21284420? ago

People call Q a larp all the time, and half the board will back them up, and then you want to act like this fucker is the holy grail. People are damned stupid. Even those on here.

21273469? ago

that's where the REPARATIONS START. and quadrillions and assets we recover from The Syndicate will pay for it all.

21286795? ago

Count me in, WE are ready for the NEW BEGINNING!

21269642? ago

AIDS and ZIKA are man made bio weapons.

21267793? ago

When are you larping boomers going to figure out that giving yourself a title means you're not "anon"? Stop trying to be famous.

To anyone new, or old as fuck, if this shit head actually had anything of value to "leak" he'd have done in. Instead he's name fagging trying to build notoriety.


21267877? ago

Whatever you say faggot.

21269173? ago

Don't blame because you stupid fucks get trolled by basic bitch larping.

21266821? ago

I worked as a research chemist from mid 80s to early 00s....the corporation I worked for bought a major player in pharma.....could have got a job earning twice what I was....but was told this kind of shit by someone who worked for them....decided to never work in that shitty industry...I'm poor now but can live with myself

21266848? ago

Exactly. This is an open secret.

21265737? ago

Hi Biomed Anon, I feel daft for asking this and I'm so sorry that you have a wealth of information that is being stifled by the elite or whoever that has made your career / path difficult. I respect and pray that your teachings to the Anons on the board will internally help you (if that makes sence)

Is there a cure for alcohol addiction or is it a mental health state - I don't trust doctors, but I like a drink.

21266644? ago

The information is already out there.

21266374? ago

Check out naltrexone.

21266405? ago

Thanks, I'll carry on drinking. It's not a natural remedy I mean one of the side effects is

depression, thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself; or...

No offence meant, just avoiding big pharma and side effects....

21266555? ago

I urge you to compare the side-effects of drinking, compared to those of Naltrexone.

Did you know that alcohol contains glyphosate? I am fairly certain that my high consumption of wine was a contributing factor to my colon cancer. Funny how that put a huge damper on my consumption.

Big alcohol and big ag are also nefarious and you support them with your habit.

I love alcohol but I understands the risks and I am not deluded into thinking that all pharmaceuticals are the devil.

LDN also kills cancer and helps sufferers of psoriasis.

21267203? ago

Thanks for taking time to explain further. My problem is also wine, it's not an issue Per se however I opened a bottle early doors on Saturday and now feal I can't drive so can't go anywhere... Rock and a hard place. Going to see a show later and will be soba ish.

I find when I have X amount of alcohol in my body I can channel entities better. I've been decalsifying for a long time and taking the next step to another level - hence didn't want any other chemicals to fk my progress up.

21267697? ago

I was also dismayed to learn that winemakers use fluoride as a pesticide. They are trying to lock up our pineal glands.

Walking down the wine aisle after awakening is scary.

The elite produce it and they make their satanic agenda well known. Almost every brand makes some reference to witchcraft or Satanism.

Be careful what you channel, unless you are into that sort of thing. Then, by all means, carry on.

I rarely drink now, and don't miss it as much as I thought I would. Indulged last night and drank as much as I would previously consume nightly. That will do me for a couple of weeks.

21267852? ago

Thankyou, I need to take a leaf out of your book. Once every coup,e of weeks. I've channelled good, bad and the awake I for me is different. But hey, there isn't any literature on this. I can go for a month without alcohol, but then I see, to binge and don't stop for a while. Worse aspect of chanelling is like being remote controlled. - hated it, but now overcome and boy is life amazing... Just hope it doesn't crash, allthough stepping back and relearning helps.

21267969? ago

Best wishes!

21265596? ago

"Vibration" is the Key every cell has a Harmonic Balance you take it out of its balance you can destroy it through Vibration. Just like a Motor you spin out of its Harmonic Balance it will destroy itself. Tesla Knew!!!

21265197? ago

there are a lot of cancers. are you saying there's cures for all of them.

21266653? ago

No. But there is a cure for many of them, especially in early stage, non toxic cures.

21267790? ago

Name the cure

21267890? ago

Which one?

21268155? ago

cancers cure

21268191? ago

Which cancer?

21272097? ago

fuck off faggot. I knew you were full of shit you cunt joo

21272114? ago

There's different mechanisms behind different cancers and not all therapies work for them all.

21272167? ago

Your claim is all cancer is cured. So fuck off paid shill

21272201? ago

Never said all. Nothing can stop what is coming so stop kvetching.

21272263? ago

you said cancer not cancers. fuck off joo bitch

21264600? ago

My mom has Ms. it’s bullshit. Leak the docs

21266663? ago

I dont have the docs. The company that has the cure is publicly traded and has admitted it. My point is the FDA is holding the entire process back and the media isnt reporting it.

21264087? ago

noise induced hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus),

I'm a veteran with these things and would love to not have these things. Just sayin'

21262465? ago

BALDNESS?! I lost my hair at 23 lets gooooo!!!

21261928? ago

It goes beyond that.

I used to tech for a major pharma company. One day I get a call from one of the top floor lawyers with an indiscript problem. I log into his computer and he says I have to go for a few minutes, do your thing. On his desktop is an open document marked confidential. So I read it. Its a report stating that the vaccines are caysing autism cancer and a variety of other diseases, that adjuvents such as thimerosal, squalene, aluminum etc are the cause and the conclusion stated that there was no pan to change the formulation or manufacturing process and that this must remain confidential or the company would be shut down through bankruptcy.

They know. This is an attack on the people as a whole.

21262340? ago

Lololol that sounds like a low IQ boomer fantasy.

21265865? ago

OK, I figured you probably wouldn't bother checking but since I noticed you were OP, I decided to do it for you. These are my related comments from the last 12 months. There is a post somewhere in my history in which I go into more detail on the story but it must be older than that.

For the record man, I'm not a LARP, just a tech that was exposed to something way beyond my paygrade, but which wasn't beyond my comprehension.






21265602? ago

I'm 41, I live near Lyon France, my handle is Metanoiac. I've posted about this multiple times, you can check my history. Absolutely true. Believe what you want, I'm not trying to convince anyone anymore.

21262059? ago

Leak that shit.

21265593? ago

I had screen shot the whole document. The files were on my laptop which was stolen in a break in at my apartment about a year later. It is possible I have another copy somewhere but despite having spent hours searching my files I have yet to find it. If I do find it I will make sure to post it. I have a hard drive that has a backup copy of a lot of my files from back then which has a fried logic board. I've been meaning to try and fix it for about 5 years. It could be on there.

21302180? ago

Thank you for posting this. I will keep my eye out for you and I wish you luck finding the document!

21261856? ago

Is there a patent, doctor, or bread crumb for us to follow?

21261492? ago

I have really horrendous bloating in stomach and gord when i lie down. i have tried everything but cant sort it. Seems to just get worse whatever i try anyone got any ideas?

21262739? ago

Have you been tested for SIBO?

21261543? ago

Go Gluten and dairy free. And youll lose like 50 lbs.

21261440? ago

These motherfuckers won’t be able to walk down the street.

21261399? ago

Bloodless coup, they fight like a virus (or worms). We need names before we bust heads though.

21261183? ago

God bless you Patriot!

How to fix tinnitus? My Mum has it.

21261155? ago

Ummm if baldness was cured why does Biden look like shit...nice try douche.

21261132? ago

I swear by chlorine dioxide (MMS). I haven't been sick since I started it 3 years ago. Everytime I feel like a cold is coming on I do a few drops and I get better within a day. I use to get sick a couple times a year every year, not the last 3 years. It's a miracle drug.

21286648? ago

I tried that too, it takes a strong will to carry on with the cure... I took the hourly dose (like t times) in the morning with DMSO. Had no severe issues, wanted to get rid of herpes and a second thing... It had good effects I think, one negative effect I had was slight degradation of my eye sight, I guess because it's an oxidizer and the eyes need lot of deoxidizers... Started to take Vitamin C in the evenings...

What works for me is colloidal silver (DIY), when I feel a cold is coming I take some... Works wonders!

21261006? ago

Type 1 Diabetes?

21260560? ago


21260426? ago


21260346? ago

Spinal cord injuries?

21261555? ago

Dna product AJ sells but it can cause the pain to come back.

21276833? ago

I wasn't able to find info on it. Mind pointing me in the right direction?

21260434? ago

Yes. There are things called Neurotrophins that can cause nerves to regenerate. I dont know of any current trials to test these in humans.

21260073? ago

If you find the cure for AIDS just go ahead and keep that one under wraps, we don't need to give them an excuse to get worse

21260340? ago

No. It will all be for the better. People get it by pure accident sometimes. Like cops fighting with junkies, nurses etc.

21259828? ago

Thank you, Biomed Anon. Have family members and friends dealing with some of these issues. My heart breaks and I am impatient for their lives being saved healing; but we need these monster, pissants gone forever, so it all has to be done right.

21259579? ago

I can confirm first hand that there are many tested & proven cures for cancer. But somehow they are not available to public. I learned this while doing long term contracts for one of the largest well known organization doing advocacy, researches, preventions, treatments, tests, etc.

Why are they not public? Speculations:

  • Because many of those cure are free or cheap, natural, and does not require big pharmas. Thus little or no profit for the for-profit pharmas.
  • Lots of unethical behaviors & corruptions with some people in the pharmas. Most are good people. But a minority at or around the top positions are definite with evil behaviors. I interacted with them first hand. I disagree with their behaviors.
  • Many people who review and approve the cancer research findings are easily and quickly fooled by FAKE cancer studies. An over simply reason is that there are two types of studies. The real ones. And the FAKE ones. Both are sent for review and approval. The difference is that the FAKE studies/tests are often paid/financed by pharmas ;)

21302294? ago

It's frustrating AF. My loved one has stage 4 & the way her doctor responded to me the other day just had me seething. I asked if there was anything natural we could do (in conjunction with the surgery she was selling). She said "nothing that's been proven" & then went on to fearmonger high dose Vitamin C due to people getting infections. 10 min later she's talking about the surgery risks and mentions the risk of infection.. :-/ My tongue was practically bleeding from trying not to be a smartass to her (for the sake of my loved one).

Not one question from this "expert" about chemical exposure, whether her patient is drinking filtered water, what nutrient intake is (other than the GMO soy shit they have her on for calories).

It's a mindfuck when you know alternatives are out there but you have to be polite and not shatter the one avenue of hope your loved one is conditioned to believe.

The most ironic part about the doctor's little quip? Her (chemo) specialty obviously isn't 'proven' either or we wouldn't have been there in the first place.. Grrr

21259570? ago

OP is there any good news on Autism ?

yours truly,

Concerned Father

21263026? ago

You might want to check this out...

Kerri Rivera at AutismOne 2015 - The Facts About CD

Her videos have been being banned on most social media. She also has a website with more videos and lots of information that may interest you. https://www.kerririvera.com/full-list-videos

And, for yourself, MMS can help and no it won't kill you. I've used it myself to cure sinusitis and UTIs as well as staving off colds. You've even probably ingested it before because it's what they use to wash vegetables and to treat water to make it drinkable. She explains in the first video above.

Here are some good links for MMS info...





21259525? ago

Everyone needs to know this and demand cures. Every. Fucking. One.

21259885? ago

that fucking RINGING!

21259521? ago

There are over 200 types of "cancer". When people say cures for "cancer exist" which one are they referring to? Also, what about heart failure, COPD and Diabetes? Nobody ever mentions these maladies.

21266360? ago

Oh hey! Look! Its someone who believes theres 200 types of cancer! LMAO!

Heart Failure: COq10, Astralgus, Taurine, B-Complex.

COPD: No idea on that one.

Diabetes: Diet and vitamins cure it in less than a week. Advanced cases need Resveritrol for about two to three months.

21259893? ago

the cure for heart failure and diabetus is diet

21262812? ago

Not always.

21260987? ago

Not when it's already happened.

21259478? ago

blah blah more talk. No results.

21259385? ago

What is the cure for MS, I want to help some folks

21262548? ago

Low dose Naltraxone.

21262822? ago

This is true.

21262566? ago

shes not a drug addict

21262831? ago

It's used off label in low doses for all sorts of things.

21262711? ago

never said she was. and it's not full strength Naltrexone that's prescribed for alcoholism, but the 1-4.5mg that has been found to quash antibodies that cause autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative diseases, certain cancers and can ameliorate a handful of others. big pharm doesn't sell it in a low dose form; you need a compounding pharm or an enlightened doc that will allow you a script for the commercial 50mg Rx, and you mix it on a 1:1 ratio with distilled water. a squirt a day will do you. revived me. lowdosenaltrexone.org .

21262851? ago

Thanks, I will look into it

21259401? ago

Ask Dr. Jeff Karp

21259413? ago

Thank you. Off I go down the rabbit hole

21259198? ago

All cures already exist outside big pharma aswell, in the Holistic field, which also helps prevent disease long before it can manifest, but big pharma and the FDA suppress that too. Hope Trump will deregulate and remove all road blocks for natural medicine, where the true cures of the disease can be found, not just symptom treatment causing it to manifest in even worse ways.

21259115? ago

What are they withholding theses from release? What's the agenda?

21259060? ago

What's a good, natural, permanent, non-surgical cure for baldness?

21260965? ago

umm growing a pair? my baldness never got in the way of what i wanted ...or the woman :)

21262124? ago

Many women have hair loss also. Not quite the same for them.

21259192? ago

Progenitor cell activation.

21258870? ago

It is little known that the Nazi's just prior to WWII had just about developed the cure for cancer. After the war the doctors and scientists were brought over to the US during Operation Paperclip. The continuation of developing and actually finding the cure for cancer and other diseases was completed. It has been squelched from being available because the globalists still wanted their depopulation agenda to take hold around the world. Hence, see how many wars and conflicts as well as how many people have died because of it. The agenda was working though not as fast as the globalists wanted. So these cures were put on hold so many more, though poisons in food, water and in adding metals and harmful substances in vaccines for children and adults.

21258721? ago

If your going to name fag at least do it in a way that's understandable. Like BioMed not biomed. I read that and honestly expected to read a post from an Environmental Scientist who was going to school us on the world's Biomes.

21262296? ago

If your going to name fag...

If you’re going to call out someone on spelling, at least learn the difference between “your” and “you’re”.

21264734? ago

Imagine being the person who has to correct spelling mistakes.

Imagine being that person for a second.... yea nope I don't have the urge to suck dick for a living.

21259908? ago

totally biomed man

21258570? ago

Can confirm, MS, many forms of severe artheritis ( especially if presented in early age), alzheimers and dimentia are all commonly caused by treatable bacterial infections. Can be treated by balancing ph with long term use of specific antibiotics ( 1-2 years, typically rifampicin + 1 other depending on bloods ) and high dose cats claw root extract ( see samento by nutramedix ).

Have witnessed with my own eyes dont want to dox myself but last doctor I know who was treating these illnesses with high success rate was doctor john lambert in Dublin Ireland. They pulled all his funding as the bloodworks which had to be done abroad 'cost too much' despite several years of amazing results over a broad spectrum of ilnesses.

I have also witnessed late stage terminal cancer be treated with high dosage lion's mane mushroom extracts alone. Needless to say that doctor would lose his license if it ever came out what advice he was giving his patients on the quiet.

21258517? ago

Watched my three year old daughter die from cancer. Yes, they have some explaining to do.

21258360? ago

OP, I'm the growingly desperate husband of a wife with serious Bipolar 1 disorder. Are there any cures in the vault for that, and other "mental illnesses"?

21261602? ago

Gluten free diet. Because the gluten blocks b12. Uptake get her on a b12 immeditely methocabolobin.

Read the hole article. All anti depressants are floride. Which is just a chemical labatomy.

Itll be a long road to hoe.


21320314? ago

Thank you. Far more helpful than the OP's moronic answer.

21258411? ago

Thats more of a personal issue that she needs to get over. She needs to release some anger. You cant just be a psycho bitch and blame so psycho therapists label.

21320301? ago

Wow, you just lost a TON of cred with that answer. People with mood disorders who have been on psycho meds for decades have been damaged by the very drugs that were supposed to help them. Your trite answer shows you don't know what you're talking about.

21258313? ago

I'd like a cure for Lyme Disease please.

21260309? ago

As would I. Mine only flairs a few times a year, but it puts me down hard when it does.

21258161? ago

Water Fasting cures many many illnesses. Refined SUGAR is the main toxic substance we take in.

21260188? ago

How long?

21259929? ago

*Distilled water fasting.

21258157? ago

Time for gasoline and chains.

21262861? ago

I'm for it.

21257938? ago

I hope you're using TOR and hiding your IP by using a VPN. People like you are an extreme threat to them.

Be careful, Anon!

21258028? ago

They already know who I am. They've already "killed" me in multiple ways. My reputation, my career, etc.

21286732? ago

Be strong Patriot, God bless you and your loved ones!

(((they))) still attack us but let's see how much longer...

ETERNITY is on our (GOD / HUMANKIND) side!



21260316? ago

Give a man nothing to lose....

21258148? ago

Very sorry to hear that, non-Anon. Let's hope truth wins in the end!

21257899? ago

Dont forget that the FDA used to be called the Bureau of Chemicals. Its there to protect the chemical companies’ interests. They need people to be sick because that is how they enrich themselves. Politicians get their palms greased to keep it that way.

21257874? ago

This really is AWESOME and yet SUX at the same time....a cure for Tinitus? (Ringing in ears) mine is so loud the NEIGHBORHOOD complains......

I buried my ONLY bride of 23 years in 2005 due to cancer. Raised my 2 daughters alone.

My daughters and I was BLOOD from these bastards who have been holding back on ALL HUMANKIND.

A day is coming where they can't walk the streets......

Wishing that day was THIS AFTERNOON.....


Now I need another blood pressure pill......bastards!

21264119? ago

Really sorry for your loss

21262023? ago

Praying for you anon, tinnitus sucks. Losing your loved one sucks.

21260213? ago

Bless you Anon.

21257843? ago

It's commonly accepted that the deepstate has pushed drug use and alcoholism. Many drugs like opiates, speed, cocaine, etc., damage the neurotransmitters like dopamine, GABA etc.

In your opinion, are there cures to reverse this damage caused by repeated drug use? I know there has been some research in magic mushrooms possibly reversing brain damage and giving somewhat of a reset. What do you think?

21262410? ago

The cure to drug use is not abusing anymore, time, and using the mind to read, reason, figure, math, etc.

21257800? ago

If there is a cure for ALS, fucking share it.

Not a single day goes by that I don’t sob like a bitch because my mother is slowly succumbing to that horrible fucking disease.

21257834? ago

I dont know any cures for ALS. Im sorry youre going through that. My aunt died of ALS back in 2016.

21257758? ago

Time to get some dirt on those in the FDA who are holding back,

and use it to leverage the appropriate leaks.

Gotta believe the cure developers wouldn't sit still either if they are loosing out on their payday.

21261628? ago

Ask kevin trudeau. The cure they dont want you to know. Hes in jail now. Actually a voat hero. He coined the term “they”

21257798? ago

Its a process that has been built up, not necessarily individuals. If the it will just take any Democrat or RINO to become the next POTUS and the song remains the same.

21257632? ago

Is it possible to cure HIV?

21257794? ago

Ask Magic Johnson

21257642? ago

No idea. There's any easy way not to get it though.

21257557? ago

this is all we knew for 20 years

21257516? ago

Stanislaw Burzinski has been successfully treating cancer with anti-neoplastons for decades now. It's difficult to become his patient unless you live in Texas, as he can only practice there, and he's been incurring costs from being attacked by the FDA and the cancer society for decades - including patents violating his.

I've heard that there's much success in treating broad spectrum cancers, including glioblastomas, using self-administered Fenbendazole - a veterinary dewormer and anti-neoplaston that anyone can get over-the-counter. It's cheap, abundant, and allegedly virtually harmless to humans. If you or a loved one has cancer, I suggest researching this and seeking to form your own wisdom on it. If true, you could cure yourself or someone you love without resorting to killing them with radiation or chemo-poisons.

You can travel to various foreign countries, where stem cell therapy isn't suppressed, and get treated, for cheaper than it will cost if FDA gives in to therapies in America. I don't know where all of the places are, but so long as you take care to ensure you're not sending yourself off to HIV-infected-blood-donor-land, you'll probably get much better treatment outside the states than whithin.

That all said, these are all low-grade technologies. Humans have it within themselves to self-heal, and to heal one another, by sheer intention and imagination. So long as we are wandering about seeking for something outside of us to find healing and peace, we will never find this ability within our own bodies. We have a lot more we can do besides that as well. Do you think Jesus did it only because he was special? The man was a teacher, and told you that you would do greater things than even he. Again, so long as you are searching for someone to save you and solve your problems, like Trump, you aren't learning the point.

The more time we spend enteratining ourselves with tablets, phones, games, and the internet, the less time we spend in mental games, exploring and expanding our deepest abilities; the less we imagine; the less we dream. All of the technology to do or create anything we ever wanted was inside us all along, and we only needed to seek within. Luke 17:21 and Matthew 6:33 tell you exactly where to go and what to do to gain all of these, and it's an inward and not a religious process.

21262335? ago

This is the story of the man who used the dewormer to cure his cancer:


21266406? ago

They have a great FB group. Lots of people getting remission using the protocol. Some with and some without standard of care.

Thanks to a post on Voat, I researched this and began the protocol immediately after my diagnosis. I passed the info to someone who is having miraculous results.

The FB group is amazing because you can talk to Joe Tippen, directly, as well as hundreds of people who are using the dewormer to get remission.

21263426? ago

More people need to see this story. Thank you for sharing it.

21257474? ago

Q said they have a choice to release them as if they were just discovered or choice 2 be outted as hiding them from the public. I don't know if they want option 2 to happen cause that would cause major chaos. WHATS GONNA HAPEPN?

21262368? ago

It needs to be known that these cures were hidden, people need to understand what has been happening. Knowing the truth reduces the liklihood of it occurring again.

21257369? ago

I didn't see the cures to the diseases OP mentioned, but did work with a group of researchers that successfully cured several things. It's not just the FDA. The actual pharmacutical companies shot these researchers down just before the drugs were about to go to phase ii trials, on multiple occasions claiming the second round would be too expensive. The guys got so fed up they quit, went into research, and started their own company. They had a couple offshoots from their previous work that they were taking towards new cures. We own the nano scale. It's funny when people quickly acknowledge the improvements to computer chips, but when you mention the improvements in biotech at the same scale, they scoff.

21257429? ago

One of the hearing loss and tinnitus medicines showed efficacy in phase 2 and mysteriously lost funding in phase 3.

21257256? ago

Non toxic medications can't get certified!!!

The certification process has a test called the LD50 which establishes what a lethal dose is. It is defined at which point 50% of the subjects die!

So if your drug can't kill people it fails the certification process!

Just let that sink in!


21256902? ago

You FDA cocksuckers want to turn Orange Juice into a drug so it can be regulated and only drank with a prescription.

21256955? ago

Thats what I am saying, the FDA is bad.

21256975? ago

Anyone who works for them and keeps their mouth shut are right there with them. There aren't any good people left in this bag of shit government.

21256873? ago

The way to identify a LARP is to see if they demonize one political party and not both.

This Democrat coup is not only part of a war against western civilization, not only an attempt to protect criminals in the government, but an attempt to keep the world, stupid, sick, dying, and at war.

If it's an open secret, then every non-Democrat politician and political party would be releasing all of it. But they aren't.

21261190? ago

Except that the Democrats are no longer simply a political party. It is wholly organized crime. RINOs are not republicans, independents, or any other party; they are Democrats - organized crime.

21263526? ago

Not to mention how many of them are being blackmailed, threatened and otherwise coerced so as not to speak up.

21256676? ago

Under our new guidelines, you sounds like a well qualified anonymous whistleblower. Please find a lawyer and report this through the appropriate channels. We can use their rules to our advantage.

21256672? ago

and the FDA

21256631? ago

Understood, but many of us already knew about this

21256630? ago

Thank you Biomed Anon!

21256614? ago

I doubt they have cures for cancer... For things like AIDS might be, because you can keep people alive for decades with drugs instead of curing the decease, but with cancer you are pretty fucked.

21261249? ago

There are cures for specific cancers. My cousin developed a cure for juvenile leukemia while working as a researcher at Case Western University. Case Western got the patent and recognition since they funded the research.

21260301? ago

The chemo industry is quite profitable

21258051? ago

They have cured aids. And cancer is cured too liposoidal vitamin C and sunlight. Lyional.....

21256688? ago

Actually, there are known cancer cures that have been deemed as "snake oil" and wishful thinking. There are many survivors who never followed the chemo path for treatment. A lot of the cancer cures that are in the wild have been suppressed but many can still be found. Unfortunately, so many people are desperate to live that they will listen to pharma brainwashed doctors. Many of the ones that tend to find these cures do so out of final desperation when the doctors can't do anything else to help them.

21256980? ago

A particular pharma company might decide not to release a drug they discovered if they fear of losing money. This probably happens all the time.

However, I don't believe in a widespread conspiracy. Cancer sometimes just goes away. Snake oil medicines are just that, snake oil, because every time they try them, the probability of the cancer going away without treatment is the same as the probability of it going away when taking the snake oil. If you find an actual cure for cancer, you'll get rich and a Nobel price.

21259229? ago

I thought the goal was to lower the population, not increase it expotentially by keeping everyone alive.

21257171? ago

You'll get disappeared is what you'll get. Look at what happened to those who discovered cold fusion. They just disappeared. There were more than just 1 or 2 who have discovered it - and were never heard from again. Same with the other discoveries. They're all over the net. Many are labeled as "conspiracies".

21256547? ago

Lost a parent to Glioblastoma. 3 out of 100,000. Watching them suffer for months was heart wrenching.

I feel like I'm next.

21262658? ago

This is what I lost an uncle and grandma to. Yet is this not the tumor that Jimmy Carter had? A death sentence for the rest of us yet those assholes in govt routinely stay alive with things that would kill us in weeks or months. Like pancreatic cancer, ginsburg. If she's even alive anymore. Who the hell knows, nothing is ever as it seems anymore.

21256415? ago

Are you familiar with Dr Robert Becker's research, back when he had funding for bioelectrical research and some successful therapies he was pursuing? He worked as an ortho surgeon at the VA in Syracuse.


Of course, his demise in both funding and reputation was sealed when he began sounding the alarm about the ugly side of electromagnetic fields and biology.

I highly recommend his posthumous work The Body Electric. Both for his discoveries in the small DC electric current in organisms that aids in self healing and how the future medical professionals may harness this in patient therapies, as well as his solemn concerns about the potential negative aspects of man made electromagnetic fields with regards to brain physiology, growth and metabolism.

www dot amazon dot com/Body-Electric-Electromagnetism-Foundation-Life/dp/0688069711

21256503? ago

Also I would add how highly suspicious I am of effective drug therapies, whether FDA approved or under lock and key to keep big pharma afloat. There is a medical paradigm we've been suffering under for well over a century that is a base reductivistic approach to life and wellness. That everything in life breaks down to its chemical constituents, therefore cures and therapies are researched approved and administered according to chemical fixes. i.e. "Take THIS for THAT". This is because medicine rejected the systems biology perspective of life in the early 20th century (especially thanks to Rockefeller's maneuvers with medical schools), that an organism is organized in terms of vital principles that ought to be addressed holistically, to look at the system (or systems) as a whole, instead of attacking the specific pathology or presentation, whether its organ specific or specific chemical pathway specific. The environment of the organism has also been widely dismissed as an integral (indeed primary) player in the wellness or demise of the patient.

Miracle drugs, just like miracle herbs, should all be taken with a grain of salt especially when anything taken exogenously purports to cure X, Y and Z condition no one fully comprehends the negative feedback mechanisms that are being circumvented, but are necessary for a sustained state of healing and wellness.

21256342? ago

Sorry, but just the idea of saying there is a single cure for cancer shows ignorance. Cancer is a broad category, which basically only means unregulated cellular growth and division, there are too many different ways for a cell to become cancerous for you to even know if you've cured "cancer". You could know whether you've cured the common varieties of cancer, but that's about it. Treatments also usually have side effects, so what are you saying the side effect profile is of these supposed cures?

Then it's also unclear what you mean by a cure for alzheimer's disease, preventing it would be much easier than reversing the damage.

If people want to look at suppressed cures, the way the FDA has been halting progress is quite simple, they haven't allowed people to get FDA approval for slowing down aging, which is the root cause of most disease. If your cells are younger on a biological level, your chances of getting alzheimer's disease and cancer are close to zero.

Nicotinamide Riboside is a form of B3 that seems to make at least some of your cells younger on a biological level. It has also been shown to reduce blood pressure significantly. As far as supplements go though, it's pretty expensive.

21258066? ago

Wrong lid is on liposodial vitamin c. Its like cbd oil but all C.

21256183? ago

Qtards will believe anything, even this low-effort LARP. I mean, really, this hits the qtard hotspots.

21256725? ago

Then explain why Biden claimed he would cure cancer during his presidency if he won?

21257577? ago

...because he's a lying sack of shit, perhaps?

21259360? ago


21256158? ago

CDiff, MERSA, MERS, Ebola, Zika, Necrotizing Fasciitis... cures will start with Hypochlorous Acid Water- (HOCL) within 15 seconds of contact. NIH and CDC know this. They keep you in the dark. Keep the companies that manufacture it it broke and constantly trying to get past the FDA gatekeepers. Never forget that the Clintons essentially 'own' the FDA. They have since he was President. Companies that make it have to sell it as a "cosmetic" product on sites like Amazon just to stay afloat.

"Topical Hypochlorite Ameliorates NF-kB-Mediated Skin Diseases in Mice"


"Oxidative Modification of von Willebrand Factor by Neutrophil Oxidants Inhibits its Cleavage by ADAMTS13"


"Fibrin Clot Structure and Mechanics Associated with Specific Oxidation of Methionine Residues in Fibrinogen" www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3514520

"Hypochlorous Acid: An Ideal Wound Care Agent With Powerful Microbicidal, Antibiofilm, and Wound Healing Potency" www.medscape.com/viewarticle/838158

"Hypochlorous Acid: A Natural Adjuvant That Facilitates Antigen Processing, Cross-Priming, and the Induction of Adaptive Immunity" www.jimmunol.org/content/184/2/824.full

"The National Necrotizing Fasciitis Foundation Says Current Standard of Care for Flesh-eating Bacteria is ‘Tragically Inadequate" www.marketwatch.com/story/the-national-necrotizing-fasciitis-foundation

"Activated and Electrolyzed Water: A Brief Review of a New Generation of Cleaners and Sanitizing Agents." https://www.foodsafetymagazine.com/magazine-archive1/augustseptember-2010/activated-and-electrolyzed-water-a-brief-review-of-a-new-generation-of-cleaners-and-sanitizing-agents/

"Stabilized Hypochlorous Acid: Its Role In Decreasing Tissue Bacterial Bioburden and Overcoming the Inhibition of Infection on Wound Healing" http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

"The Inhibition of Bacterial Growth By Hypochlorous Acid. Possible role in the bactericidal activity of phagocytes." www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1135139

"Hypochlorous Acid as a Potential Wound Care Agent"


"Efficacy of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water for Inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Enteritidis, and Listeria Monocytogenes" www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10473453

"Experimental Observations on the Antiseptic Action of Hypochlorous Acid and Its Application to Wound Treatment" www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2302602

For your own scientific reference, we encourage you to access the following links pertaining to the citations above:

Publication from PLOS Pathogens "Inactivation of Prions and Amyloid Seeds with Hypochlorous Acid" http://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1005914

Publication from The Journal of Clinical Investigation. "Topical hypochlorite ameliorates NF-kB-mediated skin diseases in mice" www.jci.org/articles/view/70895

Publication from Puget Sound Blood Center and UW Medical School. "Oxidative modification of von Willebrand factor by neutrophil oxidants inhibits its cleavage by ADAMTS13"


Publication in the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. "Fibrin Clot Structure and Mechanics Associated with Specific Oxidation of Methionine Residues in Fibrinogen"


Publication from The Journal of Immunology. "Hypochlorous Acid: A Natural Adjuvant That Facilitates Antigen Processing, Cross-Priming, and the Induction of Adaptive Immunity"


Publication from Medscape Multispecialty. "Hypochlorous Acid: An Ideal Wound Care Agent With Powerful Microbicidal, Antibiofilm, and Wound Healing Potency" www.medscape.com/viewarticle/838158

21260176? ago

Hypochlorous acid is amazing stuff. Was introduced to me when I had a severely stuffy ear by a friend who called it "vet in a bottle" because of all the applications it has around the farm.

Nixall is gooooood shit.

21274215? ago

try briotechusa.com - they're pretty good too. on amazon

21257905? ago

Shit anon did you want to drop lunch too? Kek

21285201? ago


21256052? ago

Ugh, I was in oncology and had to get out. Was so hard delivering poison when everyone in oncology knows it's a sham

21256036? ago

Please anon, do you know the cure for tinnitus?

21255922? ago

even if you have signed a NDA, still expose it, you will get sued, and then take it to the SC. SC will rule that NDA can not be used to protect something that benefits the population.

21263029? ago

That's completely retarded. You think Roberts was doing everyone a solid when he okay'd barrycare? Forcing people to buy something is a tax? Come on.

Forcing Americans, by the way, but giving it to illegals for free. How I hate people in congress.

21259197? ago

Lol what planet do you live on?

21258996? ago

Wishful thinking. The current SC is weaponized by Congress, intentionally bottlenecking everything to govern the proles with the lesser courts. They are no longer representative of the people vs. a Government, and are now just another Great Filter to keep the status quo. That's ignoring that it costs millions of dollars to successfully get a case on the SCOTUS docket.

It's a big club, and you ain't in it.

21255863? ago

noise induced hearing loss

Awww, I was looking forward to all those gangster idiots going deaf from blasting their headphones at maximum volume...

21255743? ago

Update. CONTACT FUCKING PROJECT VERITAS. they will help you and. Protect you. If it's impossible they can perhaps link what you know with others it's very important

21255742? ago

Our neighbors worked for the FDA. They said that the spray they used to use on Apples was harmless because it easily washed away with water and didn’t stay in the soil as it broke down into a harmless nothing. Years ago Phil Donohues show blasted this spray and now we have fruits sprayed with basically a poison that can’t be washed off and that is harmful to us and environment. That is the left, fear mongering and manipulating the population with fear tactics in order to push their ways of slowly killing us and making life more difficult. Now we by a spray to try to wash off the substance when before we could use just water.

21255876? ago

Yeah, thin skinned fruits should be bought organic.

21255485? ago

My girlfriend just finished chemo at the beginning of the year for breast cancer, they say she is in remission, they removed her breasts and installed new stiffer firmer softball size models.

She had INvasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade 3, stage 2b. Estrogen receptor positive. Progesterone receptor negativee, Her2 Positive (score 3+)

She had DOCE Taxel and Carboplatin , she is now on a daily harmone drug for the next 5 years.

Any suggestions for her long term health and survival?

21266416? ago

Joe Tippens Protocol Mycancerstoryrocks.

Jane McLelland "How to Starve Cancer".

Join the respective Facebook groups. May be the only thing that FB is good for.

21258076? ago

Evils of soy.

21256682? ago

If she has silicone implants, they can start leaking and hurt her. Sorry.

21255520? ago

Cannabis oil. Possibly some antioxidants. Do a google search for turmeric compounds and see what you find.

21255792? ago

Don't know much about cannabis oil, except there are different kinds, any pointers on what kind and what dose, and what might be trustworthy sources of info on it?

21262954? ago

Look up Phoenix Tears, there's actually a great facebook group for that (i know, i know, just create a fake account). Breast cancers can be different re;hormone driven and require different treatments with cannabis oil. She'll need to speak to a cannabis nurse to do it properly. But NO SUGAR, essaic teas, alkaline water, raw broccoli, apricot seeds, etc.

21255429? ago

Biomed Anon,

Do you believe that the cures existed at or about the time the diseases were created?

21255461? ago

No. Much of this technology is new, within the last 20 years.

21255515? ago


Follow up, do you think in conjunction with the profits gained from treating a sick society, it’s also about population control?

That is all.


21255529? ago

Its about evil and darkness in general.

Darkness to light. The darkness cannot comprehend the light.

21255419? ago

Cures exist, we have the gold, Israel is last.

21286761? ago


21255418? ago

The jews did this.

21261922? ago

The jews did this.

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

21262502? ago

Your religion encourages you to lie to outsiders. Everything you say is bullshit. Fuck off back to the desert.

21267076? ago

judaism does not encourage any jewish person to lie...this is total BS there r many jewish ppl who r sick of YOUR ignorance ...

21267879? ago

Hey look, another lie from a jew. Read your talmud faggot.

21255352? ago


you can do it

21255351? ago

Is there anything for psoriasis?

21266421? ago

Low Dose Naltrexone

21262637? ago

1) Epsom salt baths.

2) Organic apple cider vinegar.

3) Sunlight.

4) Clean up your diet. Yes to organic, yes to green leafy vegetables, no to GMO, no to processed food, no to sugar.

5) Prayer.

Praying for you, fren.

21266501? ago

TY, its for a friend, I'm ok except for the angry mental issues caused by injustice.

21255337? ago

We need the cancer cures. I don't have cancer, but 10 years ago 1 in 4 people will contract cancer. NOW: 1 in 2 people will contact cancer. There is to many cancer causing chemicals in everyday life. We need to get the cures and fuck the big pharma over. Pleas, let it be release they key.....

21258100? ago

If your over 65 it ont help.

But liposoidal vit C. Guy named lyional .... got a prize for his work.

21255331? ago

Do it! Be safe. Help the world!

21255299? ago

Sciencefag here. Several years ago I became interested in why the huge increase in incidence of multiple chronic diseases in the US population from early 90s to around 2012. What I discovered was that we are being increasingly inundated with a chemical soup: pesticides, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, cleaning products, antiseptics, artificial colors/flavors/scents, vaccines etc. etc. The chemicals cause an imbalance in the Ph of the body (acidosis) which interferes with the electrical processes, most notably energy production through the Kreb’s cycle. This forces the body into anaerobic energy production, creating lactic acid as a byproduct, which in turn causes more acidosis.

The body is amazing and can easily restore balance. This happens every time you workout, for example. The achy muscles are a result of too much lactic acid because your body didn’t have enough oxygen to produce the extra energy it needed so it switched into anaerobic respiration mode.

The problem is that we are inundated. All these chemicals are KNOWN to cause acidosis. Think of the slow drip over a long period of time. But the drips are coming faster and faster. Our bodies simply cannot keep up with the inflow of poisons.

When I tried to publish my findings, I met a brick wall. There is total blackout on this issue. I wrote OP Eds, technical papers and online blogs. Newspapers wouldn’t publish. Had to find obscure journals to publish the technical details. The trolls came after me. My degrees weren’t in the right field. My publications weren’t in the right journals. I was accused of being a conspiracy theorist.

Frens, THIS is what sent me down the rabbit hole. The FDA, USDA, CDC and all are complicit. Directors of these were on boards of corporations. It’s a revolving door.

Peace and light.

21266839? ago

You know that Project Veritas is a thing right?

21266091? ago

Can you link or post all or part of your stdy. I would like to read it.

21265321? ago

What I discovered was that we are being increasingly inundated with a chemical soup: pesticides, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, cleaning products, antiseptics, artificial colors/flavors/scents, vaccines etc. etc.


The chemicals cause an imbalance in the Ph of the body (acidosis)

Incorrect. This is "woo woo science". The slightest change in blood ph will kill you. As for "imbalance in the Ph of the body" that's just meaningless.

But your first statement is correct. Those chemicals are certinly harming us but not in such a simplistic way as you suggest.

21268073? ago

pH is nothing more than a measure of electric charge. There must be a potential difference maintained between the inside and outside of the mitochondrial membrane in order for normal cellular respiration to take place. A disturbance in the distribution of electric charge inside the cell (which is the same as saying there is an imbalance in pH in the cell, who said anything about blood?) can cause failure in the aerobic respiration process. There are several mechanisms whereby chemicals can do this, dependent on the properties of the specific chemical.

21262026? ago

Frens, THIS is what sent me down the rabbit hole. The FDA, USDA, CDC and all are complicit. Directors of these were on boards of corporations. It’s a revolving door.

I agree with anon 21255299. I'm a long time contractor with biomed research. Large organizations. No all have evil behaviors. Just a few. The minority. Most people are good.

21261310? ago

Peace to you Patriot!!!

The system is corrupt.

What are your thoughts on water detox? Drink water only for 30 days.

This lets your body change from digestion to healing the body. Your body starts to eat all the crap stuff that it doesn't need, and the water flushes it all out. Bringing the Ph level back to normal, removing all the acid.

Also, the cancer will also die because your body considers it a luxury, so since your body eats all the crap, it too will eat the cells that's growing abnormally, even though those cells wouldn't be able to grow because theres no more food for it, and since the Ph level is back to alkaline, it too can't grow because it needs acid.

21262989? ago

Fasting is good. Cleans out the colon and it’s toxins. Drinking lots of wayer crucial. Thirty days seems excessive. I usually fast 3 to five days. Once went for 12 days and started losing touch with hysical reality.

21259906? ago

I'd read it friend.

21259215? ago

Is there any way you can share your research? I understand wanting to maintain your anonymity and privacy, but there must be a way. I would love to see it.

21258745? ago

It’s a revolving door.

That's the key to the whole thing, and why real science is not practiced today.

21257906? ago



Greetings, sciencefag (Much Love, no homo) (You) just got a Yuge endorsement from Dr.Pepe (AKA Dr.Keku from the Egyptology studies field) in the statistical mathematics department! This is spectacular because ( and not many people know this but...) Dr.Pepe also heads the "Hidden and Obscure Facts Comity" on the Quantum chaos floor where they pick what posts are assigned to receive message board post numbers here in mortal physical reality. They only assign post numbers with repeating digits to the most true and obscure facts that pass the comity for review, and they gave your work a little nod here with double 9's, very prestigious indeed! 

I see your colleague in studies below also received double 5's a sure sign this situation is currently "in flux" as they say up there in the QC-dept. Truly a feather in both your caps as it were! Exciting hardly begins to be a proper adjective to describe the situation to be sure! Further moar, this demonstrates solid support from the "possible outcomes board of directors" for both of these possible lines of research, should you or a fellow colleague choose to pursue this line of actions they foresee Great things ahead for you!

Below will be a common translation of my personal endorsement for layPepes of all stripes to enjoy the good news along with the professional scientific community....



WHOA, dude! Double Dubz What uuuuup?!?!?!?! Digits Confirm YO! Get those cures doxxxed sciencefag! Much Love, no homo!

21262130? ago

Upvoted for the laughs

21263555? ago

Always glad to hear it, folks take this autist WAY too serious, I'm just a bored guy that likes Q and sees things in the numbers, might as well share right? Thanks Frens you ALL made my day, Shadilay!

21265016? ago

Triplets kermitt says, kek.

21261443? ago

You win da intranet for the Day !

10 thumbs up!


21263360? ago

Shadilay Fren!

21261407? ago

How do you see these numbers? Do you always look at the numbers first, before the message?

21263284? ago

Roger that 5:5. Its my personal crap filter. Try it sometime it gets spoopy if you know the odds. I scan for digits first, this leads to responses for context, but high upvoats also get my attention (to monitor The Collective subconscious.) It's like reading Pepe's upvoats.

Sometimes it doesn't make sense why some posts get the digits, unless its in the context of where The Collective has its minds eye, so to speak, then its spot on when you figure out the general consensus within the effected thread.

I'm watching the meme magic habben. Its interdasting to an autist. (The One Song (Uni-Verse) is a beautiful equation I can't quite solve for. :Fractal:...)

Also I put a blazing search keyword to make it easier to find later if I need. This will help future researchers as well. ("Digits Konfirm" where k=c)

Thanks for asking, there is a deliberate method to my madness, but "future proves past" requires patience, and looking foolish to the near-sighted anons of "NOW".

Shadilay Fren.

21274155? ago

It's not madness at all, it's awesomeness!

Do you think we live in a digital super quantum computer of a sort? Our bodies are vessels, for our spirit. Our spirit is immortal. Meaning our bodies die, but our spirit moves on, and depending on if we need to learn life lesson, we come back to physical form and play again.

The world I was bought up is not the real world.

Example: Mandela Affect. Fact: The Matrix, a scene was taken out, where Morpheus says to Neil what if i told you. eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43G14TNZ1mk

This was the biggest awakening to me, that something can be changed just like that.

And one of my all time favorite, the one that woke me up about what kek, pepe is! and meme magic, with a post with all 7s. Awesome video: Who is KEK? Memetic Magic, Chaos & Twin Particle Accelerator Facilities Mandela Effect 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaG23Zv_-_8

21276122? ago


Nice Get! Digits Confirm! Love it. They call it magic, but I think its just lost knowledge. I'm on that same track! Never gets old. Shadilay!

21257888? ago

Also the fact that many holistic doctors have been scrutinized and there are even numerous suspicious deaths.

21260845? ago

Fuck you PCP. Get a Nutritionist. I tell everyone this.

21261456? ago

People should study it themselves. Replying on others is a great way to stay ill.

21262191? ago

That's the truth. "Nutrition" is a lot like morals. It changes like the wind. 75 years ago we were told to be strong and healthy you need to eat beef, drink milk, and exercise.

Now, we are being told that beef is satan, drink soy-milk, and exercise leads to right wing views.

21266995? ago

the substituting of animal fats for chemically fucked with vegetable fats in our diets because muh cholesterol is one of the biggest lies we have been told...and coincides with increased heart disease and cancers

21263063? ago

made me laugh

But yeah, trusting anyone completely to give you the best most current health/medical advice without learning the lingo yourself is a death wish. Ask me how I know. 😒

Get all your medical files, get your blood work, learn to read the reports. You will be amazed at what you are not told.

21257782? ago

Exactly why i no longer live in U.S.A.

21257536? ago

I worked in the wastewater treatment business for a while. A wastewater treatment plant is basically a giant replica of a digestive system.

I have seen systems get sick, the "flue", catch a "cold", get poisoned! It doesn't matter what is wrong, the "cure" is always the same. Get the pH in balance, make sure the system has healthy, proper amounts of nutritious "food", and the system will get over being sick and be healthy again very soon.

Our own bodies work much the same way. We do have to be very diligent about what we allow in. And it gets more difficult all the time because of, like you said, all the toxins that we have to deal with now.

I would love to see your information. It's just disgusting that you have been blocked at every attempt to publish your findings! Keep trying!

21261601? ago

You are very right, pH balance is the key to A LOT.

21257255? ago

I'd love to hear more about this and the suggested treatment.

21258262? ago

Find the best food and water available. Don’t stint on price. Your life depends on it. Find natural cures. Avoid pharmaceuticals. Buy natural soaps, cleansers. Use vinegar, baking soda and such. Avoid chemicals.

21261477? ago

The best food is def in the s hemi. Hands down air water. I drink from the lake shore side.

21261351? ago

I'm 100% on that, minus the cleansers. Anything else?

21262876? ago

I read all labels. If there is something I don’t recognize, I don’t eat, drink, snort, smoke or put it on my hair or skin.

I don’t eat corn or soy (98% GMO). I don’t eat canola or cottonseed oils. Also GMO. Use cold-pressed, organic oils. Other oils are extracted with hexane (a solvent)

Almost all legumes, grains, potatoes, sunflowers, mint are sprayed pre-harvest with herbicides as a dessicant. This is the real problem with wheat.

If you must handle toxic substances, wear protective gear.

Get rid of mercury fillings.

21261422? ago

What do you think is in toothpaste?

Hint ... fluoride

Think what they got everybody to do? Brush their teeth every day, and sometimes twice a day.

Look at all the gum problems.

Some people more sensitive than others

21257229? ago

Have you heard of wimhof

21257322? ago

Wimhof is more fake news bullshit.

21257367? ago

What makes you say that? I'm not arguing, I'm just not in the med industry.

21257451? ago

It doesnt cure diseases. It is a breathing technique.

21263040? ago

Have you tried it? Can’t call bullshit unless you give it an honest effort. Just sayin.

21256493? ago

Post a link to your work.

Many are interested.

21258196? ago

Theyre not a scientist. When tbey say "sciencefag" what they mean is they like to google stuff and think that counts as a science education.

21259816? ago

I don't care if he is a sciencefag or not. The truth is right in front of our eyes. We personally experience it everyday. The problem with your statement is that MOST of us (even those Not on this board) are going through a lot of medical problems. We may not have the answer but we can sure tell from our experiences that something is going and has been since I was a kid in the 1960's. I'm sure Big Medical/Pharm/Gov/Big Evil has been around longer that that. By my personal empirical measurements of what life in my past life and adults around me to now-a-days when I'm the adult, We have been going off the charts from even the DDT days. Go Fuck Yourself while we get rid of these people and bring our lives back into balance. Yes I want to know and see it all, so I be effective in fixing it.

21259236? ago

Hello agent Jones. Hot on the trail of Mr.Anderson as per usual I see. Please promptly decompile and delete your extraneous code:

/[command promp overide 00] delete all~[output erorr log 17]/

21258872? ago

at least they're not just a fag........................


21258772? ago

Whatsamatter? Not intellectually capable of refuting what he wrote, so you have to resort to logical fallacy?

Typical tactics of the libtards.

21257416? ago

The chemicals also kill off the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. It is well-known that pple with autism and dementia also have an imbalance in gut bacteria.

Search pesticides and metabolic acidosis, pesticides and mitochondrial disorder, pesticides and gut bacteria, and like that. You will find.

I also came across this just recently:


This has been known for almost a century. Same basic idea.

Same is true for free energy devices. Total blackout.

Those of you saying we need to leak it, we have. We are screaming it. Go fucking find it.

21261383? ago

Or perhaps a video behind a view wall?


21260460? ago

Those of you saying we need to leak it, we have. We are screaming it. Go fucking find it.

So you all got together and designed the great reveal along the lines of a scavenger hunt?

You scattered bits and pieces of the life-saving info all across the internet and in the physical world, then dropped a hopeful hint, and now it's up to us to ”go fucking find it”.

Dang, for a group of altruistic saviors of mankind you sure want us to earn the truth.

Should we report back to you as we find the bits and pieces? Will you help us solve the puzzle? Or at least give us an immunity idol?

21266855? ago

http://archive.is/eohGG Here is all the antigravity stuff in one place along with a massive pile of other information. You won't look at it though even though it is in one place. Cheers.

21267029? ago

You won't look at it though even though it is in one place.

I was going to, but doing so would instantly prove that prediction to be 100% false. And that would totally destroy your credibility here. And since your credibility defines your value here, the end result would expose you as completely without value.

I have no interest in laying waste to anyone on a Saturday morning.

21267110? ago

actually i am a sarcastic asshole

21261415? ago

Its all on voat about a million times over even on qrv its all here. Not scattered about, stick around kid goats are saving da world.

21261771? ago

stick around kid goats are saving da world.



21259925? ago

Noice link. Haven't been there in ages. Is it tomorrow yet?

21258848? ago

Yea, let's talk about the stomach. Since January I have been having on and off spouts with heart palpitations that on occasion feel like Afib. The very first one I had sent me to the hospital due to an anxiety attack, which I have never experienced before. These fucking attacks would come out of no where for no reason and could last days. Eventually I figured out that CBD helped massively and that the issue is not heart related due to no decrease in stamina. I did some research into the palpitations and why I'm having attacks. Alot of it pointed to the gut. I went on PPI's and probiotics and almost like a miracle I didn't have a single episode and I was having them daily to every other day. Since then I have started to take vitamins and supplement to aid my gut. Things are almost 100% better.

It's no lie that gut health is super important.

21261402? ago

No gluten no dairy. And poof the immune system starts to balance.

21258807? ago

It is well-known that pple with autism and dementia also have an imbalance in gut bacteria.

Another CRUCIAL piece to understand. The reason kids are getting diseases (cancer, diabetes, etc.) at such a high rate today has to do with gut bacteria. A newborn's gut bacteria comes from the mother. If she is unhealthy (as most people are today), and she does not breast feed, then the newborn has insufficient gut bacteria to build a proper immune system.

Dr. Natasha Campbell (vids on YT) has cured many children of autism by changing their diet, which improves the gut bacteria. She says it's about a 100% cure rate IF it is implemented early enough. Once the child gets older, much tougher to cure.

21256255? ago

There is a ted talk about this. Just heard it at Tedx Cape May.

21258328? ago

Are those still liberal infested slums or are there some fair talks happening there lately?

21255297? ago

If you can whistleblow - God uses us - often in ways we don't want, painful ways that cause us hardship, but He uses it for good. Just a thought.

21255226? ago

Got anything for persistent chronic migraines and scalp psoriasis?

21266396? ago

Cut all the MSG and "Yeast extract" out of your diet.

21262707? ago

Migraines and psoriasis both ... possibly an indication of food allergies (or allergies to GMOs, glyphosate, herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides) ... Among the possible allergens, don't forget soy ... it's in nearly everything (not always clearly labeled) and is used in nearly every restaurant.

1) Heal your gut ... consider intermittent fasting.

2) Organic apple cider vinegar.

3) Sunlight and fresh air, exercise as your migraines allow.

4) Clean up your diet. Yes to organic, yes to green leafy vegetables, no to GMO, no to processed food, no to sugar.

5) Prayer.

Praying for you, fren.

21263593? ago

Ty, I’ve been on whole food plant based diet since may, (forks over knives inspired), no sugar, soy, processed foods, etc. and walk outside 5 miles a day. Lost 40 lbs, feel much better, but psoriasis persist, migraines are better with daily 30 mg of nortriptyline, much fewer weekly episodes requiring naratriptan. I tried vaping and 100% CBD, and mixes of CBD & THC, to no avail, same for the tinctures under the tongue. Feels hopeless, but still searching.

21265566? ago

Also, you can topically apply a mixture of epsom salts and water, or apple cider vinegar and water directly to your skin where the psoriasis is. Just be careful not to get epsom salts or vinegar in your eyes ... that really stings. And about the sunlight, what I'm saying is, exposing the skin where you have psoriasis to the sun's rays is supposed to help.

21255213? ago

I don't have cancer or nothin, but I'd love a cure to the LOUD ringing in my ears!

21256869? ago

Not all tinnitus is caused by the same things. I have had it for years, not sure when it started, but just after waking up and before I even sit up in bed, I have no ringing. I know mine is a systemic issue and I'm working on getting healthier. I know the cleaner I eat, the less ringing I have.

21255665? ago

I had a friend in college who went through biofeedback treatments to reduce the ringing in her ears so that she could actually hear other things.

Also, if you use artificial sweeteners (aspartame/Nutrasweet/phenal-whatever in particular), it can cause a ringing in the ears and general foggy feeling in your head. A week or couple off of them would show great improvement.

21259793? ago

I eat pretty clean, most of my calories are from clean fats, I grow and juice a lot of my own veggies, protein is mostly farm eggs. I drink distilled water and beer (not together).

21255151? ago

There has to be hundreds if not thousands who work on projects, you would think they would leak stuff.

21255217? ago

They sign NDAs. Dont you understand? It is the mainstream media that is keeping this out of the public's conciousness. There is a paradigm right now that they are fighting hard to maintain. This war on POTUS is actually a war on us.

21255296? ago

You can see this if you watch CBS. They have a big logo for Johnson&(asbestos baby product)Johnson right on their studio set. Its right in your face. Meanwhile all the ads are for crazy pharmo drugs.

21255139? ago

Why do you think Biden said he would cure cancer if elected. They know about it, and would play that card to regain power.

21255230? ago


21266150? ago

Likewise unleashing their gene-specific weapons as retaliation.

They have drugs that act given specific traits. Are you brown eyed? Are you asian?

A Eugene it’s dream come true. Cull via virus according to genetic marker

21301942? ago

Straight out of a Fringe episode! That show had a head-spinning amount of soft disclosure.. ;)

21304033? ago

Will have to check it out

21255055? ago

Why are you lying and trying to get them riled up?

21255097? ago

Is Q lying too?

21255929? ago

I notice you're evading the question.

See, this is Voat and you're on my turf. I may not like the Qtards, but I'm pretty sick of you bullshit spewers riling them up. They're mentally ill and not very bright and you're manipulating them.

That's not okay.

They might be Qtards, but they're my Qtards. I will call your shit out when I see it.

21256533? ago

This here is what we call in anon world, a shilling nigger....

Don’t be a nigger shill... it leads to premature hair loss ( and ejaculation) , stress, anxiety... jail... and being analy raped by 4 big beefy black guys...

Fuck off !!!

21256607? ago

I'm not the one accepting shit on faith instead of relying on substantive, credible evidence.

However, my guess is that you're actually the OP just using another account.

Stop manipulating the Qtards. I will call it out. It will be seen. They will wake up. Your downvotes are meaningless.

21255017? ago

My wife is in the middle of a crippling MS relapse. The drugs that are out there now are immunosuppressants that nearly guarantee cancer over their lifespan and constant infection over time. Her docs wanted to put her on this drug made by Genentech owned by Hoffmann-La Roche. The drug was $60,000 /yr.. The company is run by various swamp creatures with connections to Rothschilds, Merkel/Hitler, Bilderbergers and so on.

I don't trust them. I have enough background in biochemistry to understand the mechanisms of these drugs, and they're scorched earth to the body. Total destruction while leaving the body open to side effects that...conveniently...require drugs that the company also owns.

Hoffman owns Ocrevus, which treats ms and which is also cancer causing, specifically breast cancer. 2.5% rates over placebo, which is astronomical. It's a guarantee that breast cancer will form over the lifetime of a patient using this drug for 30 years, twice a year.

Guess what else Hoffman-Roche owns? FOUR different drugs used to specifically treat breast cancer.

Would you consider that a conflict of interest? I sure as shit would.

21255062? ago

Create the problem, provide the solution, which also creates new problems, which you also provide the solution for.

It's literally energy siphoning. Work your whole life to make money, only to sell it into a system of control within which you have no say.

21255050? ago

The drug for MS is a stem cell activator that is a one time administration that causes nerve axons to remyminate. It is a cure. Im sorry your wife is going through this. My prayers are with her.

21257958? ago

I have lupus and Sjogrën’s and am hoping there’s a withheld cure in there for me too

21258955? ago

No clue fren. Soldier on.

21257932? ago

Holy digits Confirm ! Pepe is with ya!

21255169? ago

Thank you anon.

Luckily hers isn't primary...yet, and she's still young. The hope is to hold out long enough for the world to unfuck itself. It's terrifying to look at your wife and ask her a question only to get befuddled gibberish in return, wandering eyes, and complete disorientation. She's the smartest person i know, only to deteriorate before my eyes.

I've heard rumors of such a treatment/cure, it would be nice to see it materialize.

21260258? ago

Prayers sent your way Anon.

21255015? ago

So what's the baldness cure, and is there any for diabetes?

21255010? ago

f'in tinnitus is driving me apeshit..thanks Afghanistan...get O"Keefe to drop this shit.

21255719? ago

Snap your fingers into the back of your skull 30 times. Temporary reprieve.

21255340? ago

At least you have a reason for your tinnitus (Afghanistan, and thanks for your service o7).

This anon's tinnitus appeared SUDDENLY and has never left since then.

21255085? ago

He doesnt have too. Its not a secret. Go look up hair cell regeneration. Its coming, just very slowly. It could be released soon, but the FDA has a "process".

21260202? ago

What the hell does the FDA have against preventing baldness?

21260293? ago

Nothing. It is an overblown process that has big money leading it by the balls.

21260335? ago

Ok, but the same people could make a ton of money from curing baldness. Holding back treatments for diseases makes sense to me because these people are from hell enjoy letting us die. I don’t get why they would hold back a baldness cure. I have a shitty receding hairline. Do you know what I would pay to have my hair back? A hell of a lot more than I would pay for rogaine, which I won’t even bother trying because I know it doesn’t work.

21254993? ago

Population control? Is that why you include baldness, as it would make many men look less aged and therefore more attractive to women?

21255007? ago

Overall sadness, stress, current cash cows like rogain, propecia.

21255253? ago

yep. There seems to be an epidemic of hair loss in women, as well.

21258110? ago

Dairy causes that.

21254989? ago

You need to get this information out. And reveal the damage that vaccines are causing while you're at it, too.

21255030? ago

Sir, I don't have any platform. Im just a low level person that knows a little more than I should for my pay grade. Also, most people are sceptical of vaccines, you just wouldnt know that from watching the mainstream media.

21255962? ago

Consider writing a book. Patriots would contribute and pass along. Especially for things that are readily available and won’t get you killed. Wouldn’t need major publisher. Could just be something you throw together.

21255381? ago

fwiw, I've heard Michael Savage talk about vaccines in the past and that he doesn't do the flu shot, I'd consider him kind of msm.

I've listened to him for many years, sometime's he's right on and inspiring, sometimes he's way off base and pisses me right the fuck off and I am concerned of his loyalties and motivations. But he was a big POTUS supporter for 2016. I would think with his background if you could get this info to him he could/might be able to help? I know he's controversial, but he has a big platform. From his wiki, "He holds master's degrees from the University of Hawaii in medical botany and medical anthropology, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in nutritional ethnomedicine. As Michael Weiner, he has written books on nutrition, herbal medicine, and homeopathy;"

21255479? ago

I personally don't trust Savage.

21254940? ago

Lugol's Iodine, Colloidal Silver, Olive Leaf Extract, Raw Garlic, B-17, Cannibus Oil, on and on and on if you just want to find it.

21254894? ago


21254903? ago

or FDA(FederalDeathAdministrators)

21254884? ago

I've heard conspiracies, I only call it this still because I haven't looked into this stuff enough to know, but the royal crown of England basically takes life insurance plans on for all SSN issued in the USA.

Does anyone know of what Im talking about? More sources on this would be appreciated.

21264900? ago

also read that our birth certificates are something like liens - not clear I forget

something like we are property or something

21254869? ago

ya no shit. dick chenny is still alive somehow.. my 44 year old bottle of scotch is still waiting to be opened and a nice dram poured for the day that evil fucking piece of shit chicken hawk traitor coward fucking dies.

21267041? ago

isn't Cheney involved in the dodgy business of the FDA approving aspartame?

21280683? ago

That was Rumsfeld. He was on the board of the company that invented it.

21256494? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514 Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous

21254843? ago

I call bullshit. There is no magic cure for cancer.

21259376? ago

Rick Simpson Oil

21262398? ago

No, listen. The idea that some magic oil can cure cancer is such a profoundly stupid statement, the entire english language lacks the vocabulary to put together a sentence that can adequately come near describing how profoundly and fundamentally stupid this idea is.

We understand thoroughly how and where cancer comes from. We know pretty extensively what causes it on an extraordinary level. It's not a mystery. What we're trying to figure out right now, is how we can prevent it from happening, and how we can remove it once presents itself. Is this clear?

21262440? ago

It isn't magick, cannabis has been proven to shrink tumors.

21263066? ago

Proven by who?

21268106? ago

Rick Simpson

21254809? ago

Most intelligent humans understand that lose lips become a death sentence if they are lucky.

Anyone here thinks a whistle blower's next of kin are safe from becoming examples?

It's easy to die for a cause if one knows their loved ones are safe. Yet our next of kin's safety (or brothers in arms) becomes the only driving force behind courage for suicidal tactics.

21255320? ago

The analogy is "smoking on the train," not "loose lips" ;)

21255434? ago

I've never been on a train were there is no smoking on a "crowded" train. It has been quite a few decades though, back when English was expected.

21259799? ago

They still "live free" in this regard in much of China. Ironically.

21263978? ago

I have seen these commuter trains first hand. Free you say? That's not freedom, that is sheep commuting to slaughter.

Hell, I treat my livestock with more dignity and respect right up to the point I murder them with hungry greed.

21264913? ago

There was a time, anon.

I taught English across developing China 20+ years ago. It was like a 5 year LSD trip.

I am not saying China is free etc. I am just an old rambling fart.

21254802? ago

The NIH (National Institute of Health) also does its gatekeeping job by keeping most medical research in the dark ages relatively speaking.

21254737? ago

When my husband went suddenly any unexplainably deaf 2 years ago, our insurance wouldn't cover hearing aids, but would give him a cochlear implant. He has so many devices he must use to make it work properly. They are pushing these surgeries even on babies because they don't want then to learn sign language. Sign language is the expression of concepts rather than linear thought that is highly mamipulatable. Controlling how we communicate is so key for the elite. Language has become weaponized in ways most of us don't understand. These people are sick.

21261434? ago

Good share.

Also ... no longer elite - more like swamp creatures.

21260880? ago

There was a specialist on Fox this morning talking about children's overuse of screen time. How it effects their verbal and non verbal language skills, and creates white matter in the brain (?). Sort of point with what you're saying, how we are pushed to stay addicted to screens, and now children in schools are too using tablets.

21260425? ago

The use of sign language delays development of normal speech in deaf children with cochlear implants.


21257818? ago

“They” want your dictionaries. Old ones are the enemy

21254728? ago

SO, why do other countries not release these drugs? I am thinking there would be enough money in India and its 2 billion people to get these cures. I have trouble believing no one knows but you do?

21254791? ago

Many people know. The mainstream media just isnt reporting it. The mainstream media are the gatekeepers of public awareness, but that is changing quickly. India is a shithole country. The top doctors are in America. Even Q has said it, "Cures exist"

21258775? ago

India is amazing, maybe you listen to the MSM pertaining to India. Cures do exist, Cancer is cured from vitamin e , vitamin c, food grade hydrogen peroxide, etc., depending on the type of cancer, there are plenty of ways better than what your doctor will tell you. I understand you want to believe there are pills that cure everything, I think it's deeper than that, Smiles and sunshine go a long way. Have a great day.

21254724? ago

You mentioned nerve damage- my nervous system is all messed up, I have POTS and Mast Cell Activation disorder, and have to take a handful of big pharma drugs every day to stay alive. A cure would be handy.

21255363? ago

THC + CBD in equal measure

21261657? ago

Works for muscle spasms and epileptic episodes. Only thing that works. Drs near killed me with their 20 pills a day, trashed my digestion for a while. I'm still working on a clean diet.

21255427? ago

I’m nervous about CBD because from other people’s experience, it either cures your Mast Cell, or you go into anaphylactic shock and end up in the hospital. I go into anaphylaxis at the drop of a hat.

21259810? ago

I'm a real frequent and long term weed and CBD user. I've never ever once heard of anyone going into anaphylactic shock from CBD... my two cents :)

21258030? ago

What s your diet like? Get off gluten and dairy. The slowly wean off peanuts. Dairy causes acid build up in the body which is reason for 90% of disease. Book the autoimmune fix Tom O.

21258551? ago

Already off them. It’s not autoimmune, but thanks for trying to help.

21254718? ago

Has Staff Anon rebranded as Biomed Anon? The vague nature of this post is strikingly similar!

21254661? ago

Did you say Tinnitus cure...........sorry............say it in this ear...........

21255819? ago


21264954? ago

Ok.........ok.............your tits are sore............so what?.........

21260286? ago


21254594? ago

We are fighting for ALL of humanity in this war

21254830? ago

And then baldness?

21254862? ago


21254879? ago

Thanks. Asking for a friend.

21254640? ago

Amen patriot. 🇺🇸

21254544? ago

POTUS just named a new head of FDA. Any thoughts on this new appointment?

21254585? ago

A Texas cancer doctor. Guess what else is in Texas?

21260275? ago

Really good barbecue

21259368? ago

Horse flies?

21256065? ago

Steers and Queers?

21254705? ago

Publishing / Texts books

21254962? ago

And a depository for all of those books.

21254636? ago


21254603? ago

MD Anderson?

21254664? ago

Stanislaw Burzinski

21254944? ago

Is Hahn with Burzinski or does he oppose him? Burzinski's office is about 30 min from my house.

21254424? ago

I keep reading this and my cynicism of government and the deep state could not be higher. But I wonder about stuff like this. For example, my next door neighbor was the number 2 guy in the Surgeon General's office and is now in charge of the Western Region of the CDC. He's a medical doctor and a two star general. And his mom has withered from Alzheimers. He absolutely loves his mom. You'd think if there was a known cure, he'd do something about it.

21262480? ago

CDC is different than the FDA.

21254482? ago

And my dad works at Nintendo and I get all the games before they come out. I can't show you the games but I know which ones are the best.

21254668? ago

Any news if these games will be ported to the Switch anytime soon?;

Skate 3

GTA 4/5

Red Dead Redemption

Any Call of Duty

Any BIG unannounced games in the works? :P


21259072? ago

Yo retard Boomer, he was making an analogy.

21263652? ago


21254403? ago

I agree with others, protect yourself, but leak it, play by their rules, get the truth out there. Project Veritas would help I'm sure.

21254895? ago

yes there are laptops that are so cheap you can buy with cash. load the info. go to starbucks, pop into vpn and dump it here and there and everywhere. let society do the rest. then just toss the laptop in the trash and finish your coffee and carry on with your life.

21254964? ago

so many ways, but that is a good one.

21254338? ago

Thanks for your post. I believe you. That said, if you and/or your 'several contacts and sources' do not figure out a way to whistleblow proof/tangible, concrete evidence of your claims, you're no better than ABC/Amy Robach, whose actions/inaction allowed children to continue to be raped and abused and perhaps murdered for 3+ years.

21254557? ago

I don't have a large corporate media empire with millions of viewers and the same powers keeping these cures at bay also run the media. Like I said, it is already well known, an open secret.

21254278? ago

We do not need Big Pharma poison, cannabis oil cures most everything.

21254370? ago

Cannis oil doesn't cure deafness. It doesn't stop Amyloid Beta plaques from growing in your brain. It is still good to slow certain cancers and is overall good for your health. That is the reason they are going after vapes right now, because people are vaping cannabis and that will eat into big pharma profits. Just like the hearing loss drugs, they will destroy the hearing aid and cochlear implant industry, just like cancer cures will wreck the chemotherapy industry.

21260766? ago

They are going after vaping juice through. They said nothing about vaping weed.

21257055? ago

And, most insurance companies will suffer too. Even though many of them don't cover anything on regular plans for hearing loss. Hearing aid prices are outrageous!

21254976? ago

Paul stamets, mycology holds the cure for many of the ailments cannabis doesn't help. Old growth forests and the fungi they host are a national treasure

Edit: Stamets**

21255436? ago

Yup, great guy with a ton of valuable information.

21254562? ago

What will cure hearing loss and tinnitus?

21254632? ago

A class of nano sized molecules that can regenerate the stereocillia in the human ear. One of them is currently bogged down in the trial process. From what I can tell, their tests only take a few months but the FDA is taking much longer than that to review their data and allow the next phase to proceed.


21254859? ago

that's interesting, do you remember what will cure 'nerve damage'?

had a brain injury and would love to move around again like used to.

21255767? ago

Try looking into Lions mane mushrooms.

21288347? ago

never heard of that before, but it looks promising. thanks for sharing:)

21254520? ago

Check out DCA discovery in 2008, discovered at the Uof Alberta. Shrunk tumors by 70% in 3 weeks. All funding cut after discovery. Had to raise funds from public for small successful clinical study. Then told the sample size was to small to determine. Not patentable, cheap, about $2 per day to treat. Immediately put on a restricted chemical list in all western countries. This site has gathered many clinical and efficacy studies on the drug going back to the 60's when used to treat patients with lactic acidosis. Www.dcawatch.com

It works as i have used it and others i know have also used it.

21261685? ago

This is a similar mechanism that Protocel uses. Jim Sheridan was a chemist who came up with a non-toxic formula that kills cancer cells but not healthy cells. It is about $100 for a month’s supply.


21256266? ago

Also check out EDTA. There was a really great product in the US that is now only available in Canada. Had some tumors that were going to require surgery. Did the EDTA regime for 2 months. Tumors G-O-N-E. Doctor said that was impossible and said there must have been a mistake in the original ultrasound data. Couldn't accept it. Now I can't find it. Have to go to Canada to get it and some TSA/Border ppl will confiscate it. What a bunch of BS

21256365? ago

Same with my sister. Tumor was gone but they still wanted have radiation to be sure. Told her it made no sense. But she did it anyway because the doctor pushed it with the fear of it coming back. Sick fucking system.

21254460? ago

You know nothing of cannabis medicine.

21254505? ago

I don't know why you are lashing out at me. I take cannabis oil. I already states I know it has medical benefits but it does not cure everything.

21255441? ago

What kind of Cannibis oil do you take, what do you take it for, what are you trying to prevent, what is the dose and how frequently are you taking it?

21254911? ago

different poster, just want to remind everyone that Q also says 'expand your thinking'...


for me, cannabis OPENED UP my CONNECTION to the DIVINE and my OWN SELF HEALING.

my health continues to improve without a lot of 'outside' assistance.


21255278? ago

THC is a very spiritual molecule. It goes WAAAY beyond the initial giggles and silliness (which is nonexistent for super chrons like me). No wonder it's banned.

21255379? ago

I'm very sensitive to substances these days, I recently smoked about 20mg of WEED (yes that's right) not oil, but a tiny bit of weed, and got quite stoned. It allowed me to see my experience of life from a different perspective and I felt so much more positive and fulfilled in the moment, more interested in things, and all senses enhanced.

So it's a very spiritual drug for me, but for others it seems like just a "relaxed stoned" lazy high, or a little silly...

They don't feel the same profound spiritual experience as me

21302103? ago

I'm the same way. I rarely ever partake at gatherings because it's definitely not a "social" drug for me. It's more like a highly introspective meditation type trip.

21259836? ago

Many drugs (THC, DMT, psilocybin) are portals into other realms. Without proper preparation and understanding, users will misinterpret what they are experiencing and gain nothing (except maybe a good time).

It's like if you feed your dog shrooms. He's probably going to trip balls, but he probably won't contemplate much of the meaning of life owing to insufficient capacity.

21254239? ago

WOT, CAN'T HEAR you, my ears ring that loud.

Hearing protection was much more difficult back in the day, wasn't issued in the Service for instance.

If you know how/where to access the data start a gofundit or something, we'll donate for costs to investigate/publish. Get it to Don Jr. or post it here, point out where we should look if that's possible, some of the autists might take a crack at it.

Jes sayin'.

21260450? ago

I have had good luck with 2g of taurine a day to reduce my tinnitus. It’s not gone, but it’s much milder when I take taurine daily.

21267038? ago

Thanks, will look into it. My Niece, a doctor...tells me my head is simply full of shiite and that's what causes it. She used to be such a sweet child, too, don't know what happened to her...

21261486? ago

Be carefull with that shit it can be a poison.

21262347? ago

Thank you! It’s considered safe up to 3g a day.

21254900? ago

B3/Niacin 1-2 Grams/night will reduce that SIGNIFICANTLY.

I know by experience.

Google Niacin Flush(Not harmful) and be aware of it before you take it so you don't freak out.

Also Magnesium seems to help also, especially for "after concerts" type of temp tinnitus.

21257930? ago

Thanks, I'll look into it.

21255538? ago

Also work for the VA here - you wouldnt believe how many tinnitus denials we hand out. Vietnam vet on a brown water that was a high speed Morse code operator? Denied.

That was my old man's claim. Hes still sc for all sorts of agent orange related bs, but that tinnitus denial irks me. Especially since I'm also a vet and have it so I understand. Right now there is an old CRT tv on in my right ear. Just that always on background noise.

I'm gonna look into what you suggest here. Thanks

21267463? ago

Some tinnitus is caused by tension in the head region, they say your body is stuck in fight or flight mode after loud noise and super tensed up. Im pretty sure that is how mine is.

Use your fingers to do myofascial release on your face around your cheeks, jaw, under chin, around neck, around ears, back of head. Do the snapping technique the other anon posted as well . Should help

SUpplement wth magnesium, niacin b3, ginko biloba, tumeric/curcumin. I forget about mine completely now unless im in a quiet room. And actually even putting in ear plugs is much better now (when at the range :) )

21262236? ago

Supposedly ozone therapy works for tinnitus. I have experience with ozone therapy, but not with tinnitus. So can't say one way or another other than supposedly it cures tinnitus from what I've read.

21257662? ago

np. Also there is a trick to reset your "gain" temporarily ...

Snapping Technique:


21261580? ago

Thank you, giving this a try.

21260026? ago

God bless you Anon. We have got to start helping each other!

21254221? ago

Any tips on baldness? Thanks

21286322? ago

DMSO diluted of course (50% or 30%) makes a lot of new hair grow. It's hard to make them grow thick though... Essential oils like mentioned by 21262046? seems to help. Simple massage to increase blood circulation is a great trick as well... But this methods take years...

I'll have a look at calcitriol ...

21286365? ago

wow it's a form of Vitamin D, I take a lot of it, got it in liquid form as well, got an idea ;-)

21262046? ago

Essential oils like rosemary and lavender, mixed in a carrier oil like castor or jojoba. Apply topically.

21254611? ago

Men underestimate how much women like a bald head. It's like a baby's head. I stroke hubby's bald head when I walk by his chair. Loving the bald.

21264101? ago

sorry bald men look alike to me and not attractive

21261872? ago

Upvoat for you, patriot. I, too, find bald men very attractive. Especially if the rest of the hair on his head is shaved or cut really short, and if he has facial hair that is well-groomed. (I'm a woman fwiw.)

Not that anyone asked, but I think too many men become so worried about baldness that they can't see past it long enough to accept that other people find them attractive.

21262375? ago

And too many women worry about putting on makeup, and worry that other people won't find them attractive unless they have makeup on.

Hair is a man's virility.

21258146? ago

True though you have to have the head shape and skin tone for it to work. If I went bald I'd look like a chemo patient.

21261560? ago

haha Hubby uses moisturizer with coconut oil.

21254393? ago

The cure is topical calcitriol while lightly shaving down the skin. Calcitriol is not patentable. You can get a script for psoriasis.

21256251? ago

Thank you brother.

21254314? ago

get a rug

21254190? ago

Dude, you need to get in touch with O'Keefe.

21254629? ago

Yeeeeeeah....i dunno if a WWF style promotion is what this subject needs. Im hoping okeefe handles his next drop a little more professionally

21254871? ago

O'Keefe has woken up more normies than even Judicial Watch.

So what have you done?

Bitching about another's accomplishment only exposes your weakness and obvious agenda.

By all means suck on that Soros dick while licking Deep State ass.

21255197? ago

The OP is trying to help. Back off Jerk. It's the classic "kill the messenger". As soon as someone speaks up, they are the enemy.

21255408? ago

No, that is not "Trying to help" It's saying "I don't like the way you are bringing to light all the fucking pedophile monsters, could you not be a bit nicer about it?"

You need to learn the difference, child.

21255111? ago

Low hanging fruit...

21254806? ago


people are suffering and you're worried about being polite to the ENEMY??


21256263? ago

Lol wow dude

You're a fucking retard

21255100? ago

Yeah...thats not even close to what i meant. Not even close.

21255161? ago

ok, I might have lost track,

so sorry if you're OP and I was rude.

just getting frustrated with all the secrecy and lies.

21255239? ago

OP is not wrong to worry about being arkancided if he says too much.

21259988? ago

Good men who do nothing will have to answer for that come judgement day.

21261606? ago

Not saying do nothing, just be very careful.

21254141? ago

Dude... LEAK. THAT. SHIT. if you possibly can and choose not to then you are fucking complicit in the deaths of all those people.

21257565? ago

something like wiki leaks here or kun

he should do it asap start small

with baldness perhaps:D

21254815? ago

please do this OP. i have immediate family that is suffereing from most of these diseases. look at all the people waking up to the facts of eppstein not killing himself. this would truly wake people up and the sheer determination of humans will find the locations.

21262016? ago

For cancer, this man’s story is intriguing. In a nutshell: he was diagnosed with cancer, he spoke with a college buddy who is a veterinarian. The vet told him about a research scientist at Merck who was testing cancer in mice with a decades-old deworming med for dogs. The deworming med CURED the mice. The scientist was later diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and given 3 months to live. She decided to take the deworming medicine...and within 6 weeks was declared “all clear”.

This man took the deworming medicine, which is about $7 a week and was cured if his cancer. The name of the drug is fenbendazole and can be purchased over-the-counter. Here is the man’s story:


21262148? ago


21254212? ago

Amen! Be the hero that saved many!

21254196? ago

These drugs are under lock and key in undisclosed locations. POTUS knows about this and has to defeat the coup before he can go after the FDA.

21266464? ago

I think Trump's right to try executive order was a way in to crack into the FDA'S hold on some of these curing drugs with the public's knowledge.

21266681? ago

You have to work with the pharma company and your doctor and they both have to agree to allow you to have the medicine. We cannot force the companies under this law.

21266223? ago

Seriously? There are 20 or 30 cancer cures AT LEAST, I see around ten of them being discussed on the internet regularly. Some are cheap drugs in use for other illnesses.

Lock and key? You glow.

21266083? ago

He did defeat a coup. A new coup started.

A new coup will start after Ciaramella.

Until The Storm this continues.

21264333? ago

(I'd bet $100) THEY ARE SECURED IN ISREAL! many generic pharmaceutical companies are Israelis, companies owned by lawyers and patent attorneys who look for loopholes in the original drug patents, and then reverse engineer the drug.

21258617? ago

Did you know that every cancer can be cured in two to sixteen weeks? Did you know some cancers can be cured in mere minutes?


21258437? ago

This explains the 2nd term strategy. Rule 0 in "Rules for Rulers" is to be in power. You cannot achieve anything if you are not in power. Trump's first term is largely taking out critical pieces of the deep state and setting up plans for his second term, where (as Obama said) he will have more flexibility to do what he wants and needs to do. You cannot do everything in the first term only to not be elected for the second and watch all plans fail.

21257713? ago

Is it true that autoimmune diseases are really just leaky gut and require a change of diet?

21264737? ago

I recently acquired an autoimmune condition. I ate nothing but squash, olive oil, & cantaloupe for two months. After which I started eating one new food a day to see how it made me feel. It's been six months and I'm feeling 80% better than I did before. I thought I was going to die, but now in some ways I've never felt better!

21262091? ago

H2O2 + aloe juice + distilled water works great for auto immune.

21261345? ago

Autoimmune fix by Tom O. Tis a book.

21262534? ago

www.amazon.com/ Autoimmune-Fix-Hidden-Damage-Disease/dp/162336700X/

21263650? ago

Iv read it from the library ;)

21259985? ago

From my personal experience, YES.

21255779? ago

Do you have any cyber security skills?


21255311? ago

You don't need to release the cure, just some proof they are withholding them. Anything that will get Veritas or some other watchdog group moving. If you have the names of people that have the information give that to them.

21254947? ago

If he knows, he should say something immediately. Pretty sure you'll have an instant army of fanatics who watched their children needlessly die who would be willing to help out with those responsible.

21257005? ago

Who do I say it to?

21258294? ago

Possibly twitter, but you would have to have a following already. Maybe have someone with a following retweet? Anyone else wanna chime in?

21259889? ago

RFK Jr is on about vaccines, announcing cures might be up his alley.

21256324? ago

Many of those same people would be pissed at him for suggesting that there was already cure. They would be livid at him. They wouldn't believe him which is why they would be livid because they would feel it was cruel for him to make such a claim.

21256196? ago

Problem - when/if the creators of this stuff go public, they often die. Numerous reports about scientists who figured things out suiciding themselves. The Clintons - as always - mean business. Just as all those fake client "scientists" stay the course behind the current Propaganda to save their own hides and their children's lives, many who find the cures stay in the shadows to stay alive.

21255862? ago

Yes, deal me inI' m one... My daughter was starting college an was dx. with Leukemia. Contempt for those who hold the keys @ YES is an understatement. I saw, ? ' d , CC on disease ~ so much I was told to not speak to other parents. Top ins. Yet U are just a # that some stranger behind a monitor decided who gets the good💩 & who is S0L...

21259696? ago

Rabbi. Have you a stroke?

21257661? ago

I understood you completely. Even the S0L referance. Keeping it real patriot.

What do you want to know? i have most of the goods just not in the medical end unfortunely, more in the bigger pic and space.

21256464? ago

Can we get SB2 to do a decode on this post?

21256296? ago

Was that English?

21254919? ago

Leak the drug names, we can start from there.

21254654? ago

I mean doesn't an EO just dick smash through whatever bueracracy is in place stopping it?

21254898? ago

Yes but they can spin it that he is trying to make it easier for his "friends" in the pharma industry to push dagerous and ineffective drugs on the population. First the deep state and the evils of many corporations have to be exposed. It has to be done relatively slowly because, like Q said, the truth would put most people in the hospital.

21257679? ago

Yea like q post 144.


Conspiracy ST.

21257016? ago

Yeah. What you said made me stop and think. If he came out and said, "here they are, all these cures, help yourself!" We know what the deep state would do. They would kill off a massive amount of people and claim it was the "poison" that Trump unleashed on everyone! Then the whole thing would fall apart.

21257092? ago

That is why we need a great awakening first. Its happening very slowly. Epstein is just an appitizer to show everyone how things are getting covered up.

21259538? ago

Yep, I know, I know.

21255052? ago

the truth would put most people in the hospital.

I still don't understand this, you mean for mental health or an actual cure?

21255102? ago


21257310? ago

Or we actually start attacking people that need to attacked.

21255195? ago

that I get. when everything you were taught is a lie, when your world proves to not match reality, they call that schizophrenia.

21255146? ago


21257753? ago

Yea like q post 144.


Conspiracy ST.

We have more then we know.

21255737? ago

Most people's view, perspective, understanding of the world is equivalent to faith in a religion. Look how angry, hostile, and depressed people become when they realize that most religions are full of shit; they either have a breakdown or double down on the bullshit they've been taught. Now apply that to the entire population

21258283? ago

Fuck, good point.

21256775? ago

E.g., TDS

21254395? ago

Maybe you cannot do more. But you can agree it should be done. Yes?

21254452? ago

Of course I do. The power is in the hands of POTUS and subsequently patriots supporting him. He really wants to change things but he has to deal with the ongoing coup d'état first. Just stay the course patriots.

21257514? ago

Its all there in the q post my friend it came too me last night how. An annon suggested the real info is in the photos. This is how its done. Q suggested thst the photos had a hidden layer, my guess is the layers are like 4,5,6,8 ,11 layers deep. When you seperate the layers into numbers ie code it becomes like the universe vast and spacial kind of like the inside of our brain. But sorting the layers in 5d space is the tricky part need a fancy new quantum pc. Then all the information is free for everyone.




21265274? ago

When you seperate the layers

Anyone who can't even spell a simple word such as "separate" loses all credibility in my eyes. Clearly you know fuck all about anything.

21265376? ago

Clearly your a spelling nazi and will never be gifted or talented at anything other then pestilence. Now fuck off our board fagot.

21259864? ago

Can you point me to a vid or something that explains how to do this while assuming I'm techno retarded? I get the concept, but that is about it.

21261209? ago

No i can not. It was a vision these are realms i grasp thats all. The information is for whomever it applies too. I am a seer not a i.t. Specialist. Sorry i can only do my part, which is to see the information as far as applying it not i.

21255031? ago

Even if you can't leak the actual cures, try to find a way to disclose that they exist and are being deliberately withheld. Putting this out there might be enough get them released (to prevent desperate people from doing desperate shit). Praying for you, and everyone who needs this med info.

21255001? ago

This is so fucking stupid.

Imagine the good will he'd get if he forced the FDA to release these drugs? Just sends in some military people, steals the tech, and publishes it online. He'd be a worldwide hero overnight.

But no. Gotta keep the secrets under lock and key while the coup is ongoing. Gotta keep the world stupid, sick, dying, and at war.

21255242? ago

I'm pretty sure there is a very specific order which Trump and the Q team want to do things in...

POTUS almost 100% COULD (or already has) raided some black budget military industrial complex programs and taken hold of their free energy devices and could release it to the world TODAY if he wanted, but that may not be in best interest of the overall plan...

What if releasing those cures or advanced technology all at once could trigger immediate full-on war response from the deep state? What if the DS is still dangerous and would react violently if this happened?

You gotta do things step by step and play strategic chess to get the best possible outcome by the end of his second term.

21256745? ago

Not only what u said, but what happens if 1 or 2 major industries collapse to nearly nothing within a couple years? Like power and health care? Thank (((them))) for putting tech on a shelf instead of slowly releasing it.

21255416? ago

You don't know shit.

I don't know shit.

You literally made everything up based on what you think might be true. Well guess what, I can do that too. How about this:

Hitler was funded by Ford, IBM and American businesses during the 1930s to set up white genocide. They revealed the truth of who controls the earth to those people, and they fought against their enslavers. The Jews control over the US, UK, and Russia was well established, so the Jews knew that if they pushed the Germans into reclaiming their land, they'd trigger an absolute destruction of the white race. Fast forward to the end of the war, and 10 million Germans were raped and tortured after the war. Fast forward 70 years after the war, and every western country is being invaded by muslims and spics, and the white race is almost destroyed. Donald Trump stands up and claims to fight for those values, propped up by the same business people (Adelson) who supported Hitler, as the final nail in the coffin of the white race.

How do you like that story? Oh you don't? Well it has the same amount of supporting evidence.

Tits. Or. Get. The. Fuck. Out.

Either show the cures, or not. But if he's unwilling to explain the plan? If he has to lie to get what he wants? He's no better than (((them))).

21255307? ago

POTUS'S uncle got Tesla's papers amd created the first megavolt x ray tubes. Go read up on that.

21255571? ago

Yeah fucking awesome! More tech POTUS is hiding from us to keep us stupid, sick, dying, and at war.

Fuck yeah POTUS!

21255134? ago

This whole, check out this pie in the sky over here that's available but we can't have until potus does something is getting pretty old.

21254381? ago

He has promised to cure AIDS within 10 years. Not speculated, he said it's a sure thing.

21260832? ago

Not even remotely true, stop transmission by 2030 through use of Prep.

21257390? ago

That's more ominous than you realize.

21256217? ago

cure AIDS

With bullets?

21256170? ago

There was a cure before the AIDS epidemic even happened.

It's a bioweapon. You don't make a fucking bioweapon and release it without making sure you have a cure first.

21258961? ago

I'm in the medical field. This guy is more right than you'll ever know. Unfortunately, it pearls before swine. He has said such a massive truth that you can not even begin to fathom. The rabbit hole of rabbit holes. Many viruses and bacteria are bioweapons that already have cures going back DECADES.

21271826? ago

Thanks, I dug that hole deep, now it's just part of the tapestry of truth I've found.

The truth is lost on most people. You've just got to leave seeds that will grow. Plant enough in one garden and you'll see it blossom, but that depends on the garden itself.

People aren't ready to hear that almost everything they've ever heard is a lie or has been twisted to become one.

21261322? ago

Plum Island.

Lyme disease is a bio weapon too.

21260784? ago

Drug companies cannot make money from a cure. Once cured, there is no more need for their drugs. However, there is big money in making drugs that control the symptoms and must be taken daily/weekly/monthly in perpetuity until the patient dies. THAT is where the big money is.

21254929? ago

No, he said the cure already existed and that the program he put forth to disperse it will eliminate AIDS entirely within 10 years. Big difference.

Also a few forms of childhood cancer.

21258703? ago

AIDS is easy. It does not exist. It is merely a definition and a complete hoax. "Curing" it will be a no-brainer. Just change the CDC rules and the medical protocol for diagnosis, and poof it is gone.

21258983? ago

If AIDS doesn't exist why have so many people died from it?

21261251? ago

I too was thinking like you when My Friend told me the story. Took me a few months to understand.

It's a big breakthrough in their evil mind control...because YOU never read the definition of AIDS. What is AIDS? If you look into it, you'll be surprised like I was.

It's all fake. They give you a label, then 'treat' you to make money, and then you either die or survive. It's their 'treatment' that kills you or you survive.

Look up HIV, how it became to be HIV, and what HIV does.

You'll see our body creates more white cells than HIV kills.

21261927? ago

I have worked directly with people who have HIV and HIV/AIDS. I have watched them go from very sick with a CD4 count as low as 2 to a healthy person with barely detectable viral loads after treatment. It may be true this virus is biological warfare, but it's not fake. I am not the one who has been fooled.

21262244? ago

Have you looked into their diet? Their lifestyle? Their mental health?

Have you also worked with people with Diabetes? Have you looked into their diet/lifestyle/mental health?

Diabetes is also fake. It can be fixed with a change of food. Lots of vegetables. Bring the Ph level back to alkaline.

HIV define: HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, making a person more vulnerable to other infections and diseases

Diabetes define: a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood.

Virus define: an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.

Disease define: a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

As you can see all the definitions, they don't talk about the causes. What caused it in the first place. Medical system do not treat the cause. They treat the symptoms. Treating symptoms don't fix the problem. It just creates more problems.

These names, HIV, Disabetes, they are just that, names. Names of what is happening. You don't 'get' them. It's just the name the medical system gives that explains the problem. Once you understand that fact, you start to see.

When I say fake, I don't mean it's not real. I mean it's fake in the sense of what they are doing. You never treat the symptoms. You treat the cause. They are treating the symptoms.

I hope you understand what I mean.

21259250? ago

Nobody has died from an illness that does not exist. Capisce?

The CDC defines what AIDS is, for the USA. It says if you have one of 30 or so listed illnesses, and you are also HIV+, then you are diagnosed with AIDS. There is no cause/effect between HIV and AIDS. Never was. Robert Gallo came up with that hypotheses, and eventually admitted he never had any evidence.

So, it goes like this:

  • In the West, homosexuals "get AIDS," but in Africa heterosexuals "get AIDS." Why?
  • In the West, people with money "get AIDS," but in Africa poor people do. Why?
  • This is because the diagnosis is different in the West vs. Africa. In Africa, they have a financial incentive to declare as many people as possible as having AIDS so the dictators can get more foreign money. They have no records to verify their claims.
  • In the West, however, there is a test. That test is a phony test.
  • The test does not determine if one has AIDS (such a test would be impossible, since AIDS is a definition not an illness).
  • The test is for HIV. But even that is a scam. The HIV test is not for the virus itself, but rather for the presence of antibodies.
  • The HIV test is the ONLY virus test that does NOT actually test for the existence of the virus.

When you get chicken pox, your immune system eventually clears it, and your body produces antibodies so that when that virus gets into your body again in the future (which it will), your immune system recognizes it and kills it. Like, right away. That is why you can't "get chicken pox" twice. You can, but the presence of the anti-bodies helps your immune system get rid of it quickly.

Now, let's say you get tuberculosis or one of the other 30+ CDC listed illnesses. If you just so happen to ALSO be HIV+, you will be diagnosed as having AIDS. If you just so happen to be HIV- then you will "only" be diagnosed as having tuberculosis. In both cases, you have tuberculosis. In one case, you also have HIV antibodies (which means you HAD HIV at one time in the past).

HIV is a retrovirus. It is passed from mother to child during childbirth. It is common. It is also harmless, as all retroviruses are. But if you have it or HAD it at one time, you will have antibodies and will test HIV+. If you also get one of those 30+ diseases, you will be diagnosed with AIDS.

But it is a false diagnosis.

In the early days of AIDS, people were put on harmful drugs (AZT) which killed the immune system and, as a result, killed the patient. When Magic Johnson was diagnosed with HIV, he went on some strong drugs but then stopped. He's still going strong 30+ years later without any drugs.

Homosexuals engage in an unnatural sex act. In order to loosen the anal muscles, they take nitrate poppers, which are toxic drugs. This suppresses the immune system and leaves them vulnerable to a variety of diseases. They "get AIDS" because they get these other diseases, and that is because the drugs they take damaged their immune system.

People in Africa (male and female 50/50) "get AIDS" because they live in conditions of poverty and have poor nutrition and overall health. That is why they get diarrhea and other life-threatening illnesses. Their immune system is compromised and they get diseases easily. If they can be labelled as having AIDS, then that means more money for the dictators who run the country. Who will actually check to see if they are telling the truth?

I am surprised that for all the red pillers around here, almost nobody seems to know about the AIDS fraud.

21276810? ago

link to sources?

21262256? ago

damn, dude. since we can't have a beer with you, share more... great stuff, man.

21259446? ago

"Virus Hunting AIDS, Cancer, & The Human Retrovirus: A Story of Scientific Discovery" by Robert Gallo, MD. I have the book in my hand right now. I know that you haven't read it. You really should.

You do realize antibodies are only present when one has been exposed to a virus, right? There are several qualifiers that differentiate an HIV diagnosis from an AIDS diagnosis. Are you in denial?

21260205? ago

The National Institute of Health hired Dr. Kerry Mullis, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, to write a paper on "HIV is the Probable Cause of AIDS." They hired him because his discovery in chemistry made him a world's expert on the subject.

In researching his paper, he asked other scientists where he could find the original research that showed that HIV caused AIDS. He discovered that such research NEVER HAPPENED.

He recounts his story here:


21261871? ago

More denial. Let's do an experiment. I'll give you 50 people who test positive for HIV, we'll medicate 25 of them and give the rest a placebo. Some will be okay, there is a very small group (mostly those who did not get it from homosexual sex) that will live a normal life without serious illness, but the rest will surely die. You may classify their deaths by the illness that actually caused it instead of AIDS if you would like to. Would that work for you?

21259989? ago

What year did Gallo write that? What year did Gallo admit he never had any evidence?

Of course antibodies are present after exposure to a virus. AIDS diagnosis occurs when one (a) has one of the CDC-approved illnesses, and (b) is determined to be HIV+ (based on a test for the antibody, not the virus).

21261725? ago

The evidence is pretty clear to me. AIDS diagnosis is also made if there is a CD4 count under 200, sans illness.

21260212? ago

^ Just checked it out. He wrote that in 1991. It was in 1994 or 1995 that he admitted he never had the evidence. Going from memory here, but it was a speech he gave in San Francisco.

21259375? ago

Yeah I am not reading this nonsense. Aids is a syndrome, auto immune deficiency syndrome. You don't die from aids because something else kills you because you can't fight it off. Aids comes about because hiv fucks the immune system up.

21260763? ago

That is right. The opportunistic diseases that occur because of the defective immune system is what kills the patient. Kaposi's sarcoma, fungal infections, virulent pneumonias......they hit the weaken host and kill them.

21260009? ago

That's right. Lalalalalalala. Ignore. Deny. But whatever you do, DO NOT actually discuss the topic.

Can't deal with anything that breaks that comfy cocoon you live in.

21260231? ago

Is the earth flat? Are nukes fake as well? I know op is right but your a fucking retard.

21284324? ago

Yes to both your answers.

21265871? ago

Dont laugh you dolt. The world may actually be flat. It may be a flat plain created by a toris field. I'm not saying the world is flat but it's hard to prove either way.

21260310? ago

Childish response. If that is the best you can do, you are pathetic.

21259241? ago

They didn't die from AIDS they died from the treatment

21255454? ago

I knew it was something like that. He's said it a few times that I've heard. And I have no doubt that there are cures for just about everything. It's not logical to believe that there aren't. I equate it with other life in the universes. It's just doesn't make sense that we're the only ones. My mother is sure that God has provided the cures to all that ails us right out in nature. I'm open to that as well. If people would sto and think about the reasons why everything is the way it is, they would realize pretty quickly that we've been lied to for our entire lives. I think maybe they would have to be person bbn ally affected by sickness before they question the cures though.

21284293? ago

Cannabis cures just about everything. I am making Rick Simpson Oil and made a detailed post on it including costs, to share with the community. And, I'm planning to provide the oil for free to those in my local community. It is curing my psoriasis as well as helping with my concussion symptoms.

Here's that post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3509014

21284589? ago

Awesome, thanks. And good for you! When I first delved into medical cannabis, I kept seeing the Rick Simpson Extracts and wondered what they were. Thanks for the info, I am going to check it out now. And keep doing what you're doing,sounds like you'll be an angel to a lot of people who could use one in their lives! Kudos!

21285647? ago

Wow, thank you for the kind words! That's a neat image. I know I'm "just" a human, but an angel can guide my actions at times. God bless, patriot!

21254797? ago

I know a person who does alternative therapies , and of course take this for what it is and do your own research, but they said if they do an ozone treatment on your blood, that is they pull your own blood, put it through this machine that adds ozone and maybe other things, and then put the same blood back in you via IV, you can scrub the virus. Supposedly one 25 year old male contracted HIV, started doing ozone treatment without doing all of those other drugs, and now has been undetectable last 3 tests (9 months) . Makes sense that the fragile HIV virus would die from that, and its makes logical sense it could work.

21256560? ago

Photo pherisis is a real treatment. Machines can sort the blood and selectively deactivate cells. Can treat many autoimmune disorders.

21258784? ago

Good to know someone else is confirming it's a real thing.

21275143? ago

Won't treat a viral infection though!

21255486? ago

Ozone is as effective as bleach xD

21260511? ago

Or hydrogen peroxide

21260793? ago

Iodine and selenium supplements.

21254925? ago

Fascinating. Im no chemist but it seems like there would be many applications where they can just add an enzyme to break down any specific virus or organism.

Never thought about it but you could also centrifuge it first to speed up the process or separate and salvage white blood cells while filtering or using enzymes on the remainder.

21254602? ago

Yes! Multiple times too!

21254286? ago

Find the locations.