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21996125? ago

This goes for the ‘See something, Say Something’ type helplines.

Quite an effective way to eradicate witnesses and evidence.

21997990? ago

I went to their office and told them a pedo lawyer was molesting my kid. Half an hour later a judge I hadn't even seen sends an order by email that I no longer have rights to my kid.

22020968? ago

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22004322? ago

Bullshit, theres no legal process with a total 30 minute turnaround and you dont get an email from the judge with an order.

22004362? ago

That's exactly the point it's lawless.

I can prove it but who the fuck are you? You don't care, you are just trying to subvert.

21998051? ago

Yeah that happened to me too.

21998049? ago

This sounds a lot like bullshit

21998068? ago

Why? Because you don't want anyone to know what the feds really do?

21998224? ago

What were the grounds for you not seeing your kid?

21998417? ago

Judge claimed to question my previous psychological report done by a double phd.

I'm obviously crazy going to the FBl to expose their connected pedo attorney, amirite?

Literally 30 minutes after the feds said they'd "look into it"

21999862? ago

No one says "double phd". You're clearly making this shit up, just like my schizophrenic friend does. Stop lying.

22009040? ago

seems pretty believable actually, given the complicity of everyone from cops to CPS to prosecutors and judges, as documented by numerous investigations

22002208? ago

Are you gaslighting him too?!

22005646? ago

He's crazy and violent.

22006118? ago

Projection and gaslighting wow.

Your a fuckin genius

22007249? ago

[–] 22004397? 4.3 hours ago

Loony enough to slit your fucking throat you fucking pedophile pushing faggot

22000955? ago

Yes he had a double PhD. One in child psychology and another in regular psychology.

He's a bad ass and you're a pedophile promoting shill.

I can't believe evil like you exists and hopefully...

Not For Long

22004345? ago

So he has a PHD in psychology basically...

22004386? ago

So he has a double PhD you stupid fucking relentless piece of garbage

22009086? ago

dont fret, fren, their time is coming, both the corruptocrats and these comically repetitious shills

just repeating "schizo"/"take your meds"...AI would actually be better at it lol

22013613? ago

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21998589? ago

You sound like an old friend of mine who went homeless (and a bit loony) and harasses every lawyer and judge within earshot and can’t see his kids anymore. He could tell the same story you’re telling, and if you’re like him, then you’d be the crazy one, not the judge or the system.

22000939? ago

Nice story you tyrannical boot licking shill, kill yourself.

What kind of subversive faggot response twice anonymously to every post to create a fake consensus?

22005614? ago

Hello, insane person.

22005634? ago

Hello, gaslighter

22005772? ago

Your kids were removed (if this story is even real...) because you exhibit the behavior of an insane person. Go fix your brain function.

22008992? ago

"gO aND foR to be FiXXinG of deH brAinz FunkshUn"

ok, ming-wa

22005853? ago


22008978? ago

notice the garbled english, "go and for to be fixing of brain, you are to be just beingz a schizo, taking of meds advise", same garbage-tier shilling from cheap foreign shill farms...its actually ultimately rather amusing how they self-own thru their terrible ESL

22003264? ago

Wtf are you even talking about you paranoid pos

22003399? ago

Why would anyone argue for pedophiles in our court system?

It's clear that DCF does it so what the fuck is wrong with you when you hear an example?

you are the piece of shit

22004264? ago

Bc it sounds absurd - a judge supposedly took his kid away for simply reporting a pedo? Mf’ers like that would get shot by some parent. A judge would have to show a reason other than reporting pedo activity to take his kid away. Some people are actually loony and/or crazy. so don’t believe everything you read on the internet

22004371? ago

Stop pretending to be a lot of people replying to me you fucking subversive piece of shit.

Look at your control freak ass flipping out because the truth is on this website

22004385? ago

You’re loony dude

22004397? ago

Loony enough to slit your fucking throat you fucking pedophile pushing faggot

22005636? ago

Sounds like a nutjob that's a danger to his own children. Thank God the judge removed your children before you killed them.

22005674? ago

Keep gaslighting, faggot.

Someone's going to kill you one day.

22005778? ago

^ Guess why this lunatics kids were taken away...

22009011? ago

actually, he's quite right, except you'll probly get done by the ppl paying you now, because your ESL is shit-tier

22004657? ago

Any moron can slit a throat. Better come correct

22004731? ago

See who you are? We do.

22005948? ago

Lmao I was just calling op out on a bullshit story meant to stir shit up and you flipped the fuck out. See who you are you fucking maniacal freak

22000482? ago

You glow, rabbi.

21998453? ago

How did you know the pedo lawyer was molesting your kid and how did they get close to your kid?

22001016? ago

My kid told me and I recorded the conversation and brought it to the FBl.

My ex couldn't get custody of my kid the normal way through our court because the judge was somewhat honest, so she found a child trafficking group in another Country that did the job and sucked my kid into their underworld.

22004332? ago

Why would you report a pedo to the FBI? They handle federal crimes.

22004350? ago

My rights are federal and my kid was taken out of the country

22004387? ago

Your rights arent the issue. Its a question of the crime committed by the criminal.

Was your kid taken out of the country by the lawyer?

22004392? ago

You don't care you stupid fuck stop pretending

22004407? ago

Dont gwtbmad because your story is full of holes.

You probably lost your kid for being a crazy asshole based on your inability to answer questions logically or tell a story that makes sense.

If you dont want people questioning you, dont make nonsensical claims.

22004422? ago

You aren't questioning me because you care you're trying to subvert the truth make it look like there are holes but it's pointless because nobody's going to read this far you stupid fucking kite

22021337? ago

I'm reading. I'm not OP.

Sincerely asking.

Was your kid taken out of the country by the lawyer?

22021493? ago

I don't know. The court ordered she can leave the country and I can know nothing about her. They didn't even have a rights removal trial.

She was 4. She said the lawyer abused her and told her to hate me. I gave the recordings to the court. The court put me in jail for contempt and deleted the recordings of her telling my gf she was being abused by the lawyer.

I went to the FBI w/ my gf to report. They threatened me and asked if I had rights to my kid. I said I did. 30 mins later at 5:30pm I get an emailed order removing my rights. I file a complaint that the court is helping abuse and alienate my kid. Then the judge recuses himself.

I've never been argued to be any kind of danger and other than contempt for reporting the lawyer, I've got no record.

22005601? ago

Wrong. And your responses are the responses of a crazy person. Since you're using that same malfunctioning brain for your thinking, you probably can't even detect how nuts you sound.

22005627? ago

Keep gaslighting faggot

22005750? ago

I'm not "gaslighting" that faggot. That faggot is mentally ill - "Nuts", in the vernacular.

22005760? ago

You really can't help yourself. Satan's got a mean grip on you

22004441? ago

Im questioning you because you're spouting nonsense. The more you go on with your crazy hateful rambling the more obvious it is why your ex left you and why you lost your kid.

22004448? ago

You think you're funny you sick fuck

22008929? ago

the bent feds live for this gaslighting shit, the situation you describe is entirely believable

22012376? ago

I guess I'm going to have a lot of patriot company:

22012484? ago

This is massively bad shit

22004481? ago

Yup this is definitely the reply of a sane rational person who doesnt have anger issues....not.

Why dont you log off and go take a relaxing walk or something?

22004586? ago

Well that is your only goal here isn't it ? To discredit a legit whistleblower?

21998346? ago

Being a faggot

21998395? ago

Is that not a fair reason?