theshopper ago

Gonna be a lot of killin.

I often wonder if they have even what we typed but never posted via JavaScript.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

They take them away for less currently.

The government is not anyone's friend. Nothing in a uniform is trustworthy.

lanre ago

If you give the government power to do something, they're going to misuse it. I don't know why people didn't get this when they demanded the nanny-state.

475677 ago

If someone were able to force voat to hand over my IP address and they were able to trace it to me with only the precision that feds/glowfags can with the intention of taking my child they best come as heavily staffed and armed as a small swat team because anything short of that and there will be nothing that could stop me from defending my child against her potential kidnappers that fully intend on pimping her out in the foster care system. Hell if they showed up like a swat team I'd die trying to defend her and would hope they put a bullet in her accidentally too so she could avoid that fate.

So in short if they were actually able to do anything I hope they truly believe their actions are correct to the point of being willing to die for them because I'm willing to stand my ground and die for what I believe in even if it's something as basic as holding the right to free speech as being absolute.

anticlutch ago

It's not BS. It could be bait shit-posting but it happens in the EU constantly.

blumen4alles ago

Most organizations focused on children are full of pedos.

Hope parents on Voat have good opsec.

RussianGoyBot ago

Uh huh. Prove who the user is.

Bipee ago

Not only that, prove what they are saying is what they believe. I know I've had my fair share of trolling...

fightknightHERO ago

Fat fucking chance these feds are gonna take kids away from kids because most of voat's userbase are ex-8channers and the majority of them are Zoomers

but i suppose if you're a Europoor with kids i suggest you use a VPN because ZOG's gonna ZOG

Talc ago

don't use a vpn, they're all honeypots.

LibertarianForChrist ago

CPS would rather the white children be given to a pedo/rapist than to non self-hating parents.

BillyLuath ago

Anything is possible these days.

CanDentTheBrent ago

Came here to write this so enjoy the upvote. I'm no longer surprised by tyranny as the American Citizens are demonstrably no longer capable of acting to stop it.

Keep on sitting around at home trusting some anonymous letter of the alphabet that Government will magically defy all Human history and fix itself.