21393173? ago

Thank you for your posts. They always resonate with me and reveal new truths.

21393223? ago

Cool! Thank you!

21389924? ago

Project Looking Glass could NOT see past 12/21/2012

Source as AFAIK is literally one guy who thought it would take a day to get to Mars at near the speed of light.

21390296? ago

They're multiple, but take it fwiw....

Ed Dames was another, and two others that i can't recall.

It could simply be an echo chamer of BS, unless i saw it with my own eyes.


21389661? ago

Interesting and confusing at the same time. So many multiple meanings, decodes/interpretations, connections as if everything is and trying to "see" it all as one is too difficult especially with missing pieces/information being deliberately hidden away, etc. Feel it's all linked together. All of it. Odd (no coincidences), that just yesterday was looking into the Mandelbrot sets (fractals) which has the Fibonacci numbers (sequence) within:


PS - Just an aside note IMO - The mathematician in the video, she just has to have Rh negative blood type. Still searching for information, real information, about Rh too since that is something in my little corner to understand well. Not much out there.

No time today, but next want to look back into 3,6,9.

Everything is connected in one massive something.

21389722? ago

Yes youre right, and the answer IS out there, but itll take more than one of us to figure it out.

3,6,9 is the key to everything, Vortex mathematics.

Fractals = our existence, our multiverse. Simulation within simulation, on and on.

When all become incorporated, [THEY] have o where to run and hide.

The more I learn, the more I realize we are existing in a construct, a matrix, a prison planet...

We need SOMEONE to 'set the captives free'...Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1

That LION is here.

21389575? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/mQqqlkia1lXD - ( Magic Sword - Lady of Light )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/tzbffQQiYkEG - ( "The Lost Symbol" - Magic Squares and the Mason... )

21389410? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=NNj0B6-vdLE :

Immortality - #BadSelfEater - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=6fedjvyRt5w :

"The Lost Symbol" - Magic Squares and the Masonic Cipher - YouTube

https://tweetsave.com/ts_sci_majic12/status/1196299847726440448 :

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