wokethefkup ago

I always tend to skip the first page or two on voat and find the threads with the best info purposely pushed away. Good post.

wokethefkup ago

And ya upvoated thread ;)

amyrebeccajames ago

Glad you agree with my suspicions. I hope more people will start looking up the code words mentioned by FBI anon, I am limited on time but I did see a video today where the guy talking interpreted walnuts as the way a little girl's genitals swell up when she has been raped. And the map (hankerchief) he thinks is how they keep a memento. Who knows with these freaks but it feels like we have a long way to go before we uncover everything.

wokethefkup ago

i have to go recheck but i'm pretty sure - i find it odd how this thread isn't even on the first page and i know, i know there are many threads made daily but i'm seeing that their must be a lot of paid shills because most of the good info is on page 3 and beyond. page 1 and 2 will have some good info but i always check on the time of the posting to see if it's a fresh post or an old post purposely being upvoated to kick off the good threads into further pages. sorry for going a bit off topic it's just for myself and others i'm sure are also realizing this. Also it's so disgusting when we find out this new info (your comment about walnut) because we don't suspect these words of having other meanings because we're not satanic pedophile cannibals etc.

amyrebeccajames ago

Yeah I agree with you, we need more people to look into these code words. I just stumbled on it and I was wondering if anything was learned in the past on these particular ones by all the researchers before I even found out about Voat. I hadn't read the FBI Anon stuff at all until a few days ago, I imagine some researchers are more passive and not going to look at the original sources or at the emails on Wikileaks.

bookhound63 ago

Also, does Tony Podesta even look or seem like someone who would ever carry a backpack? Do you know any Multi-millionaires who carry backpacks? If he did, why would he leave it with his brother? Why would he have "presumably" business cards in the "top front pouch" of a BACKPACK? Does he prefer a backpack over a briefcase? Is this an eccentric quirk?

bookhound63 ago

Sotheby's is an Auction House, so this could be code for auction cards. In other words, pics of kids who are up for auction. Not saying Sotheby's is involved at all.

nitro169 ago

Maybe he meant Wylita, she is the one getting legal papers for the kids?

AreWeSure ago

It's the Whitney Museum.

amyrebeccajames ago

What is the best archive website right now? I know archive.is has been compromised.

amyrebeccajames ago

Someone should look into every organization that any of these people came from, especially any one that works with children. The first thing I noticed on her website was that they go work with pregnant women and newborns in the Congo - seems like a great place to steal children from and tell the women that their babies died.

Dressage2 ago

These people? I am confused if there is a list. I am suspect of a group from Congo and want to see what groups you are inferring to.

amyrebeccajames ago

Well I was talking about all the people on this williamsworks website. But the list would / could include anyone linked to Podesta or the Clinton Foundation. When I posted my original post here, I was just thinking that the email might be coded language but didn't really know. The second that I saw this williamsworks website posted here in the comments and I went to it I started looking at the people listed on the team for her organization. Any time I see a major international effort being made and I see that someone came to her from a CPS type of position, it makes me very suspicious. I'd bet that something is not good if your team comes from CPS and goes into some org linked to Podesta.

amyrebeccajames ago

Also it's a bit strange that Wesley Fruge was a fashion and musical theater guy and then went into helping with foster youth and now works for Williamsworks which seems to be totally about international projects of some kind

amyrebeccajames ago

Her logo is a star, which is often an occult symbol. Her special assistant came from working with foster care.

Wesley Frugé SPECIAL ASSISTANT Wesley Frugé brings a diverse executive support background to his role as Special Assistant to the CEO & Founder at williamsworks. In this position he helps maximize the CEO and the entire organization’s productivity.

Wesley came to williamsworks from Treehouse, a Seattle based non-profit that supports the educational needs of foster youth in the state of Washington. He served there as the Executive Assistant to the CEO and supported the Board of Directors. Before that, he lived in New York City where he was an Executive Assistant at Ralph Lauren, supporting the Senior Vice President of Merchandising and the Vice President of Marketing as well as a team of merchandisers in the Women’s Wholesale division. Wesley has also worked as a Personal Assistant in NYC, where he supported the event planning needs of many fashion, corporate, and fundraising events throughout Manhattan.

In addition to his professional endeavors, Wesley founded his own arts production company that presents innovative projects that connect people with art in unexpected ways. He has toured the country as an actor in various musical productions, and is a playwright, director, blogger, and social media expert.

A native Texan, Wesley holds a BFA in Musical Theatre with a minor in Speech Communication from Sam Houston State University.

amyrebeccajames ago

Well that YouTube link is not working for me. Got an error message. Took a screenshot.

anolegion ago

See repost above.

MolochHunter ago

sotheby's cards are collectors items - i looked to see if whitney's might refer to an auction house around washington dc - nothing obvious came up

anolegion ago

FBI CARD's Supervisory Special Agent is called Richard Rennison.

He played a rather dubious role in the Texas Killing Fields when working as an LEO in League City.

His late wife worked for the CPS and they adopted two Chinese girls.

This is what some Texasguy had to say at the time:

In the almost 14 months of doing this I discovered crooked cops, low life search team people, low life private investigators, oppression by law enforcement, cover up by law enforcement and a crap load of other stuff. I am alone, doing this myself, no help. Only inuput and ideas from others, including nutball killers sitting behind bars. Local media is shut down by FBI agent Richard Rennison who just happened to work for League City PD during the abductions and investigations. Like putting a fox in a hen house right?

Sound familiar?

SturdyGal ago

Unbelievable. Loneliness of the long distance researcher.

amyrebeccajames ago

Gross. I actually never heard of this before. Sometimes I live under a rock.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Hopefully that isn't personal identifying information in your username. I don't really care but, this stuff is seriously and they are defo stalking voat users in other places

amyrebeccajames ago

Well I guess some people prefer anonymity but I've been speaking out on things for over 10 years and anonymity isn't exactly an option for me anymore. If Hillary Clinton can go flaunt her love for abortion then I can flaunt my hatred for child sacrifice.

Criticalthinker615 ago

You're choice but, I would suggest you put on the full armor of god of you haven't already. These people are legit evil

amyrebeccajames ago

I'm aware...

SturdyGal ago

Sotheby's offers Preferred Worldwide Access VIP cards that get you into museums and elsewhere I presume at the last minute. All-Access Pass The Whitney Museum of Art is a well known NYC museum featuring contemporary art.

Cuboctahedron ago

Would the Pegasus Museum have access cards, too? Art museums, restaurants, daycare centers, etc.

hacktheplanet ago

yes exactly

AreWeSure ago

So, this email makes complete sense with no code being employed.

If you google Whitney or Whitney admission, this would be apparent.

amyrebeccajames ago

So I wonder if they were going to be in NYC that day? Do they live in DC or Washington?

SturdyGal ago

John's brother Tony Podesta has a New York apartment (one of the WikiLeaks emails says they have keys waiting for him for his use). Of course John Podesta still has house in Washington, DC.

amyrebeccajames ago

sounds coded but wondering if this one might be disinfo from FBI Anon?