21688040? ago

Everybody else !

21686180? ago

Looks like they had a problem with Cloudflare.


21688031? ago

This is Cloudflare telling you that the problem is with the Voat servers.

21685712? ago

Why would anyone attack Voat? This is just us a hangout for those of us that aren't smart enough to be on 8kun.

21688356? ago

Help me out, I'm not getting your point. Please expound.

21688636? ago

It's because Trump will sign an executive order. More details here https://twitter.com/DavMicRot/status/1204546977289121796 and https://twitter.com/nytpolitics/status/1204533600537972736

This EO is bad for David Roth and its ilk.

This was what was heatedly discussed on both Voat (at large) and QRV, right about the time when the site went down. Details in the linked thread.

Now, that discussion got onto the second page (if sorted by 'Hot'), so the site is back on.

That is the most important discussion we should be having for the next 2-3 days.

21689173? ago

Thanks, I appreciate the info. Bad for David Roth and his ilk, you mean the Rothschild family I assume? Anything bad for them is good for us.

21689304? ago

Yes, their family and associates.

21689477? ago

From what I understand, they basically own Israel.

21689710? ago

I don't know/understand the full picture.

Maybe the Biblefags are not wrong when they insist "Those that pretend to be Jews but are not Jews"

Today, for the first time, I saw on Twitter, a split between Roth Jews and what appeared to be Ortodox Jews. It was quite vehement.

Or, this is a meta layer of the psyops, with Roth Jews and Ortodox Jews just playing their part (outraged and counter-outraged). I wouldn't put it past them.

21689880? ago

Q has told us this is a spiritual battle. We also know the truth would put most people in the mental ward. Now, do you trust Q? If that answer is yes, then we must open our mind.

Whatever we are facing is most probably other worldly, something that is so beyond our comprehension that it is literally mind blowing. Having said that, we know that some of the most obvious evil is within the Jewish population. I trust DJT and if he sees need to protect Jews then I must assume there are innocents involved and he is not selling out as people would have us believe. ALL of this takes a leap of faith, but then again so does following Q. I will continue to trust the plan, trust Q, and trust DJT, I have no reason not to at this point.

21690581? ago

ALL of this takes a leap of faith

Indeed it does.

Logically, it they can pull off such an intricate psyops, then we never had a chance in the first place, and might as well 'demand' we go back into the Matrix.

On the other hand, if the battle is real, and we've come to a point in the battle where we feel there's only one choice (sticking with Trum/Q), then we have to remember Sun Tzu's words: "Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across."

So, yes, ALL of it it's a leap of faith. Sun Tzu comes to mind again:

"Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory."

21693122? ago

Sounds like Hallmark greeting cards to me. I think you've found your niche in life.

21693176? ago

I did. I'm in your mind forever as a Hallmark Greeting Card.

Happy Day of the Rope !

21693259? ago

That one is destined to be a classic right there!

21688016? ago

All this for a LARP ?

21688218? ago

Its like picking on the potatoes of the internet and I include myself in that group.

21685396? ago


21685156? ago

They need tom upgrade the servers. Until they do. This will continue to happen.

21684730? ago

If only there was some sort of leadership here to inform us of what's happening.

We've been abandoned lads.

21685680? ago

No we haven't. <

21684405? ago

Yeah and every time I try to go to voat, my browser “accidentally” resolves to CNN.

Anyone else?

21687971? ago

Not me. You either have a shitty proxy configured in your OS/Browser or your ISP is shit.

When it happens, does the address bar says CNN or Voat ?

21684296? ago

All last night and earlier today

21684286? ago

Voat is a honeypot ran by jews. They are keeping tabs on "white supremacist terrorists". We're being "studied" and probably put on a red flag list for when the jews get the balls to go full in with their final plan for us goyim.

21684306? ago

Bring it.

21684321? ago

They will. Jews are desperate at the levels of the goyim knowing. Its time to shut it all down!

21684143? ago

21688133? ago

I agree, this wasn't just DDoS, everytime a thread is pulled that's too much to bear they silence us.

21683964? ago

Juice attacking Voat from Israel

21684295? ago

Voat is israel

21683828? ago

Down all night for me and the chemtrails have been nonstop for weeks in sandiego county. Something big is coming here and mass people are talking about it in different public Facebook groups while everyone else is talking about impeachment we’re getting fried in California!

21685640? ago

POTUS was talking about clean air and water. He says almost the exact same thing each time > "Crystal Clear" water.

There is more here.

21687933? ago

I guess CA is always the black sheep that won't follow instructions. By that I mean Newsom and his buddies.

21693876? ago

They are gonna get fucked up by Trump soon, just like will happen in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, LA & NY.

POTUS hates corruption, and I will bet he hates theft of billions of dollars in aid just as much. <

21684573? ago

yes, chemtrails and bunker fuels we are being polluted. everyone should check out Mike Morales and Jim Lee for detailed info.

when is this evil going to stop.

21684856? ago

Will check them out, thanks .

21710807? ago

Jim Lee, for those who need proof here is the history.


and climateviewer.com

Mike Morales has a nightly show on the boobtube showing the weather being pushed around andthe current chemtrails and bunker fuels all over the world.


21683795? ago

all morning

21683788? ago

Jews attacked us last night. Right around the time rothschild threw a fit on twitter because Trump took away the jews ability to shapeshift and not be classified as a nation.

Gas em all.

21684485? ago

I suppose that this is more subtle that branding them and or making them wear flair.

21683767? ago

down since last night.

21684291? ago

same here

21683761? ago

Down for 10+ hours. Well not exactly down, but slow loading "Down for maintenance or being attacked" page. Massive DDoS, apparently.

21686987? ago

Why are the Jews hating this?

21687895? ago

Because it outs them as Foreign Nationals. The double-allegiance is no longer implicit. It's explicit now.

That's how most of the kikes in the above Twitter thread presented things: "It's the Second Coming of Hitler and this would be the Nuremberg law that removed Jews from the definition of the German Nation."


21695688? ago

They are going ape shit over this, too.

21691819? ago

This ... removal of dual loyalties in government and foreign interference in media.

Removal of people who think they are your rulers instead of your employee

21684324? ago

This has been going on for soooooo long now, is there no way to prevent it? Voat is down more than it is up anymore.

21684406? ago

Guess only funding is the only way to prevent these attacks. Preventing DDoS and simultaneously allowing real users access is difficult or cumbersome and usually is annoying for the user.

21683728? ago

Yes, down in Greece.

21683709? ago

The goats are all butthurt because black Jews shot up white Jews, then Trump came out defending all Jews,. . They can't handle this shit because they can't pick a side.

21684304? ago

Left-winged jews are fighting right-winged jews and the goyim are caught in the middle.

21684801? ago


21683806? ago

Gas yourself, mamzer.

21683705? ago


21683683? ago

me too