Gorillion ago

Yep. This shit is fucking huge. They'll blame OCA software errors, but it's too systematic.

"James 8. Corney". FFS.

WhiteChickens ago

Except that Q was calling him Corney before the report release. lol

boekanier ago

Another commie trick.

GoatWatcher ago

I wonder how many people understand that it's b/c the text recognition software is shit and everyone else is a little too paranoid

Anam ago

It is not just in the PDFs. It is also in text emails.

GoatWatcher ago

You mean the same emails people have been saying if you click on the original PDF and not the scans it's correct?

SearchVoatBot ago

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BentAxel ago

Kinda need to see this and not on instagram.

TimMasson1 ago

And nothing will happen and there will be no repercussions for them. The Democratic party is everything they accuse Trump of being.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago


CrudOMatic ago

Now what is this all about????

version7 ago

Simple but effective.

Goys-R-Us ago

Enemies of the people go up against the wall.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Those fkin leftist truly are behaving and thinking like kids. Fuck me. Why cant we just kill em ? Im sick of it.

go1dfish ago

That sounds like a potential error with Optical Character Recognition to me

kneo24 ago

That's exactly what it is, and now everyone is screaming conspiracy over this. I haven't actually seen anyone show anything that is a purposeful miss-spelling. I wouldn't put it past the government to engage in any kind of fuckery, but I at least like to wear my tinfoil hat with a layer of facts around it.

VicariousJambi ago

Why is it only these guys names that are fucked up then? Or is it?

kneo24 ago

I don't know if it's only the names. The names seem to be the singular focus, so it makes sense that IF it's a problem elsewhere, it's getting ignored. Some of the documents being scanned are digital documents for pete's sake - which would mean that the font is the issue. You could make the case that they're purposely using a font that screws up names under OCR for whatever reason that is.

Anam ago

Hiiilary got the treatment.

jstressman ago

To play devil's advocate... has it occurred to anyone that these are very common OCR errors? That's when you use a scanner to scan a bunch of hard copies, and the computer uses "optical character recognition" to turn the scanned image into actual text in a document file again.

The OP is acting as though they know this was done intentionally, when it's simply something that happens quite commonly in OCR in business/office type settings. That's not to say we don't know it isn't being done intentionally, but if I had to bet, I'd bet on basic OCR errors before I'd jump to the conclusion that it was a conspiracy to avoid FOIA requests.

DanaNordic ago

This was discovered several years ago, and appears now have corroborating text message evidence of purposeful misspellings.

jstressman ago


v ago

If other words are misspelled too, then it sounds like could be just a kerning and OCR issue. However if it's just names, it's 100% intentional.

prairie ago

However if it's just names, it's 100% intentional.

OCR can more easily correct errors in non-names since it has a dictionary of correct words and sentence context. But with names, it has less to go on.

v ago

I had not considered that, interesting.

spudsmcz ago

Yeah I found "t r u r n p" in 1 result but it was ocr issue from a scanned and not typed page

we_kill_creativity ago

Go to the q subs where this was first discovered and you'll see they've already proved this isn't some "easily explainable innocent mistake".

oneinchterror ago

Can someone give me a quick example of what they were doing and in what situation(s)? What kind of documents were they misspelling names in and what sort of things were they attempting to hide?

No6 ago

Go to wikileaks look at Hillary emails. They use 2 letter initials in place of names.

we_kill_creativity ago

Dude...go to the Q subs and find it for yourself...like...if you were checking them everyday this would be old news to you.

oneinchterror ago

I'm browsing voat on my phone. Idk if you've ever used Voatify, but doing that would be a major pain in the ass. I assumed if it was such old news that it wouldn't be a problem for someone to give me a quick example.

we_kill_creativity ago

World War II is really old news...want me to give you a "quick example"? Do your own research faggot. I was so nice that I even told you where to look. Downloading an app and using it is a pain in the ass? That would mean you're a limp dicked fair faggot...get the fuck off your faggot ass bitch.

oneinchterror ago

Kill yourself, you brainlet Qtard piece of boomer shit. Seems like you don't actually know what you're talking about, which is typical for dumbass kikes like you, and is the real reason I asked in the first place. Kek, you're so filled with frustration and impotent rage over absolutely nothing. You must've been molested as a kid. That's usually the reason people turn out to be petulant man-children incapable of having a simple conversation without throwing a little bitch fit. Again, eat a bullet you retarded little kike faggot.

we_kill_creativity ago

You just went full Mossad...never go full Mossad.

Charilko ago

This is such chickenshit insanity, I can’t believe we didn’t anticipate it from the get-go.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


MarauderShields ago

spits on ground

go1dfish ago

Where are the docs/examples that prompted this revelation?

Bravo1XRay ago

This Is The Reason Tom Fitton Was Told By DOJ We Don't Have Anything That You've Requested ☝️

4n0n3m0u5e ago

Can't release any information due to "technical difficulties."

CrudOMatic ago

Typical STASI-style gaslighting.

anticlutch ago

Literal treason. Execute every republican and democrat. in the Federal Government for treason.

xzars_folly ago

I would start with the people who run the DNC and GOP. We don't know what level of leverage they have over the actual politicans. The fact that we allow these private bodies to control our public government is honestly kind of unbelievable. THESE all private boards decide who we are allowed to vote for, and what the policy of 1/2 the government is going to be.

And of course nearly all the DNC staff are jews.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

George did not want! ...and I'd agree with the man who founded the whole damn nation and who abdicated his power willfully for the good of the county.

v ago

Guillotines for treasonous elites

oddlike777 ago

Did you mean Guiiiotines?

ChaosCrusader ago


Wowbagger ago

I think we can spare Rand Paul and Ted Cruz so long as they agree to do the lynching of their colleagues. Rand because he's awesome Ted because it'd be funny.

anticlutch ago

Fuck no faggot. Cruz is an anchor baby and Randlet is a literal AntiWhite cuck who is just playing one side of the coin. The exact same coin in jews' interests.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

Believe Cruz has American parents. Regardless, any anchor baby should be deported as part of the solution

anticlutch ago


Parent nigger. That's why he's an anchor baby.


Barfin ago

how about, don't have to execute cruz, but HE MUST GO BACK

rspix000 ago

LLC guys who want to avoid search engines also do the same with punctuation and spellings

SmackNotes ago

Has anyone started going back through the wikileaks dumps with searches based off of the recent misspellings?

No6 ago

They use initials, two letters only, in most of Hillary's emails. You guys didn't think it was obvious why that was?

lemon11 ago

There are three hits for "hiilary," like from this Rothschilds. Were these re-digitized by OCR? I wouldn't think so, which makes me think this is deliberate.

SmackNotes ago

If I understand Gonzo's reply from earlier, the pdf's were digitized and screwed up a bunch of stuff. If you click on the pdf, it is spelled correctly.

Gorillion ago

Indexing is where the real war is being raged. If something can be hidden thru mislabeling, then it's as good as deleted and there's no "beyond reasonable doubt" achievable regarding intent. Same trick they use on Youtube or Google.

"Sorry bro, the (((algorithm))) ate it!"

OCR error = Algorithm error.

Inaminit ago

Fuck searching documents... READ them.

Gorillion ago

Filling official docs up with impenetrable prose is an old bureaucratic trick. It's how Civil Servants/Deep Staters control their temporary superiors.

There was an old UK TV sitcom called "Yes, Minister" that detailed all the tricks used to hide important or sensitive information from the wrong eyes. What we're seeing here is the digital version of a well establish analogue tradition.

Somebody requests a certain piece of information you don't want them reading thoroughly? You give it to them with only an hour or two remaining on an important deadline and you give them EVERYTHING. Multi-thousand page documents full of bureaucratese. IIRC in British Parliament MPs (Senators) are given "Red Boxes" full of the day's new dealings and it's literally impossible for them to read anything of substance and still perform all their other duties. Same shit happens in the States. The Patriot Act was famous for being an immense document and everyone just signed it unread because the title sounded good.

Giving official documents a quick-search function would have been a fucking nightmare scenario to the Deep State/Public Service. Allowing people to cut to the important parts of any text. Hence this fake OCR error shit. Otherwise they'd have to fake too many "lost databases" ie: 9-11 and other similarly fortuitous disaster events that conveniently also destroy vast repositories of official documentation and evidence trails.

One line I remember from "Yes, Minister" was the old Knighted civil servant guy waxing nostalgic about a flood they'd had about 20 years prior "Oh yes, the Great Flood of 67! We lost many many embarrassing documents in that one. MOST CONVENIENT!!!". Another aspect of the show worth mentioning was the long-running joke of the show was the last line of EVERY episode was "Yes, Minister." where the civil servant guy would appear to be following the minister's orders, but had actually manipulated him into following the Civil Service process after much back and forth. The Minister would start out with an idealistic intent, but slowly be misdirected, demoralized and bamboozled into compromise.

Only ONE episode ever finished with the "Yes, Minister" line where the Civil Servant guy said it in defeat and compliance, rather than his usual smug victorious tone. Because the Minister had finally outmaneuvered the old pro. But again, it only happened once. In retrospect, that show was absolutely hardcore in it's bleak cynicism under all the clever jokes.

It's literally a show that some right winger should remake for the US today. Insanely educational. And this is even without all the Marxist globo-homo shit we're dealing with today. Real Elite-ist, Old Boy's Club, School Ties stuff. Where even the elected (ie: highly vetted) politicians were not considered part of The Establishment. And from what I vaguely recall, the Civil Servant was extremely anti-EU while the Minister was actually the misguided pro-globo do-gooder (even though he was a conservative) of the duo. There was even a famous episode called "The Butter Mountain" I think, about Europe's extremely (even then, back in the early 80s) over-subsidized farming sector. Even going into how sending that shit to Africa wouldn't combat le famine meme. It all just got dumped somewhere. The EU obviously solved that problem by moving Africa to Europe and dumping that butter mountain down their mindless, hyper-reproductive gullets.

waucka ago

There are only so many hours in the day. We're going to need some serious division of labor if we're going to pull that off.

SmackNotes ago

I am. Thats where I got that shit from.

JJNova ago

You know you can click on "View Original PDF" and see the document that OCR was attempted on? It's much easier to read the PDF in that situation.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Thats a fully encoded message thats easy to read if your brain can figure out the pattern.

Its like leetspeak but for government heebs.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Looks purposeful; they probably use a decoder ring.

CHeritageP ago

Its just encrypted text.

SmackNotes ago

It was my normie-ness. I should've just clicked on the pdf.

Inaminit ago

Not at all surprised. To me, all this says is they had a plan in place for quite some time.

reCAPTCHA_Dodger ago

This is only question that actually matters.

SmackNotes ago

I started but i'm not even an amateur when it comes to this. I have already noticed that @dintonmail pulls up things and keeping in mind that "misspellings matter" and "sentence structure matters", I start seeing several other things.

SIayfire122 ago

This is why it's a good idea to search for partial words such as "@clin" and "email"

Gorillion ago

But remember that they disguise CLINTON as DINTON because a lowercase "d" looks similar to a lowercase "c" and "l".

But now we know the trick, figuring out search terms should come much easier. Not much different to the games Channers play spoofing Twitter names for trolling. Using a capital "i" in place of a lowercase "L" etc.

GonzoPColtrane ago

I tried this a little, and even tried the specific email: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/30796 which someone mentioned in another post. I was puzzled as hell at first, then noticed the "View original PDF" button. Try using that and they makes sense. (The ones I tested, may not be true for all). I think it's some shitty software trying to convert the PDF to plain text and not doing a very good job.

Otherwise misspelled domain names wouldn't make much sense, unless they registered mis-spelled domains for confusion purposes? I can't say because dishonest people always seem to think of shit that would never occur to me.

VicariousJambi ago

I can't say because dishonest people always seem to think of shit that would never occur to me.

Oof i feel ya

MrTerry ago

Giving the ignorant, uneducated bastards too much credit. They just can't spell.

ForgottenMemes ago

biclen instead of biden isn't the kind of mistake you actually make.

Yuke ago

Definitely intentional, that one.

QualityControl ago

No it is intentional. Download the report and search for Comey. Zero results. Now try Corney. Jackpot! But the text within the report shows as Comey. These fuckers know exactly what they are doing.


ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

That means it's an actual conspiracy to hide information.

Osmanthus ago

The font has nothing to do with it. The document is an image, not text. The image has the correct spellings. The document is overlaid with invisible text so it can be searchable. The incorrect text only appears in the invisible overlay, not in the image.

You can verify this yourself with adobe reader by going into preferences and disable large images.

Splooge ago

Interesting. Wasn't aware of this. So... in other words, even more proof that this shit was intentional then?

QualityControl ago

Thanks appreciate it!

Splooge ago

Quality must be controlled, fren