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21296864? ago

Thank you. <

21297300? ago

Well im onto somthing huge.

Rig for red.

How about viber ? D<00

21297592? ago

I am totally ready Sir. <

Like with "Bells" on. Q is Back online, and I am looking at all the Gematria of the time stamps and odd phrases.

One I found today was "First to Flight" which POTUS said in his 11:11 address instead of "Fight".

This was even in the transcript on The White House website news feed.

So I did the Gematria of First to Flight, and it comes up with a Notable >

The Great Awakening 1319 1014 169 36

So yeah, we are ALL ready and waiting Sir. Please release The Kraken. <

21297788? ago

Rig for Red.

Red shoes.

Red decoder ring. <

Roths red shield.

Salvation Army red<

Coke cola Red Can of death <

Overlaping theme.

Red in q posts how many x?

Red Towers?

Red Square.

Red Flag. Day not to be outside.

Hands in the shape of the red in the ring.

Huss red video.

Back drop on jimmy kimmel. Aids vid< infecting the world.

21298386? ago

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21297907? ago

Ok I get it. < 5:5.

I had better finish the Rig For Red decode then ASAP, and tie this all in.

I am putting on my "thinking" cap now.


21297973? ago

Make sure you listen to time stamp its a bummer. 2x5

21297945? ago

The key stone is the color RED.

21299279? ago

Vatican Cardinals are the Key here > Vatican > Epstein Temple > Princes of Hell > Royal Family > Child Sacrifice > Demon invocation > NSEW points of the Island <

21299434? ago


21299407? ago

I can only sleep north and south you too should think about this.

21299381? ago

Pope sits on thrown with inverted cross.

21299359? ago

Yea red cards. Queen of diamonds. She has no heart.

21298416? ago

Oh OK. Thanks! <

21298610? ago

It all started with color green. !

Helicopter ¥

Green was first stone cast.

R.i.p ^

OP-s are color cordinated. KeK

I believe yellow will be next.

21298937? ago

That Op was a failure, no? Did he get the target or not?

21299025? ago

The Op was but q points towards the color as a key.

It was Q first color Marker.

we have red now.

And yellow has been mentioned.

Ill have to t minus this after you ....

21299128? ago

So the progression should be >

Green >

Yellow >

Orange >

Red >

Pink >

Purple >



21299176? ago

If thats correct we be missing shit tons. Like all of yellow and orange. Or the colors could be random just like we call a game keep them guessing. Never telegraph a play.

21299262? ago

Mixed up or mashed together. Different levels of activity and areas of focus. They can be happening at the same time. <

21302927? ago

This post has more digits than iv seen in any post.

21299330? ago

Some colors public some private.

21298921? ago

Yes I am starting to understand now. I have terrible equipment, and little knowledge of how to split up these files to analyze them to find the raw data. Original picture color co-ordinated aye?

Colors > Letters > Numbers > Steganography.

21299078? ago

In american football, our plays were color first. Like blue 86 j wing out. <Example.

21299112? ago

Formation. Play number, j would be a back behind qback. Wing out would be ref to recievers to a position and also a secondary play.< all the worlds a stage.

21297850? ago

And my digits kek. I wonder how long q has been waiting for this one.