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21261928? ago

It goes beyond that.

I used to tech for a major pharma company. One day I get a call from one of the top floor lawyers with an indiscript problem. I log into his computer and he says I have to go for a few minutes, do your thing. On his desktop is an open document marked confidential. So I read it. Its a report stating that the vaccines are caysing autism cancer and a variety of other diseases, that adjuvents such as thimerosal, squalene, aluminum etc are the cause and the conclusion stated that there was no pan to change the formulation or manufacturing process and that this must remain confidential or the company would be shut down through bankruptcy.

They know. This is an attack on the people as a whole.

21262340? ago

Lololol that sounds like a low IQ boomer fantasy.

21265865? ago

OK, I figured you probably wouldn't bother checking but since I noticed you were OP, I decided to do it for you. These are my related comments from the last 12 months. There is a post somewhere in my history in which I go into more detail on the story but it must be older than that.

For the record man, I'm not a LARP, just a tech that was exposed to something way beyond my paygrade, but which wasn't beyond my comprehension.