21252421? ago

You "Muh-Joo" fags need to create your own board & GTFO of QRV. This shit doesn't belong here. Q is about stopping the leftists divisiveness NOT about AntiFa, KKK, & Neo-Nazis trying to override & destroy the movement from within. If you think this is apart of the Great Awakening, why don't you post there instead of this Anonymous board, cowards? Stop shitposting on our board.

21267097? ago

shut up faggot fascist jew

21281316? ago

Eat my shorts Neo-Nazi take this shit to the KKK Board it doesn't belong here. I am neither Jewish or Fascist. By the comments, you are the fascists.

21283566? ago

Shut up faggot. Don't care about you. I'm sure you are an honest GOY.

21286038? ago

Sorry, retired military, I chose to practice my earned first Amendment right and not be bullied by a fascist retarded fuckwad who assumes name-calling would silence other's voices you arrogant self-absorbed cunt. I served to guarantee freedom of speech to even assholes like you. your right to be a total Neanderthal prick should be relocated to a venue where fellow queefs hang out, spout their shit & give each other reach-arounds while they plunge their tiny cocks into each other's sphincters & shout out "SEIG HIEL!" I've dropped better turds than you into freshly dug catholes & Tent City outhouses.

21251327? ago

Jews eternal war on non-Jews:


21250229? ago

If you Google Kanye's hour long interview with Big Boy there is a moment where Kanye comes real close to naming the Jew. There's lyrics on Jesus is King that are very aggressive in regards to "keep your hands off my family, keep away from my home"...

I think OP may be on to something.

21247901? ago


21247732? ago

Know thine enemy.

Good vs Evil.

It's very clear.

Put on the full armor of God.

21246805? ago

They also drafted a blueprint for world domination that is pure evil.

21246261? ago

Owen Benjamin has been completely canceled for strongly speaking out against the grabblers. They've removed him from Twitter, fb, patreon, PayPal, demonitized him in every way possible. He's created his own platform to escape YouTube...he still does live streams but all his content is in unauthorizedtv. Imo he is the best comedian out there right now, making us all laugh while offering up delicious gravy for anyone with dry biscuits. He's taken sauce to the next level. Be a bear. You won't regret it.

21246504? ago

Thanks, I'll check him out.

21244424? ago

I would love to watch Trump, live on television, bodyslam Kushner.

But we all know why it would never happen, because the Jews will never be outed by Trump. Is the Khazar/Hebrew Mafia the same as the Kikes running the Kabbal?

21246510? ago

That whole situation is complicated. I doubt we'll ever know all the connections.

21243438? ago

You're right. Great upload. When I first came here it would infuriate me to hear someone say something about jews but now after learning everything jews have been doing it has completely changed my views on them. No forgiveness. Jews hate white Christians, and especially white rural people and we're not gonna take it anymore. We must expose everything jews are doing and have done. Jesus was right. Praise him. God protect us from these demons. Amen

21246520? ago

I have similar thoughts.

21243339? ago

If they want to accept Christ, fantastic, but if they want to stay with the Synagogue of Satan/Talmud/Judaism, then what befalls them is of their own making.

21246526? ago

YES. Quit with the Talmud already...Oy Vey!!

21243091? ago

Europa: The Last Battle** (Part 8).

Enjoy: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kHgDz5K1Y2Jz/

21242759? ago

All human beings are born into sin. However it seems like these so-called Jews work tirelesy to amplify sins within the gentiles. Everything their enterprises push stirs up the flesh/animal nature and suppresses the spiritual. All media, propoganda, etc exploits the flesh and sin nature. Fear, sexual lust, selfishness, greed, division, strife...

Whoever these Satanic people are, even Jesus called them out as being false Jews, but "vipers." We also know that the Bible talks about those who claim to be Jews, but are liars, and are the "Synagogue of Satan."

Evangelical Christianity has put the country Israel at the head of its leadership rather than Jesus. It's these megachurches that are given wealth by the false Jews to push a subverted false gospel. This is what we are witnessing.

21243146? ago

All human beings are born into sin.

According to a book written by jews.

21243757? ago

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

--John 1:1

Jesus is the Word of God, was a Jew, and is the coming King. As the Word of God, Jesus wrote the Bible by the inspiration of his Holy Spirit upon men who were Israelites, Jews, and a few Gentiles.

21244572? ago

According to a book written by jews.

21242456? ago

they formed and influenced both bolsevik government german government british and american in the same tiime

during the world war 2

sacrificed their old and children in order of many of them to go and create state of Israel now playing avictim card ever since

21242320? ago

If you look at the news with a more global view, we Christians better be waking up to the fact that we are the most persecuted people in the world: Christians are not perfect, America is not perfect and capitalism is not perfect. But compared to the alternatives, give me the Big 3 any day of the week.

21242164? ago

According to Steve Pieczenik, who's Jewish but criticizes the deep state and factions of the Jewish community (and has gotten at least one YouTube vid pulled because of it), Jews did 9/11 and Trump knows this:


21241760? ago

Yes. the fuckin fake jew SATANISTS hate Christians...and any other human being that does not worship or submit to darkness.

Tell me, OP, do you want ALL Jews to pay for the crimes of the elite...some of which ain't Jews?

21241722? ago

Our is it waking up out of the matrix?

Our true selves waking, this illusion going away.


21242112? ago

Why that date?

21242358? ago

7 years post 12/21/2012, and 2 years post 12/21/2017.

Significant things happened on those dates.


21242451? ago

The problem with this is the 12-21-12 date. In the voat post it’s stated as the date that the great awakening started but that’s it, only this statement with no sauce or anything else to elaborate or substantiate it. I get the 12-21-17, the corruption EO but nothing in the other date. The last cycle on the Mayan calendar ended that date.

21242728? ago

12/21/12 was the return of 'Q' aka Quetzecoatl, the feathered rainbow serpent. Look into the things brought up in that thread.

Snow white and the 7 dwarfs is not what we think either, its about pure white light refracting into the 7 color spectrum we live in, the 3d holographic realm.

Our pure self is snow white. By destroying the 7 dwarfs (our divided self) we have no choice but to return to our original state of pure white light.

Hence, in the Bible 'the wise will shine like the sun' and Jesus transfiguration.

We must return to the CENTER... the Emerald City

21241660? ago

Thank you for posting this, especially in this sub.

Slowly but surely, the masses awaken to the kike conspiracies.

21241541? ago

But we can't talk about Jews. That's against the rules of course.

21241413? ago

No, The Great Awakening is about realizing you're all divine, channeling the light-finding of Jupiter and remembering your divinity.

You are not your body.

21241365? ago

First and foremost all Jews are not of the Judean tribe. Hebrew Aramaic and Greek words mistranslated to mean things they are not. Jews are Judean's from the southern providence of Israel. English translations of the Bible make a tragic mistake. The Greek word, "Ioudaioi," translated as "Jews" actually means "Judeans." From the tribe of Judah.

There are 12 tribes. Hebraic tribes. The Jews - Judean's - Jews are just one tribe.

Not all the Tribes of Israel HATE us. Just the Zionist Judean's do. They hate their own that are from other Hebraic tribes of Israel as well.

"Judeans," as in "From the region Judea in the south."

"Judeans," as in "From the region Judea in the south where the capital city Jerusalem is."

"Judeans," as in "From the region Judea in the south where the capital city Jerusalem and the Temple are."

"Judeans," as in "From the region Judea in the south where the capital city Jerusalem, the Temple, and the headquarters of the Roman Governor are."

"Judeans," as in "The elite with power, wealth, and privilege that is dependent on collaboration with the Roman occupiers."

"Judeans," as contrasted with "Galileans from the region Galilee in the north."

"Galileans," as in "Those from the region Galilee in the north who were (according to those from Judea) uncultured, uneducated, backwoods hillbillies." Like Yeshua himself who battled with the Judean's and their god and teachings.

It is important that YOU get it right before going on a campaign. Yeshua called them out. He knew who their god was. He knew they sold out. Hence they executed him.

Your beef is with the Zionist Judeans - Jews not the other Tribes of Israel.

21245918? ago

Our beef is with the Pharisees of this world who's father is the Devil.

21241338? ago

IMO The Great Awakening goes beyond into the Spiritual realm and human consciousness of we as a people.

It is time for human evolution. To better ourselves and the direction we are heading.

Where are we heading as humans on this Earth ? Can we change for the better ?

People are waking up to the fact that Evil, corruption and greed have had control and power over the masses for so long.

As we grow into that consciousness they lose power. It is time for change. Good vs Evil, Ying and Yang, Positive and Negative.

Don't spread hate spread love. The Great Awakening is where Love and spiritual evolution takes a giant leap forward and we can prosper as a people.

The realization that and acceptance of we are indeed not alone in this Universe.


21241706? ago

People are waking up to the fact that a very real, group of evil people, called jews, have been using the same tactic to control and feed off of humanity.

21241464? ago

I’m not a body with a soul, rather a soul with a body.

21241223? ago

If you notice the non anon threads that are anti jew don't have nearly as many jew defenders almost like it's the same few accounts posting multiple times trying to make it look like their are more of them. Always weak counter arguments as well...

21241145? ago

The word "think" in this context is giving yourself a lot of credit.

21241446? ago

Youre good at typing with the zionist member in your mouth.

21242037? ago

So witty...

21241031? ago

(1) Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: (2) And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: (3) And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Just in case you couldn't find your Bible. Pretty self-explanatory, who is Abram? Abraham. Who when you run thru the list of the true Jews and how they viewed God, Abraham is first on the list. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jacob who later was named - by God - Israel.

True Israel and Jews are not the cabal. Perhaps they exist in Israel today, just like here. Just like everywhere. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

21240907? ago

No Jew alive today has Israelite heritage. 9% of today's Jews are from Esau/Canaanite heritage with whom God has perpetual war. 90% of today's Jews are Mongol/Turks whose history records that they adopted Judaism/Phariseeism in the 700s AD. The Latin word Gentile should not be in the Bible. Just read the word Nation and let the context determine the who. For examples, in Romans 2:14-15, 9:24-26 and Ephesians 2:11 those "Gentiles" are Israelites that include the put away and punished ten tribes living "afar off" in Europe.

21240878? ago

Sad that they hate us and abuse us because Christians love them.

21240819? ago

I have never seen nor heard of a single Jew controlling "our MEDIA, MEDICINE, COURTS, GOVERNMENT, ENTERTAINMENT, SPORTS" in my entire life.

It's very sad to hear that the "Jews" are controlling your life in this way, even if it's only in your very weak mind, but at least you have a lot of company here..

21240814? ago

The protocols of Zion are very real, whether it's an authentic document or not, everything outlined in it is true.

They've butchered our science, our history, and have placed an Overton window over our eyes and souls so far removed from the truth!

Even the red pilled are still very much blue pilled. Like Qanon said, the truth would put 99% in the hospital, and yes, that means YOU!

21246076? ago

You are absolutely right. "Think Mirror" is quickly quoted, but hard to realize. There is a cult of the dead behind, which despises and wants to destroy life, love and growth. They fight with means which are not taught to us and which everyone has to learn independently. It is about the spiritual. The struggle takes place in every human being. The spiritual development, to be able to see into underlying levels and the belief in the light, is the key.

21243456? ago



21242471? ago

like a parasitic culture

like leeches on the host

21242030? ago

Every thing in them has come true, how could a "forgery" be 100 % accurate?

21242497? ago

Well, i just had to put that out there. The shills love to say it's a fake so i cover that preemptively by saying that.

Gotta maneuver around these trolls.

21240767? ago

It would be nice but there’s a big amount of Qfags in twitter showing the American flag next to Israel’s. Pozzed to the core

21240505? ago

told the health insurance people i dont want a jewish physician today

21240834? ago

Smart. They are not permitted to help you according to the pornographic evil Talmud.

21240499? ago

satan and his imps hate you ... Jews - real, true Jews - do not ... your great awakening has yet to take place evidently ... keep trying little buddy ... you'll get there someday ... and here is satan again, trying to blame the jews who aren't really jews to bring trouble for the true Jews ... sigh.

21251371? ago

so WHAT do these 'true jews' have to say about Jesus? like WHERE is he?

21254834? ago

He is Messiah. He's coming back. Count on Him.

21254930? ago

so you think the jews believe Jesus is coming back for them?

THAT was my question? WHERE do the jews say that Jesus resides...

21255622? ago

Jesus sits at the right hand of God currently. He's coming back. Real Jews know He came two thousand years ago.

21243815? ago

So, so true.

21240869? ago

Except the 'true' jews never seem to distance themselves from the 'fake' jews. Read jewish scripture and you'll understand what you're saying is total bullshit.


21240468? ago

People are free to hate whoever they want and believe whatever they want. Actions are all that matter and we are ALL responsible for OUR OWN actions. This is not hard to understand.

Now let's do the hard task of figuring out how to solve these problems without violating the rights of law abiding American citizens.

21240415? ago

Nope nope nope

21240282? ago

Upvote this thread...kikes watching the 'new' tab tried hard to bury it.

21243827? ago

The island? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3505187/21240583 It was raided along time ago. Your watching a movie called We Have Everything - Future Proves Past. Chill out and Enjoy the show.

21243220? ago

That is what solidified my understanding that the jew was the real enemy. Any time something truthful gets out about the jews, it gets downvoated hard. I wonder why that would be???

21240281? ago

That's definitely a foundational process necessary for awakening.

21240203? ago

the truly great awaking would be christians realizing they have been cucked by jews for thousands of years and rejecting this fucking retarded jew religion and trying to find something better.. lets say something that

gave value to being healthy and eating right. instead of being a fat disgusting slow who can just wait to get to heaven for rewards?

lets say a religion that put value on ancestors and not shaming them with our current actions similar to japanese

lets say a religion that said protecting your people and your family is more importsnt then say protecting jews or feeding fucking africans while americans are homeless.

lets say a religion that put value in doing good deeds over just being forgiven for saying some words and putting no work or effort in

how about a religion that didnt tell you you are born fucking evil and you can only be good by believing in jesus superstar the suicidal insecure god whos first 3 commandments are all about him being an insecurd bith of a god?

just an idea

21240130? ago

This is indeed hard. I’ve woken up several people to deep state stuff but the jew thing is much harder for them to swallow for some reason

21245132? ago

I think that the GREAT AWAKENING is about Christians waking up to the fact that Jews hate us. LOXISM.

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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21243111? ago

It is harder for people to swallow because of the Scofield bible, which was funded by jews and is sometimes called the jewish bible. it was the #1 bible when it was released (because it was promoted by jewish media) and it was used to educate and entire generation of christian pastors. This bible changed the interpretation of many things in the bible (it did not change the words, only the interpretation of those words). The most important change was replacing the Christian belief that jews should be removed because of their allegiance to satan to the current belief that jews are god's chosen people who we must help no matter what!

today, if you speak bad of the jews, you have brainwashed Christians ready to stampede you, when the reality is that real Christians are ready for another Deus Vult.

21246908? ago

The Scofield bible? Never heard of it.

So how it this supposed Bible the cause of Christians supporting the Jews? As you say it was funded by jews. The Christian Bible has both the old and new Testament. I doubt the jews would promote any bible that raised Jesus the status of the son of God. As the messiah. So im goin to ask do you got any proofs to back up your claims?

Now i will say that there are versions of the Bible that change the meanings in the Bible. NIV and others do that. The KJV is the most accurate translation.

The Bible is clear on alot of things. 1 Jews are the apple of God's eye. Israel belongs to the Jews. And there will be a 3rd temple built on the temple mount site. The Jews will come to realize Jesus is the Messiah they have been waiting for at the end. Also there will be another rise of anti Jewish sentiment in the end times. Thats why all the nations will go after Israel. Israel will be on their own and God alone will save them from destruction.

It is not a very wise idea to go after God's chosen people. Take head to that piece of information. The Jews are gods chosen and the Christians are also God's chosen. This is why Christians stand with the Jews.

21247188? ago

I like how you first admit you are completely incapable of using a search engine, then you demand that I provide sources for you, as if they do not exist. Then you make ridiculous claims about the jew which could only be made through a scofield interpretation of the bible, and yet, you completely fail to provide any sources of your own to defend your ridiculous statements, despite the fact you demanded that I provide sources for you.

Have you ever heard of the statement: "Do your own research?"

I am sure someone important said that statement, like maybe the founder of the Q movement.

But anyway, since you enjoy being spoon-fed, here is some introductory info for you: https://files.catbox.moe/zotjm1.pdf

21252549? ago

Hmmm ok. Sooo my sorce is God and the KJB Bible. The Geneva Bible and the Bible proceeding that one also the scrolls that have been found. Dead sea scrolls. And other sources that prove that the KJV Bible means what it says. The little sorce you just gave me doesn't prove a thing. Doesn't prove your claim that the Jews wrote the Scofield bible or any thing. I like how you have these claims but fail to show all your research to prove it. But say do some research.

Typical of some one that has zero proof of what you believe.

21245144? ago

Agreed - it was designed to put a carnal focus on an unscriptural inherent entitlement with no accountability and undermine established prophetic narrative, including such key stuff as:

»Abraham was not seeking tangible land, but zionism has reduced relationship with God to a mere lust for material gain & political power

»There are 2 Jerusalems, just as there are 2 Adams. In that pairing, the first one was found corrupt and is terminated to make way for the superior spiritual model. The Last Adam & the New Jerusalem replace the earthly Adam & earthly Jerusalem respectively. Compare Matthew 23:35 and Revelation 18:24.

»Verses such as "We are the circumcision, who rejoice in Christ and put no confidence in the flesh". . .in contrast, the irrevocably-chosen-because-of-race premise is the epitome of confidence in the flesh

It's pretty eye-opening to go through the Torah and count how many times God declares that the disobedient will be "cut off" (disqualified and expelled).

21245035? ago

Also I would add the Scofield Bible completely hid the fact those people who call themselves Jews are in point of fact, that they openly admit following the teachings of the Pharisees. Get this through your heads people, people who call themselves Religious FOLLOW THE TALMUD, they do not follow the TORAH, In the TORAH the Isralites which included the tribe of Judah were commanded to LOVE thy neighbor, in the Talmud the Pharisees teach people who call themselves Jews to think of their neighbor as a dumb animal that is only fit to be their slave.

Save the Karaite Jewish sect which does in fact follow the Torah, but they are only small subset of Jewish people.

21244295? ago

Remove kike-bob

21242859? ago

lots of good images and facts in this thread...


21242794? ago

I really want us all to start calling them "Fake Jews" the same way we use "Fake News."

21245201? ago

They are in point of fact indeed fake Jews they do not even know it.

They claim the Nation of Israel because of their Jewish blood lines, most Jewish people have Ashkenazi DNA which is of European not near east.

The faith that we know as Judaism is not the faith of ancient Israel, the faith of the Jews of old was in the Torah the Old Testament.

The Teaching of the Pharisees was gaining strength with a minority of Jews at the time of Christ. They had their traditional Oral traditions that they followed and their own teachings that were in conflict with the Torah.

It was not until the death of the false Messiah Simon Bar Kokhba, Bar Kokhba the last false prophet of Israel. He reined over Israel for 3 and half short years starting about 133 ad. Israel had not been a Nation before that time since 100 bc.

It ended poorly for Simon, the Romans came back and had enough with this troublesome people it was at least the 3rd major revolt the Jews had attempted against the Romans. The Emperor Hadrin sent in his legions and instructed them to slaughter and destroy everything. Simon in the end murdered the last high priest and the Priesthood ended as well, they were before this time the focal point of traditional Jewish faith.

What was left was the Pharisees who then formed their own new religion based on their own Oral Traditions. The made up Holy writings of the Pharisees know as the Talmud was not written until about 300 ad and 500 ad.

What the world now knows as Judaism is nothing of the sort is the faith of the Pharisees.

21244454? ago

I slip in the JudeoCorporate Media from time to time amongst my inner circle

21243133? ago

but the problem is that if they were "real jews", then they would be Christians. by definition, anyone who practices judaism is fake.

21242894? ago

exactly. how can the MAJORITY be 'fake', especially when they don't disavow the evil??

21242773? ago

Deprogramming myself to not feel the shame society conditioned me to feel when "noticing things" took years. Feels good when you finally can say to yourself 2 + 2 = 4 and, from that point, expand your understanding freely.

21242926? ago

21241682? ago

Because it isn't just the jews. This is why people do not swallow the fake muh joo pill. Because it is propoganda by the enemy who wants us divided.

Most people are intelligent enough to see that.

21243978? ago

21243453? ago

It is the jews. They are behind every problem that white societies face. Your shilling will not work anymore.

21243852? ago

It isn't and they are not. Either you are a shill or you are just brainwashed. Probably the former in which case you are a division fag and not welcome here.






















21243925? ago

Why do they want Whites gone? It goes back a long long way.











The term genocide was coined, ironically, by a Jew named Raphael Lemkin in the 1940s. He was the founder of the Genocide Convention.


This legitimized The Great Replacement under the guise of fixing a declining white European population


However, the replacement plan has been much longer in the making in the Kalergi Plan.


They don't hide it


You can see how it's utterly changed the demographics of Europe and the U.S.




What lead to the decline in birth rates and set the stage for the immigration Trojan horse? That plan has been long in the making too. A 1969 paper written by Planned Parenthood VP Jaffe outlined their strategy.


Encourage increased homosexuality






Compulsory schooling that destroys creativity, intelligence, and rewards obedience.





Decrease the average family size so we are no longer replacing ourselves.


Set the stage for ethnic diversity


Change the immigration laws designed and intended by the founding fathers so that only Europeans can immigrate...






...to Import exclusively non European races that reproduce much faster and are a much greater burden on society (i.e. the white tax payer)






They destroy our families






They distract and weaken our men




They turn our women into degenerate, childless whores



They permanently Maim and kill our children








They constantly push propaganda that demoralizes and instills guilt and shame in our people








They push for multiculturalism and race mixing in white countries only. Diversity is a Trojan horse designed to destroy us from within.








The media, in all its forms, is their greatest weapon. It is so powerful, it has convinced us to hate our own people.








They systematically destroy the institutions our society was built upon









The summary


21243911? ago

21246788? ago

^^^ thinks a long list of jpgs is proof of anything LOL

21242877? ago

this thread would be to differ...


21243967? ago

OH hey thats me.

Here is more and updated;


It is the single greatest educational source for delivering primary documentation on screen at time of mention and leaves the viewer with no choice but to conclude the logical and reasonable answer.

Testimony from jews who were at the actual camps.



Here you go Goy




21244559? ago

Hahahaha. Fucking kikes

21244017? ago

wow, you amazed me the first time, and now I'm just blown away.

good job anon, would be interesting to see how you keep all this info organized!

I don't even put stuff in folders, just rely on my 'memory' and luck to find it😆

thanks again for giving us lots of great info to share.

21244063? ago

This is just a tiny fraction of a small glimpse into the ocean of rot.

21243400? ago

Lol, just because you got your fascist gang to pile on and upvote a thread, along with the trolling SBBH trolls, their alt accounts, etc, and then the poor noobs who up vote because they want to be cool.

Just admit you are a division fag, and not part of this movement. Why hide it from us?

21243467? ago

guessing you still work for these guys😆


21241965? ago

It all started with the Jew, first through Freemasonry which is Judaism and Talmudism for the Goyim and other Illuminati related Secret Societies, where the Goyim are brainwashed and promised riches if they join the Jew in conquering the world.

21242381? ago

Ok but we have serious criminals at large right now that need to be brought to justice. Sure, we are getting outcompteted by jews but we just have to be smarter. Law & order, justice and getting the word out is the priority right now.

21240610? ago

They have a lifetime of brainwashing by the Jewish lying press. They also show fake snuff films to children so they are traumatised and believe the Holocaust lies.

They believe their oppresser is the victim.

21246407? ago

They believe their oppresser is the victim.

This. Remind them that the Holocaust was a means to create a politically sensitive environment in which Jewish authority could not be questioned. Show them the video of the former prime minister of Israel explaining that "anti-antisemitism is a trick". Explain the 109 countries. Redpills like those are subtle enough to wake most people up for me. Also brit mala wakes people up real quick too.

21240698? ago

More on the way, too. Auschwitz Legacy programming course to be shown world-wide.


21240574? ago

Probably has something to do with the fact that it is utter bullshit, that's why.

21241725? ago

The Jew laughs as it rapes your kids.

21241759? ago

The Jew laughs as it rapes your kids

Typical made up fantasy from the fascists...

Next, I will get a link to a photoshopped graphic as "evidence"


21242235? ago

You are doing God’s work, looking out for God’s chosen race. You’re a true Patriot.

21240558? ago

Because it's pure, ignorant, "Jew hater" bullshit, that's why.

21241647? ago

Hello Dan Crenshaw! You aren't welcome here.

21241990? ago

Dan Crenjew

21241398? ago

Youre losing.

21241654? ago

Your losing touch with reality... while you waste time hating jews and trying to get others to hate jews, the real enemy laughs at you for trying to divide us. Is the enemy comprised of jews? Yes. Is the enemy comprised of non-jews? Yes. And they all laugh at you.

Wake up fool.

21242223? ago

He is as out of touch as the survivors the USS Liberty attack, right fellow American Patriot?

21240803? ago

Yes. The hate comes from nowhere, doesn't it? Just completely random! Again and again and again throughout the ages.

Fuck off.

21240086? ago

lol No.

You don't even know who the Jews and Gentiles really are. You just know what you've been taught.

Not all people that claim to be of Jewish descent are evil (or Jewish), and not all people who claim to be of the Christian faith are good.

You should pay special attention to the Catholic church, and I don't mean become catholic.

21240113? ago

This is a typical bullshit jewish argument. Pretending the poster is suggesting EXTREME positions.

Show me Jews who defend the rights of White Christian nations to remain White amd Christian?

21240397? ago

This is a typical blame all jews shill argument. Like I said, you don't even know who are really Jews.

Let me make something clear, I'm talking true ethnic Jews, not liars and not the Jewish religion.

Show me Jews who defemd the rights of White Christian nations to remain White amd Christian?

Ok, how about Potus? There's a reason he signed that pic in triple brackets. :)

Revelation 12:13-15

When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. 14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach. 15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent.

You miss the Truth because you're too busy with your programmed hatred.

They want you divided remember?

This movement is about Truth. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you're not seeking and serving Truth, you're not seeking and serving Him.

There are many who call themselves "Christians" who worship a false Jesus (and/or his "mother") and have nothing to do with Truth. They hate the Truth and love their man made traditions and seats of honor.

Matthew 7:21-23

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’


21240460? ago

There is your jewish argument again. Who said "blame ALL jews"?

And are you saying POTUS is jewish?

21240514? ago

Look at the title of this post.

I think that the GREAT AWAKENING is about Christians waking up to the fact that Jews hate us. LOXISM

Yes I am. Why did you think he signed that pic in triple brackets? lol

21240595? ago

Sauce it.

21240820? ago

Sauce what? Do you not follow Q?

Do you not remember the picture that will force the Q?

Why do you think Trump signed the pic in triple brackets?

Why do you think Trump keeps saying there's no place for anti-semitism?

Why do you think Q says to read the Bible, and you have more than you know?

Why do you think the Bible says the woman (not Mary) who gave birth to the child (Jesus) would be given the wings of a great eagle and fly to a wilderness to be taken care of?

When some disciples told Jesus His mother (Mary) was waiting for Him, who did Jesus point to and say were His mother and brothers and sisters?

What is the national animal of the USA?

Why does the Bible specifically talk about the first beast being a lion with the wings of an eagle, and the wings were torn off and it stood on 2 feet and was given the mind of a human? Sounds like it was given "intelligence" doesn't it?

Why does the Bible talk about the great eagle flying in the air and warning the others?

Stop with the stupid hate based off misinfo you've been taught, open your eyes and pay attention. Re-read the Q drops, read the Bible like Q told you to. This is a lot bigger than you realize.

God Bless.

21241294? ago

Why do you consider protecting yourself from the badjews equates to anti-semitism?

Control the language and you control the thought.

Why is there anti-semitism but no equivalent for anti-White?

Learn the metadata which created your programming.

21241432? ago

Why do you consider protecting yourself from the badjews equates to anti-semitism?

I never said that. I said not all Jews are bad. You should try reading what I wrote.

Control the language and you control the thought.

Not True. Even without language thought still exists. Controlling language controls the ability to communicate.

Why is there anti-semitism but no equivalent for anti-White?

Who says they're different? :)

Learn the metadata which created your programming.

Recognise that you're programmed, then you can start fighting it.

21241556? ago

  1. I never said all jews are bad. You should read before you make implications.

  2. Controlling language can and does restrict thought.

  3. Nobody has ever used anti-semitism as a defense for non-Jewish Whites.

  4. You argue with extreme positions (Ex: You reference "All Jews" when I said no such thing) and you even try blatantly false equivalents (like suggesting anti-semitism means anti-White), and yet you suggest I am the programmed one. Nice try. Your word games won't work on me.

21241674? ago

You have serious reading comprehension issues.

I never said YOU said all Jews are evil. You don't even know who are really Jews.

There's a difference between controlling and restricting.

You should stop looking at what others do and seek Truth for yourself.

You're programmed and doing the work of your programmers and don't even know it.

Not all ethnic Jews are evil, and not all people calling themselves Christian are good. This movement is not about Jews vs Christians unlike the OP stated.

Read the Q drops and read the Bible.

Seek Truth. God Bless.

21242156? ago

YOU: I never said YOU said all Jews are evil.

Also YOU: Not all ethnic Jews are evil

LOL!!! You really can't help but erect these extreme position strawmen.

21242269? ago

You really can't help but try to stick to your programmed argument while avoiding Truth at all costs huh?

I was referring to OP and his/her false claim in the title.

You responded to me and accused me remember?


God you guys are way too obvious

Like I said, open you're eyes. You're very programmed. Seek Truth in everything.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.

God Bless.

21242385? ago

What did I accuse you of?

I am just pointing out your logical fallacies.

You use extreme position arguments to sell your garbage.

You even claimed that anti-semitism means anti-White LOLLLL!!!

Again, let me know when Jews start proclaiming Christians as their greatest allies and help them create ethnostates like Israel.

21242543? ago

Wow it's like talking to a 5 year old. Ok..

OP claimed this movement is about Christians waking up to the "fact" Jews Hate them. It doesn't say some Jews does it?

I replied to OP because it's a false statement.

Are you not the one that replied to me accusing me of having a Jewish argument, or did you jump into someone else's conversation?

We'll get to whites/jews when you can grasp simple Truths.

21242615? ago

It is a Jewish argument to frame things as ALL.

You sure do like personal attacks.

Again, let me know when Jews demand en masse that White Christians have the right to ethnostates for themselves, just like the Jews have.

21242662? ago


OP made a blanket statement that Jews hate christians. You accused me of having a jewish argument for pointing out the Truth that not all Jews hate Christians contrary to OPs claim, then change the subject asking for any jew who defends whites implying that there are none.

You didn't like my answer.

You keep talking about "the jews" and you don't even know who all are Jews and who aren't.

Your purpose here is obvious to anyone.

Seek Truth, not your ignorant programmed hatred trying to cause division.

God Bless.

21246010? ago

Where did you go?

Are you still searching for Jews who support White Christian ethnostates similar to Israel???

21242706? ago

Generalizations are not ALL or NOTHING.

BUT, to try and sell your argument, you paint it that way. I never said ALL jews, but your very argument hinges on it.

I AM asking for evidence of Jewish support for White Christian ethnostates, like Israel has.

Will you be providing this??

21240321? ago

The typical Jewish argument always includes moral relativism because their "god" embodies both good and evil and therefore no one is more good or evil than them or their god and they can never concede the moral high ground on anything at all. There's no good or bad it's all different shades of gray where Jews are always more in the light than the shadowy goy.

21240265? ago

Stefan Molyneux

21240314? ago

Fail. He explained how he isnt jewish. His grandmother married a kike after divorcing his actual grandfather. He said it was a mistake.

Even if he was a jew, then we know he is simply infiltrating. Jews are all evil.

21240443? ago

Jesus Christ.

21240457? ago

Is not a jew, never was. This is another jewish lie. And a blatantly stupid one. Not that youll stop propagating it. Go ahead. You jews cant talk yourselves out of what is coming

21241065? ago

You're absolutely brainwashed, dude. There's no logical reasoning with you.

Everything people mention to you about a simple idea of evil people being out there that are non-jewish - you dismiss as a lie. How about all those Muslim Billionaires who traffic & sacrifice children? Like Al-Waleed bin Talal. He surely isn't Jewish. And also - the real Jews are Palestinians & Syrians, but whatever.

There are only 2 options when it comes to who you are:

1. you're either a harmless boomer who came to conclusion that most Jews are the evil ones

2. You have an agenda to carry-out - that agenda is to portrait Voat & QRV as a Nazi forum & therefore deterring general populace to embrace Q

21242053? ago

Talal is a Jew. The whole Saudi royal family are Jews.

21241460? ago

For someone heading towards a gas chamber in the not so distant future, You wrote a lot of communist propaganda there.

People will embrace Q, christian culture and a logical way of life, and expell jews both physically and ideoligically. This is the great awakening. Its literally saving mankind FROM the jews.

21241632? ago

Yes, you got a point in your last comment, because there is a Q post which says; "we're saving Israel for last". And I absolutely agree with the fact that the state of Israel was set-up by Rothschilds (the Rothschild himself is talking about this in a YouTube video). However:

Q also said in his drop No. 2994 and I quote:

















What you are doing here is textbook division tactics. And I will keep replying to you just for the sake of people who read this thread.


21241675? ago

Ive been watching you kikes copy and paste that here and on 8ch for almost three years now.

There will come a time when (((you))) cannot safely walk down the street

21241780? ago

You're just Voat old-timer boomer troll with a lot of time on your hands. You're harmless. Good to know. End of my replying.

21241799? ago

Say hi to tel aviv for us ya fuckin traitor to humanity

21240079? ago

If people actually read their Bibles then they'd know about the jews.


21242812? ago

I like when people actually cite the Bible. Interesting verses, thanks!

21240052? ago

I am realizing this everyday. Jerimiah of the old testament explains and tells us exactly what is happening right now in the world. God is angry at his children for lying and deceiving. For sacrificing children to false prophets. He wouldn't let me sleep the other night and made me open the bible and this is what he showed me.

21240339? ago

The jews are not Gods children. They hijacked the name. Modern day jews are desndants of caananites, the evil beings being destroyed in the first half of the bible.

Its a biological thing. Satan controls jewry like a remote control car.

21240044? ago

No, the Great Awakening is the Patriots by careful planning, forcing the deep state to expose themselves and thus waking up the normies.

21240284? ago


Agree with you op. Why is it that you cannot talk about that ALL the MSM is fully controlled by Jews. And it is the MSM that they own that is lying daily to the US people.

Why does all it take is a Jew like Alan Dershowitz is make a call and he can kill a story about the biggest Pedophile in US history Jeff Epstein, Alan's good friend and fellow Jew and the guy he calls James Goldston fellow Jew.

If these guys were all Evangelical Christians the story would be running day and night on their Network. They would be pointing out how they are ALL connected socially and how there is an extensive network where they cover for one another.

But that does not happen because when a group of powerful Jewish men get caught red handed trafficking in and abusing children, they all put on their persecuted Jew cloaks, fuck them. I do not care who are or what they call themselves evil is evil and these guys have been neck deep in spreading, using it and participating in it!

21240616? ago

all fake news.

21240830? ago

Hiya rabbi!

21240920? ago

Hey Imam!

21240538? ago

These are two different arenas. I'm not saying Jews/Zionists are not involved, but when normies do not question how many Congress critters are multimillionaires or do not fathom how corrupt the IC/DOJ has been, how are they supposed to understand all this Jew stuff?

No, I still stick with the Great Awakening happening now being normies waking up. What you talk about is much further down the line. Perhaps that will then be called the Ultimate Awakening?

21240091? ago

yeah, waking up to the FACT that (((THEY))) HATE US!

(((THEY))) want US DEAD!

WE are just CATTLE to (((THEM)))


21240581? ago

Thank (((you)))

21240413? ago

There's a bunch of "them" in your back yard right now, peeping into your windows. Quick, run away, run away.

21240786? ago

yeah sorry,

but central bankers wouldn't last a day in my 'yard',

so your fear mongering falls on deaf ears...

21240082? ago

^^ this

21239937? ago

If you think the Cabal is all Jews, you've been completely mind-wiped.

Probably best if you go back to sleep and we will wake you up when it is all over.

21240292? ago

The public face of the ongoing failed coup (and multiple assassination) attempts is most definitely Jewish as far as the participants in media, academia, finance and government. And, behind the scenes as far as we can tell, it's all jews all the way down.

21240540? ago

Do you think the real people in charge would show their faces publicly?

Wow, you are definitely duped. All is not lost though patriot! We will wake you up soon!

Peace be with you!

21240642? ago

Who do you think is behind it? I don't consider myself duped or brainwashed (do you?) - as far as I can tell this is a spiritual battle between The Christ and The Synagogue of Satan who hijacked Christianity by co-mingling The Christ with The Predictive Programming of The Abrahamic Deception.

edit: peace and grace to you, anon. We're all here searching for truth together, and all of us who are still duped in some way want it pointed out so we can be firmly in the Truth.

21240291? ago

Fuck off kike. We know ADL is watching all new threads that pop up. You fucking jews try to censor us in our own home.

Gas awaits you all

21240481? ago

ADL... anti defamation league? Aren't (((they))) (((your))) allies?

21240161? ago

it's not about he Cabal being ALL jews, you RETARD.

it's about WHO runs the CABAL and WHO those creatures WORK FOR.

his name is LUCIFER and he is NOT OUR FRIEND!

wake up.

21240112? ago

yeah whatever, READ YOUR BIBLE.


wake up.

21240541? ago

Perhaps you should read Genesis 12:1-3

21240775? ago

Someone tell this retard that the old testament is jewish not Christian.

21240731? ago

ok (((smarty pants))), why don't you explain to us what that means?

21240689? ago

old testament? so the torah basically? XD

21240459? ago

The only (((people))) around here that hate anything are the fascists who keep posting muh joo fantasies.

How about (((you))) wake up.

21240756? ago

yeah right, I don't even know any of (((them))) in real life, so I'm definitely not part of the 'tribe'.

however, I do know how to READ and analyze PATTERNS, and so far the information I'm getting doesn't point in (((their))) favor...

(((they))) don't like US, and it is evidence in the kalergi plan, the protocols of zion, the talmud, etc., etc., etc.

For example, WHERE do (((they))) say Jesus is spending time???

I'll wait for your reply rabbi...

21240950? ago

That's because (((you))) read a lot of propaganda created for the sole purpose of pitting (((you))) against the wrong person.

It is OK Imam, it will all be over soon and we'll wake (((you))) up!

21241119? ago


(((you))) are trying to say it's the muslims, when Islam was CREATED by the jews??

HOW does that even work???

and by the way, WHERE do the jews say JESUS is spending time???

21241573? ago

It is the Chinese moron.

Jeez I can't believe you morons are so gullible to spread the propoganda of the Chiners.


21242597? ago

seriously? now you think there are Chinese SHILLS here pretending to be jewish?

wow, you Sharebluers just can't decide who your enemy is. earlier you guys were calling us Imans!


21243415? ago

wow, you Sharebluers just can't decide who your enemy is.

LOL, an SBBH troll accusing others of being Sharebluers. Hillarious!

(((YOU))) are the enemy moron.

21242262? ago

The Chinese have been kicked out of 109+ nations, they also invented communism...wait....somethings off....oh yeah its the jews.

21240103? ago


21240021? ago

Jews and their slaves, sure.

21240100? ago

Are you a slave to Jews? Sounds like a personal problem.

21240584? ago

Who set up the global usury banking system?

Why does a private bank issue our money and regulate it, in complete violation of the Constitution of the USA?

Why are all US citizens slaves to banks and have to pay interest on the money that's only value comes from the fruit of their own labor?

Here is a secret, the USA could issue our own money without interest. As it stands now the value of our money is not in the coin that is issued the value is in the debt that is owed.

Some slaves are happy with their chains.

21240684? ago

None of that applies to me. Maybe you should re-evaluate where you are in life and stop being other people's slave.

Good luck patriot!

21243839? ago

The us debt does not apply to you....hmmmm....OK maybe your not a us citizen but then you should still have a central bank....oh....wait...it does not apply cus your a jew now it's obvious...

21243876? ago

Wrong, wrong and wrong again. Like I said, don't project your slaveness on me.

Good luck patriot! Stop being a slave to others! You are in my prayers!

21243947? ago

OK (((boomer)))

21246774? ago

Thank (((you))) (((boomer)))

21240064? ago

Shabbos goy - A person hired by Jews to do work that is against their religious beliefs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shabbos_goy - http://archive.is/CEzgR

21240090? ago

wikipedia? LOL

Thank (((you)))

21240506? ago

Most likely if it is on wikipedia. Can't believe anything on that site anymore. Completely comped.

21240621? ago

Use your fuckin noggin dude. Not everything on there is 100% lies. Some of its partial lies, like the shabbos goy article. It admits that you can hire the goy to do things you can't, but doesn't highlight that jews don't give a shit about laws and murdering goys is a ok to their religion.

21240668? ago

Sorry, it is all BS. Thank (((you))) anyways.

21240693? ago

I see you're just a fucking retard.

Carry on then.