20634625? ago

According to the United Nations World Population Prospects report, approximately 7,452 people die every day in the United States. In other words, a person dies in the US approximately every 12 seconds.

People do just die. Rates are probably higher among people who've been wrecked.

20632955? ago

Leftist death blossoms are everywhere you look. Anyoe who can testify against them happens to die.

20631565? ago

Cause of death?

20631486? ago

Is this patriots in control, Q? Was just in 8ch discuss... oh wait. It’s still not up. Yep, Patriots are sure in control, aren’t they?

20634657? ago

Best PSYOP evar!

20631463? ago

I can’t wait until spacey gets what’s coming to him. Hopefully publicly hanged.

20631045? ago

Another unhappy ending

20630923? ago

Witness Protection?

20630588? ago

winning winning patriots in control !

20630299? ago

What a coincidence!

How'd he die?

20630200? ago

Any day now, right goys.

20631726? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3405731 2005 film - Lots of Computers, Creepy Photos on Wall, Masonic Floor, DVD books, Demon Mask, Twin Peaks style "red light" 2nd floor, Extended Footage Inside Epstein's Palm Beach Home

20630019? ago

Until their money supply is cut off, and their assets seized, the madness will continue. These perverts get away with murder because their wealthy puppet masters control all levels of law enforcement. We HAVE to stop the fiat money system.

20628688? ago

How Convenient!

20628577? ago

Maybe the accuser got the "kiss of death" from someone close to the Clintons. The DS is vast.

20632453? ago

She will be an old witch soon https://voat.co/v/QRV/3353568 Angelina Jolie Admits To .... she was Knighted by the Queen, inside the CFR, UNHCR ambassadorship..... what is the mystery religion of Mithras?

20628479? ago

Things that make you go..Hmmwtf.

20628335? ago

Is that you Frank Underwood?

20628305? ago

The massage therapist, who filed his suit as an anonymous John Doe.

If he went by John Doe then how do you know it is said John Doe who died? lol

See how fake news works.

20629765? ago

Do you even know how to pay attention? The court knows who the guy is. He's just referred to as John Doe to protect privacy from the press and others. Done all the time. Do you really think that they didn't know the guy's real name?

20629810? ago

The courts listed him as John Doe. I researched this. No such thing is being said by said courts. In other words you just drank the Kool Aid again. lol

20629894? ago

You can't have someone hauled into court on criminal charges and not identify yourself. The court can keep your identity private but you do have to tell them your real name. This is a standard legal procedure. Look it up! Are you really this stupid??

20629923? ago

No such thing is being said by said courts. In other words you just drank the Kool Aid again.

I know how the court system works. It is FAKE NEWS. Pure and simple. John Doe is not dead.

20630049? ago

If the court knew where the guy worked and all the details of his claim, then they would know who he is. You can't be charged with a crime because some unknown said you committed one. John and Jane Doe are no strangers to the courts. Their ID is known.

I know how the court system works.

No, you don't!

20630055? ago

Do. It is simple: FAKE NEWS

20630132? ago

No such thing is being said by said courts. In other words you just drank the Kool Aid again.

I know how the court system works. It is FAKE NEWS. Pure and simple. John Doe is not dead.

20630167? ago

20630190? ago

If John Doe was dead. They wouldn't keep his name as John Doe. Are you that fucking dumb or what? If someone is dead, where is the threat of releasing his real name. You dick heads have no clue how to use critical thinking.


20630427? ago

They might release his name but they might not. The John Doe designation not only protects the victim, it also protects his family. So, if John Doe dies his real ID dies with him, unless the family decides to make it public. That's how it works. Did you just arrive on this planet?

Show proof if you think that's wrong. You won't because you can't.

20630444? ago

It is FAKE NEWS Period. Useless idiots I swear.

20630515? ago

As I suspected, no proof, just more noise. The facts always win. You lose!

20630529? ago

Where are your facts? Show the court records that state John Doe is dead. You can't. You failed. Buwahahahaha Another take down of a Q-tard.

20630721? ago

You seem to be having fun. Most retards do. Carry on.

20628216? ago

Like in his video blog, threatening to expose royalty. If this dood goes down he's taking all he can with him

Spacey us a fkin key player and seems like he don give a shit which issues he causes.

Possibly other people are protecting him by killing those about to expose.

20631276? ago

He makes that threat one time to often, and he'll get the Epstein solution applied to him.

20627890? ago

You mess with the bull, you get the fucking horns son!

Jokes aside, is this not the second Spacey accuser that has died?

20628735? ago

Spacey must be a special Jew, like Weinstein!

20627613? ago

Well, now Spacey is complicit in murder as well. Who would have thought that?

20629571? ago

Like a deer caught in headlights. What a dumbass....Prince Andrew Photo? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3402054

20627577? ago

It's quite a war we are watching. One uses soft tactics and their search for justice drags along an often bumpy road to almost zero results. The other side uses rough tactics up to and including just fucking murdering their opponents pawns. Is is any wonder no one wants to become a pawn for the good guys?

20628720? ago

JSOC The traitorous Bastards! No trial, they are the ENEMY! Declare War; not that the last 5 were ever declared wars.

20627748? ago

Morel like both sides are controlled by the same ppl and the soft side is basically a honeypot to trap the people they want to eliminate

20628718? ago

We need to ditch both political parties and start a new one. We might be able to now.

20630649? ago

The people party