21581785? ago

Hold on tight shills, incoming anal intrusion. Its deep and wide.

21577140? ago

Fat bastard Nader and Lisa he calls me names Paige.

That’s what they got today, pea shooters vs Donald the howitzer Trump

21577079? ago

think of "them" as 'they live movie' foes and the q post makes sense

their control grip is slipping fast on the narrative

21576689? ago

This is to prevent a civil war.

Boo hoo, a few innocents have been collateral damage because (((THEY))) don't value human life.

Can you comprehend how many millions have been saved by preventing (((THEM))) from getting complete control?

Take a look at what (((THEY))) did to Russia. Their people resorted to cannibalism for food.

I'll repeat, boo fuckin hoo.

21578337? ago

You don't want to get your hands dirty, here's the world's smallest violin.

21576451? ago

so we are sposed to be in action time and hardly any posts from Q? doesnt make sense.

21576445? ago

He wouldn’t.

21576150? ago

We're in a big chess game.

The Good guys have checkmate in N moves (predictable via the Looking Glass).

Until the last move is played, Cabal still has some moves to play.

Usually they consist of BREAKING NEWS items, in order to delay release of the info on them.

The breaking news can be anywhere from expendable Cabal player dying (GHWB, Ginsburg) or unaffiliated ex-presidents like Carter (as far as we currently know) to Terorist Attacks (like the recent, newest London Bridge).

The most extreme move of the Cabal is THE SUM OF ALL FEARS.

21578146? ago

If reality is deterministic (looking glass) then why is DS even trying? lol

21578372? ago

I don't know how the psychology of the power hungry works and I didn't actually got down that rabbit hole.

Here's a pointer to one entry of the rabbit hole: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3515711

Happy hunting and please report back ;)

21578420? ago

lol you know what's funny? You just linked me to my thread/video....:)

21578682? ago

Kek. Here's one I never saw before. I feel it's a +40kft altitude thread.

21576232? ago

municipal water poisoning, micro nuke, remember those air planes full of sick people landing?

21575722? ago

So that they kill of Jimmy Carter and then pull Ginsburg's body off ice and finally admit she's dead.

21576241? ago

that could buy them a 60-90 days delay

21576585? ago

2-3 weeks at most, no one cares or has the attention span. Cummings didn't even distract the news cycle at all.

21575676? ago

You know what mean. Be ready to see lots of dicks and trannies

21575673? ago

My nipples are ready

21575610? ago

Because it’s another nothingberder

21575362? ago

Because later he can say, we were flushing them out. Now Fisa will be 2021.

21575360? ago

It is an information war. This is how it is faught.

21578327? ago

Good thing it isn't a spelling bee, we'd be fucked.

21576134? ago

But not how it is spelled

21578466? ago

new word a mix of 'fought' and 'taught' of course

21578297? ago


Top kek

21577681? ago


21576206? ago

Its spelt fine?

21578396? ago

No, and spelt is a type of wheat.

21580506? ago

I spelt spelt just find, wheatever you say is sheet.

21578480? ago

A rather course type of wheat

21578758? ago

Yes, thicker and harder to harvist.

21575357? ago

Probably means in the past. But the ammo is all gone now, no step five.

21575336? ago

Their ammo is spent.

21577463? ago

They still have joe biden to waste.

21577539? ago

The son is already wasted

21575321? ago
