22231356? ago

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21983496? ago

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21960426? ago

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21952874? ago

It has all been hidden in plain sight, you just need eyes autism to see.

21965248? ago

So weird to think, [[[they]]] created the conditions for their own demise! By putting our children through a "trial-by-fire" -- from which many died, and suffered worse, which is unforgivable -- [[[they]]] ensured that some of them would become "superbugs" and wipe out those who were poisoning them, in the first place.

Similar to how I used to think, automation will take us to the stars, and it's because of the fraud regarding "fractional reserve lending" which was a neat thought -- that their stealing everything from us resulted in us figuring out how to do more with less, and that "more" then included rocketry and space flight.

But now I know that rockets don't work in a vacuum. And, [[[they]]] say that space is a vacuum. Which in itself is odd, because there's no examples of a vacuum being in contact with a non-vacuum, with no membrane between them. "Gravity" is their answer to everything "wrong" with their model; it's bordering on ridiculous, and in fact definitely is if you've seen the size of North America change in the "Earth from space" images NASA has published over the years.

That got away from me.

The idea in both of these "they tried to bury us; they didn't know we were seeds" analogy (there's a third one :) ), is that "the meek seem to inherit the Earth" -- especially after being stepped on.

The autism is strong, in this one. Happy New Year!

21991437? ago

Space isnt a vaccum just very close to it. And gravity is a lie, its an electromagnetic connection. Gravity stems from the word grave. Which is realted to death. Nothing more.

21991548? ago


21965410? ago

Glow harder nigger.

21965489? ago

Okay, <holds breath>

21952517? ago

Ya i was around the forum during those posts, i bought into somewhat then but no longer do.... at all. It's all hippie new age bullshit. False teachings. LARP.

Qanon has provem themselves, not this hidden hand.

21956067? ago

Q is the good. rofs are the evil. two sides to each coin. good to understand your enemy.

21952002? ago


21956051? ago

you are the super computer. this is the best explanation of what the rofchilds are speaking about that i could find here.


21951743? ago

Mumbo jumbo. Access to PI's deeper decimals is a relatively new thing. Certainly out of reach for 1940's tech.

21956076? ago

when they didnt have tv to occupy their time with ridiculous bullshit. yes they had time to figure this out.

21956171? ago


21951476? ago

“ There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament” I bet in the Aramaic “version” it is different.

21951402? ago

Book of Revelation- which “version”? The Aramaic one? Lost in translation.

21951327? ago

Great article SB2 you fucking psychopath

21951456? ago

Exactly what I thought about 2 embolisms in... that dude is autistic as fuck

What is scary is this sounds like Christine Lagard's speeches, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYmViPTndxw , and that bitch is in charge of the whole International Monetary Fund now...

21951295? ago

Thought is creative energy, focused. You get exactly what you put out.



posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 12:26 PMlink

Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have (as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today. You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'. When was the last time you stopped, to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice. Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose. It is very important to us, that the Polarization of this planet is Negative at the time of the Great Harvest. That means Service to Self orientated, as opposed to Positive, Service to Others. We require a Negative Harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goal. We are very grateful.

What you do and what you say matters. Do not give in to the shills here that only seek to poison our well. We are LOVE, we are POSITIVE energy, we are IN CONTROL.

21952536? ago


How i know he's a LARP...

21951213? ago

And Barney equals 666 and monster energy drink is made from the devil himself.

I'm feel bad for you wasting your life instead of living and enjoying it.

21951895? ago

And yet here you are, struggling against it.

21958161? ago

I'm not struggling.

21974979? ago

You are wasting your life, and I am enjoying it.

21951478? ago

the numbers can drive some people insane

21951184? ago

From OPs top link:

Is it the end-times, as described in the book of revelations?

Yes. Not just described in the Book of Revelations, but also in the prophesies of virtually every religion, spiritual philosophy, and mystery tradition throughout history. This time is now at hand.

To use your own example however:

Revelation 14:14-16:

14 Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. 15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” 16 So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.

The 'earth' is indeed ripe for Harvest. The question is, who will be ready? And will the Harvest be Positive, or Negative?

Stay ready Brothers and Sisters. Watch who you follow...there are many Shepherds, but only one true.

21951496? ago

Like the Mayan “calendar” stopped at 2012? What happened?

21961733? ago

1: No don't see it quite yet, don't understand in the context you placed it (the meaning) but I will.. thank you!

2: Are you serious? So you are saying that a whole history (with temples and stuff) were created to fool us? Or distract us? Distract us from what? There must be something going on that does NOT benefit if you guys want to distract us.. But why?

3: A dangerous question, for who? A dangerous question for the person in question because the "ego" see's it as danger because it's an outside of the box question? Or a dangerous question for you guys if we ask that our self?

4: I know that they are there for a reason, I also know it's fear based, because every time we get "fear" we let our Reptilian brain (survival mode) take over, we are literally clicking backwards with our Amygdala into our Reptilian brain, instead of clicking forward into our Frontal Lobe. Am I right about the fact that the reptilian brain is a HUGE part in the manipulations? I must say, I get chills on my body if I see how perfectly planned this is, and effective.. I got respect for it, but not for the purpose it's been used, but that's a different thing!

Am I also right if I say that our EGO get's trapped by the Fight/Flee working of the Reptilian brain?

Got a new question:

  1. How do YOU look at us humans? Do you see us as less, or the same? Do you feel sorry for us? Do you have a sense of guild? Do you ever think about you abusing humans as a highly race? I know we are doing the same, but if you posses the knowledge for unconditional love and you are conscious of it, and that with out it you create pain, than I don't understand (from my point of view) why you do not use this.. If I got the choice to give up EVERYTHING I have, to just taste a little of this knowledge, I would give it all (IF I knew I could use it for GOOD purpose ofcourse) If you are reptilian, is it true that you don't have a MEMMAL brain, and could that be the reason why you can live with your self, without have a feeling of guild?

If you choose to believe the "lessons" of the MATRIX, feel free! I have told you what I know to be the truth...do with it what you will.

Quoting: Mindfulnesz

So you don't even know if your truth is the truth so your truth may be not true, where does that leave you?

And how do you know, that YOU don't live in an illusion (just like us) and the same thing happens to you? Hahahah That would be ironic, the energy harvesters getting harvested :P No but serious, if you speak the truth about you guys harvesting us (with out us knowing), then how the fuck do you know that you don't get harvested/manipulated, ever thought about that? I was never comfortable seeing the world as it is with all the violence and pain, because if WE do it, WHO else is doing it and on what level? Aren't you uncomfortable by your own actions, and not afraid it happens to you? Well I did my whole life, and look at it now, I'm about to learn THAT IT IS. (in the universe)

2) When I said distraction, it was relevant to the development of YOUR bloodline...not that the pyramids were built to confuse and confound you! I do affirmatively state that the Mayan "timeline" IS a distraction and has no relevance to "future" events.

i found this when reviewing the articles again.

21962463? ago

This a great find! About the Mayan “timeline” - I was suspicious - it was everywhere in MSM - books, etc.

Seems their agenda is in every way possible to inflict sense of helplessness and inevitable doom.

The agenda of the “bloodline” representative - same. Re: reptilian BS - it is actually about “serpent”. As everything important in the Bible is allegory and in the case of serpent - according Western Wisdom Teaching this is about fallen angels. The way they took control on humans was through the spinal cord and up to the brain.

21952791? ago

From my reading it doesn't stop. One Baktun ended and another began. We didn't hear much about that part from the fear mongering media.

21952557? ago

The age of Aquarius. Being an Aquarian, i can see truth like no other. We were gifted with knowledge and the ability to see through all the bullshit. Use your powers wisely.

21952659? ago

I believe in the age of Aquarius but we are still not there. May be after 500 years. The age of Aquarius is symbolized by altruism and represented by the corresponding Zodiacal sign. Because each such epoch lasts 2,000 years it’s effects are beginning to manifest long before to be in full effect. The earlier weak influence was at the beginning of the previous century. It is not 2012. And nobody knows for sure if that circle they found was actually a calendar . Surely the DS can mislead having in mind every possible MSM outlet was propagandizing they 2012 as end of the world.

21951521? ago

Aaaaand then restarted...a new age. One that we are in.

21952525? ago

I remember people buying bunkers. According these “prophesies” 2012 was the last year we are living

21952668? ago

Anyone saying they know when the end times will be are full of shit. There are signs that we're nearing that day, but no one other than God knows.

21951174? ago

NMBRFG here.

Thank you for posting this. <

Killer material.

This is going to fill in all the blanks for me regarding the Pi code.


22065112? ago

Why did Q first post on 10/28/2017? That day is 7290 days above 11/12/1997, and 2020 first appears in Pi as 202020

I was off ? ^ this says the 20th of feb 2020. Which is pi but heck close enough whats 2 days or 18 amungnst frens.


22065138? ago

Were you...? <

On another topic.

I am looking to buy some genuine Maga/Patriot clothes, as my wardrobe is ready for an upgrade.

I would love some exclusive Trump merch., but I live overseas, so I cant just shop around, except on the net, and i only like the rare stuff.

Any suggestions for cool merch. I can buy?

I mighty even sell my own 'number' branded merch, to make some pocket money. <

I have some AMAZING diagrams i have drawn I want to market.

22065164? ago

Kohls is endless dope treads.


I know your not a infowars fan but shirts he makes are some of the best like molan labe or give me liberty with gorge wash onit. Liberty or death.


Im trying to find the pshyiadellic ones i liked fro kholes.

21950994? ago

Thank you! Beautiful post!

21951146? ago

Thank you for reading!

21951161? ago

Heck, I'm saving it!

21954657? ago

Wow! It feels like Christmas on New Year's Eve. Happy New Year, anon!

Thunderstruck by 2Cellos reminds me of anons rockin out on hive mind, running down rabbit holes and wondering why the red pills are so hard for the audience to take. Watch the audience. I hope you enjoy it.

21965016? ago

YouTube isn't working for me. But invidio.us works! Just replace "youtube.com" with "invidio.us" and, if that site hasn't downloaded the video yet, it will do so at that time. You might need to reload if that's the case; and then, the link will work for everyone! It also allows downloads but now for some reason most of them are disabled; oh well. Here's the same video: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk

21965058? ago

Yeah that ain't working either even after restarting Chrome. Dafuq. New Mac Mini, haven't figured out all the new bugs on this new-to-me platform!

21951506? ago

I have been posting these for weeks. Its great to see it finally making stride.

21950828? ago

Love it NMBRFG. Thank you for doing what you do for us.

21950952? ago

I am not him.

21964988? ago

You two should collaborate!

21951200? ago

Still, I appreciate the effort.

21950681? ago

Worthy of a bookmark anon! Thank you for sharing your deep insight.

21950758? ago

Thank you, and if you are interested in learning a little more (especially the topic of how these numbers are coded into the Bible in plain sight) see this

Someone even pointed out to me recently that the Olympics officially start on 7/24/2020, which is specifically a date on the timeline, the end of the 1150 days and the beginning of 1005 days to complete the 1335 days.

21951518? ago

Yes that was me. The 2300 sacrifices stop on the 23rd. Then the olympics start on the 24th. They should have the torch lighting ceremony on the 23rd.

21950415? ago

Funny that as soon as we get a quality post here with serious research, shills start posting pictures of Adolf Hitler on new... Over the target.

21950364? ago

Search for 3911 in Pi and you arrive at position 3737

Search for 3924 in Pi and you arrive at position 7474

Danggg I had to double check this myself just to confirm, and its true. Crazy to thiink its been hidden there so long and things are only now being discovered. #DarktoLight

21951369? ago

It's been 17 minutes since I took a shit - this is unbelievable!

21951878? ago

And then you rubbed it all over your face and became governor.

21952038? ago

And 73rd gov of VA reversed is 37 - but what year is it now? 2020! And we know 37 minus 20 is 17!

21974953? ago

I dont care about your silly numerology, I just see the shit on your face.

21951202? ago

Curious as to how exactly you verified that ... is there a pi reference that's searchable somewhere?

21960618? ago

You can download Pi here and use it with notepad++, that is the easiest way: https:// theprophetictimeline.com/resources/pi.txt

There is also an interactive pi thing here https:// theprophetictimeline.com/pi_interactive.html

21950298? ago

The name Lucifer does not exist in scripture.

CEPHER Moments - There Is No Lucifer


21955629? ago

I think that Lucifer is female. At least, the Cabal depicts it this way.

21956010? ago

lucifer is a tranny.

21956207? ago

Hmmm... Interesting. Source?

21958619? ago

i think it says he is a male with breasts or something. I am just getting into this whole thing.

21964976? ago

Yes, the "as above, so below" transgender freak. Baphomet; there's a statue of him at the new witch museum in Salem.

21951909? ago


21952248? ago


21950331? ago

Isaiah 14:12


How art thou fallen from heauen, || O Lucifer, ſonne of the morning? how art thou cut downe to the ground, which didſt weaken the nations?

21950410? ago

Check the vid - the translator went for a best guess at the meaning of the word (probably actually “howling” not “shining”) and used the name of a bishop friend: Lucifer because he liked the name.

21950262? ago

How does this have 2+ upvotes when one of your link urls contains "IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion"?



Disinfo and artificial upvoting, thus astroturfing, is obvious as fuck.

21951737? ago

did you read the article because the Rofschild explains in it why they mispelled it.

21950909? ago

Read the document you complain of. It's pretty crazy.

21950288? ago

You don't think these people have a sense of humor? This guy answers questions for a very long time and provides good information as he is bound to his duty, perhaps if he makes a silly title he can dissuade some people from even giving it a chance, and they can continue on hidden.

21951441? ago

The idea obviously is to make people believe everything is predetermined, they can’t do anything about it and to surrender their free will. Isn’t it obvious?