21320428? ago

C before D = Clinton before Declass/December.They'll nail her before her announcement to run.Everything falls appart.Current events are just distraction.Just wait for it.

21312022? ago

look at the brackets in the rest of the days posts, they are more for clarification, not negation. so we can anticipate indictments in 2019. it would make sense sooner than later to avoid "political prosecution" accusations (which is already going to happen).

21309655? ago

why is 2019 in brackets? means its shot? so indictments after 2019? or clarifying that indictments will be in 2019?

21305285? ago

Welcome back.

Not that I missed you.

Or anything.

21304980? ago

WTF is this shit where's the rest of the posts? QRV comped? WTF

This an editorial now?

Why you skipping posts?

why the misnumbers?

Can't handle the Truth on QRV? Fucking COMPED! OUT!

21302836? ago


We arte a Thomas Jefferson quote.

^All of us Anons.

Knowning we are perserving liberty.

21302741? ago

I wonder if Q is for the Queen.

Oh that old bitch...

21302738? ago

Wait so he’s saying the two agencies create fighting to preserve themselves?

Kinda like the theatre we’re watching now?? I mean. It’s pretty base.

21301628? ago

11.11.18 a day to remember? think mirror

21301382? ago

MarsAnon here. UFO technology dropping tomorrow. Don’t ask how I know.

21305949? ago

Any update on this?

21306792? ago

yeah, he made it up.

21303041? ago

Pulled it out of Uranus?

21300988? ago

Fucking Boom!

Needed this. Thank you Q!

21300982? ago

3580: "Educate and inform the whole mass of people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

-Thomas Jefferson

Folks the education system has got to be destroy and totally rebuilt. We can't have communists and social engineers undermining our nation by rotting and destroying our history!! Closing many of the liberal colleges would be a good start and then restructure of the system to be given to the states. Centralized education is poisonous.

21300311? ago

Standfast Patriots

21299880? ago

"Indictments coming 2019"

Should send thoughts of suicidal tendencies...through out the Global Swamp.

21301967? ago


Means after 2019?

21309690? ago

i'd think it was more clarification for 2019. I cannot believe there havent been some low to mid level indictments already to get things rolling and condition the public of more to come. letting any indictments roll into 2020 election year will be met with major pushback by propaganda media as political.

21302088? ago

That's my gut feeling. Although, if they are considered kill brackets, then this could be Go Time. He also said be ready.... SA at all times Patriots..


21306196? ago

Methinks impeachment needs to run its course, before the hammer drops. It appears that Barr / Horowitz / Huber / Durham are all buttoned up and ready to go. Just a matter of timing. Trump's gonna let them exhaust themselves running in circles. No worries. ""I caught The Swamp. Nobody else but me could have done it. They're caught", Trump said. Sounds like a done deal. And it's interesting that after that announcement, Iran says they have the hostage!!!



21301642? ago

weve got a promise from Q... the first firm date. an actual clock. down to Jan 1 2020. And we have the means for the habbening... following Barr and Durham. This could really come together.

21301677? ago

Its in brackets. I'd like to see them in Un-brackets....meaning...release the Hounds!

21299850? ago

Can someone knowledgeable please tell us more about PROJECT LOOKING GLASS??

21300044? ago

Tech that allows you to see possible future scenarios.

21302996? ago

Woah das Digits.



21298377? ago

This one is for you Q !

Red is keystone. It devulges ALL.


21299226? ago

Thank you Sir. <


21298420? ago

And digits confirm post 77 leads to post 7788

21297365? ago

America will be unified, huh?

Where I live the blacks and liberal whites are pretty fucking brutally racist and violent against whites.

How the hell can I look at these people the same again?

21297501? ago

I ask myself this too. Especially seeing their thought process and rationale for the past three years, how can anyone trust them to make a good decision in the future?

21300528? ago

Here's my hope -- as one of those Libs who figured things out when Obummer was elected (though I was never as hateful as those you mentioned) Hell hath no fury like a [useful idiot] who realized they've been scammed. Once people realize they've been had, they can turn on a dime. That Brandon Straka fellow is a good example. He was totally pro Hitlery and anti all of us. When he woke up, that dude got busy. His #WalkAway movement was born from his anger at being lied to and used. That happens. So don't give up hope. Just be ready in case someone comes to you and say, "Hey man. Sorry. I didn't know." If anyone is humble enough to say that, let the past be the past. It's the only way we'll make it back to some semblance of peace.

During the Vietnam War I was a protestor. Several friends came home in body bags, so I was pissed and jumped on that wagon. Then I ran into a vet who had also lost a lot of friends. Over a couple of beers I got to hear his side of what it was like coming home from the war. By the end of it all, i got it. I apologized to him and I just said, "Hey man, I just wanted my friends to come home in one piece and alive and well." We kind of did the buddy hug and I started to wake up a little to the fuckery of the whole thing. So, change takes time.

21305361? ago

Nice story boomer

21304552? ago

Well stated. I'm on the verge of giving up on someone I'm very close to. Will give her a bit more rope.

21301912? ago

Thanks anon. That was really touching and gave me some things to think about.

21301657? ago

u have a strong point... wouldnt it be great to have these fuming mad psycho level usefulidiots figting FOR us... i mean they have no shame.. they just yell and scream and speak their mind. would be great to get them on our side

21303055? ago

Not really.

21302613? ago

and if anyone could pull that off, it'd be POTUS Trump...

21298956? ago

I feel like I live in the twilight zone. All the subversion I see so clearly now - it makes me literally sick these days and every new day I see more than I did the day before.

Pray for our President, and also pray for all Americans tonight. All of them, we must not divide against our own. They'll begin to see, and we will welcome them back.

21297615? ago

I am anticipating, and assuming, that dirt beyond comprehension will be released on the biggest Democrat and "Republican" names, and these vile angry anti trump people will be disgusted with the people they once believed in and voted for, and (i'm stretching my hope out quite a bit here) hopefully they will be wise enough to see the bigger picture and how Trump was called upon to save them and how [they] weaponized all the media assets to brain wash these people into hating them when in reality he has been fighting evil this whole time.

21298993? ago

communist satanic jews will not feel safe to walk the streets

21298341? ago

I hope so anon.

21296957? ago

3576: Beautiful way to tap in, can even be disguised as load balancing.

21296929? ago

call me dumb but i just dont get the navigation on 8kun or 8chan. just plain don't get it.

21301685? ago

its not stable enough yet anyway. give it more time

21296852? ago

December, declas after Horowitz and Durham reports are aggregated and recirculated through agencies then back to Barr. C could mean Clinton or Comey?

21296552? ago

Member the WW Q-wave on 11-11-18?

Q said AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! (#1234) and here it is 11-11-19 and 8kun.US is up. Not any other (dot) but specifically (dot) US (America) !

21299238? ago

Reverberation. At 17:sec through earth and all of us radiating into the universe for eterinty. If thats not god like.

21302628? ago

Yeah.....I still get tingly when I think about that....that's never happened before and pretty much could not have been a natural occurring phenomenon!!

21298967? ago

Veterans Day! This ones for the boys!

21296283? ago

I don't think he is going to give a heads up on declass for the bad guys as badly as we want to be in the know. Probably a head fake or different meaning we can't see yet. Though I hope we are finally at the point where we can fight for the republic and justice prevails.

21296739? ago

I don't think so either, unless it just doesn't matter anymore - what could they really do at this point. They've already fired their impeachment bullet and its a total circus

21297234? ago

Hope you are right.

21295733? ago

Remember that time Trump brazenly destroyed Babylonian Mystery School imagery?

https:// secretsofmanhattan.wordpress.com/2017/08/16/the-bonwit-teller-building-how-donald-trump-destroyed-an-art-deco-treasure/

21302661? ago

Help me out here - I don't see anything that was outwardly Babylonian or offside in any other manner...

21306672? ago

There is nothing offside from our perspective.

The “semi nude dancing woman” is a goddess of the babylonian mystery school (several possibilities as to which goddess from where I am sitting, most of them are depicted nude or semi nude, some with wings or horns on their head (which the hair in the sculptures Trump demolished resemble)). The cabal revere such images and love to sneak them into public broadcasts and architecture. Trump unceremoniously but publicly ground a bunch of them up in replacing the Bonwit Teller building.

21302342? ago

Thank you! I remember reading that long, long ago, before I knew Q.

21297629? ago

Wow that's a fascinating article. You should consider making it a post in itself.

21301055? ago

I do not have enough internet points. Please post it, I will attend and go on at length about the symbolism.

21303223? ago

21306679? ago

Thank you, I will

21298323? ago

And those dam arches sponsered by oxford uni and built by china.

21297496? ago

Thanks for sharing the link. I had never read it before. Even then Trump knew about the Babylonian symbolism. He is one great and knowledgeable man and POTUS. The story is a complete hit piece on him, of course. But they would never post a positive story about him.

21301046? ago

Who is the goddess in the image?

21301502? ago

I don't remember, but I know its cabal/satanic imagery.

21295590? ago

the deep state is crapping in their pants. they don't know if this is a heads up or a fake out. I love it! God Bless Q

21299544? ago


21295267? ago

deC -- december 3rd

21296995? ago

a hint how to reroute internet packets, using an alternate 2nd IP lookup.

21295254? ago

I don't see Declas happening this week - a good thing. Q team needs to resolve impeachment charade which is likely a Trump Sting. Plus, that would muck up the waters. Too many competing events for the Normies to track.

21299595? ago

WHY NOT, the White Hats roped themselves a DOPE OF EPIC proportion. Liddle adam schitt is leading with his face. The counter punching of team America in the House, Q+; Q, and the Patriots will have them surrounded. A drowning schitt like Schiff, will take many with him.

21294957? ago

Tick Tock


Mutha Pluckers ! ! !

Say good bye to the demon-crats / DS =

deep shiters ...

Ummm. . . Deep State Mud Suckers . . .

Yo ' Pond is done turned dry ! ! !


I'm so damn happy Q is once again posting.

It's like wearing a brand new pair of fresh panties !

21298970? ago


21298299? ago


21294952? ago

Well worth the wait for this highly useful information. /s

21294808? ago

My body is ready. Bring all that declass!

21294735? ago

Come on Declass, the US needs to make a new pair of shoes from these deepstaters leathery demonic hides .

21294500? ago

It’s coming......



21294399? ago

Another Q Dopamine Hit. Can't wait for more because every Q drop is another sign that we are heading to victory!

21294380? ago

I am ready for more justice!

21297197? ago

Hell I'm ready for ANY justice.

21294317? ago

https://archive.ph/uoDku :

stormypatriotjoe⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Twitter: "Q


Then Q

This is the Q I know...

QAnon #MAGA… "

This has been an automated message.

21295107? ago

Your pictures aren’t cool faggot

21294299? ago

Trust the Plan. We are winning. Trump caught the swamp creatures. Anyone saying otherwise is misinformed or a shill spreading fake news.

21301429? ago


dubs confirm, VSG GEOTUS President Trump WON!

21297164? ago

Sheeeeuh, ain’t no plan, foo.

21298034? ago

Don't use nigger-speak. Even if you are black, be better than blacks

21299164? ago

I pity the fool <

21294262? ago

If you still don't believe Q is real, read ALL of Q's posts and you will see he proved his legitimacy 100+ times.

21295625? ago

8kun = 8chan need fresh

21294247? ago


recir = recirculate ?

21294836? ago

agg = aggregate?

21302744? ago


21296976? ago

It is a way to tap into the routing of internet packets.

21294243? ago

We live in the greatest time in history!

21295251? ago

AbsoHOOTly the GREATEST WHAT A HOOT to be ALIVE at this time. God BLESSED us ALL. Time for us to give back to the GREATER GOOD. Forgive One another; LOVE one another.

21294229? ago

Q posted 1 minute and 46 seconds before Trump tweeted. The Q team might be testing 0 Deltas.

21303213? ago

Can confirm. 46 / 1 = 17

21294227? ago

Kek. What are the odds.?

Q posts on 11/11.

Itll be a Dec to remember.


21295273? ago

Have a feeling THANKSGIVING will be one to0 remember as well. Bye the Bye, today is not over; many goodies to come. For the Vets, for the children...………….. FOR US ALL, the children of God, we give THANKS

21304533? ago

Sadly, the brainwashed sheep in my family who most need to be confronted by the truth bomb that Horowitz will bring will not be attending Thanksgiving locally this year (traveling to see in-laws). That's ok, I've planted the seeds.

21304714? ago

Seeds are powerful.. Great job showing patience. Seeds pay off in the big picture. The storm will take care of the rest. Storms are fun to watch, especially when you are safe. ENJOY the storm.

21298279? ago

11-17 is 11 11 + 5D

21295855? ago

Hey fren i see Y00?

Feet together !

21294226? ago

I hope it's deClass, and not deCember.

21296964? ago


21296302? ago

Haha 😂

21294695? ago

I hope it's deClass and not deplatformed again.

21296625? ago


21294183? ago

The world is watching!

21295282? ago

The UNIVERSE is watching.

21298958? ago

Humans on Mars was watching

21299200? ago

Shhhhh be very very quiet.

21294172? ago

Pray for Trump and the Q team!

21296280? ago

Q drops the obvious and then leaves the timing just vague enough so his minions will claim to finally have that real “Qproof.”

21295484? ago


21295321? ago

no thanks

21295762? ago

Failed at NoFap already?

21300614? ago

I love Q and the President but that “no fap” shit is so fucking gay.

I get people here are scared of porn but still.

21301090? ago

You gonna go blind

21294116? ago

Here's hoping for a lively night.

21298913? ago

Same. I admit I'm having trouble deciphering Q posts. Guess I'll be lurking here...all fucking night long.

21299189? ago

Ask me anything Fren. <

21299907? ago

Well, when the indictments come, I hope I dont hear it on Fox first. These drops are loaded - but I'm taking it has more to do with getting on 8kun? Or, are these drops telling us something else? I can't tell. 3381151FRIED I'll

21294665? ago

I hope everyone has plenty of popcorn!

21294149? ago

Site is laggy as hell. Pretty sure nothing will be posted of value.

21294097? ago

And a 1 year Delta .... Q post 2478 on Nov 11 2018

Let the DEC[L]AS begin

21302739? ago

/deC/. Dec 3. Q post 1203 (refers to AS and Tick Tock (LLC)). Coincidence?

21294931? ago



Loretta Lynch first?

21297579? ago

That was the first thing I thought about. I think she is co-operating.

21294032? ago

Faster than qanon.pub

21293986? ago




21297038? ago



Pointing out a possible vulnerability to tap into internet packets without leaving a trail.

Can also be used to be an invisible receiver of messages that appear to be going to someone else.

21294232? ago

learn to spell. no.

21294478? ago


21299603? ago


21301354? ago

n a, nay

n e, knee

n i nicky nigh n o no

nicky nigh no n u new nicky nigh no new

21301483? ago

God Blessed us with the Pleiadians. ;>)

21295314? ago


21299280? ago

Oh my O know. What ever shall i do. Reeeee safe place ! MOM !!!!!!

21295369? ago

shutup faggots.

21295558? ago

fagup shaggot

21293968? ago

Declas coming in hot!

21297296? ago

I'll believe it when I see it

21295306? ago

any minute now ...

21295789? ago

If not then Q is f&g

21296095? ago

Are you kidding? All the executions up to this point have proven he is legit.

21297466? ago

Execution means beach resort - learn our yiddish comms

21296928? ago

No executions. Any entity that conducts secret trials and executions are bad guys.

21298049? ago

By what rationality?

21296290? ago


21297452? ago

Execution means beach resort in heebrew

21296327? ago

What do you call GHWB and No Name and Cummings?

21302840? ago

Two old men who died, as is traditional

21297194? ago

LMFAO there's no proof they were executed, even though they probably were. You boomers need to stop speaking in absolutes.

21300140? ago

I'm 17

21297376? ago

I definitely will.

21297568? ago


21293936? ago

Thank you mods for being so quick to respond.

God bless you.