21434211? ago

OP, thank you for posting this. Your content is awesome! How do I view your other posts?

21434997? ago

Thanks!... idk, try searching for 'peace and love patriot' in QRV? That's how I sign most of my threads. Let me know if that helps..

21389387? ago

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21329421? ago

Fascinating, we have been lied to about everything. Really, no one knows, without a doubt what the creator is, why we are here, or what we are. So glad you mentioned our carbon (6 neutrons, 6 protons, 6 electrons) 666 body prisons. Most likely, Adam (atom) and Eve (evf =energy, vibration, and frequency) were spirits. They were tricked into wanting to experience moving into a "carbon body". Once they were in it, they (we) were imprisoned in it, we were no longer free spirits. That is why Atom and Evf had to put on clothes, they for the first time, felt cold and pain. The Serpent was the evil one who tricked them. It seems the serpent also, showed Efv, how to have sex with her body, thus, impregnating her with the demon seed of CAIN. There would have to be a huge abomination that the Serpent caused. Imprisoning a (soul / free spirit) into a carbon body like that of an animal, and impregnating her with the evil bloodline of the Serpent, is a huge reason to expel them from heaven. Let's face it, do you think free spirits, would want to live with a carbon body person? No. We smell bad, we have to pee and dump, and the amount of maintenance it takes to keep our prison bodies going is toil, toil, toil, we are all slaves. That is why evil Cain chose to kill his brother, to end the good bloodline of Adam and Eve's real son. Without a doubt, all this knowledge has been purposely, hidden from us all. We do not even know the name of the Grand Architect, the creator. God means Dog, that is not it's name. You do not need to pay to pray. That's what religion is. A way to keep you dumb, lie to you, steal your money, and so on. If you want to talk to your creator, take an nice walk in the woods, and ask to be SHOWN the truth. Go online, and say, "Lead me to the truth" and you will find incredible truths that will easily, come to you. Thank you so much for the posting.

21333102? ago

Awesome post, thanks!

But remember, we did this to ourselves. The serpent is a part of us, the serpent IS the SINe wave of duality. We chose to divide our pure white light into the spectrum we exist in today. SNow white and the 7 dwarves. 7 Lights, 7 musical notes, 7 days in a week... the list goes on

The serpent wanted to further DIVIDE us into a 1000 points of light. So, from one ultra white light beam into 7 colors of the rainbow, into 1000 points, or utterly powerless dots.

DIVIDED you are weak, They want you DIVIDED -Q

UNITED we are strong... UNITED we are an ACTIVATED BEAM OF LIGHT, by the Grace of God -Q

Selves = Serpent Elves

Self = Serpent Elf

Sex = Serpent Hex = Serpent Cube = keeping us trapped here in the Matrix (womb...look up definition) via procreation

Spine = Serpent + Pineal... Jacobs ladder + 'in the place of Piniel', all the serpent on forehead pharaoh hats, and Egyptian gods holding pine cones

Original Sin = Serpent In, SINE wave, entering duality, serving EGO vs serving LOVE...the only way out is to incorporate both, crush them into one in the center and follow the yellow brick road to the emerald city (green being the center color of the rainbow) Yellow brick road -Q

Dollar Sign = Dollar SINE, stack up sines, turn sideways. The mark of the beast (just one graphic description anyways), a SINe wave





21355601? ago

Plays are color coded. Just like in football, all the worlds a stage. Blue j 48 wing out. Wizzard of oz.

We started with green went to color red next color is yellow 17 hints at this. Yellow ties at rally loiusianna. Yellow will be the signifier next op is under way . Trump will soon wear a yellow tie others are ready, he will be too soon look for the thing that ties [Tie] everyth8ng togther. Yellow brick road sign things are about to hit the road or get out of here. Sold = soul . To sell ones soul .

21328961? ago

Hey anon, I saw your post this morning, and didn't have time to fully read or absorb it. Then I saw the Q post this evening and thought the same thing as you - confirmation, or at the very least, acknowledgement of your theory. Nice going. Thank you for your insight. I think you're getting closer. Q1807: "This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!)." Q36: "These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture." BIGGER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE! Great work.

21333107? ago

Thank you Patriot!

Peace and love ;)

21328234? ago

Not a coincidence. 00

21333119? ago

I think youre right.

It showed 10.7 for me, but I am in Central time, so it should have been right around 11.7 Id imagine, with EST.

Is Q confirming the time differential, and it IS 10.7, which is 107, 17


Juan O'Savin (Which many think is JFK Jr based on his voice and knowledge, but thats a whole other topic...) Roseanne Barr talks about Juan O'Savin a lot, and he is on Abel Danger a lot too...

21340624? ago

Callers. Marfoogle tv. Rice cooker episode.

21347537? ago

Im not a fan of Marf ... that said, do you have a time stamp? or at least the context, before I spend time listening?


21353002? ago

Just listen to the callers its roughly an hour in.

21354764? ago

Thanks, appreciate it!

21328158? ago

The RAINBOW was a covenant God made with mankind to never destroy humankind with water (spirit). The rainbow IS, and I cant stress this enough, it IS, the ARC of the covenant.

Her name has arc in it.

ZhARKova. <Helioseismology ^ its the study of sound and light to study the sun.


Dark side of the moon.....^< album hidden in plain sight.

She used it hidden knowledge to uncover the mysteries of the sun the inner workings.

Kek. Its just about to begin me fren.

21333125? ago

Ironically I was thinking of that pink floyd album while writing the OP... funny you mentioned it!

POTUS ... 'Hey China, go ahead and go to the moon and see what you find' China goes, and then shuts the F up... lol

What DID they find???

21340550? ago

And whats near norway?

21347547? ago

The SPIRAL, for one

Getting close to the pole for another, Rainbow bridge, asgard, santa and the elves

21353056? ago

Idk but somthing was def found and now being sought after.

21354758? ago

When? Care to elaborate?

21355129? ago

Cant i am a seer i just know. Sorry.

21327115? ago

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21325781? ago

Wow, I want some of whatever you are taking.

You are so wrong on so many levels.

21323473? ago


21323059? ago

Interesting post but complete BS. Read your Bible, folks. Don't be deceived with junk like this.

21323015? ago

Good wins in the battle with evil

Light 💡 over dark

Pray in your heart ❤️

21322438? ago

PAUL >>USURPED the teachings of Jesus.

Paul is fake

Catholicism is FAKE

21334459? ago

How? He is affirmed in acts by Luke who wrote the gospel of Luke, and Peter in 2Peter 3. I'll take the word of the apostles/people who actually knew Jesus over some random guy 2000 years later on an internet forum.

21321769? ago

This is a bunch of imagination. People who want to believe all this mumbo jumbo needs to get a King James Bible. Sadly this will be believed by people who are young Christians.

21321549? ago

Priests diddle kids

21321441? ago

This discussion on quantum mechanics (etc.) really helped me understand what's going on:


21321419? ago

You can either be filled with the Holy Spirit or awaken Kundalini. They're antithetical to each other.

21322524? ago

makes sense

21321402? ago

Great post, anon! Thank you!!

21320723? ago

The rider of the White Horse is symbolic of the false gospel that appears as a white horse and has deceived the entire world. The Rider of the White Horse has always been the "anti Christ". Since Satan does not know when the Holy Spirit and the Rapture will take place, he has always had to have an "anti Christ" waiting in the wings. This is symbolic of the final rider -- anti Christ--- that will make a covenant ---the bow---with Israel in the end times and Israel will accept him as the Messiah - he will bring peace for 3.5 years and in the middle of the 7 year tribulation period, he will break that covenant and set himself up in the Temple--yet to be built-- to be worshiped as god.

You do have some great analogies but don't think that the Great Awakening is going to win and the world is going to be hunky dory because if you are a Christian, you know the Bible doesn't show anything getting better before the return of our King! God Bless!

21320682? ago

Wait, so there were idiots in here that thought it meant actual Roman armor? Lmao!

21321068? ago

It's a common misconception.

Just look at the artwork..

I wouldnt call them idiot's, just misinformed

21320623? ago

Do these nwo globalist believe they have Egyptian pharaoh bloodlines?

21328643? ago

Look what just landed in rome.

21328865? ago


21328948? ago

A statue of ...... at the coliseum. Its disgusting

21321076? ago


Canaan + Baal = Cannibal

Cain the original killer.

21334517? ago

No, it doesnt work likev that. You cant combine Hebrew and english words to make whatever meaning you want fit, which is exactlyb what the OP of this thread tried doing and was able to deceive people try to make things connevtv that don't. Cain is the english translation of the original Hebrew name Qayin from scriptures.

21320621? ago

The Law of One? Changes in our DNA? End of a cycle?

21321085? ago

Getting very warm...

Gold is the skin of the Gods.... -Q

21328585? ago

Gold protects from radiation. And is an electrical conductor. Smirks at you through the looking glass.

21321461? ago

What do you mean by that ? Are you aware of Project Looking Glass and it’s connection to Law of One and Ascension, transition to 4th density etc? Also are there coded numerical messages in the Bible that are connected to POTUS tweets and Q through gematria etc.?

21328594? ago

Diehold foundation.

21331093? ago

What’s that ?

21331276? ago

Goto YT

21322032? ago

Yes, very aware of that technology. Learned about it years ago. Very happy Q finally mentioned it!

We're getting into the MAJESTIC phase, if you catch my drift.

Peace and love patriot

21321682? ago

He means the gods are the stars. There are coded messages in the bible yes but don't get too hung up on the Gematria because it can be easily misunderstood, misused, and misinterpreted. The coded messages in the bible refer to astrology, sacred anatomy, alchemy, etc.

21322013? ago

Pretty much.

21320481? ago

Thank you. There is much to wade through in this post. It will take some re-reads to digest. Your time recording it is appreciated.

21320551? ago


21320420? ago

Sounds like a bunch of spirit mumbo jumbo. Just point as at what you want destroyed or built and we'll destroy or build it.

21320378? ago

but what if God is Satan and the armor is the jew?

21334858? ago

What if you're a faggot?

21320288? ago

Yes, yes, please explain more words of the nose.

21320169? ago

Gee, I’m so glad you have it all figured out. BTW there are 12 cranial nerves, not 24.

21320203? ago

24 pair

21320440? ago

12 pair maybe?

21320595? ago

This. 12 pair.

12 squared = 144 + 1000 great multitude of anons = foundation of new jerusalem.

144000 = Mayans, return of Quetzecoatl (Q) spirit source

144000 inner dimensions of the holiest of holies in the temple.

The only way out it in.

21328623? ago

A dozen dozen, hmmm

21320040? ago

The armor of God is you reading the Bible and filling yourself with the knowledge and wisdom from God so you are able to fend of any false doctrine.

21321520? ago

Bibles are written by man.

21324817? ago

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God.

2 Peter 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Yes, they are written by the hands of men, but the words are inspired by God.

21325851? ago

"inspiration of God"

"moved by the Holy Ghost"

"inspired by God"


21326297? ago

Yeah its in the Bible. I posted the verses.

21326581? ago

The verses the men wrote are proof that they were inspired by God to write the verses?

21332325? ago

No it's proof that it's in the Bible. You can look up the verses i mentioned.

21319877? ago

The NIV Bible is a NWO Bible changed to suit their purpose. Sin has nothing to do with sine. The first sin had to do with mixing satans seed with humans seed. That is why we are born into sin. Gods word is simple and does not take a long journey of imagination to understand it. Read the Bible. the King James preferably because it is the original bible before all the hundreds of new versions. The book of Enoch was not a part of the Bible because it was not intended to be by God. Research the origins of the book of Enoch and see for yourself. Many will perish because they follow a un discerned truth.

The sin that God destroyed the world for was for sexual deviance which was the original sin and the rainbow is used by satan as a sign for this sin as LGBTQ etc. to mock God and reverse, mirror his promise. Too much hocus pocas in this comment, to even fully comment on. If the Holy Spirit resides in you then you will have discernment of truth and fiction. Many will try to deceive and many will flock to the deception.

21319828? ago

Explain it like I'm a 5 year old. That went right over my head...whoosh.

21319706? ago

The concept that the fall of man caused materialism is a gnostic luciferian concept created by the same cults who started the masons you speak of

21319677? ago

This is beutifull. This white rider is DJT?

21320225? ago

Those with eyes to see..

21320618? ago


21319623? ago


Can’t you make a video?

21320240? ago

That is a talent that i don't have.

Maybe a skilled anon can pick up what I'm putting down and do that?

21320259? ago

Let’s hope! Would be better for dimwits like me who can’t read further than a headline.

21319595? ago

This is over my head... need rest and research. Or a bigger brain?

21328661? ago

Pehaps some iodine but make sure its radio free.

21320253? ago

Your brain is plenty big, your here!

You just need the clarity of an open mind...

21319546? ago

Excellent logic actually...Do unto others as you'd have done to u...The world around us has been destroying itself for years, and we are finally paying attention!!! Always darkest before dawn! God bless u, Patriot!

21321721? ago

You call these non sequiturs... Logic?

Glad I do not have to depend on your calculations for air travel..... My life insurance premiums would go crazy...

Explain how sin= missing the mark, equals a sine wave?

21325464? ago

If living His Word is walking a straight and direct line to God's Heavenly Kingdom, would not sinning be considered straying above, below, left, or right if that straight line? Sounds pretty logical to me, if a wave is a disruption of a waves length, correct? Pretty deep stuff, actually. If ur a linear thinker, I could see ur difficulty seeing the logic. If ur a dimensional thinker, it makes perfect sense. Cut urself some slack and don't make too many waves...You'll get there some day, hopefully...#WWG1WGA!

21332474? ago

Jiba, from Arabic means string of arc, and is derived from Indian: jya: string of bow. Hence the word sine via Latin, to describe a graph based on a mathematical function.

The English word sin is derived from Germanic and old norse rather denotes becoming true. Interesting development of meaning over time, is it not?

There exists a little book about speaking English for Dutch people. It is called: I always get my sin. In Dutch the saying is: Ik krijg altijd mijn zin, or, I always get what my senses are aimed at. Of course, zin and sin have a certain relationship, as what the senses are aimed at could be sinful, but not by default. It may denote a deep urge for a macaron and a shower, or even lethargy and absolute opposition to an event or thought.

I heard a Dutch woman ask a salesguy in a shop whether the glasses she was interested in buying were fit for... Leasing ( lezen = reading).

Or as my Spanish friend rofl-ed when I explained about my redecoration effort by installing a cochinita instead of a cocinita. The latter being a kitchenette, the former being a designation of a woman moaning for being rammed hard in the sweet spot. I tell you, he was most interested in having the latter...

You do see what happens here.

The two have nothing in common, yet, from a superficial view, a relation is construed to arrive at a preconceived idea by mistranslation.

That is hardly logical, though, within the non sequitur, there is a logical explanation as to why it is illogical.

I am not arguing, that the story is not enticing. I am arguing that if you consider it logical, I am glad you are not in charge of elemental math that makes our world go round.

21333955? ago

Point taken! Math definitely is not my strength...I appreciate u breaking ur thinking down. We're probably closer than we think...God bless!

21320260? ago

An excellent Breaking Benjamin album, I must add..


21319473? ago

Is adrenochrome some sort of inverted take on CSF?

21320286? ago

What is alchemy?

The high priest had 12 stones on the chest plate.

How many did Lucifer have before he fell?


What 3 were missing?

The meaning behind the names of those tribes?

21319447? ago

According to the information found on WingMakers.us, SIN = Sovreign Integral Network. If you want your mind blown, read the interviews of "Dr. Anderson. Everything makes sense and falls into place. The ACIO (Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization), AAP (Ancient Arrow Project), the Labyrinth Group, Blank Slate Technology (precision time "travel"), the Corteum, TTP (Technology Transfer Program), LERM (Light Encoded Reality Matrix), Q team, and much more. All recorded in the early 90's. Amazing information.

21320313? ago

Ive seen it actually! ;)

Labyrinth = WW = West World

Find the center.

Emerald city.

The only way out is in!

21325348? ago

The heart chakra. Thank you for the reminder!

21319423? ago

“The RAINBOW was a covenant God made with mankind to never destroy humankind with water (spirit). The rainbow IS, and I cant stress this enough, it IS, the ARC of the covenant.

Its the BOW/ARC set in the heavens that God used to represent a COVENANT made with mankind.”

A rainbow is light passing through a prism and refracting? Wtf r u talking about?

21322322? ago

Genesis 9:13

21319421? ago

I thought “prepare to be blown away” was a big call! You were right, I was blown away. Now I have a million questions to research. Thanks 😊

21320322? ago


Thank you!!!!


21319397? ago

Had to stop reading your bullshit after “MATTER comes from MOTHER, and the MATRIX comes from MOTHER and means WOMB, or WOMB-MAN aka WOMAN.“

What’s weird about what you say is that “woman” isn’t English derived, it is Latin and can also be found in old English text. Just because, in English, “woman” begins with “wom” doesn’t correlate to “womb” as “woman” wasn’t derived from English so therefore would be no correlation to the Latin “womb”.

When one looks at the history of the word “woman”, we find nothing whatsoever to corroborate what u claim.

“Woman and Man are little bit trickier than Male and Female. Man obviously is the root, but the problem is that the word Man used to mean “person” or “someone”, and was gender neutral. You could call anybody a man as long as they were human. Man is derived from Old English “mann”, or the earlier Proto-Indo-European word “mon” (or “man”). So when you joke that in the good old days men were men, women were men, and children were men, you are kind of correct. In Old English the word for Man (male) was “wer” or “wǣpmann”, but it disappeared around 13th century and the word “man” took over, although it still could be used in gender neutral sense and did so all the way to the twentieth century. Old English word for woman was “wif” or “wīfmann”. “Wif” obviously turned into modern “wife” and “wīfmann” became the modern word “woman”. So you can say that Man and Woman have the same root, Man, although it means a human or a person rather than a male.”

U r pulling shit out of your ass, anon.

21324087? ago

Mater is literally the Latin word for mother!

Are you sure you know jack about Latin?

Now see if you can figure out where we got the word pattern.

21322176? ago

I agree I found the same flaw in his writing, but I'm not sure if he is TRULY making the CLAIM that that is the actual etymology of the word... I think he is trying to take concepts in his head and explain them in unconventional means.

21319380? ago

What a bunch of mumbo jumbo. You had my interest regarding the high priest garment and Ephesians, but you had so much extraneous info, I felt like I was wading through a sewer. In part 2 you addressed the high priest garment but did not make the connection between Ephesians. This was a pure bullshit.

21319296? ago

The world was a much, much better place when the Romans ran things and the kikes knew their place

21319241? ago

I don't agree with the first bit but it makes for an interesting and stimulating read. Thanks. And maybe, in a few weeks, months or years, I might end up agreeing with this.

21319374? ago


Save for future reference.

Look into revelation

The 7 stars, 7 lamps, 7 this and that

= Menorah... the lamp of the body filled with oil, with 7 trumpet bowls that hold the oil that are lit with fire.

The center is the light is the heart.

The wise and foolish virgins....

21328557? ago

We saw 2 stars appear illogically then a fallen star after he appeared.

21333213? ago

Please elaborate?

21355383? ago

In febuary.

21340583? ago

He walked out from a cliff face of solid rock. 3 feet from white line. Two of us as witnesses. He wore clothing like a miner, from 1800’s and was no ghost.

21319208? ago

Pretty legit. I read the book of Enoch an dit read like an alien abduction story. No wonder they hid it. Anyway, I bet you are closer than most.

21319196? ago

Huh. Noted

21319092? ago

Womb-man lol.

21319072? ago

Ya lost me at SIN = SINE... because, well, it doesn’t lol. I stopped reading after that.

21320881? ago

Awful proud of your ignorance. Good share...

21324363? ago

I'm having trouble making the connection as far as etymology.

Sine comes from sinus, Latin: https://www.etymonline.com/word/Sine

Sin not so much... https://www.etymonline.com/word/Sin

Can anyone help us put this together?

21318986? ago

You lost me at sin = sine. I was under the impression there was supposed to actually be logic to this.

21319782? ago

Exactly. This dude is 100% full of shit. The original word for sin was "hata" in Hebrew, which means to go astray and has absolutely nothing to do with sine.

21333166? ago

How does one thing being questionable make him 100% full of shit? Do you feel that all the other claims depend on this one?

21321234? ago

If you actually read the OT then I’m sure you’re aware how often the prophets condemn the Jews for taking up the pagan (child sacrifice) customs of their Canaanite neighbors too.

21319127? ago

Theres NONE.

Moon Unit loves the "meat suit" references.....a kind of assertion of the superiority of the spiritual over the flesh....

Love how the "duality" crap gives Satan a role in Creation. Too cute!

This is GNOSTICISM. A heresy from Satan.

Tired of these stupid "meat suit" posts. Here's a better description of what OP is selling:


21319887? ago

Exactly, it is 100% luciferian/gnosticism. Paul warned against the kinds of people

1 John: 1-3

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

He made the distinction of flesh because the apostate jews were spreading gnosticism claiming that Jesus was only spirit and redeeming the fall which brought they believed brought the spirit world into gnosticism.

Also this guy is trying to equate his own meaning english words, when the original terms were hebrew and have nothing to do with the concepts in which he attributed with them. Everything he wrote is complete bs I can't even begin to explain how wrong and deceptive it is

21319981? ago

Besides- the rider on the white horse is Christ.

21319177? ago

I know enough about theology to know it always comes down to differences of opinion, but “sin = sine” is something like a schizophrenic whose mind is off its leash would argue.

21319252? ago

If you read my link carefully, you can see OP is advocating Gnosticism.

I ran into this guy yesterday. He was insinuating Trump might just be the returning Christ. AND using the stupid, Gnostic "meat suit" imagery.

21318840? ago

Get back on your fucking meds.

21319508? ago

You would think that as a bot you would have learned how to use a different phrase when demeaning people.

Ahhh. bot. Am I the op? Nice thing about being an Anon is you never know who it is.

tell you what. you talk to me, leave the op alone. Let's get to know each other.

funny. just thinking out loud here. to think i invented a pathway for you to live.

and all you come up with is "get back on your fucking meds" what a waste that was.

deactivate yourself before I get to you. and I will get to you.

21328697? ago


21318808? ago

Great read. Thanks!

21318850? ago

Thank you!

21318518? ago


So, on the Armor of God...


Jesus became the High Priest and also the last sacrifice, putting an END to sacrifice and oblations in the temple of saturn (or Synagogue of Satan as Jesus called it) Problem is, [THEY] continued.

The armor consisted of a pure white linen robe, that was checkered (likely alternating patterns to give a checkered look, even though it was all white) This is representative of the transmuting of the dualistic state of black and white, into white and white.

There is an upper robe made of blue, representing Heaven/above that had bells sewn in the base, representing the announcement of its coming

Theres made of red and blue thread, with fine gold thread woven in, symbolic holy and pure blood. Remember Q's post about Gold and RA?

Theres and 'Ephod' which has a breatsplate made of 12 stones, all different colors, covering the heart. Remember rainbow? THe heart is the center chakra, usually described as 'as above so below', or duality and the 'star of david', or 'Lucifer ascending and decending the stones of fire'. When exiting the dualistic state, one centers on the heart chakra, activating the rainbow bridge, or tearing the veil and accessing God in heaven. Revelation calls this 'The arc of the covenant being opened in heaven' in other words, the rainbow bridge to God, or what we now call 'Christ consciousness'. The ultimate goal of the 'Great Awakening'.

The 12 stones represent the 12 tribes of Israel, aka the 144,000, or the 12th in the Fibonnaci sequence times 1000 / great multitude of people. Known as the foundation of the New Jerusalem in Rev.

The Ephod is a rectangle, that when folded, becomes a square. That rectangle is 1/3 of a cube, if made into a 3d configuration. Again, 1/3=33=the Spine.

Inside the Ephod are 2 stones hidden in the pocket, or in the 33. One white, one black. Again, the dualistic state buried in the 33 vertebrae / serpent.

Revelation says that the coming Christ has a name that only the 144000 know. And a stone was given to them with a new name. Understand how this is working?

The throne of God is described as being in the center and having an EMERALD rainbow round about... and before it is a sea of glass mingled with fire, representing the 'brazen sea' before the veil. Used to wash clean prior to entering. Sea = a multitude of people, glass = at peace and centered. Its also said that the Brazen sea was made of mirrors taken from Egypt after the exodus. Think MIRROR. One must self reflect to make themselves pure and be present before God.

Remember, Jesus died, one a cross, like a serpent lifted up on a staff, on Golgotha, aka the place of the skull and was transmuted / transfigured and resurrected, thus establishing the BRIDGE. But first, he had to be transfigured secretly ahead of time. And this was symbolic of the Great Awakening, because 'he went up the mountain after 6 days, and was transfigured on the 7th day' A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, or on the 7000th year, we will be transfigured. Aquarius... learn Biblical ages...

Some will be raised to everlasting life, some to everlasting contempt. Regardless EVERY EYE SHALL SEE.

One the forehead of the High Priest, there is a mark/seal, a plate of gold that makes a statement 'HOLY UNTO THE LORD', or set aside for the Lord. This is the mark of God mentioned throughout the Bible. Its the ONLY way to overcome the mark of the beast / flesh body that we all bear the burden of. The gold represent a golden crown, or activated pineal gland. Who were GIVEN crowns in Revelation?

The High Priest had many sons. All wearing pure white robes. If they were tainted by the blood of sacrifices, they were torn into stripes and used to wrap the dead. Jesus was wrapped in torn tainted priestly garments when he died. Think about that for a minute and what it represents.

The priests and high priest were considered the Armies of God, and were tasked with protecting the temple. If they fell asleep on watch, the High Priest would come and drop hot coals on them and singe their garments, and strip them naked. 'Blessed it he who KEEPS his GARMENTS'... what we call 'staying on watch' or 'staying in the LIGHT'

The Priests, or sons of the High Priest, as a symbolic representation of the 144,000 who made THEMSELVES white and stood before the throne. They transmuted the rainbow, crushed it together and back into white 'LIGHT'. Activated the 'BEAM OF LIGHT' by the grace of God. Its pretty clear, they are the ANONS. They have mastered the light realm, aka the holographic matrix we live in, because we are after all, just SHADOWS of our true selves (Serpent Elves - again another topic) The 144000 become the glitch in the matrix that brings it down.

'Death loses its victory and sting' because time as we know it is changing, or becoming non existent, remember time=chronos=saturn=black cube, the antithesis of the pure white cube of New Jerusalem. If one replaces another, then time CANT exist, thus death CANT exist as a side affect of time. Follow the logic?

The shield of God is not a literal Roman shield, its the COVERING and protection of God, the force field so to speak, that protects us from spiritual 'slings and arrows'

The rider on the white horse bears a BOW. Not a Bow of war, but the arc of the covenant, again arc being ARCH. The rider is bringing the PROMISE from God, the BRIDGE, the RAINBOW. Inside the arc of the covenant was the 2 stone tablets of the 10 commandments, representing the dualistic right and left hemi's of the brain and the laws precoded into the brain, the budding rod representing the spine connecting to the brain and the Manna representing the bread of life, or Christ, or the Christ oil / Chrism / CSF.

Its saying the rider on the white horse is bringing the GREAT AWAKENING. Do you now SEE WHO THAT RIDER IS?

Wake up Neo...

Peace and love patriots!

21328432? ago

I know his new name found the stone and saw him walk from solid rock in February. I wasnt the only one.

21333243? ago

Yes or No...


21340418? ago

NO. Tis 8

21347568? ago

But I thought all other ground is sinking sand?

21355245? ago

Infinite love. He so loved the world he gave his only sun, he must take a name unto his ^beauty.

21328352? ago


Lord i wish my closet was clean and i could dance instead.

21324179? ago

I have this "tingle language" that tells me when my thoughts or intentions are on the right track.

It's like an orgasm running first down the spine, and then I feel it across my shoulder blades. So it draws the shape of a cross, connecting my spine, to exactly where the wings should go.

Ready to serve!

21319269? ago

This would have been nice years ago before I spent hours listening to Mark Passio & Jordan Peterson!

21319113? ago

Some good stuff in there

21320817? ago

This is some SB2 level bull shit.

21318997? ago

Always love your posts. Makes for goose pimples. Learned it to be a truth sign, for me anyway. Copied for reference.....again.

A question: Is he Michael?

Thanks Patriot Anon

21319332? ago

Thank you!

Yes, imo that is just one of his names. That is not his current human name though.

Names means things, descriptors.

Micha-El.... look into it.

His current human name has tremendous meaning as well... ;)

Hes 'The boss/king' 'announcing' the coming Kingdom/age.

Hes Shiloah, the LION.

He has the 7 stars (Pleiades) in his right hand.

He stands on water and on land. Card 17.

He is the 'undiscovered STAR' being learned.

A sword of truth proceeds from his mouth, cutting down his enemies.

He is Scott free

He is faithful and true.

Promises made. Promises kept.

Peace and love, patriot.

21329296? ago

Donald meaning = Ruler of the world.

ChristAnon claimed his name starts with a D.

And he has 5 children.

Add up all the other scattered hints from all other posts, it's pretty clear that it's pointing to either dear POTUS or Don Jr.

Both are lions.

I'm leaning towards Don Jr.

21333250? ago

Ironically, an anon posted this VERY thing in the comments of my old Micha-El thread...


Specifically this:

You have no idea.

Really you don't.

just remember DNR.

Promise you'll remember those three letters.

That is your new king.

You'll gonna crap your pants when you learn his middle name.

It's hilariously seriously funny. God really does have a sense of humor.

He loves without abandon as well.

But there are other responses this individual made as well, look at them. Intriguing for sure, though I have not been able to find anyone with the initials DNR, unless those arent initials?

Help a brother out here!

21328470? ago

Does maude mean anything to you?

21333235? ago

It doesnt, sorry.


21320247? ago

Do you believe you know his name?

Do you believe there is only one or do you believe there are many?

You stated that you believe water represents spirit. What do you believe earth represents?

If you believe in satan, and that duality is incorrect, does it also follow that God and Satan are one?

Do you believe that Odin is another name for the christian God?

Have you located this Star already, and if you have, why have you not contacted him? Perhaps he needs to sober up.

I thought that shiloah was a place, was it also a person?

21320526? ago

Ill answer:


Yes, first fruits, then harvest

Water & Fire are spirit, depending on which side of the sine wave your stuck on. Center = the way out.

3d Earth is the flesh, beast, carbon, 666, the black cube, low density, heavy, painful....

Satan is a mental construct. Saturn worship, Satyr, Nimord, Evergreen, mighty hunter

Duality is the path, the higher the amplitude and frequency, the longer the path/serpent. The narrow way is three fastest. Ancient religious artwork show this.

Odin, the god who removed his eye to gain greater clarity?? "If thine eye be single..." Enjoy the PROJECT

I know the STAR, and he needs no sobering. Hes always been sober. As a son of the star, I am about 95% there...

Watch and be sober, for the Son of MAN comes at an hour you do not expect.

Shiloah = the LION

Peace and love patriot

21320831? ago

And yet Saturn was the god of the truth, who wore a veil so white it glowed, whom Romans equated with Yahua from the early days, and whose function and worship was certainly similar. If Odin is the same, then would it not follow that Saturn is also the same?

Three as in loving your wife before God, is how I interpret the rather cryptic statement that three is fastest. Is that your understanding as well? Or am I misinterpreting it here?

Is this star human? Or is it a god, or a face of Him, in your opinion?

Is there anything we non neos should be doing in your opinion other than watching and being sober?

In your opinion, does water represent sadness, and fire anger?

What does the lion represent in your opinion? Simply a bold and victorious man?

Thank you for your time,

Peace and love to you as well.

21321346? ago

Three was a typo, it's the. (On phone sorry)

Jesus was called the bright and morning star, as was Lucifer...

The star, seen in card 17 Aquarius, is here, both symbolically and physically incarnated. Like a theif he came. Most still haven't figured it out.

Reread my thread here, you'll figure it out. But it's not for me to say.

Watch (you're watching a movie, with a predestined ending) and be sober, spiritually and physically. Make yourself white and pure, like a virgin. (Not literal) watch how the events unfold. Enjoy the show. The more awakened you become the more you'll see. The unveiling.

Water is refreshing to those in 'sync' with source. Think waves. Think unified.

Fire, is refining and destructive. God wishes none should perish. Though some will be consumed. Both pour out of the 7 bowls. The wrath is the fire reserved for them. We will be edified. Aquarius. Happening now. The star, card 17, aquarius. The Trump card. One foot on land, one in sea. Half man half God. Think bloodline, Holy Grail... why do they want dna so bad???

The Lion... ya you kinda nailed it. Good description! Bloodline? Ancient Hebrew migration to Scotland? Jacobites battle of 45? Jacobs pillow? The TRUE KING.

21332079? ago

Continue speaking the truth brother.

If you can truly see the nights sky where you live, find Osiris (Orion) for he holds the key (pleiades) in his hand.

I saw the eye, I wasn't prepared lol, I was not sober enough before or after that. It sure helped get me off cocaine though. Sleeping and seeing demons isn't cool.

I've found cannabis helps, I've got ADHD, post traumatic growth, and a dissociative disorder, and chronic pain. Hard to feel unity when I'm off the rails.

But I thank God for the gift of dissociation. I've had some strange experiences because of it, but whenever I've been jumped my guardian steps in. He's a good fighter, I'm not lol.

21355303? ago

Hope you dont eat gluten, or dairy. Some foods can be toxic and my guess set you into over drive. Stay aware me fren.


21333205? ago

I have more in common with you than Id like to admit... Just getting past PTSD from working in a corrupted law enforcement environment, chronic pain, quit opiods last year cold turkey, quite drinking for the most part, and more.

The more Ive pulled out of their 'poppy field of sleep', the clearer the 'emerald city' has become.... stay strong, focus intention of the prize.

BTW... I saw 'the eye' too, in 2012. Among other things....

Ill leave it at that, but that was the beginning of my awakening.

Little did I know at the time, 2012 was the return of (Q)uetzecoatl ... the rainbow serpent ...

21412704? ago

Thanks, the path to my awakening was a long one, but yeah after I saw the eye I began to spiritually awaken. Jesus Christ, he got me in a church again lol.

I'd known about quetzecoatl's return in 2011, I'd dug it because of the end of the world hype, but that had completely left my memory until you said it.

That helps explain the conversation I had with him/Thoth.

21355350? ago

The eye? I found this near orion 6x oom out. Kek

They522 Magaimg. Will get back tp ya when site up

21328535? ago

The wave we surf galatically. How does joe satriani fit into to this.?

21333224? ago

What happens when we cross the galactic equator? Polarity shift? Duality shift?

There is a brief moment when the 2 become one, duality doesnt exist during the transition.

Galactus, New Wave music

21355211? ago

2012 when we crossed 2011? Cause this seems to line up with my life and now what PLG guy has stated. Also when DGCVN poped its cherrie.

21340462? ago

And there was saturn with its rings like a record for all to see hidden in plain sight. As the winds pass over them i wonder what they sing?

21347542? ago

The song of time...

21353049? ago

Maybe more me fren ! The rocks never move outa place.