This is a very interesting tale, one with (I think) much deeper meaning than is immediately apparent on the face of it.
I have been researching these bas-reliefs for a few days. While there is another anon floating around who posts as though he knows who is portrayed in the reliefs, I have been unable to determine for certain who is depicted. I can say that the relief is done in art deco style, but is thematically Greek.
My best guess is that the goddess depicted is Demeter, or Aphrodite as those two Greek goddesses are frequently portrayed nude. My gut favours Aphrodite, because while I doubt Trump has much respect for the deities of old or the mythology of the Babylonian mystery school, I would think an image of the goddess of lust would carry more of the adversary's meaning, and would be more likely cause Trump to want to smash the statue more than an image of the goddess of the earth's productivity.
Trump is purported to have initially promised to preserve the reliefs, but most sources report that he subsequently explicitly ordered the destruction of the reliefs. Many sources even report that Trump had made the determination that the reliefs had no "artistic value." At the same time, contemporary media seems to have concluded that the cost of saving the reliefs would have been very minimal relative to the cost of the development as a whole and there was already a museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art) lined up to receive the reliefs, and so if these reliefs contained no mystery school imagery that had offended Trump, we must believe that Trump was merely cutting corners (which idea is a hard sell for me).
Hopefully someone has more info about who exactly is depicted in the reliefs, as the true meaning of this tale seems to hinge upon that information. Absent that, the fact that so many publications have made such a big deal out of this suggests that Trump smashing those statues was him symbolically stepping on someone else's toes.
Do you have links with information that can back up your claim about Kushner? I have not made up my mind about him, mostly because I know to little. I can remember a discussion about him purchasing 666 Fifth Avenue and that the reason was to put a needle in the eye of the satanists. The argument was mostly speculative, so I was not convinced that it was the real reason. Kushners loyalty is very important to be able to understand Trumps plan.
My one regret is not having started a spreadsheet for sources and citations, lists, charts, infographics, etc. Yes, that particular building was a third of an occultic triangle. It doesn't matter if we believe in the occult or magic; it matters that they do. Kushner bought the bldg out from under them (don't remember the exact details), thereby weakening their magic (at least in their mind). Kushner's purchase also stopped them from doing what they were doing in the building. Many still do not believe or accept infant and child torture and sacrifice, so I won't go down that hole. The building is no longer cursed; it has been sanctified.
Have read a piece or two written by him in the past year. Have always preferred face-to-face talks such as given by Pam Geller and the late Ted Gunderson. Brave souls have been trying to wake up the public for decades.
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21311333? ago
This is a very interesting tale, one with (I think) much deeper meaning than is immediately apparent on the face of it.
I have been researching these bas-reliefs for a few days. While there is another anon floating around who posts as though he knows who is portrayed in the reliefs, I have been unable to determine for certain who is depicted. I can say that the relief is done in art deco style, but is thematically Greek.
My best guess is that the goddess depicted is Demeter, or Aphrodite as those two Greek goddesses are frequently portrayed nude. My gut favours Aphrodite, because while I doubt Trump has much respect for the deities of old or the mythology of the Babylonian mystery school, I would think an image of the goddess of lust would carry more of the adversary's meaning, and would be more likely cause Trump to want to smash the statue more than an image of the goddess of the earth's productivity.
Trump is purported to have initially promised to preserve the reliefs, but most sources report that he subsequently explicitly ordered the destruction of the reliefs. Many sources even report that Trump had made the determination that the reliefs had no "artistic value." At the same time, contemporary media seems to have concluded that the cost of saving the reliefs would have been very minimal relative to the cost of the development as a whole and there was already a museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art) lined up to receive the reliefs, and so if these reliefs contained no mystery school imagery that had offended Trump, we must believe that Trump was merely cutting corners (which idea is a hard sell for me).
Hopefully someone has more info about who exactly is depicted in the reliefs, as the true meaning of this tale seems to hinge upon that information. Absent that, the fact that so many publications have made such a big deal out of this suggests that Trump smashing those statues was him symbolically stepping on someone else's toes.
21304773? ago
kike infiltration is their downfall
21303503? ago
Full Interview 2:30
21303388? ago
Art deco satans work if you ask me. Good on ya Sir !
Boi what a hit piece. TDS at its finest.
21303351? ago
Trump and Kushner have been destroying the Luciferians' icons since the 80s. No wonder they hate him and Jared so much.
21303504? ago
Do you have links with information that can back up your claim about Kushner? I have not made up my mind about him, mostly because I know to little. I can remember a discussion about him purchasing 666 Fifth Avenue and that the reason was to put a needle in the eye of the satanists. The argument was mostly speculative, so I was not convinced that it was the real reason. Kushners loyalty is very important to be able to understand Trumps plan.
21305958? ago
But then why does he beg Saudi's to give him money to keep it open?
21306632? ago
I don't know anything about that.
21303888? ago
My one regret is not having started a spreadsheet for sources and citations, lists, charts, infographics, etc. Yes, that particular building was a third of an occultic triangle. It doesn't matter if we believe in the occult or magic; it matters that they do. Kushner bought the bldg out from under them (don't remember the exact details), thereby weakening their magic (at least in their mind). Kushner's purchase also stopped them from doing what they were doing in the building. Many still do not believe or accept infant and child torture and sacrifice, so I won't go down that hole. The building is no longer cursed; it has been sanctified.
21304436? ago
Don't know how you feel about Neon Revolt but he had an article about this a yr or 2 ago that was packed with info and connections.
21308219? ago
Have read a piece or two written by him in the past year. Have always preferred face-to-face talks such as given by Pam Geller and the late Ted Gunderson. Brave souls have been trying to wake up the public for decades.
21303226? ago
This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.
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