21303481? ago

Consider the source


21304412? ago

Very trashy... But what is their source? Who is a better source, CNN or the Enquirer?

21303290? ago

Theres aliens...

I'm going to need more evidence than a few jpegs of Area 51, how about witnesses, pictures or videos to start with?

21304415? ago

Well when you see their ships you will know. It sure changed my mind on the subject.

21302995? ago

What I wanna know is:

Is it Oscar Mayer? Or Oscar Meyers?

21304434? ago

First one.

21304424? ago

That was a good movie the ending was fucking retarded but she was pretty hot throughout the whole thing.

21309631? ago

The ending to the book was more interesting. The alien who looked like her dad told her that the wormholes were placed by someone else, even older than the alien’s civilization, and that the aliens had a belief system around a creator deity who had encoded messages into physical constants and dimensionless values like pi. So even the super knowledgeable aliens had a religious faith built around mysteries of existence which they couldn’t explain.

21313680? ago

Yeah it was a pretty good movie tbh.

21302931? ago

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21301477? ago

Knowing what I know about metaphysics. This is believable.

There are ETs. I’ve met them.

21301649? ago

NICE! Yeah I have seen 2 different ships. Another random dude from the chan had an almost exactly matching picture of the one I got a picture of.

21301110? ago

BING BING BING -- this is exactly like the graphic OP posted.

These appear to be insiders talking about the S4 "Alice" floor...

They describe something that reminds me of the movie "Event Horizon" and the device that sent the ship through time, or through a wormhole...


SOmeone should probably archive this one:


Stick with it, is all I'll say...


'insider baseball' terms....

and uhmmmmmm, I don't think that guy is quite human.



talking about Mars and Timelines and the JROD and Orion and about how they are "risking everything"

what in the,....

21301148? ago

Still can't get the actual Qpost to display on the chan. Actually nearly none of them work. Qmap is getting them from ?somewhere? but no one can screencap it and post it. Troublesome.

21301012? ago

I just uncovered something of GREAT interest while looking for info in my saved links. Not sure if this is related or not. Check this out and let me know what you think.

Remember "Alice" in Wonderland????



Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.


21302508? ago

Minutes before I read your post I thought of CERN. I searched Qmap for CERN and found no matches but I was sure I saw it. You found it. Is this the time travel device?

21304702? ago

Could be. I found all kinds of things out about CERN about a year ago. There are multiple bits of info online. One was about them even seen setting a Egyptian mummy in the machine (not sure how reliable that article was). Some deal with the creation of black holes, opening gateways??? One video I found interesting was some tourists taking a video of a vortex that formed over CERN and a white ball of light comes from the ground and enters the vortex. link below. I researched Project looking glass too and found that the machinery was very similar in appearance. Tesla was researching time travel in 1895.(we do know that POTUS's uncle had ties to Tesla and his records) With technology that is available today the possibilities would greatly increase the chance that time travel of some kind is possible. The rabbit hole on this stuff runs deep! A guy can lost down there!


Pic of LHC


Pic of PLG


Tesla's time travel experiments



21300890? ago

Um sure tech yes but aliens no I think not. Alien names for tech as a red herring yes actually aliens no.

21300697? ago

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21300592? ago

This thread is such a keeper. Thank you anon ;)

21300363? ago

I dont know what sites are what so I don't really want to post a link. Anyone read through the rense.com article or blog or whatever it is titled Mystery of Dan Burisch? I just noticed the names on the CAD files and wanted to see who they were.

21302788? ago

I never trusted Dan Burisch. He's a perfect disinformation agent. Tell 80% truth and 20% disinformation. Logically, if we are in contact with service-to-other aliens from the future (as DB says), then we can simply ask them what the future is. Why rely on a faulty Looking Glass device that only shows probabilities? Especially if the Deep State has there version as well?

21300309? ago

I went down this rabbit hole last year. I found Project Looking Glass to resemble CERN. And personally believe it is related some how. If you compare the two pics in the two articles you can see a similarity.



21300298? ago

TOOO....Much.....FUTURE....! Too much KEK, heart can't take it!

Sometimes being right is more scary than being ridiculed. Huh. Weird.

21299746? ago

Where can I find more information on looking glass?

21300877? ago

Lots of good links in this thread anon. Time travel! Follow the white rabbit, down the whole we ALL go.....


21300662? ago


This is the only other info I have other than the source of all sources... http://archive.is/eohGG

Essentially the story goes that there is a tool that will let one see into the future. This tool is one of the greatest secrets along with electrogravitics and such which are leaking out now.

My guess is Trump and Q got this device or made a more powerful version and used it to out maneuver the bad guys leaving them completely fucked. I encourage you to look at an obsucre B-Movie called 'Primer, What if it worked'. It is along these lines and is about some of the troubles one can get into doing this type of stuff and how it can be snatched. It is a watch 10 times type of movie.

Also you MUST read 2 old-ass unknown books. One called The Last President written in the 1890s by a man named Ingersoll Lockwood. He also wrote a book about how a young man named Baron Trump took a journey to HOLLOW EARTH. This was written in the 1890s. Must be a coincidence. Dont get me started on Antarctica...

21300947? ago

Thats the one... Nice little coincidences in this...

21301136? ago

Man I'm totally shitting myself. I mean I "knew" for a long time, but to see Q post it, knowing what it means... I've been posting these links every time Q said "future proves past", I've even had 'stuff' habben to me, but know the public knows, its really something.

They never thought she'd lose. I NEVER thought I'd see the day the public found out about the REAL shit. Here it is. Now what? You know? What's next? Free energy? Aliens? Grav-drive? Maybe wormholes (looking glass was einstein-rosenberg bridge based after all.)

WOW! Interdasting times indeed!

21301498? ago

Electrogravitics my friend. The ability to use Zeropoint energy as well as control of gravity to bring ones system mass to zero or near zero. This means you can travel infinitely fast or turn 90 degrees at mach 100 and feel no effects. Its the key to the universe.

21301703? ago

Another thing just came to me, this isn't what puts the 99% in the hospital, thats great I was worried they had seen (through the looking glass) any little disclosure meant the normies went coo-coo. It's probably the medical manipulation then that makes us all go to the doctor (for the real cures). What a day for nightshift huh?

21301862? ago

hmmm That is pretty cool actually. I hope they can regrow teeth. Mine are absolute dogshit.

21300792? ago

Fascinating. I remember hearing about that Baron Trump character. Checking out that movie now.

21300779? ago

One theory holds that this was the true function of the Pyramids.

21301153? ago

Another was they were generators for producing wireless electricity.

21301191? ago

Yes also true. I’ve long favored that theory.

Ever watch “The Pyramid Code”?

There’s a lofi copy on YT.

GREAT documentary

21299673? ago

For two years now I have telling you anons on here that aliens exist and have been working with various Military Intelligence groups on our planet. Been downvoated most of the time. Until anons accept this very reality, they are not truly red pilled.

21304502? ago

Not aliens but Fallen Angels.

21306746? ago

There are both. Who do you think angels or spirits are? They are not all Fallen angels. There are good angels, invisible to us that are guiding and helping us and they are from the universe and associated with our Creator.

21302773? ago


21301235? ago

So they are trying to wake us up slowly to not scare us? That we are literally being saved by an outside civilization not from earth from a demonic ancient religion that sacrifices our children and “grows” us (matrix reference from Q) for energy. Am I close?

21302910? ago

The Dan Burisch character speaks of these "aliens" as being us (humans) from the future. Two human timelines were created (in 2012?).. One that ended up with humans mutating until they ended up as Grey aliens. The other timeline leads to the advanced humans who are here to counter the Grey aliens.

Considering Burisch is no longer around, I question his authenticity. (Some people like him just want to form a cult and following for their own self-aggrandizement.) I prefer to trust other sources like David Wilcock and Jim Marrs. (Of course, I could be wrong on all accounts.) Just giving my input considering I've been down this rabbit hole for over 13 years.

21301671? ago

Yep. There are several councils. One is the intergalactic council, one is the Earth Alliance (white hats MI working with white hat aliens), there is the council of Saturn, where Jesus supposedly ascended to in 5th density (a promotion form 3rd) for his voluntary trip to incarnation into a normal earthling. He was the Saviour in the sense that he taught us the meaning of the word LOVE by sacrificing himself. He was not here to shed blood to save us from sin as a ritual sacrifice as the cabal and church would have us believe, but rather to demonstrate what Love is. That's why he said 'no one comes to the Father but by me', meaning by his example of LOVE. You cannot become a LIGHT being as he became when he ascended without learning that lesson. For further reference I refer you to 'The Law of One'. Free download of 5 volumes from LLResearch. Just google them. Cheers.

21302217? ago

You've been greatly deceived. Jesus is the Son of God and He came to defeat sin and death. You are correct that Jesus demonstrated perfect love, which is defined in Corinthians, but only the Son of God could do so.

21302313? ago

I have news for you, we are all sons and daughters......children of God. You deceive yourself with your own words. We can all defeat death when we ascend.

21302726? ago

I agree. But not everyone is ready for advanced understanding about Jesus. But WWG1WGA!

21300025? ago

I’m with you. Baby steps though.

It’s funny to see people be racist to their fellow man when they have no clue the infinite amount of beings that exist around us.

21299785? ago

I've also indicated this several times (I'm a starseed myself), but every time I post any kind of related comment I also get downvoated. At least there's someone else out there who agrees.

21302547? ago

We Starseeds are here for the Awakening.

21300345? ago

Much Love your way Starseed......:) Love is all, all is Love. Love is creator consciousness.

21299896? ago

You bet. I have been waiting for Q to tell us more and it appears he is starting to do so. Corey Goode and David Wilcock have done more to get this info out than most others. Their second movie working for disclosure is already out or coming out soon. Watch this comment get downvoated because the very mention of these two names triggers people who don't WANT to know.

21300674? ago

Good and will-cock are CIA. Gas yourself.

21300857? ago

You are either a moron or a shill, haven't decided which one yet. I predicted your response.

21300939? ago

Yeah because we have been doing this back and forth for like 2 years here and on 8ch. You shill for Good/willcock and I say they are fake and CIA. Then you reply in a huff... Then I make a smartass reply like this one... Next up... Grier is also a CIA shill.

21300992? ago

I agree on Grier. He is compromised IMO. Wilcock and Goode split company with him because of it. At least we got one of three in common.....kek.

21301561? ago

Dude is a fucking lizard my man... To the max. IDK. I just dont trust any of them. Something REALLY turns me off about anything Gaia related. I think they have some real info but most-all of it is chaff. It is a limited hangout.

21301776? ago

Gaia is compromised and controlled opposition. Wilcock and Goode worked with them until a about 18 months ago when they both quit and went separate ways because they found out about the compromise. Grier is still there because he is comped. Michael Sallas is a good one too and he too departed from Gaia to my knowledge for the same reason. I subbed to them until I found out along with Wilcock and then unsubbed around the same time.

21301836? ago

They are all making those moves as part of the bullshit so they can cover and concentrate people in various areas. It is simply a filter. A way to regain legitimacy. Its like Tulsi Gabbard attacking Hillary Clinton. She looks good even though she is a horrid communist gun grabbing piece of shit because compared to Clinton she is a cute school girl. That is what all these fuckers are doing in the Alien sphere. Same thing. Same game. THEY. ARE. ALL. COMPED. and have always been so. Bill Cooper is a better source. BoB lazar is a better source though he is completely controlled now and has an obvious handler (the big tatted CIA guy who is with him at every inteview or filming). Hell, I am a better source. I have seen 2 different ty pes of UFO and i will tell yo uall about it for free... They are selling lies to manipulate everyone. Its that simple. Its a scam.

21302234? ago

I am afraid you are slightly misinformed and a little arrogant at that. There are lots of bad people in the UFO phenomena world. But there are few good ones. If you trust your sources that is great but if you tell me I am supposed to trust you, whom I don't know for one, and two, if you claim you have seen a few UFO's in your life, well....sorry you ain't makin' the cut as my serious source of inquiry.....its a little egotistical on your part to assume such an important role. You overestimate your limited knowledge compared to those who have a good rap and a lifetime of dedicated research. Sorry Anon, I was not born yesterday. Still upvoated your post on the basis that its a very important subject. Cheers.

21299728? ago



Theres aliens. I have seen their ships -aliens2222

21300252? ago

Hastag=MeToo! KEK!

21299550? ago

Q drop #78 says: Q = Alice

21300200? ago

Team Q and/or their Quantum AI located in “Alice” level of S-4??

21302828? ago

Exactly what is Quantum computing? My understanding is that it uses Quantum Entanglements to store (and access?) information in other dimensions (multi-universes?) that are beyond our time and space.

That problem is, S-4 and Area 51 is/was full of Nazi Paperclip scientists. They splintered off and formed a Shadow Government. Today, we call this group the Deep State. Hence, the reason they use Nazi fascist tactics (Antifa) to silence Trump and his supporters.

21305115? ago

Hard question to answer completely... but here’s a comparative look at how classical and quantum computers might solve a maze.


The computer takes a purely logical approach. It will always make left turns (even at dead ends) until it reaches the exit.


The computer fills the maze with smoke, then asks the first particles of smoke that reach the exit how they got there.

21301644? ago

Remember painting of Santa holding a hammer last year in trump hotel .... signed QiAi .. made me wonder if Q was an AI along with other comments made by Q.

https:// operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2018/12/gingerbread-santa-picture-in-trump.html

21299499? ago


Top 6 links from Duck Duck Go (an atlernate to Google):







21316865? ago

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21299333? ago

Excellent thread.

21302903? ago

Post 144.

Comspiracy ST.

21299606? ago

Dig in that eohgg link for moar. ITs in there. That is where I got some of what I have here.

21299529? ago

] 21299333? Digits Confirm. Better than the one I accidentally deleted. :sad Pepe: