A few months before Sandy Hook, it just happened to be in a Batman movie. (catbox.moe)
submitted 5 years ago by 3562619?
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21726817? 5 years ago
The latest is alleged Sandy Hook killer Adam Lanza and Parkland anti gunner David Hogg are the same person.
Expect some of the links to be down friends, YT is banning all truth and anti Zion posts.
21951723? 5 years ago
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21728413? 5 years ago
You need the updated pic of the class of all those that didn't die which is 100% of the kids. it floats around on twitter from time to time.
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21726817? ago
Expect some of the links to be down friends, YT is banning all truth and anti Zion posts.
21951723? ago
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21728413? ago
You need the updated pic of the class of all those that didn't die which is 100% of the kids. it floats around on twitter from time to time.