, throw away the laptop and be done with it.

You can just use a live CD of a security-focused distribution like Tails. Go wardriving and find yourself an open WiFi. Boot to the CD and send that stuff then toss the CD.

22014364? ago

What does wardriving mean?

22014807? ago

wardriving : Driving around checking your WiFi (yes they have an app for that) to find a open (not password protected) WiFi hotspot.

22013906? ago

This is great advice, thank you.

22018218? ago

Not good advice. If you are worried about being identified internally, the forward alone suggested above may dox you. As you already considered, wait for the larger audience before release.

22013718? ago

This was all good advice BUT DO NOT USE JPEG! Convert to PNG to scrub EXIF data.

22012708? ago

He’s a Globohomo Lefty.

22012718? ago

Sadly he's a Trump appointee, but I think he's a piece of shit

22016251? ago

Ok so now i get why you care about your stupid job more than kids. you're a shill.

22013741? ago

Trump is a Rothschild appointee

22012181? ago

Send it in direct message to Trump, don jr, ivanka... you know this DS BS will get shut down and whomever issued the directive will be FIRED!!!

22013406? ago

Ivanka who married the Jew?

22018554? ago

oh JOOO's bad.....

22020407? ago

No shit.

22012171? ago

they will also be snatching kids at schools & hospitals.

22013467? ago

This is already common

22013574? ago

back a few years ago, some lady i worked with had CPS try to snatch her kid at school. somehow he slipped away, but they charged her with kidnapping by custodial interference. it was kind of a shit-show.

22013781? ago

Sadly stuff like that does happen. I have seen some legitimate reasons children needed to be removed from homes. When I first started I delivered groceries and aid to poor families that typically lived in rural areas. On one occasion I found an 18 month old unattended at a home sharing a dog cage with an old pug. Both appear to have been there for a pretty long time, the single mother was later found in her car in the garage drunk.

Those cases are sadly more common than people like to think. That child was removed and placed with a foster family, a week later the mother accidentally burned the house down while cooking and most likely would have killed her kid in the process if they were there.

22014843? ago

my co-worker 'amy' was a solid lady. she was seperated & going through the divorce. the husband tom, seemed solid as well.( we all knew each other from big-3 vendor functions) just typical mid-america 2jobs family. i dont know how CPS got involved but i do remember them coming to interview her 2x at work, then again to arrest her i recall the younger boy was hiding at a friends house tho & the shit got dropped downplea-bargained

22016085? ago

We get a ton of calls from parents divorcing that try to cause problems for each other.

22012110? ago

they are preparing to round you up

if q and djt are honeypots

all be damned!

22012754? ago

I've suspected this from the beginning.

22013209? ago

also this looks like a proof that we and USM are working for MOSS


22012424? ago

Le Q and the Zognald will surely save us!

22013174? ago


they wont

22012266? ago

If Q and DJT are honeypots, then they may have attracted a sleuth of bears that they can't take down.

22016632? ago

This is my most common argument against qanon being a psyop because essentially if that were the case they're doing a horrible job because they're actually educating people on how corrupt government can actually be

22020446? ago

Crushing hopes and dreams is part of the plan.

22012406? ago

we hope so


leos and mil all over the world are on our side and against secret societies and corrupted politicians

22020436? ago

That is delusional, unless you're talking about the powerless peons.

22020971? ago

I must agree

22012711? ago

MIL yes, LEOs aren't guaranteed.

22012099? ago

You should send it to OAN.

22026915? ago

I sent it to them this morning and immediately got a response that they weren't interested.

22031878? ago


22028417? ago

What the fuck...

22016524? ago

Contact Or Follow OAN

One America News (OAN) Website https://www.oann.com

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OneAmericaNewsNetwork/

Twitter https://twitter.com/OANN

22015248? ago

You do realize that it could be the "extremists" which actually are crazy extremists that they are after, right? Ya know, the type that shill here with CP and loli. The type that plan and encourage church shootings and arson. The type that post bomb-making instructions and encourage bombings. The actual violent brats who have no sense of personal accountability, who want to harm or kill us because deep down they know they are inferior... It would be unwise for OAN to broadcast an assumption as fact. My bet is, if this is even real, that they will be after the actual crazies... Okay, that's my hope, anyway. I'm too poor to make bets.

22021161? ago

My bet is, if this is even real, that they will be after the actual crazies

Yeah, the deep state would never abuse its power in order to politically punish people. ;)

22021135? ago

lol....stfu, reddit.

22020254? ago

"Naming the jew is terrorism - And child abuse."

22016225? ago

CPS is the swamp through and through. I promise you they aren't after legit criminals/child abusers.

22016148? ago

I agree. the crazzy do tend to show up here and let us know what they are about but they also show up on Facebook and reddit to. I have no problem with investigations looking at social media in cases of suspected child abuse. some one shit posting lolicon could indicate that there is truth to the accusation that they are also abusing a kid. though like anything else it worry's me that you will also get bureaucrat deep state idiot to use this a weapon.

22012135? ago

I am planning on it when I have something without my name all over it that went to a bunch of people. I can't lose my job.

22025925? ago

OAN will not do anonymous stories.

22026752? ago

I got responses from both them and Veritas this morning, both said it's not something they'd typically work on but will get back to me if they do want to do something.

22025683? ago

Copy is and black it out or even oversticky it and then copy it again... then of to oann, fox, the chan and voat

22024539? ago

Redact it.

22020213? ago

I can't lose my job.

Destroy as many of us as it takes to protect your money!!! Oy vey! The anti-semitism in these replies!!!

22019378? ago

So, all talk, no substance. Just another narcissistic fuckwit, then.

22017411? ago

You serve evil. Go do anything else, please

22016206? ago

Fuck your job. Kids lives vs your fucking job working for the CIA (whether you know it or not)

22015941? ago

Just white it out and quit being a bitch

22015850? ago

Why would you want a job where your duties include taking children away from people who visit Gab and Voat?

I assume this is a state law? Which state?

22015763? ago

You can't lose your job? Why would you want to work for a agency that steals children? This is Trump era, many good jobs out there. Steal the evidence, redact it, leak it

22015387? ago

Get a lawyer and contact local police. Prepare ahead of time. Then contact the attorneys of the sites that are listed.

18 U.S. Code § 241. Conspiracy against rights is a federal crime. However, it does not seem to be a felony so it would not fall under misprision of felony if you fail to report it. Find out if your state has similar laws.

Get on Protonmail or Tutanota or some other encrypted email service. Shake every branch of your friends and family until you find someone in the police or national guard or an intelligence agency who can then contact someone who is in a position to open an criminal or counterintelligence investigation. Their web forms do not work and no one ever acts on the information I've sent through them in the few times they don't throw errors. Have that person get an encrypted email account and post their address in a reply to this message. Bookmark this thread in your browser so you can find it again.

22016054? ago

I think you're confused, this is the new official federal position that is being handed down from Alex Azar in DC - this isn't a rogue person doing this.

22017607? ago

It doesn't matter whose name is on it, it is highly illegal and is probably originating from a foreign intelligence agency that is leveraging a federal agency to shut down competition to the websites under its control. What you have described is a nationwide order to kidnap the children of everyone who is not loyal to a foreign power.

22014651? ago

Redact it

22014142? ago

what state?

22013329? ago

forward it to a bunch internally, work friends you now have a reason to deny as it has already started to spread. Then make a jpg of it black out the names, cut and blank using a photoshop, save a new jpeg, post that shit all over the chans, voat, gab etc If you want to be really careful before you post, go into some second hand store, buy a cheap second hand laptop, pick up some wireless signal near a restaurant or hotel. Post all that crap, throw away the laptop and be done with it. Veritas OAN dailynews in the end of the day they are all news outlets, they can help with truth, they can post your story but they will wait for the right day, they are in the media business and are more interested in politics and collecting adverts and interweb hits. If you want you can email the Alt-media but don't expect them to help too much. They did take the kids of some dad who named his child Hitler and yet nobody freaks out when the islamics name their child after a mass murdering pedophile terrorist named moohammad, you wonder sometimes who is really running the show?

22012751? ago

just block your name and send it that way

22015343? ago

There is a form of information hiding called steganography. It has been used to insert data into pictures, by having certain pixels slightly changed. It can also be used to identify who a document is sent to.

For a simple example, at a company with three people, they're sent an email which differs only in their email name (i.e., recipient). If one of them leaks the email without the name, then the company doesn't know who leaked.

On the other hand, if the company used software to automatically slightly change the document it sent to each recipient (for instance, extra spaces at the ends of lines, or extra invisible formatting like turning bold on and off around a space, etc). The software would tabulate who it sent the email to with which alterations were made from the original document. For instance, A would get one extra space after the first line; B would get one extra space on the second line; C would get one extra space on the third line; and the algorithm would continue, until it ran out of lines, then do one extra space on two different lines; then three; up to total lines; then if still need more, add bold around first space; then second; etc.

That way, if someone shared the email, even if they removed all the email headers, the alterations from the original document would still identify the leaker. It would be a simple matter to feed the leaked document back into the software, and it would match it up in the table with the person it had been sent to. It could even do a "fuzzy match" as some might be savvy and remove formatting before sharing, so additional techniques like changing bullets to numbered lists, or fonts used or font size, ad nauseum!

This was from my software career back in the 90s so I'm certain that the Q team and President Trump are using similar techniques to identify and silence (or better yet, misinform!) the leakers.

22020227? ago


22019012? ago

Solid info here

22012587? ago

So you're afraid of losing your job as a paid state kidnapper?

22017080? ago

not everyone who works for CPS is evil.

22013372? ago

It's a good thing to have someone on the inside of a bad organization like this so they can spill information as this person's doing.

22020135? ago

this is important.

22016548? ago

the OP is a coward and complicit.

22012628? ago

No, I'm afraid of losing my healthcare because I have a child that needs weekly treatments.

22013797? ago

Please please please stop responding to attacks with more personal information. You might think it's innocuous, but you're posting tons of info. It doesn't take much.

22013821? ago

I'm removing that stuff now, I realized people were trying to trick me into oversharing

22015450? ago

Either way remember if you don't identify yourself and they actually to try and pull this s*** you could be a Target

22014090? ago

Thank you! God bless!

22013509? ago

So you will help steal and destroy others kids to protect yours. How noble of you. - guy with no Healthcare for himself wife or kids... Guess you should come take mine to keep yours safe right... Since I'm the bad guy?

22013309? ago

Cool as long as your kid is safe

22013327? ago

I'm not jeopardizing my own kid, and if you were honest you'd do the same.

22013415? ago

I'd say refrain from engaging with shills who are trying to incite a response from you and never give up any personal information about yourself or your family, even if it seems innocuous as "my kid needs weekly x". Could potentially be used against you if your doxxed.

22016563? ago

OP is the shill, asshole.

22012568? ago

You can't lose your job? Contact Veritas and get out of that filth you are wallowing in Anon. Get clean.

22020682? ago

I agree. Dark to light. Come clean. Go to James O' Keiffe at Project Veritas. On their website there is a whistleblower link. Use it.

22015901? ago

yeah you need to be protected. get setup with a lawyer where if you lose your job you can sue.

22013237? ago

Dear God... OP literally implied she would trade our children for money in her pocket! You know that is what was said here right? I would NEVER stay in an org like that at any personal financial cost.

22017528? ago

That’s why I think it’s fake.

22016469? ago

OP is a fucking shill. look through their comments on this thread. I know for a fact CPS has been trafficking children for decades.

22021889? ago

Can you link me to their post history? I can’t seem to get it working in anonymous subs.

22028180? ago

You can't look at their post history, you can look at their posts in this thread though because OP's number is purple.

22028687? ago

Oh, I misread what you said. I’m stupid. =D

22030106? ago

'salright. shit happens.

22018740? ago

Good grief. It depends on your state and county. I work in conjunction with, not for, my county CPS in PA and the state went bonkers after the Sandusky/Penn State debacle. Laws became very strict in PA. My county is top notch CPS; other counties not so much. OP may certainly be telling truth regarding her CPS which can be radically different in how they do business from adjoining counties.

22023898? ago

I can account for PA and the Sandusky thing. I was a director at a juvenile treatment facility, and they swooped in and grabbed 2 kids placed by Lycoming Co. because they were alleged victims. I remember the "CYA" our C+Y agencies were rushing to get in place. Definitely affected the placement process...

22013335? ago

It's nice you have that choice.

22016481? ago

hey scum, KYS, ok?

22014701? ago

you do have a choice. its a choice that requires SACRIFICE. somethin you aren't familiar with.

22013710? ago

Choice?! HA HA HA HA! My income was cut by 90% because of this "choice" to not work in an evil organization. I. LOST. EVERYTHING. You now have a duty to deliver this information when it is safe to do so as widely as possible or I, and likely GOD himself will hold you accountable.

22016500? ago


22015175? ago

You and me both, anon. Management gave us sexual harassment training, including talk to your manager or, if s\/he is involved, talk to HR. So I talked to HR. Lost the job that made me a millionaire. Rough decade after that. Slow financial recovery, then bam! Multiple concussions over half a decade. Now working a couple irons in the fire, might be able to purchase a house this year.

Which as you imply, won't matter at all where I'm living or how much I'm paying if we're living in a tyranny where [[[they]]] take our children away on a whim, to be terrorized and then drained and devoured.

Please, OP, expose this next week safely! Contact Veritas today! And OANN! Not sure how to do a submission there, but citizenfreepress.com might also be helpful.

22015361? ago

Thank you for your response. I started to understand the blackmail... Struggled to believe it then tip-toed out the door... Very... Carefully... I kinda made a situation where they wanted me to leave and then ran for the door with a relatively good situation. Catch is there is nothing to replace what I did in the 'real world' so it has been financially tough. I perused independence instead and am much happier. Less secure but better life. Good luck to you and I hope OP follows your advice.

22016650? ago

Thanks, God bless.

22015038? ago

Damn. If what you said is true, youre retarded

22015406? ago

Think again... Ever hear of Pizza gate?

22015649? ago

Yeah. It’s fake. Show me a video of hillary eating a child.

22013843? ago

I don't answer to you or your opinions.

22016596? ago

You will answer to God.

22013519? ago

You have that choice too and you will hang on the day of rope if you are complicate in anyway with crimes against children. You are just like a policeman who breaks into a home and shoots the kids and takes the guns because "you had no other choice".

I hope you die horribly scum. You have a choice and i highly suggest you choose the right one.

22016126? ago

Thank you for threatening my life, you seem like a very sane and rational human being.

22019152? ago

Keep crying bitch

22016521? ago

Fuck you. GTFO.

22012213? ago

Yes! Please - DO NOT send it to any mainstream outlets. Needs to be sent to others; proven friendly outlets... - You may want to include Veritas as well.

22012245? ago

Yes I was thinking Veritas would be interested in this. Maybe not enough for a full blown event, but at least enough to help you get the story out through the right channels.

22012267? ago

agreed. Godspeed OP. CPS cannot be trusted. The purpose of this is to take people's children as hostages against "radicalized" - or awoken families. Possibly use them as pawns etc. - Children are our weakness. Children are our strength.

22013207? ago


22012687? ago

In many states CPS traffics children into sex slavery, they must be shut down.

22012673? ago

To be fair we do many other things. My first role at CPS before I got sick was delivering groceries to poor families.

22015043? ago

Get Ready For Doxx Bitch

22013765? ago

Dude delete this immediately. We don't need your personal info, and bad actors are around here too.

22013221? ago

Nice doxx bro... Edit this out.

22013098? ago

Op We don't need more info about you. Delete this. After you expose they will try and identify you. Unless 90% of employees start at that position in the company. Not important to us.

22012096? ago

White Nationalists Make iilligals Run for their lives if they try to get driver licences.

Yes this is a runaway Child. I can see That You are new

We Old and battered are in control, this is all that You need to know

Please provide the Childs name if You want action

22012106? ago

So you're gathering the name of children? Seems totally safe.

22018963? ago

Im not gathering anything.

This pain is on Your mind and Yours alone.






22019160? ago

You talk like a bot

22019215? ago

You talk like Nosenigger

22012524? ago

And the awkward English, the odd misspellings...

Shit-tier shills...

22012092? ago

Media don’t care. They’re part and parcel. I guess their supply line is drying up. They must need more kids. The sick fucks!

22013441? ago

Gab? It seems most of the real propaganda comes from Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc ISIS even have accounts there and yet nobody shouts about closing them, no SHUT IT DOWN ! ...what is the agenda here?

22014271? ago

Cant have goyim leaving the farm. Gotta stay in the sanctioned forums or else bergstein will rape and murder your children.

22012085? ago

stop posting on voat. you don't need it to be happy

22012078? ago

I don’t trust you, moving on.

22012041? ago

Canada? US? Britain? Oz? New York? Commifornia?

22012081? ago

US, part of HHS, but operates in many states and sets the laws for the local CPS, DCFs, and DSS.

22012710? ago

Are you saying this is a federal mandate?

22014910? ago

OP said Alex Azar ( current United States Secretary of Health and Human Services ) so yes.

22012018? ago

Are you a light worker who works in the dark places?

22012057? ago

Correct, I took this job a few years ago when my business failed and my child needed healthcare.

22012072? ago

You know. You’ve got me thinking. What if we all pursued careers in the institutions that threaten freedom the most and hold back tyranny from within, the opposite of what the DS does?

22013590? ago

What if we all stopped doing their jobs for them as useful slaves, and instead shot the motherfuckers imposing tyranny? Bet that works better than trying to "change it from the inside"

22015056? ago

worked for salami!

22012087? ago

This happened in 1994 and with the Tea Party, but it's petered out since then a lot.

22013983? ago

That's because they let jews and christ-cucks in. Those fuckers will subvert a movement every time. That's what they do.

22012006? ago

I really curious about this. Seems like they will call out all the sites that threaten them and use the kids as leverage. As well as the other initiatives.

22012021? ago

That is exactly what it looks like. We're supposed to get a full list of the 100+ sites soon.

22029443? ago

I would be grateful if you could return here for an update. This is massive.

22029790? ago

I posted the memo in another comment and was told to kill myself so I'm done with this.

22030135? ago

That sucks. Probably a defensive move from a perp or shill to resist you. Can you direct me to it?

I'm a child advocate of sorts and this would be helpful. If it puts you out or in an inappropriate position I'll understand.

22013556? ago

Project Veritas that shit please! At the very least type the content of the letter in a text doc or something and post it here and on 8kun

22013950? ago

Most of it is technical verbiage about the guidance document they're updating for the states to include the bits about internet extremism and social media.

22012602? ago

Demand pornhub and other sites that have hosted child pornography also be on that list.

22012635? ago

There are some porn sites like Motherless on the list.

22025949? ago

Is that a good site?

22026750? ago

I haven't looked at it, but it's listed as a site that hosts underage pornography, so I dunno, you might be into it.

22012339? ago

How would they know what sites people visit? Seems like a violation of the Constitution

22013568? ago

Lol... Your tax dollars at work!

22013333? ago

Because OP is a stupid dagger LARP. Or an asshole that cares more about her job then blowing the whistle and actually PROTECTING CHILDREN

22013361? ago

I'm protecting my own child. Don't pretend you wouldn't do the same.

22013409? ago


22013305? ago

Next logical step would be to get the teachers to have the kiddies do "homework" by writing down all the sites their parents visit. History tab, and all.

22012579? ago

Don’t listen to this bullshit in the time OP spent responding to everyone OP could have white out her name off of the paper. This is fear mongering. Trying to get you afraid of coming here. Just post the sauce.

22020372? ago

OP could have white out her name off of the paper.

You're a moron, and you don't even know it. (there is a comment on this post that explains exactly why)

22012684? ago

As I said before, this hasn't gone org wide yet. When it does next week I will post it. Until then, believe me or don't, I don't care.

22015483? ago

Whatever but you better not say We Told You So if you become a target for such a vile policies

22013286? ago

What sucks is you got in it to help kids.. now comes a moment when you really can help A LOT of children. You could blow the whistle. But you are a PUSSY, chose to believe me or not I don’t care.

22013390? ago

I will post it next week when it goes to more people. Nothing is enacted until June 1 so there is nothing to gain from not waiting, but I have plenty to lose by posting it now.

22013586? ago

Fair enough... Good to have you on the inside.

22012444? ago

CPS has the power to investigate individuals to determine child safety. Most of my job is researching people's social media presence and documenting it for review by case workers.

22012504? ago

You should start wearing a hidden camera now as this is being openly discussed around the office. This is not ok.

22013401? ago

If you want to buy me a hidden camera, feel free

22014938? ago

You can get a pen camera from Amazon for $50. LARP if it isn't worth $50 to you.

22013575? ago

Project Veritas... Bro. Seriously

22011883? ago

This only proves that Trump works for the Jews.

22011996? ago

Do you think he is at every meeting and decides all things?

22012002? ago

Some people that frequent this site think so. But they're the same people who think modern folks are operating by 2000 year old rules.

22011969? ago

Trump works for you?