21719539? ago

what we need to do is just start reading the documents.

scanning looking for these messages that have all these deliberate misspellings.

once we have one example, which we do, then we can search for those misspellings, because they probably used them more than once, and when they were speaking in code is where the juicy stuff is.




21709373? ago

The Tweet Says Freedom of info Requests But we have already found Misspellings In Wiki-Leaks As well, We have More than we know.. The Digital Soldiers Keep this in mind While we Dig!....

21703707? ago

And what about Wkileak searches?

21699609? ago

So now this scam has been discovered is anything going to be done about it?

21696780? ago

What is this tweet referring? Is there an article or more detailed post?

21696539? ago

Might wanna run a few foia requests at the Hussein presidential library.

21696073? ago

what a cunning tactic, while mislead and blind the public, throw some bones at these Qtards so they are contented.

21695275? ago

Anyone brag to Q on 8kun about how it only took two years to figure that out?

21695273? ago

If you search map for spell lost of interesting stuff comes up.

21695100? ago

Dastardly devious! I can't even believe my lying eyes anymore! ?

21694452? ago

This coded messaging stuff is what I have been going about forever people.

This is some neck level ship hear gize!


21694037? ago

How long has this been going on? Was just playing around with WL searching and trying to come up with OCR mistakes by looking at keyboard of what might work and Viiola, circa 1970's pops up.

Just an off the top search for the incorrect spelling of the name "Andrew" replaced with "Amdrew" for a test to see whatever may come up after trying a few other combinations with no returns.

Is this something that has gone on for a long time, or just a misspelling???? Don't know without doing further random researching, but wanted to get it up for review just in case.

Don't even know who the Cap't in nor why he was removed from his vessel for something which appears rather trivial, yet without much detail provided.

Absolutely random Wiki search with a return as well as a few others, but this was first listed:


Nixon WG:


Ford years:


Cap't removed from his cruiser:


21694962? ago

Captain was replaced by a Bush.....

21696146? ago

Capt appeared to have a dedicated record. Makes sense. Still, the name was mispelled and question remains how long has this misspelling thing been going on since this is just one instance found from 1970's. Are there many more from that era, an era where there still were working computers that could run searches. Perhaps even prior to that where manual indexing would still hide the "error."

21693796? ago

There's a kidsbook with Clunkton in it.!!


"Can Johnny and Luke retrieve their beloved Christmas display before stern Hillary Clinton look-alike, Congresswoman Clunkton, aided by Al Bore and an hilarious assemblage of other politician and celebrity look-alikes, auction it off to raise funds for her upcoming political campaign?

Will Hillary end up in jail? Can Christmas be saved? This third book in the Help! Mom! series reunites gifted storyteller Katharine DeBrecht with award-winning illustrator Jim Hummel for another small lesson in conservatism."

21693710? ago

Gives meaning to Q’s constant

“You Have More Than You Know”

21692525? ago

Was the corn ripe for harvesting? It is now.

Q 3525

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney

Q 2943

21693827? ago

NO ONE CAUGHT 2943 miss-spelling of "Comey" as "Corney"!????!!!!! Th mind sees what it expects to see

21696762? ago

I still don't get where these mispellings are?

21692351? ago

Email of Huma Abedeen to "disappointed NEA travelers" giving them directions (perhaps mkultra slaves?): https://files.catbox.moe/kjw7b7.jpg

Full email: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18930

Download the pdf of the full email here: https://s.put.re/QZXZsBZt.pdf

21692223? ago

Purposefully mispelling his name appears to have been going on for quite some time.

Here's a document that can be found by searching "corney" on https://search.wikileaks.org/.

Check the "include external sources" box.

First result is titled

"President's Spying Program September 20, 2013"


Which takes you to the official doc from 2009.

Here's an example of Corney being in the doc in place of Comey.


Oddly enough there are still results for Comey, so were the misspelled ones purposefully made to counter searches?


"You have more than you know.

" Misspellings matter"

21692222? ago

Using my one post per day to say this link is just stupid. Nowhere does it offer proof. I tried some of these “misspellings” on the justice gov search and got nothing.

I’m genuinely interested in this possibility, but please offer more substance! This is all, currently... buiishlt

21692931? ago


Wow. Wasted your one post to say stupid things. Well, kek confirms with a quad, you're stupid.

21692183? ago

What an impeccable new angle: https://files.catbox.moe/w43dwm.jpg

21691982? ago

wow. this is huge.

21690959? ago

OK so now what? Nothing habbens as usual?

21690927? ago

I don’t get it, can’t the request the foia using the misspelled names?

21692914? ago

Yes! Now, that we know what to look for. They. Are. So. Fucked!

21690883? ago

This is why we put up with all the shills on VOAT! GREAT INFO!!!!

21690602? ago

I know a person who used to work at foia. They met Comey and under him it (FBI, foia division) got worse. Their words.

21690496? ago

Thanks for pointing this out. I figured it was an intentional cover up when I learned searching “Comey” results didn’t show up. I wasn’t aware of this being done previously. Now we know! Thank you for enlightning me, and others.

21690298? ago

This is a MOAB

21690257? ago

Ok, if you search these foia requests for these misspellings it seems like they may have been changed after the fact, otherwise they were intentionally typing their names that way, like a letter to corny from e Warren....

21690192? ago

FUCK WE NEED TO SELL T-SHIRT with the old ad campaigns on them, but wiht th3 m1sspellin o coarc3.

21690151? ago

BOOM Trumps spellign mistaks?



He has been leaking this info for years!


CNN Did stories also!


21690140? ago

Obstruction ?

21690119? ago

So WHO does the typing/input ???????????

21695262? ago

No matter who does it everyone on up has had to have read and noticed it.

21696353? ago

Agreed. There is an obvious "avoidance" (obstruction) of justice that is entirely predicated on issues such as this never being overseen, let alone investigated.

They thought she would never lose.

21690058? ago

This is awesome. Has anyone started to compile a list of examples?

21689706? ago

It's classic inversion. Inversion is Satsatinism 1

21694483? ago


21689693? ago

This is a Complete and Utter Mind Fuck.........Serious.....CUMF

21689690? ago

Try that one on your IRS audit....oh, it ain't me babe!!!

21689535? ago

"You awake, and thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear."

21689519? ago

They probably prefer fonts (or even had some designed) with which this visual trickery works better.

21689606? ago

^ this

21689498? ago

I am blown away by the simplicity and evil genius of this deception. What a bunch of reprobates! Was this vile trick done only on FISA matters under BHO or has this been longstanding practice in DC? I wonder if the Awan brothers had anything to do with it.

21692896? ago

We need regex FOIA searches. Here's mine: "." -- give me EVERYTHING.

21694612? ago

Hah best reply

21689468? ago

Do Nikola Tesla.

Nilcola Tcsla?

21689457? ago

Can someone remind me (us) of the recent example? I believe it was C-o-r-n-e-y/C-o-m-e-y. Which document did Cor-ney come out on?

21689653? ago

IG FISA Report

Man, I just looked and enlarged the "Corney" example and those two letters go together so good, even magnified, you can hardly tell and then only cause you are looking for it. This is totally blowing my mind. I'm serious.

21689834? ago

Thank you. I was on a mac using their Preview app and the search was pretty bad. I ran another pdf viewer app and I see it now. 149 Results for Corney! Glorious!

21689618? ago

The latest inspector general report

21689411? ago

It will be hard for any honest person to call these all 'innocent mistakes' - but the Democrats will.

21689050? ago

I don’t know what to think. These bitches need to be stopped.

21688860? ago

I'm sure these are all accidental!

21688793? ago

How many times has POTUS spelt these peoples names wrong?

Wow we didn't get the hint.

21688653? ago

You have more than you know

Now you just need to make freedom of info requests using those misspelled names.

21688641? ago

Shaniquaw cant read anyway

21688618? ago

Misspellings matter. "Smocking" anyone?? Trump was trying to lead us all along.

We really do have more than we know, it's just hard with a fluoride brain that's starved of nutrients.

21693054? ago

You don't get it. I'm smart enough to understand all this shit if I really tried, but am I going to stick my neck out to get suicided by the democrats? No. I want to be left alone, and I want to watch all this go down from a safe distance. Go away.

21693067? ago

Stfu you stupid little whiney bitch...

21693126? ago


21693106? ago


21690617? ago

Stop drinking fluoridated water and using fluoridated toothpaste

21696508? ago

I make my own toothpaste with baking soda, mint essential oil (homemade) and a few other things.

21692087? ago

And masturbating. It deprives you of your essence.

21696517? ago

I must be one walking, human, essence then.

21695096? ago

that is a hard one to stop sadly. but your are so right,

21692886? ago

Circulate the light. This is the great secret, it is so simple.

21688569? ago

So let me get this straight- they denied having documents that they really had because they filed them under misspelled names of individuals that they pertained to? So when they searched for them with the right spelling, it showed up with NO results?

21696711? ago

you used they too many times, who are you referring to?

21698347? ago

You know, "they"..bunch if Sergeant Majors in a backroom at Fort Hood, Texas -they.

21688658? ago

These people are stupid.....

21688619? ago

Yes and some cases red herring results with only documents that they wanted them to find.

That way when someone complains that their FOIA was denied a judge sees it produces results just not the one the requester expected.

21695022? ago

Ok, thanks for clarifying that! I just wanted to ensure I had the proper understanding. A lot of people on here a just assholes. You ask a question that apparently you're supposed to know and they tell you to gtfo. Apparently, you can only be a patriot if you only have time to follow Q and all relevant information completely or not at all. If you ask me, that's not the way to red pill anyone. It's the way to make people think that the MSM has the right idea. So, I appreciate you answering with just the facts.

21696736? ago

Agree with this 100%. If you want to redpill people, explain more. Not all of us have time to decode Q drops.

21691049? ago

I think you mean FOIA

21690702? ago

What kind of charges could they face for shit like this? It's probably not anywhere close to what these pieces of shit deserve

21691726? ago

Whatever happens let's hope it happens before Nov 2020

21688429? ago

what documents have misspellings and who generated them? It will show major intent. ALSO, it will IDENTIFY GUILTY DEEP STATE PARTICIPANTS. we might have missed some.

21688357? ago

maybe they misspelled to avoid a control/find.

21688256? ago

Plausible deniability, what would they do without it. Democrats in particular only care about being one thing, not being charged with a crime, being charged as incompetent and stupid is well..."meh".

21689476? ago

Fredo Cuomo




The thing is, they didn't just do that...on the IG Report at least. Comey's name for example, it's not just in there as Corney. They also reduced the kerning (spacing) between the R and N to make it look like an M. That's where it goes from simple mistake to being calculated.

A twatter comment. They can't claim they were errors. This is glorious!

21689645? ago

At least we're on to their tricks. Some of those smart anons can unleash their programming skills and go over records with a 'combine harvester', get all the kernels.

21688232? ago

Time for declas

21688215? ago

Their father Satan taught them well, masters of deceit

21687978? ago

Q you are a magnificent and stable genius!!!!

21687870? ago

My question is what are their real names? Q told us they use fake names, likely to avoid prosecution.

And, is it legal for someone to use a fake name and work in a gov't position?


21688026? ago

I think you'll find that their real names have a lot of "stein", "berg", "ski" etc...

21688355? ago

sky not ski

21687827? ago

"you have more than you know."

21687803? ago

This is a big deal, misspellings matter.

21690961? ago

Smocking! It's a printing term.

21692283? ago

Or embroidery.

21692391? ago

True. It's an old term relationship regarding the double sided smocking of, let's say the mason waist coverings. So much CORN.

21690806? ago

This is what Q meant.

21690226? ago

Mathematically impossible when you consider that comey becomes corney with an additional decreased kerning (spacing) between the letters r and n. It was deliberate. GO MR FITTON!

21689312? ago

Has anyone got the URL of this Q message "misspellings matter'? I don't think it's a post, but perhaps a reply on the chans? I can't find it anywhere.

21689597? ago

Also 1141

21689378? ago

Q drop 831:

**Where we go one, we go ALL.

Misspellings matter.

Sentence formation matters.



21689467? ago

That fucking larp sure is lucky at his guesses!


(Yes Hillary is spelled with 2 Capitol "i"s )

21689413? ago

Cheers anon. We were searching in the 2000's lol. Bless you and WWG1WGA! :) :)

21691460? ago

Qmap app has a built in search. Quite handy.

21688279? ago

oh boy, how to they.

I think we just nailed it........."you have more than you know"

Its all there, we just have to expand our search logic.

Judicial Watch, are you paying attention here?

21688118? ago

It does. It shows "intent". Unless their defense will be that they are too stupid to use spell check. That will go over well.

21692717? ago

Here's proof of precedential intent from "Clunkton's" emails: https://files.catbox.moe/kjw7b7.jpg

Full email: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18930

21694436? ago

WTF Really?!

21689539? ago

In the IG report, the font definitely isn't "normal". No way its accidental.

21689439? ago

That would mean they have to spell things correctly x% of the time. 100% misspellings show intent, esp when they a kerning misspelled and not next letter of the keyboard misspelled (like thabks, etc)

21692605? ago

Didn't someone find a special font that was used to mod the kerning? Can probably put that font into a FOIA request

21692851? ago

Or just do a "FOIA request" the same way I requested the cards from the PBS show "Zoom" when I was a child -- I asked for all of them. Why bother making single requests?

They only sent me one card.

But, as a child, I figured out the winning move. That's kinda neat.

21691243? ago

In word and outlook you can add new words. and also have it switch things even if it is spelled correctly. you still type normally but just tell outlook or you word processor to change obama to obarna and obama to 0bama. We did it at the restaurant we worked at. The Head chef who looked like uncle fester... every time he typed his name it auto replaced it to uncle fester. One great April fools joke.

21694457? ago

Kek. Good one. I might use that in the future.

21688288? ago

They could care less if you call them incompetent and/or stupid, that won't put them in jail and THAT is the only thing they care about.

21692122? ago

they could care less? so they at least care a little about being called stupid

21693074? ago

sorry, should have been 'couldn't care less', actually they don't care about anything except power.

21689525? ago

Horrowitz just said on the record that the "activities found here'don't vindicate anybody who touched this'.

21689573? ago

bbbbbut, meh CNN said "Orange man bad!"

21687925? ago

Holy shit. ^ This

21687769? ago

https://tweetsave.com/incarcerated_et/status/1204838589764382724 :

I E T on Twitter: "Whoever figured this out… You are amazing.

They avoided freedom of info requests due to misspellings.

Plain site, hidden.

Biden .. Biclen .. Bidan

Clinton .. ciinton .. clunkton

Bush .. boosh .. baush

Obama .. obarna .. oboma

Comey.. corney

It was there in front of us.."

This has been an automated message.

21694477? ago

And there in font of us..

21689593? ago


21687704? ago


21688063? ago

That too.

21692824? ago

My GTA organization was going to be that, but they also look for "common misspellings" I guess.

Made it through with "dafek" :)

21688124? ago


21687657? ago

how sad they think this will save them. all the while trump is trolling the shit out od them with using their mispellings to tell them right to their face he has the documents they tried to hide from him with the errors. everyone else didnt get the inside jab...until now

21688989? ago

Hijacking like a twat here. is there a new 8kun board up yet for the autist. I would like to see what they've already started on with this. I found the Q board but otherwise am not sure where to look

21689794? ago

21690766? ago

Also qresear.ch is searchable