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21957079? ago

I often feel i am not worthy.

But often try to be of worth.

The crumbs are the bread left over from when jesus broke the bread.

I am gratefull for everything he has led or fed me too.

For we arte of his image projecting ourselves into reality.


21960554? ago

Great post. <

21987028? ago

That wasn't me, but is one of the best pieces of information on the internet. I am dissecting it carefully. <

21992241? ago

Born in china died in china... spooky?

You knew this?^

WTH eck

And Q posted. [] . few times

Is this the looking glass a close up looks like a window, and its just space.

21994899? ago

Yes I knew show Liddell and the Liddle/Diddle connection to the Author of Alice in Wonderland, and Oscar Wilde. They were both pedophiles. <

I did that big decode on Dorian, and The Portrait of Dorian Gray.

22065098? ago

This is where AS enters where the missing familiy members are. And Shillery is a reincarnation or a demon brought forward i doubt shes actually family. Or even “far out” shes a dna clone from hair follicle or some random shit.