wokethefkup ago

i really do believe that michael is innocent and was blackmailed. his daughter til this day defends him. i also recall her drawing odd drawings suggesting that her or her father were being controlled. very odd. then the recent "found child porn" in his mansion that was later found to be 'planted'. like come on people wake up. (most of this info is from vigilant citizen btw)

finska ago

This is a link to a video about about a satanic dinner with many Hollywood A list guests. At 25:21 into the video there are are 2 disturbing shots of Spacey that add to the mounting suspicion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIk6AzJzUcM

EuroSkeptic ago

Ok, so I've been going through this whole thing for a while now. My main concern was understanding what kind of relevance could Santa Maria ever have. It's virtually irrelevant in context. It's one of the smallest and extremely close to the biggest island. Plus Terceira have the Lajes base, so why wouldn't an ex-POTUS just make a stopover there? So, upon digging deeper, I found out that the LPAZ airport was started as a military airfield for WW2, in a partnership between the USA and Portugal governments. The idea was to reinforce maritime protection and serve as complement to the Lajes base. The project was designed by Pan American World Airways and approved by Portugal. A few quonset huts are still there, a 30-second walk from the airport.

That kind of past and infrastructure makes it the perfect place for a secret meeting to take place, as bizarre as it would sound to any local. The American contact with the airport does not end there, though. Following the Iraq invasion a few other stopovers were barely talked about. Through this I discovered what might explain the relevance of this tiny airport in a finer detail. A EXPRESSO (portuguese newspaper) issue states that "Abdurahman Khadr, son of a founder member of Al Qaeda" made a stopover on the island in 7 Nov. 2003. In the document (here) it reads "Although Lajes was nearby, it was decided to land at Santa Maria, a civil airport at which no authorization is necessary to land. After refueling, they left at 5.35 for the Tuzla military base in Bosnia"... Of course! It's a civil airport with a twist... It has the infrastructure of a military airport. Isn't that just perfect to make quiet, secret stopovers? (another source citing it as a CIA stopover)... After all, the Portuguese government itself denied the existence of facts corroborating any of the multiple alleged stopovers by CIA planes, even if it seems glaringly obvious they have in fact done so. Fishy indeed.

As to answer where they stayed, there'd first need to be confirmation that they actually stayed there. Can we trace their steps? How would one do that? I don't even know how to search the flight logs!

Anyway, one more little oddity about the island: it has a casemate complex (here), in the main peak (Pico Alto, which was constructed synchronously to a similar complex in Terceira in 1956/7, following the Warsaw Pact. It's supposed function was to harbor radar stations, but both are abandoned and degrading.

Do you have any extra leads?

Innocent_Bystander ago

God dammit! Why does this pizzagate shit have to drag down one of my favorite actors! I mean Fuck pedos and all the like but come on!!! It's there nothing left? Can anything be cherished? God dammit Spacey.... I really did enjoy you.. T-T

smudgepotforever ago

According to a lot of the George Webb stuff I've watched, a lot of the dirty money gets funneled through Hollywood stars and into DNC and Clinton Foundation....they are part of funding the oil, kids, drugs ops stuff. So maybe Spacey is a big player in that regard. I'm sure they cash in their cuts from time to time (kids and drugs?).

smudgepotforever ago

I believe the logs, but it almost sounds like the start of a goofy movie or joke. So Bill Clinton, Chris Tucker, and Kevin Spacey are on a private jet together heading to a remote African island ::::camera pans out to show Lolita Express:::: WTF?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Whats the name of the island?

smokemirrors ago

I posted above. The best one comes from a popular British blog:

"Punch drunk"

"Remember in 2004 when Kevin Spacey got "brutally mugged" while walking his dog at 430am? And then h*ow Spacey revealed he hadn't been mugged but "fell for a con", where a kid stole his mobile phone and Spacey, running after him tripped over his dog? What really happened was this. Spacey had taken a shine to a waiter where he was dining. He handed him a 20 pound note tip with his phone number on, and the star-struck waiter agreed to meet him later. The two men then got trashed together. While walking back to Spacey's apartment near the Old Vic to continue their drinking session, they passed through a nearby park. Spacey made a suggestion to the waiter about what they could do next. Not liking this suggestion, the straight but rather worse for wear waiter, punched the star in the face. Afterwards, Spacey's lawyers suggested rather strongly to him that he might want to keep the story to himself. The waiter wasn't interested in selling his story or taking any hush money and has kept a dignified silence ever since. Almost."

cky_stew ago

So, if true, that just makes him gay - not a pedo.

Pizzainmyass ago

Yeah. Sounds like he just likes younger dudes but there's nothing that sounds criminal other than underage prostitution

smokemirrors ago

Apparently he did (ride in the plane):

"In April 1999, The Mail spotted Trump among the guests at a dinner Epstein threw in honor of Prince Andrew. In 2000, they reported he attended a “hookers and pimps” Halloween party. New York magazine reported Trump’s attendance at a 2003 dinner party thrown in honor of Bill Clinton. Magician David Blaine entertained the “barely clad models” with card tricks, but Clinton never appeared. “I often see Donald Trump and there are loads of models coming and going, mostly at night,” a neighbor told The Mail on Sunday in 2000. Then there is the black book, in which Epstein lists 14 phone numbers for Trump, including ones for his future wife Melania. Police evidence shows Trump has called Epstein, flown on Epstein’s plane, and eaten in Epstein’s Florida home."


smokemirrors ago

real reason he was prosecuted was to protect/distract from the ACTUAL Hollywood pedos.

noreturn4me ago

Trump owns real estate at Plum Bay in St Martin island in the Caribbean. (http://www.caribjournal.com/2016/05/01/donald-trumps-caribbean-villa/#))

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Anon5 says Pizzagate and Pedowood are connected. I kind of believe the person to a point now. After most of these people in Pizzagate are put behind bars or we hit a wall, we should start investigating Pedowood/Truman Show Celebrities/Government Propaganda more. The pizzagates shooters father might be connected to this.

Here is a link to his archived posts, interesting reads for people. Focus on Pizzagate if you are a researcher, we are not done here. Also Anon5 talks about numerous subjects. There is also imposters, but they are quite obvious.


spezkiller ago

Ghislaine Maxwell, mossad agent Robert Maxwell's daughter. Not a joke.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I think Gary Shandling said "Washington is Hollywood for ugly people". 😀 Btw, is he dead for any particular reason?

EuroSkeptic ago

Hey @telegram do you want to investigate this further? I have the necessary contacts in the Azores, I'm just missing the skills. A lot of things pop out if this is true! Because any kind of traveling to Santa Maria makes absolutely no sense.

EuroSkeptic ago

I have third party contacts from the Azores. I can help thoroughly with this particular case. First: it's not near Africa, it's pretty much dead center in the Atlantic North. The thing that really sparks an interest here is why on hell would anyone fly from JFK to Santa Maria. It makes no sense. The two main airports in the archipelago are Sao Miguel and Terceira. The latter being home to a very large and influential American military base. It's a huge geographical anomaly to fly from JFK to the Azores and land on the opposite side of it, on one of the smallest airports. Unless, of course, you don't want to be noticed. Santa Maria is also the closest to Sao Miguel, the biggest island, both by boat and plane. Could you show me how you got this info? Could you tell me how to know if they then boarded anything from Santa Maria to Sao Miguel? Because if they only stayed in that island... The amount of things one can do there are limited... The amount of places to go, properties to search info on. It's a pretty damn small place, and it also has an abandoned military complex. Please retrieve me any possible info on this!

nafisnaf ago

Don't forget American beauty where Spacey plays a sicko, who wants to sleep with his daughter's classmate.

IlluminatiKing ago

Hm, considering Epstein and govt wanted to make their look work legit, they could take celebs/reporters and politicians. Epstein in charge of trafficking, but he gives tours of certain areas devoid of the evidence of child trafficking. Perhaps in the guise of a relief or "Foundation" for HIV/AIDS or other diseases. He was well known for his "philanthropy" so maybe they wanted to see themselves. They got to keep their public image good. Would be really telling to know how many times they went there.

EuroSkeptic ago

That would make no sense in Santa Maria. Santa Maria is first world af. One of the islands with the wealthiest people. The houses sometimes look much much more expensive than the regular rich family house in the archipelago. Also the airport is tiny and on the easternmost side of the archipelago. Flying in from America makes no sense unless it´s your real final destination. Oh, and my guesses are someone would notice such important figures arriving there. It's one of the smallest airports in Europe. Probably.

IlluminatiKing ago

Ah, I see.

smokemirrors ago

thank you! x

smokemirrors ago

Chris and pedo supremo MJ 'kickin' it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvldm4eKE00

Wonder if MJ and Epstein were buddies?

smokemirrors ago

From a very well known and popular British gossip blog:

**"Punch drunk"

Walking your waiter at 4:30am

"Remember in 2004 when Kevin Spacey got "brutally mugged" while walking his dog at 430am? And then how Spacey revealed he hadn't been mugged but "fell for a con", where a kid stole his mobile phone and Spacey, running after him tripped over his dog? What really happened was this. Spacey had taken a shine to a waiter where he was dining. He handed him a 20 pound note tip with his phone number on, and the star-struck waiter agreed to meet him later. The two men then got trashed together. While walking back to Spacey's apartment near the Old Vic to continue their drinking session, they passed through a nearby park. Spacey made a suggestion to the waiter about what they could do next. Not liking this suggestion, the straight but rather worse for wear waiter, punched the star in the face. Afterwards, Spacey's lawyers suggested rather strongly to him that he might want to keep the story to himself. The waiter wasn't interested in selling his story or taking any hush money and has kept a dignified silence ever since. Almost."**

edit: why isnt the 'Bold' button, above, working?

smokemirrors ago

thats already very well known. allegedly hes the father of Britney's spears sister's underage pregnancy (when she was 16) https://www.datalounge.com/thread/5825017-casey-aldridge-is-not-the-father-of-jamie-lynn-spears%EF%BF%BDf-baby

Vic138 ago

Maybe Tucker and (certainly) Spacey are part of the shadow government (or used by the shadow govt for propaganda purposes, as I assume lots of A-list actors are.)

If this is true, then these actors have dirt on them and probably need to occasionally prove loyalty to the system. Although Chris Tucker surprises me, I never thought him to be much of a political figure. Maybe they have plans on expanding his image?

amyrebeccajames ago

Kevin Spacey - the guy from American Beauty - - a film about underage sex with grown men - shown in a recent YouTube video of leaked photos from the MOCA auction party?

Gothamgirl ago

Chris Tucker had his own charity for Africa at some point. The link is broken now.


Kawksnahch ago


I found something asking why he would buy an island off the coast of portugal, but i can't find where it is.

paulf ago

Spacey didn't have to act a whole lot to portray John Doe is what I hear.

z_impaler ago

I dunno.. "American Beauty" might have bent Spacey a little.

speepsie ago

who writes these logs and decided to arbitrarily reverse two peoples initials and misspelled ron burkles name twice. for me SK first brought to mind DSK - dominic strauss kahn, this stuff is probably right up his alley

red_pill_stefbot ago

We're probably gonna find out pretty soon that House of Cards is nothing compared to the real Clintons

NonexistentNihilist ago

I stopped watching because the scandals really didn't go deep enough to resonate as a realistic depiction of just how corrupt D.C. Is. I suppose the intention of house of cards is to whitewash D.C. a bit by showing it as pretty corrupt but hey no kiddle diddlers right? ... right?

Gorillion ago

I think Tucker hung with Michael Jackson for a time too.

heretolearn ago

what's this island and where is it. seems like it needs a nice missle dropped on it.

AreWeSure ago

And if you have information on "legally mandatory" secret service detail for ex-presidents, I would like to see it.

The Secret Service protection is considered a benefit. You can also turn it down. Nixon had it for a while and then stopped it in the 1980's about a decade before he died.

Gorillion ago

But it's not repeat opt-in opt-out for an afternoon though is it.

BlackTara108 ago

Birds of a feather...These politicians and Hollyweird scum all run around together and enable each others perversions. NONE of them have a lick of common decency. The older ones, indoctrinate and ruin the younger ones, systematically. Pedophilia and Satanism are their favorite past times. Average people look up to this scum like they're Gods.... Our kids emulate them...'Jokes' concerning pedophilia & bestiality are now common in Hollyweird cartoons...etc. We need to teach our older kids what their 'heroes' really are. We can't allow these degenerates to further ruin our society & family values.

Cr1xus ago

Rob Schneider (hollywierd) actor hires day laborers and strangles them in the shower

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

The fuck?!

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Cathy O'Brien said Bill Clinton is mostly gay.

Gorillion ago

Maybe he was telling the truth about not actually fucking Monica. Just got off on the general illicitness of cigarring her in the oval office and a blow job is a blow job.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

True. A blow job is a blow job. That old girlfriend talked about putting him in a full face of makeup. He's bi, Cathy said, like Hill, but also like her mostly gay.

SmilingWide ago

Nah, it doesn't matter if you're mostly gay or not, if an intern offers to blow you while your reading the news, why not?

Pizzainmyass ago

Key word: mostly

MolochHunter ago

or monica lewinsky is a 'white wookey' ;)

AreWeSure ago

This has to do with the African Aids Crisis. They were touring Africa together. AIDS was one of the first problems tackled by the Clinton Foundation and they were able to come up with a solution to lower the cost of AIDS Medicine.

http://www.theintelligencer.com/news/article/Actor-Comic-President-Visit-Africa-10551613.php http://mg.co.za/article/2002-01-01-clinton-jets-into-rwanda-pledges-aids-support


The answer as to why they would fly to an aiport in the Azores is to pick up a bunch of other people before flying on to Ghana.

That image is deceptively edited right before the flight to Ghana and you can see who was added to the flight list in the flight records

amyrebeccajames ago

If you haven't seen it there is a film that covers the HIV / AIDS epidemic and I'm not sure if it's disinfo or not, but the film claims that HIV was never discovered, that AIDS is a syndrome caused by gay people doing poppers in the 70s and getting multiple STDs all at once... they also claim that in Africa, HIV is diagnosed without blood tests, and the meds given are chemotherapy drugs. That these people have other diseases caused by malnutrition and a lack of clean water and don't need AIDS drugs, they just need sanitation, food, and clean water to drink. The movie is called House of Numbers.

DarkMath ago

amyrebeccajames, do you realize that you're "I saw a video on the internet and it said AIDS isn't real" bull shit only hurts the credibility of the legitimate investigation into human trafficking we've got going on here?

You realize that right? And you're doing exactly what a CTR shill would do to discredit and distract?

amyrebeccajames ago

No... I made a comment because if you really think that Clinton Foundation being involved in anything seemingly legitimate does not have a severely nefarious underlying purpose than you're being misled. Nestle giving women formula samples in third world countries = depopulation through starvation and dirty water. Illegal but they still do it. Pfizer experimenting on people in third world countries = The Constant Gardener. Illegal. Planned parenthood = depopulation. Birth control = sterilization = chemical depopulation through cancer. Cancer treatment = profitable death industry. Vaccines = SIDS = depopulation. Vaccines are laced with nagalese and sterilants. AIDS drugs are chemotherapy and they cause the symptoms of AIDS. Nothing I can do to force you to look it up yourself but the info is all available online.

How about you go move on to another topic since you don't care about the film? I'm allowed to watch, discuss and think what I want, and so is everyone else. I use my real name specifically so you can look me up online and know I'm dead serious, not a shill. Have a nice day.

DarkMath ago

"AIDS drugs are chemotherapy".......Many many drugs start out treating one disease and they're used later on for another. Viagra is an infamous example. It started life as a blood pressure medication and then someone got an idea.

Regarding AIDS is a government conspiracy let's agree to disagree. But there's one thing we CAN agree on and that's drugs used in fighting AIDS isn't evidence pointing to a suspected child trafficking ring in Washington DC. Right?

amyrebeccajames ago

Anything with the Clinton Foundation is likely a cover for their money laundering and trafficking of kids / people. Like FBI Anon says, "And, as an aisde, when you are reading Podesta’s e-mails, remember that the Clintons deal in weapons, drugs, and people. Some terminology in use is far more nefarious than many of you suspect." https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1554174

i2amspartacus ago

You are either a shill or you live in a bubble. These kinds of ignorant comments do not help our cause.

amyrebeccajames ago

I'm not a shill and I don't live in a bubble nor am I ignorant. Just because I don't like pharmaceutical companies and their depopulation agenda doesn't disqualify me from commenting. Have a great day.

AreWeSure ago

Why would I believe any of that over the science that has led to us better understanding what AIDS is and how it can be treated? AIDS is literally no longer a death sentence for those getting the medications, pseudoscience didn't lead to that. AIDS has been studied by thousands of doctors all over the world. Pseudoscience exists about many, many different subjects and AIDS is no different. I never understood how AIDS Denialism could say that gay men doing poppers in an affluent country get the same disease as African suffering from malnutrition and lack of clean water. Also malnutrition and lack of clean water have been around for a long, long time without causing the symptoms that AIDS caused.

The problem with that theory is your can be gay and do poppers and get STDs and not get AIDS. Or you can do none of those things and get AIDS. HIV status would be the indicator

amyrebeccajames ago

What I said was that the film claims that the AIDS / HIV status of the people being given antiretroviral drugs in Africa is determined based on symptoms that can be caused by other things, and that it's not based on a blood test. You should watch the film. houseofnumbers.com I am pointing this out because any world AIDS relief efforts are largely aimed at depopulation. There are other sources against the AIDS drugs for people here in America, because they're chemotherapy drugs and not fighting any HIV viruses. Because the HIV viruses may or may not be real viruses diagnosed by a lab test. According to the film, the lab test for HIV is inconclusive and the person who claims to have discovered HIV may be a shill. Think whatever you want but it's good to consider other information in case you're being lied to by someone.

fetuspizza ago

So they did a secret, underground AIDS relief trip? Why wouldn't they go with Secret Service and media?

AreWeSure ago

No. It was highly publicized.

DarkMath ago

Why AreWeSure funny bumping into you here at the end of the comments! Do you plan on responding to my earlier comment showing you actual evidence Jeffrey Epstein is a hard core child trafficker? No?

Why is that AreWeSure? It seems like you'll rightly correct the "AIDS is a Conspiracy" wing nuts here but I don't get a response. That's not being objective, dispassionate and open minded as your username implies. Someone who wants to be sure will acknowledge evidence that disproves their argument. Being sure is admitting when you're wrong.

In this case of Jefferey Epstein, Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey you can't castigate us deplorables for suspecting Epstein's Lolita Express trip to Africa was only 95% legit instead of a full 100%. In fact if you were trying to hide some good old fashion white slavery you WOULD take a few legitimate trips to Africa with normal people to cover your tracks.

You WOULD invite eminent scientists to your private pedo island occasionally to dispel any suspicion of child rape.


You'll just do the child raping the next month when you invited South American oil ministers to your island for a little "R&R" wink wink, nudge nudge.


How do you live with yourself? Kids are getting trafficked, they're getting raped, they're suing Jeffrey Epstein when they turn 18 and have legal standing. What the fuck is up with you AreWeSure?


DarkMath ago

"why they would fly to an aiport in the Azores".......Totally.

(sarcasm -on)

I mean it's not like Jeffrey Epstein is/was running an elite Brownstone Operation. Or that he's currently being sued by ~100 former sex slaves. I mean really people. There's nothing to see here. Move Along!


(sarcasm -off)

How'v you been AreWeSure? I've been wondering if you changed your ways and decided to use evidence to draw conclusions instead of the other way around. Because if the law suits against Epstein mask the plaintiff's name with "Jane Doe #102" that's a pretty good sign that there's probably at least 102 former sex slaves which isn't good.

I need a good laugh. Given keeping female sex slaves as young as 14 against their will should put you in jail for centuries care to explain how Jeffrey Epstein served out his 18 month sentence at his house in West Palm Beach instead of god forbid even a minimum security prison?

Because that sure as shootin' sounds like a sentence you'd give to a CIA sponsored Brownstone Operator whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich sort of points to.........wait for it...........a government sponsored human trafficking ring.


sore_ass_losers ago

"Jeffrey Epstein served out his 18 month sentence at his house in West Palm Beach" not so! I understand he had his own wing of the Palm Beach jail. He was allowed out days as work release. Also his sentence was 18 months but he only served 13.

speepsie ago

wasnt epstein's the same judge who fucked with Rush Limbaugh over his viagra? corrupt judges adds a another new layer of investigation -_-

AreWeSure ago

You're welcome to pretend anything you want. But you're not using evidence.

doubleherpes ago

Given keeping female sex slaves as young as 14 against their will should put you in jail for centuries care to explain how Jeffrey Epstein served out his 18 month sentence at his house in West Palm Beach instead of god forbid even a minimum security prison?

That's evidence.

DarkMath ago

"not using evidence"..........Really? Do you have trouble reading?

Attention! Evidence appears below:


Attention! End of evidence.


ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Kevin Spacey is gay. He likes young, rather ugly men. Chris Tucker, a court jester. This from a London stage actor who knows him a bit.

smokemirrors ago

I might know the same London stage actor :-)

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Uh oh lol

smokemirrors ago

I don't think a lot of people know Kevin actually lives (permanently) in London.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

No, they don't, because Americans don't realize how awesome London is. And how much is on offer. An actor can catch a play every day, study their craft, other world-renown actors, from the gallery.

ToastyMcFly ago

Damn Smokey...

VictorDaniels777 ago

Is there a list of all the Hollywood pedo's? Like a who's who, with pictures and links? I would love to see all there smug faces with details of their connection to pedophilia. Hollywood needs to be exposed.

DustyRadio ago

Kevin Spacey takes his mom to awards shows and never is photographed with any love interests, male or female. I have always thought he was gay but maybe he is into the Epstein funhouse kind of sex life.

thezodiac ago

I guess he can't show up with his "girlfriend" in public, she's 7 years old. In House of Cards he doesn't need to act, he's playing himself, a fuckin psycho.

SmilingWide ago

I always thought Kevin Spacey was an android.

Now Chris Tucker... I don't know anyone who could program that annoying of an AI.

Pizzainmyass ago

Hahahaha!!!! I thought that was a lot funnier than I could've expressed thru an up vote

SmilingWide ago

Yes, except it wasn't meant as a joke.

Pizzainmyass ago

lol I'm aware it's true that's why I laughed

gosso920 ago

Well, you never saw him in the same room as Jar Jar Binks, so...

wokethefkup ago


wokethefkup ago

who remembers that shitty movie PAX where he spends the whole movie trying to say he's an alien. you start the film thinking he's just another queer art millennial fag but nah he's a gender neutral alien and shame on you for thinking otherwise (the safe spaces are located down the hall to the left)

SmilingWide ago

exactly, so i'm not the only one who assumed Kevin Spacey was a gender neutral alien android 'helper.' ???

Did you see Usual Suspects or American Beauty, same emotion-less husk of a robot.

wokethefkup ago

They said American Beauty was the movie of our generation (i'm 25) and fuck that, that movie was garbage. the messages it sent were disgusting and not even hidden. over hyped but i guess when you riding the elites/satans dick you tend to get "star status"

the_one_tony_stark ago

If you think about it, the plastic bag movie is a metaphor for the entire movie itself. The boastful claim that they can turn any garbage into the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

SmilingWide ago

True. IDK, for me the bag scene was old hat and these propagandists are amateur-hour. Dude found himself at a mid-life crisis and apparently wanted to go all #PizzaGate on his daughter's friend... She was older, and, a slut, but still, it's fucking disgusting. Get a job at the fast-food joint and molest underage girls. He should have offed himself from the start.

wokethefkup ago

Hahaha facts

SmilingWide ago

I viewed it as a euphemism for the pathetic state of the dejected elite culture.

pepe16 ago

ಠ_ಠ how could he possibly be an android?

Kawksnahch ago

would you believe he's an iPhone?

SmilingWide ago

Maybe just a psychopath?

Kawksnahch ago

i think he meant as in "they're called cyborgs". Lay off the DBZ. But do check out Super because holy hell it's amazing.

SmilingWide ago

Nah, I was talking about androids and sorry, I don't watch DBZ and have no idea what you're talking about.

Fingersweating ago

Definitely have heard firsthand spacey is a queen. Loves twinks. Now I guess pasta as well

lilwagon ago

Kevin Spacey more or less starred in The Usual Suspects. Directed by none other than.... Brian Singer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eeGX4SlF1s

If you haven't seen this film, Open Secret, you need to watch it 100%, asap.

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

Arguably the most famous line from Singer's The Usual Suspects: "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

eyeVoated ago

What a fag

wokethefkup ago

isn't hugh jackman also known to be lowkey gay? i was seeing some documentary about gay rights or something along the lines and randomly flashed a pic of hugh jackman i thought it was a jab at him but just mostly fucking weird.

eyeVoated ago

I don't know much about Hollywood, but it seems like every major culture has been infiltrated by this moral decay.

Azagthoth ago

eyehategod fan club grows

steve0suprem0 ago

They played our tiny small town saloon but I don't see what they have to do with any of this.

Azagthoth ago

None whatsoever. Seeing eye--- ------ triggered the fandom

bodthedog ago

Wha if he's not and he's been blackmailed by it? Maybe he was a regular actor before? Maybe he really tried to air episodes that they didn't want and he fraught hard to still put them out there?

Do you think this could be a possiblity?

Pizzainmyass ago

Yeah but if his job was worth fucking a little kid then who gives a shit what his reason is. However, he does seem to be a bit more worried about consent than most I'm not sure id consider him a psychopath. At least from what's presented here I wouldn't

eyeVoated ago

anything's possible

fifibrindacier ago

You know, a long time ago, I red an interview of him saying that he wasn't sharing his private life to the public, so the public could more believe the characters he was playing. But now, I think it could be another reason.

bodthedog ago

I think you're looking at ths the wrong way, what if they were going to do the program and needed convincing not to do certain things in it, that they might tried to of done otherwise (different stories for example...)? What if like George Webb said, they were put in a party of 18, and some younger girls and pictures were taken with night vision cameras to blackmail them out of doing the show? After all it he does say it is one of their techniques.

This is a great find by the way and I think it shows what George Webb is saying... That is what the island is used for? What if it isn't all people seeking it out, but some who are, and some who are unwilling.

I urge everyone to watch this on this forum, its necessary if you are to understand this investigation. All of them onwards.


Womb_Raider ago

I did know he was gay and enjoys going to night clubs with younger men, but only heard stories of them being in their early 20s. If he has a thing for younger males... well, it's not proof but it is something to think about

doubletake ago

{'cough, cough,' ahem, wheeeze, wink-wink...}

"Please enjoy our brochure during the flight."

Azores Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Azores, Portugal.

http://www.wikisexguide.com/wiki/Azores Contents 1 Sex Scene and Prostitution 2 Red Light Districts 3 Prostitutes and Sex Workers 4 Street Hookers 5 Strip Clubs & Lap Dance 6 Brothels / Private Houses 7 Erotic Massage Parlors 8 Live Sex Cams 9 Dating 10 Swinger Clubs and BDSM 11 Transsexuals / Shemales 12 Gay and Lesbian 13 Sexual Services for Women 14 Sex Shops and Adult Stores 15 Escort Services & Agencies 16 Sleeping

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

The AZORES. Now I understand. Something from my own past. Thank you.

EuroSkeptic ago


Astrodreamer ago

Tucker has deep interest in his African lineage -- and was 'close friend' of Michael Jackson. 2 reasons.

Azagthoth ago

Well, he was in fact, bitch-slapped back to Africa.

Orange_Circle ago

If you check the Podesta emails around that time, sometimes you'll see whatever the "official" story was on why they went there. Check Hillary's emails also.

EuroSkeptic ago

Please direct me to that! I can help with this, I got contacts there.

Orange_Circle ago
