21895823? ago

21872652? ago

The Spaceys of this world that are walking free should be found with their guts wrapped around a light pole and their throats slashed from ear to ear. In another time the whole town would have cheered as he dropped through the gallows floor, and now we have to watch the twisted bastard gloat that he has gotten away.

Put his fucking name in your book one day these people will not be able to walk the streets because they will be hunted like the vermin they are. It is beginning to look for all the world like the only justice that will ever be served will be served by the people, because the fucking legal system is totally fucking controlled.

21878015? ago

21881456? ago

the ex wife Princess is a mudshark, the princess of Norway, left him and the three kids for a self proclaimed "genital shaman" from LA.

21869874? ago

Do you think he's trying to say, "kill ME with kindness" in other words he knows he's cornered but doesn't want to die with PAIN

21869862? ago

I'm no number fag but i thought this was amusing

Kill them with kindness = 245

245 = skull and bones society

21869405? ago

End him

21869169? ago

Brags about his killing just like Tom Hanks with Kappy.

21868424? ago

This is humiliating and insulting.

21870276? ago

He probably has some dirt on someone, Knighted with a Direct Connection to Royal family. One accuser "died" which resulted in a case being dropped, then another dies. "KTWK" is this something cryptic or simply "Kill Them With Kindness"? He seems to play a role but acting, Character break at :30 ?

21866970? ago

KS is a serial little boy pedo. One sick puppy. He better get used to being in the fire rather than poking at it from outside.

22017710? ago

Did reddit ban that pizzagate sub? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3595493/22017255

21865724? ago

Kevin! You're such a DISEEEEEASE!

Kevin? Can I come to your house to play with our Spiderman/ X-Men/GhostBusters/TMNT and Wrestling figures??? What??? It's not that much of a stretch to imagine this cunt Sat on the stairs banging actions figures together and going "Pew, pew, pew!"

Even if it is just to get into some kiddies Huggies!

21870513? ago

https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2019/11/blind-items-revealed-5_23.html This conglomerate has made the decision to remove an episode of a television show because it features someone who molested children, but has left in the much more profitable movie which stars a sexual harasser forced to leave his tens of millions of dollars annual salary and bonus role because of it and the disgraced actor.

21870529? ago

a very strange disturbed man, read what his brother says about him. Lots of stuff in the pizzagate threads, he has connections in high places, top business people, political elites, even the royal family and guess what name was also flying to that island https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3578933/21870301

21870251? ago

The bird in a cage, threat of burning for "singing like a bird"?

21865688? ago

Convicted pedo Brian Singer (x men Director) had pix of K Spacey with some jail bait on his lap. Young boi toys in pedowood.

Pedo Wood is a system of gay mafia, beards, pedos, casting couch.

21865962? ago

yep and they try to make their crime look 'edgy'.


21865645? ago

Couldn't help but think of "kinder", the German word for children

21865584? ago

What a pathetic human... Strip this down to its bare bones... It's a 50/60 year old MAN playing MAKE BELIEVE/DRESS UP/COWBOYS AND INDIANS/COPS AND ROBBERS.... These Fucking "Elites" NEVER grow up!!! They have Peter Pan Syndrome! Is that why they love kids so much??? All that needs to be said to belittle this goading peso folk is.... Kevin Spacey.... GROW UP!!!

21876020? ago

The Asteroid day news

The Soda Pop Club - Cory Feldman interview, mentions Spacey.

Alyssa Milano is an "alumni" whatever the hell that means.

Is Seth Macfarlane a good guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVIU7iEVl58 http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/30/entertainment/seth-macfarlane-kevin-spacey/index.html

The guy also called out Weinstein at the academy awards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCNvREKTnQc

DELETED by corrupt mod, Millennial_Falcon


One of the leaders listed on the Kevin Spacey Foundation website is the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) http://www.arda.org/who-we-are/default.aspx

American Resort Development Association (ARDA) is the Washington, DC - based trade association representing the vacation ownership and resort development industries (timeshares).

Kevin Spacey Foundation Chairman's Circle: David Sidoo of Sidoo Family Giving

Here's one allegation. Worth reading through all the comments to get the measure of the man's depravity. Sure sounds like a nasty piece of work...

"Back in the late 90s a straight male friend of mine thats a film maker met him at some industry event in NYC. He got talking to him, thought he was really cool and all. They left the party and hit some bars and got amazingly drunk. My friend thought it would be easier if they crashed at his family's place nearby rather go back home. He woke up in the middle of the night to a terrible ruckus. Seems his new "friend" sneaked into the bedroom of his 14 year old brother and was trying to remove his pants. Little bro woke up and clocked him right the face. Spacey ran out of the place. Prior to all this, when the two were drinking, he learned that Spacey was due to attend another event the next night that my friend was also invited to. Spacey was a no show the next night."


@madmalloy @darkknight111 @Lafall @Conspirologist

' When I was a young thing, I appeared in a short film about the Illuminati kidnapping me.

No I am not joking.

It was connected to Kevin Spacey at the old vic theatre.

while looking at the photo of Kevin Spacey-s brother, I began...

Here is a photo of the brother https://archive.is/EbnIY/004ecd0ea19c622e19a698e0d2de4c830f87894d

He just so happened to be a well known Crisis actor, here he is side by side with Eric Paddock https://twitter.com/pearshapedgalax/status/940260440092930049

This is the alien disclosure.



"Read enough about Spacey, and you’ll come across references to a particular incident in the early 2000s involving an unnamed young man. “In 2000, Kevin was pap-snapped with a young male model he’d met in a restaurant and then driven to a Los Angeles park,” reads the National Enquirer.

The OP has apparently deleted his account but it's still archived ([https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1554022]). My personal contacts tell me that Santa Maria Airport (Azores, Portugal) is a very odd choice for stopping by. This is because there is a bigger commercial airport in the biggest island of the archipelago - S.Miguel -, and a large American military base in Terceira

Chris Tucker invtiabley has shunned 'most' of Hollywood to become a 'born again' Christian

article from 2002, look at the comments http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/757849/posts

the Baldwins?


there is a sleazy softcore smut thriller movie with Sharon Stone, blackmail cameras everywhere?

The death of 27-year-old actor Jonathan Brandis, who starred in two seasons of Steven Spielberg's "SeaQuest DSV," was a suicide, the county coroner's office said Monday.

' Spacey is a fucking pedophile. The public hasn't even started to scratch the surface of it. Wait til it comes out about how Hollywood passes around the same victims to all the same creeps, so the victims seem crazy if they come forward. Hollywood is a cult. They finance their films through child pornography. They then make examples of whoever speaks out; LAPD and Sheriffs were / are in Hollywoods pocket. Specifically Disgraced Sheriff Lee Baca and mafioso former LAPD Chief William Bratton, and even disgraced Orange County (neighboring LA county) Sheriff Mike Corona. Those that talked were beaten, tortured, and raped, at industry events. People like Corey Feldman saw what happens if you open your mouth. '

Actress Ellen Barkin Posts to Social Media that Kevin Spacey is a Pedophile and a Predator.

The most memorable Ellen Barkin role for me was her role as an abused wife in "This Boy's Life", also starring Robert Deniro and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Links to her damning posts about Spacey:



Enty might be dead fucking right REAL soon.


There is still online the video of that naked kid escaping out a Buckingham palace window by climbing down a rope made of sheets.

I wonder if people will start to wake up to the depravity of these people.

' Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey had made a pilgrimage to Cecconi's In October 2002 ... Joe Rogan on Historical Pedophilia Rings + Kevin Spacey + R. Kelly ... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AtxD6iK2I1U

(Also includes discussion of Sacha Baron Cohen's claims of a Las Vegas Pedo-ring) ... Former A-/B+ list actor: Mark Salling ("Glee") (murdered but it was made to look like suicide for child porn guilt) Foreign born business person: Julian Assange ("WikiLeaks") A-lister in hiding: Kevin Spacey Mogul: David Geffen

The Kevin Spacey Foundation (KSF) creates initiatives that discover, train, fund and mentor emerging artists in drama, dance, music, and film as well as offering life enhancing theatre-in-education projects, in line with its vision statement to: ‘Send the elevator back down’ a phrase coined by Jack Lemmon, Kevin’s great mentor. http://archive.is/od4AU

Prince died alone in his Minnesota estate elevator after ... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3554472/Prince-s-autopsy-complete-body-set-handed-family-weeks-cause-death-known-officials-await-toxicology-results.html

The Boule is the black freemasons so to speak. Your black people that are affiliated with masonry are usually Prince Hall Masons or if they are into occult masonry they are in the Boule. So if he was in the Boule he was climbing their ladder, or on their elevator so to speak.

The Boule is subordinate to the freemasons and like anybody else, white or black, considered an expendable tool, and will be sacrificed at any point they may become worth more dead than alive. They don't care what color your skin is if you are not one of them as far as sacrifices go. White or black they will sacrifice you if it suits them.

Prince dying "alone in the elevator" is symbolic of him being a sacrifice. '

The Kevin Spacey Foundations Twitter page : > https://mobile.twitter.com/KS_Foundation

KS Foundation's Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/kevinspaceyfoundation

Official website... looks like this one is still online :


Kevin Spacey accused of attempted rape of another 14-year-old



John McCain Foundation. Preventing human trafficking. Hundreds of millions of dollars donated. ....hundreds of millions....



Leonardo DiCaprio's foundation auctioned off 'dates' with 'Hollywood's two biggest predators' - Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey


Spacey : http://people.com/tv/kevin-spacey-allegedly-showed-teen-porn-groped-a-journalist-in-new-claims-against-him/

'If you’re knighted, it means you’ve made recognizable contributions for the satanic agenda. If you get caught, satanists throw you under the bus. This is not news to people who understand globalism/satanism.'?

Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe lost his honorary knighthood in 2008 for his 'abuse of human rights' and 'abject disregard' for democracy

The battle of Waterloo is the day their country died

'Basically Lord Rothschild had the greatest courier system in Europe. Everyone knew it too. When the results of the battle were known his courier rushed back to Britian with the news and beat the guy bringing the official news by over a day. So the british economy basically had an old timey stock market where they sold these things called counsels

So Rothschild goes into the market and everyone is watching to see what he'd do. He starts selling counsels like crazy, which signals to everyone else britian lost the battle. Meanwhile he had proxies buying up all the counsels while their value crashed. When the real news of the results of the battle came in the market did a 180 and shot straight up. It ended up with Rothschild holding a huge portion of the government debt and having a stranglehold on the British economy. He also had money coming in via his brother from guaranteed reparations to pay back the war debt because they were funding both sides of the war. From then on they were kind of at his mercy for whatever they wanted to do and central banking grew from there'

Jimmy Savile too. He had awards that are usually only given to military men.

Kevin Spacey mentioned in Wikileaks "Asteroid Day"


21876075? ago

If you have facts, or plausible theory, you must post in /v/Conspiracy, like every normal person.

21865550? ago

Wait two accusers died?

21876111? ago

He is the KEYSTONE ? This time its Royalty https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3579410/21875864 ' Haven't researched it lately but believe he would be the fourth '

21865340? ago

Kill them with kindness

21865662? ago

Kind Ness... Is Kind German for Kid??? Like Kindergarten??? Ness??? Scottish??? Loch NESS.... Oh my gaw... CHILD LOCK!!! For real tho! Look deeper into this!

21868121? ago

But, loch means lake.


21870420? ago

If he is using it then maybe literally, doubt Kevein Spacey knows much of Scotland or actually speaks an of the old Scottish Celt languages

21872383? ago

I'm sure they know some things of the old languages. Isn't that what all their rituals and spells are in?

21865557? ago

yup - pretty dark words.

21865275? ago

Kevin Spacey Involved in 9-11... ??

The Show of 9-11 ?

The Cover-up of 9-11 ?

Truth regarding 911 coming is coming to light.

Good luck demons, & A$$HOLES Satan awaits

21865466? ago

Not 911 but its possible he is the Pedo KEYSTONE .... @madmalloy ? @TREDDITFIRST @Conspirologist @ellanana

21865262? ago

Fuck that faggot

21865319? ago

No, no, no... he would probably enjoy it

21864856? ago

https://snew.notabug.io/r/television/comments/ef4vu3/kevin_spacey_returns_as_frank_underwood_for/ :

Kevin Spacey returns as Frank Underwood for another Christmas Eve Message. “Kill Them With Kindness” : television

This has been an automated message.

21864752? ago

He was spotted in Israel a couple of months ago, his accuser died suddenly, he posted this video saying the word kill a few times.

He clearly did it, it is impossible to tie to him and he knows. This video is an admission of sorts for all the girls who think they want to accuse a man like him. It’s a warning, a threat that if they do so they will be killed and there is nothing they can do about it.

The entire me too movement has been crushed by the big guys. They are paying no repercussions and everyone knows that.

21866147? ago

They are not weak pathetic girls. They are abused and misused young women who are finally being listened to. spaceys only a sideshow. If he was a threat to the British crown he'd be long gone. they are beaten. Ask andy. To be stripped of his royal duties and ridiculed WW is Hell. Worse to come. Enjoy the Show

21866197? ago

Young sluts. If they didn’t like what was going on they have every option to leave. But they stayed, because they were benefiting greatly from being there and they didn’t want to put the effort into finding a better job. Instead of leaving they reaped all the rewards and now are crying because they had to have sex with some men to get to where they are now. It’s pathetic

21869404? ago

Not very Christ-like of you

21865954? ago


No, KS is a flaming homo who likes underage boys

21868821? ago


21866279? ago


21866158? ago

loves balls shoved up his nose and jizz in the eyes, creampie eyes

21866041? ago

and loves PING PONG, coincidentally

21865526? ago

ex leader of Israel seen at the NYC mansion ... also Serbs, Albania, islamists mercs from all over the world and the war ... Michael Capponi https://files.catbox.moe/y54jcq.jpg

21865369? ago

Agreed. Even though JE didn't kill himself the world knows he's conveniently dead. Another message sent.

Remember Stacy's message last Christmas, while holding that mug..?

21874776? ago

Epstein isn't dead you shill.

21874795? ago

Ya, dead would have been better in quotes. Bitch

21864723? ago

Brings immediately to mind the picture of HRC and hubby beaming with delight following Epstein's Terminal Adventure (perhaps).

21865448? ago

That old site 8ch.net had some amazing gossip conspiracy on Kevin Spacey, 'You have the entire cast and crew of Usual Suspects who basically confirmed that production was halted because he aggressively went after young men on set.' https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2458101-Kevin-Spacey-Appeals-to-Netflix-and-Public-quot-Let-Me-Be-Frank-quot/page2 ' Kevin Spacey Threatens To Rat Out Elite Pedophiles ' https://www.northeastshooters.com/xen/threads/kevin-spacey-threatens-to-rat-out-elite-pedophiles.364159/

21864722? ago

Of course he had a good year! The witnesses that were to testify against him died, and he's free to be the sick fuck that he is. And to think i used to like this guy...

21865416? ago

21866007? ago

Yep. Dude is a sick fuck. And thinks he is untouchable. He and his ilk need to go down in flames, with sentences.

21864355? ago

Mockingbird in a cage.