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21385494? ago

kinda like being Q'ed

21355231? ago

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21345919? ago

They have lied thats why.


21341773? ago

If we got to look at past history, the real history, we could confirm, that all History books were filled with lies, written by the Rockefeller / Jesuits to vail us all from the horrendous truth, they the evil black hats are the source of all problems. Think about what these people are. They are a group that is born without, feelings, like the rest of us. They don'e feel guilt, remorse, empathy, they are violent, narcissistic, ego maniacs, with an "It's all about me" attitude. Let's just call it a specific blood, let's call it CAIN. The evil ones are so interested in our medical records, perhaps they can tell from a blood sample, or DNA profile, which of us is a CAIN. They must seek these already made psychopaths out, give them the highest positions, so the rest of us, never get ahead. Seems like there are really 2 kinds of humans: one born sane, the other born insane. The CAIN bloodline should be removed from the rest of us. Imagine that living with no evil doers.

21333848? ago

Atlantis Lemuria and Mu... Let's find them ,and our long lost ancestors

21333820? ago

More info re this topic. Bill Wood on Project Camelot


21351116? ago

Thank you..:)

21333259? ago

Sounds like Hari Seldon tried to start up the Foundation, and discovered God beat him to it.

21333199? ago

Very good watch, cool stuff, thank you

21333116? ago

My question is why did all timelines converge to 2012? What was the significance of that? God? Universe? Did the batteries run out on some shitty Alien technology? I know we could say 'blah.blah.blah...because the Mayans said so", but that is no answer.

21332597? ago

Yeah, DJT's got a crystal ball made of quantum Teslas and magic pixies. OP and all the gullible anons who upvoated need to get a grip.

21351226? ago

Maybe it is 'you' who needs to get a grip. Have you ever heard of Jade Helm? Or wonder why Obama got rid of all those generals? He didn't need humans to decide what military actions were going to take place. He had his AI. Of course they could see the future https://youtu.be/JGxOgfuZE20

21332553? ago

That's the thing about a device that shows you your own future, so long as you are using the device to try and control the outcome, your only available futures will be self fulfilling prophesies, the result of spending your life looking into the future. A time machine is the only way a soul can really die in the multiverse because looking backwards creates loops that you can get yourself trapped in. I supposed a spiral might be a more suitable shape than a loop.

21332527? ago

Look at all the digits Oh My this is one for the record books !

21332506? ago

A lot of nods to a lot of Q posts:

"At this point the loser can only prolong the game" - expanding ammunition?

"Yes, there are moves left on the table, but those moves are being forced by the player that is going to win" - moves and countermoves?

I could go on, but "In the end God wins" and "You are watching a movie" suddenly makes way more sense now.

21331858? ago

This is precisely what Bill Wood says about Looking Glass.

Watch from 1:55:40 to the end.


21331788? ago

Our thoughts and words hold great power! So use them wisely. Imagine what you want to happen. See it in your mind daily. Speak positively about it. Believe that is it happening. Do not wish it. Believe it.

21332388? ago

21331788? Digits Confirm. Infinite Creative power in our thoughts! (8's, symbols for infinity.)

I see a Great Awakening in our future! So does Project Looking Glass, apparently. Think Jetsons, Think Star Trek, Think Heaven on Earth! I do, All the 'Time'!

21331721? ago

https://youtube.com/watch?v=j5kq0zYLgrE. The Bill wood interview alone. He has other stuff as well. I am a high-conspiracy junkie and don't know about this guy? What the hell!

21332156? ago

There's a more comprehensive 2 and a half hour long version of the interview that's not cut at all, search on youtube for "PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE _ BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS" I would post a link it but it won't let me.

21332201? ago

I'm on it. Thanks for. The heads up.

So basically they had a fucking time machine and it ended in 2012... After that they were flying blind. That is why after Obummer's 2nd term world leaders started laughing at him. The good guys made a time machine that works. Post. 2012 and kept it from them. That is what Trump and Q are using now. This is why future proves past. This is why Trump tweets about shit that. Hasn't happened yet in the past. Tense. Q drops are meant to be a way to tweak the future into the best possible scenario.

21332655? ago

You don't. You pray and mediate on the Word. God made you a watchman on the wall for a reason, just gotta pray for the answer as to why.

21333950? ago

Could help thinking of this clip.


21339072? ago

Lol sometimes it feels like this.

21331685? ago

This is a bit disconcerting. Looking into the future, at least historically, has been considered to be a form of necromancy or divination ... literally getting help from demons.

If this is true, then it would give me serious doubts as to whose side Q and Trump are on.

21351279? ago

Seriously? It's called AI and probabilities via military intelligence. You question whose side Q and Trump are on? Wow.

21354222? ago

I can buy the AI angle, but once they start talking about astral projection and UFO's then that points to more of the demonic angle.

21358454? ago

21354222? Trips of truth, Digits Confirm : many anons can't believe anything weird, ... YET.

Is a gun "evil" Fren? Are guns "good"? OR, is the good/evil done with guns from the intent of the person holding it? (Hint: Guns don't have motives....)

(You) didn't say this exact phrase, but it sounds like you're firmly in the camp of "all aliens are demons", if not you might see from your post here where I might think that, right?

If, as you seem to suggest, that anything you don't understand or have in your garage yet is "evil demons posing as aliens", then what the hell would you say when you saw an Angel? (WHY do the Angels always have to tell the silly Humans "Fear not!" 1st thing when they appear?)

In my opinion, and frankly by simple logic, IF demons = "aliens", THEN Angels = "aliens" too! (They just appear in forms our small minds can understand, some Men understand "Good Aliens" don't you think?)

Thanks for being honest though, an anon board helps folks be themselves.

"... that would be more acceptable and believable."

(You) Fren, are not the sheriff of what's acceptable and believable, for ANYONE, but One Human, (You).

Its not up to reality to make itself taste good for you, spit it out if you must, but without it you're lost in crazytown. Don't paint yourself into any corners Freind. "Buckle up Buttercup"~Q

21354489? ago

Well I personally don't believe in aliens but do believe we've got massive advanced AI and energy capabilities that many 'think' are from aliens (area 51 alien crash etc) but are just simply technology advances 'we' humans discovered.

21332534? ago

Yeah, and thunder was considered the wrath of gods at some point, while flying was agains God's will.

The fact that you don't understand something doesn't mean it's automatically a bad thing.

As long as you are not using it with the intent of harming over people and only use it for good, God approves it.

As the saying goes: "Man might have meant it for evil, but God meant it for good" paraphrase of Genesis 50:20

21334017? ago

No, we understand exactly what divination is, and it has never brought about any good consequences for anyone.

21331603? ago

It should be obvious to anyone that this guy is making it up as he goes (long hesitation, vague answers), but in case you really need proof he fucked up his LARP with the Mars spaceship thing. He claimed spaceships that travel just under the speed of light would take a day to get to Mars, but even at half the speed of light in the farthest scenario it would take under an hour. Sadly the interviewer seemed to know this and tried to help him out, but for some reason he decided to correct her with the wrong answer. I'm supposed to believe that the guy who studies string theory and timeline convergence doesn't know how long light takes to get to Mars?

21351290? ago

Do you not recall Trump just said something recently about going to Mars?

21332368? ago

Maybe they needed to slow down in this neighborhood, just like you would when near a school ;)

21331546? ago

The damned want to take as many with them as possible. They are enacting scorched earth tactics because they KNOW they've lost. As soon as Trump won they knew what was in looking glass was their fate. I cannot wait until Christs Return.

21331331? ago

3515711? (OP) Digits Confirm.

(You) have a gem of a thread here OP! So many Gets here, Yuge Ones too. This is a great topic, a great video, your timing is great. I know I needed this. Thanks OP. Nothing can stop The Great Awakening! WWG1WGA!

See you on the other side Patriots! Shadilay Frens!

21351321? ago

OP here...Um..I'm not sure what you're talking about. I'm trying to learn about digits from NMBRFG but I'm still a newbie on this stuff.

21353457? ago

Oh man what an awesome thread here, thanks for the response. I welcome ALL ideas, though I have 2 minor disagreements with "NMBRFG". (Much Love to the anon, I've just been around this info for a LONG time, and to me he/she is a bit rough on the edges.)

  1. Namefagging is a big NO-NO on an anon board, I refuse to do it, though I could easily be well known here by some name. (I post a LOT, kek I need a life.)

  2. Many of the math gematria things he posts are hard for ME to follow as an ancient numerology-fag, and many don't add up for me. Not saying he's wrong, just that for me the Digits are a much more simple and subtle thing.

I can give you the primer information to lead you in the right direction, but how you interpret it is based on YOUR personal view point. "NMBRFG" has his/her own unique view and that's great it makes us diverse, and that makes us stronger. I just disagree if you tell me it HAS to be THAT complicated (no adding numbers, no gematria secret codes, just what appears.)

For me its about "The Odds" what is the chance a thing will or won't happen (habben)?

So to sum it up The post numbers here come to whoever posts in whatever order they post, who does, or does not "get the digits" is chosen by a near infinite number of choices by the anons posting, good or bad, it is what it is, the board automatically assigns the digits, good luck getting special ones.

That's the whole point, "Luck" aka "Chaos" or "random" chance, the order of events, as they unfold. When a post ends in repeating digits like, for example, post number 77777777, it would be extremely rare to "get" as a post number and the very next post won't be a "get", neither was the previous one ( 77777776, not a "get), so its against the odds to get a repeating number at the end of your post number. It's been suggested by observation that predictions made on these boards that "Get" the digits, are almost always correct. I hope that made sense.

Basically your OP post number 3515711? ended in "11", not a "big get", but it means The Chaotic forces in The Universe timed your entire life, and everyone else's life, to arrange for (You) to get the number 11 at the end of your post so we'd know to pay attention. WOW, the odds are crazy high for all this to line up. See how special it is, even a "little" get? But this thread you created is FULL of impossibilities, the Universe its self was singing a beautiful song of chaos and the notes played out in your thread.

Those digits I Got "21331331?" do repeat at the end, "331 and 331" but they ARE also rare in another way. They are a mirror "get" or "Thoth Digits" or "palindrome digits" ( about as big a mirror Get as you can have on here too) The 1 in the middle is a mirror, see: 133-1-331 Like that. What are the odds? Astronomical I'd say.

The Ancient Egyptians had a special name for "Chaos" it was "Keku" (Kek!) He/She was shown as a frog (Pepe?) Keku's job was to bring light to dark and obscure things ( Keku no likey secrets!). Keku was considered a primordial force of The Universe.

These days we call him Pepe, and he seems to lurk the message boards sprinkling digits on true but obscure information. To an atheist this is all NUTZ, I get that, can't blame them, unless they gamble much, then they should at least see its very ODD how often the digits are correct, and if they are smart should start to bet on the get being right.

The story of HOW Pepe found the chans, is mind blowing to say the least, here is a blog post that details how insane it is and how it unfolded. (One of my favorite links of all time!)


This is FUN reading! Shadilay Fren Shadilay!

(Our theme song Shadilay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uRLJZxINAQ&t=1s)

21354554? ago

Omg what a coincidence! I was just about to do a video on this kek pepe history...lol Someone linked me to this on my yt channel comments. Unless...you are the one who linked it there too..? lol

21357300? ago

KEK! Nope. Not me. We're everywhere! bwhaa ha ha ha haaa! It really is an awesome story though. Thank You! You made me smile, I Love to see I'm not alone!

21354554? Nice Digits Confirm it'll be a great video probably. Invisible mirror "45 / 54" It's like POTUS-45 is looking in a mirror at the end. Read the link about "Moon-Man" in the article about Pepe too if you want to know moar about Thoth digits.





P.S. Chaos is fun (and its Life), but [they] want to "bring order out of chaos", AKA make everything dead and quiet, and "orderly" in [their] control! Yuck! Long LIVE Chaos! KEK!

21332518? ago

711 ;)

21331359? ago

Whoa. 21331331?

21331375? ago

WOW right? This whole thread is off the charts with big digits, good feelz in here!

21331111? ago

They have been weighed in the balance and been found lacking! They have seen the writing on the wall !

21331255? ago

21331111? Dubz + Quadz! Digits Confirm. "They have been weighed in the balance and been found lacking! They have seen the writing on the wall !"

Amazing Get! My jaw dropped, while reading a forum. Rare. I Am in Awe! "The Battle Hymn of The Republic" started playing in my head when I read this. Nothing can stop what is coming. His truth is marching on!

21333647? ago


Loud and clear!

21338958? ago

YA, Totally... Weird I've never thought about 5:5 when the digits are 5's, kek. I was thinking numerology where 5's mean "symbol of Mankind" (5fingers) OR it means "change is coming", but with Pepe and Q, 5:5 makes more sense. In the Military the whole phrase you use on the radio (Per my orders in my unit anyway...) was "5 by 5 read you Lima Charlie" as a response to "Radio check over...". DUH on me! KEK! ThankQ for reminding me anon!

21331318? ago

First thought that popped into my head and i'm not particularly religious.

21330761? ago

My Q is the defense authorization act of 2008 vs 2020 better now for we the people or worse?



21330670? ago

If you watch the video, the problem with Looking Glass isn’t that it was looking into the future, it was actually showing previous time lines. This is why they came in interlaced and ALL stopped at December 2012. This means none of our previous timelines got past that point...and we are now in uncharted territory. This forced us to create a new looking glass, one that predicts the most probable future using a combination of AI + Cloud Data + Quantum. This is what I’m betting is located at Antarctica. To run a quantum computer that massive, you need extreme cold temps. That means a lot of helium (remember the recent shortage?). Makes most sense to run it out of the coldest place on Earth.

21333460? ago

If you watch the video, the problem with Looking Glass isn’t that it was looking into the future, it was actually showing previous time lines.

That sounds interesting. Sources for further reading?

21333275? ago

DWave? Google has one. Interesting

21333045? ago

Makes no sense. The temperatures needed to keep Helium liquid are so far below the temperatures of Antarctica that the same specialized equipment would be needed wherever it’s done.

And we still have a finite supply of Helium.

21332910? ago

NASA buys all the helium for their huge balloons they launch satelites with.

21332813? ago

Maybe, didn't Trump say something about buying Greenland though?

21331996? ago


21330501? ago

Yes... :) there's aliens my friend. I have seen their ships. I hereby invite any friendly aliens to my farm for a BBQ. Please ensure your UFO hull temp is low enough as to not ignite dry grass and. If your biology precludes you from eating pork and drinking moonshine then bring your own meat and drink. ... Also don't come in all crazy and spook the livestock or the women folk and if you are scary as shit looking then hang out in the back for a bit til we adjust.

21332338? ago

"their own meat" may be you, so be careful out there (where the truth is).

21333332? ago

Ohhh. Good point. I did say "friendly"

21333346? ago

"Friendly" is just a social construct :p

21339024? ago

reminds me of scary movie 3 when they met the aliens for the bbq.

21330345? ago

Recomended by Bill Wood

Loose Change 2nd Edition (HD) FULL MOVIE

21330093? ago

If you don’t watch the video...know at least this...

One of the most interesting things that was said by Bill Wood of the Looking Glass Project was that “the cherry on the top...is that for all intents and purposes what we believe to be true is what becomes true”

I am going to pray on that tonight.

Cheers frens.

21336123? ago

That is what I picked up from this too. _/_

21335268? ago

Research Neville Goddard you guys. All things are possible if you believe they are already done. He developed many ways to excercise the imagination, and explained them both in books and in recorded lectures.

21333671? ago

He also uses a very good chess analogy, which is very true to what is happening. He says that if two grandmasters are playing chess, at some point both will know who is winning, but the loser will just try to prolong the inevitable. The watching public don't know this as they do not have the knowledge that the two masters do. For me that is what we're seeing now. DS has lost but all they're doing is prolonging the inevitable. We can't see this because we don't have all the info. All the more impressive because wasn't this interview conducted in 2011/12?

21333296? ago

That is pretty much what The Secret movie is all about

21333148? ago

Sounds like the Law of Attraction

21332873? ago

Sounds like that witchcraft power of positive bullshit to me. Got cancer? Thats your own fault because you didn't think positive enough. You'll get that type of BS from idiots like Joyce Meyers.

21333147? ago

I’m not defending it...just reporting on Bill Wood’s take on it.

21333427? ago

I know, no worries.

21332667? ago

Anyone know Bill's current situation?

21332152? ago

They call it, to varying extents, the law of attraction.

German Idealism

Ahh, the synchronicity.

21333160? ago

German idealism? I must check that out. Never heard if that.

Law of attraction...I dont know about that... but Bill Woods said that and the context was hinged on the Thomas Young Double slit experiment.

We get what we expect.

21332073? ago

Self fulfilling prophecy

21331960? ago

Law of attraction

21331572? ago

This is true. Every single thing that I believed would be true, every promotion, every opportunity, every major life event...I didn't wish...I said to myself over and over that I will do it. When the opportunity presented itself to do it, often times I wasn't 'ready' I told myself but I pushed through and ended up in the very spot I always believed I would be. This is possible for each and everyone of us. Do not let evil in, do not let it convince you that what you want is more evil. Repent from it and believe in the good that is in you and that is MEANT to be yours by birthright. I am with you and I LOVE YOU.

21333032? ago

I believe you will polish my knob...

21343226? ago

I believe I will not. I believe you will continue to be loved.

21333618? ago

maybe with a belt sander

21333578? ago

Visualize him polishing your knob! Push through any negativity to the fact that he is polishing your knob! ...

21331388? ago

Mark Passio says the same.

21330715? ago

The problem with that theory is that, for example, two people can be "believing" for opposite outcomes of a certain event (think fans of opposing teams believing for their team to beat the other team in a particular football game)...whose belief becomes true?

21333168? ago

Maybe there is a tipping point and/or conviction of belief.

21330728? ago

The one that believes the most.

21333651? ago

Or whichever team has more fans that believe.

21331927? ago

Games are thrown to settle scores amongst owners. And make the most amount of money in a series.

When was the last World Series ever decided outside of seven games?

21330515? ago

Literal interpretation of the original constitution and electrogravitics and friendly ET with sweet tech and med beds.

21330349? ago


Time to Harvest.

21330172? ago

If that was true... why was I an awkward nerd in high school and not really the svelte ladies' man that i believed i was?? :-P

21332191? ago

you weren't fooling yourself

21331607? ago

Because other people wanted power and control over you and everyone else. The shift in consciousness is happening NOW. Do not allow your past to dictate your future. Take it with a grain of salt and know that you are loved and WE WANT YOU to succeed and to ascend to your birthright. You are so loved.

21331785? ago

Well said anon. IMO I think a lot of people over the past few years started dealing with childhood traumas/abuse. I don't think this was a coincidence. It's apart of the path towaeds just that: not allowing your past to dictate your future. The Great Awakening.

21330653? ago

The whole universe would have had to be inverted for that

21330908? ago

Small price to pay, right?

21330600? ago

Its a co-creative consciousness.

21332572? ago

Consciousness (collective reality) is mostly democratic in function. Free will ensures this. Math is the tool that we have to objectively interpret the reality in which we exist. That is why the education and religious systems are so important in guiding and creating our reality. This is why sources and methodologies are supposed to be peer reviewed. . . except that 'peers' now represents a group of people educated in mostly the same manner by the same manipulated institutions. Peer review hence becomes an exercise in confirmation bias in that the box that the minds of educated have become more firmly entrenchable by the economic burden incurred by many of the participants.

There are hydrogen cars running on water . . . since the 90's. Anyone who tries to enter this information with a government entity (patent office, etc.) is summarily ruined by either classification of ideas or less civil methods.

The pathway to real change is open source. Drafting blueprints and manuals and sharing them discreetly with like-minded, trustworthy people who fully understand the potential risks of their actions, before being dumped in places like here, pastebin, the chans, and anywhere else data fags regular.

Any attempt to make ideas 'property' for financial gain makes them Ceasar's, property of the controlling currency. Give unto Ceasar. . .

21331134? ago

21330600? Digits Confirm. Hive mind. (Sorry awkward nerd guy, we like (You) moar now!) Kek!

21330390? ago

Lol...I can relate.

21330274? ago

becomes true...

You should have visualized yourself as the mack while in kindergarten or so.

21330204? ago

Because it's not a magic lamp, dumbass

21335063? ago

Why are you calling him a dumbass? His question is legitimate given what was proposed.

21331360? ago

Fucking hilarious.

21330798? ago


21330314? ago

yeah but he keeps rubbing the genie!

21331681? ago

That's what I named mine too!

21330689? ago

i like turtles

21332216? ago

All your turtles are belong to me.

21333535? ago

If you believe it, it will be true in the future.

21332274? ago

Are belong to us.

21332336? ago


21332421? ago


What would you like to be used for ?

21333030? ago

Rubbing. Got a genie here stuck in the chamber.

21333934? ago

You need to be a Chad, Dumb ass. You have no game dude.

21330022? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=sdFqUqHdr50& :

Project Looking Glass - Nothing Can Stop What is Coming - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

21331010? ago

21330022? o-o The bot got triple dubz! Digits Confirm this video. (Watch it, I did, its good news.)

21332542? ago

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21329915? ago

Trump knows he captured the entire swamp already!

21331352? ago

Now that would be funny if the bad peeps, who read that tweet, knew he just found that from Looking Glass. Take that Madam Cleo..HA!

21330055? ago

........ Well at least of my life ! But I agree, not to take anything away from a handful of other great ones

21331078? ago

21330055? Triple Dubz! Again! Digits Confirm best POTUS ever in his life! I agree, checked. Digits all over this thread, its a good One! What are the odds? KEK that's what!

21332248? ago

Triple, as in 2+1 ? ;)

21332311? ago

Triple Doubles: 33 00 55 = 3 sets of 'dubz' Yuge digits, very rare, a Yuge 'get'. There's many here in this thread, almost impossible odds (astronomic). Very cool.

21332514? ago


23 = 11

Thus > 3331111


21332511? ago

Woah. Almost as good as my 144 post where i said you should look at Q s poat 144.

Conspiracy ST.

21332700? ago

21332511? Too. Much. Winning. Nope, J/K! Digits Confirm Confirmation x a zillion. So cool.

21332765? ago

I dont know what to say.

Heres a hiku for you.

I seen a truck stuck in the muck.


21330153? ago

He had the most to risk, he is the greatest.

21330179? ago

Agree. But he also learned from a few of them like Andrew Jackson !

21331138? ago

Washington .