21253326? ago

I hate the way people use the Bible to promote new age Satanic ideas. This is a false Christ spirit. This is the new age religion that will lead to a one world government, religion, etc. with a beast as the head of it. He too will proclaim a Christ consciousness until the mask is taken away and it is revealed the serpent god is Satan....he is the other christ Scripture warns about - Christ means anointed one and there is another - Satan was the "anointed Cherub" that covered. Although he is not God like the Lord Jesus Christ, he was a christ.

21251175? ago

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21242303? ago

OP, You have very succinctly summarized and connected a lot of widely missunderstood concepts. Where can I go to find more extensive explanation of what you presented above? Do you have a website?

21242337? ago

Thanks, I only recommend you find your path by researching and digging.

Not trying to be a dick or lazy, on the contrary, I highly recommend that the only way you will awaken is to find your way inward and seek truth. Seek and ye shall find.

21241427? ago

Been thinking some very similar things lately.

Thanks for the thoughtful post

21241280? ago

I def think we choose our lives and paths before we’re born.

21240475? ago

Seems more likely the Mayan Calendar would reference back to the Ethiopian Calander and not the Gregorian Calendar, cuz we wuz kingz and sheit.

21241202? ago


21240316? ago

Some incredible info (that surprisingly I haven't come across before), especially in the first half- thanks anon. Something you might be interested in is The Ra material, and the law of one- I highly recommend it. Ra also uses the harvest metaphor to represent spiritual evolution and growth, among many other similarities (colors and their meaning/significance in particular).

21241231? ago

Thank you. One of these days I'll get it.

I also recommend the Kolbrin Bible and the Urantia book.

21240256? ago

I'm praying for discernment for all Qanon Christians. Many False Christs will appear trying to deceive. They mascaraed as angels of light, and twist Scripture. We know we are in a spiritual battle, working to defeat the darkness that has long been growing around us. So, it doesn't surprise me that cunning, dark, soldiers would show up trying to deceive many. The message of the gospel is simple -- Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Stay vigilant, and see to it that no one deceive you.

21241268? ago

Yes, Jesus is the way, truth and life.

But reality is bigger than most realize. Jesus taught it, and false christs did arise to deceive and confuse... the RCC, for starters.

21240348? ago

Good point - Qanon Christians will note that Q and Q+ are constantly referring to Jesus Christ. Clearly, fundamentalism is the way! The gospel is simple and thus, simple-mindedness is the answer. Such open minded discussions as these must be shut down. These is no place for expanded thinking in the Q movement!

21241259? ago

Interesting that you think fundamentalism is the way, and you want to shut down open minded discussions. I doubt many Christians would agree with you. But, as Jesus instructs, we are to test the spirits and see to it that no one deceives us.

21239609? ago

That you SB2?

21239598? ago

Op misrepresented the order of the Castles in his link.

"One Tzolkin cycle of 260 days is divided in five castles, always following the same sequence: Red, White, Blue, Yellow, and Green." Then tells us, "You see, the spirit can be water to those who are in tune with source, refreshing, chakras aligning like antennae in tune with 'above' (as above so below) Macro of the micro..."

As above so below is a Satanic belief that is so commonly referenced in their "church" that JayZ has it on a shirt he was wearing for a photo op.

So fuck this Satanic piece of shit who is trying to warp biblical teachings into leading everyone into a Satanic frame of thought.

21240217? ago

Please don't copypasta the same comment repeatedly. We heard you the first time.

21241107? ago

Crap, I just typed out a nice fuck you then realized I had commented twice.

Not too sorry really, you have the free will to ignore it.

21239500? ago

Red Castle and Green Castle refer to the army corps of engineers, who incidentally just granted the first section of wall building from the military budget (comms transfer castle)

I think in this case, it's safe to say you're reading WAY too much into this.

21239494? ago

Amazing post. This is why I love this sub.

Thanks Patriot! WRWY

21239458? ago

This is a 'safe space' like running a computer program in a 'container' or 'safe mode'. It appears VERY real (it HAS to) to use here in this realm, but in reality, its NOT reality, and when we 'die' we just unplug from our 'avatar' and exit the matrix of learning?

The problem with this concept is the suffering people experience is very real.

It’s unbelievable that anyone would choose to come to this earth and be sold into brutal sexual slavery as a small child then murdered because of somone’s sick belief in child sacrifice. That concept is no different than the elites who claim that we all somehow have “consented” to being their slaves.

21239443? ago

from: doglegwarrior

seeing shit like this does not help me believe in Q or the anons or Qanon at all...

Hey Q it is real fucking simple...

its the jews and barrack and the clintons need to be arrested. we dont need mystical writting and weird coded messages...

its the fucking jews specificaly the rothchilds and the cia and mossad and the fbi open official investigations.... OHHHHH I HAVE A REAL EASY ONE FOR YOU QANAON RETARDS..

out law circumcision it has zero medical benefits. it is a jewish religiois ceremony and causes about 100 babies to die each year? do something useful and end this barbaric fucking jewish blood ritual you fucking pussies

21239433? ago

The flame of Truth wielded by the Seraphim to bridge the gap between Heaven and Earth to Ignite the Light of the TRUE Creator in the hearts of Mankind.

21239368? ago

I'm thinking along the lines of: Castle of redshield (Rothschild) in Switzerland

21239362? ago

Your statements on rig for red are wrong. Rig for red is a submarine term where the submarine leaves the deep water and surfaces into shallow waters and they only have red light in use so as to not be spotted easily. Most likely rig for red means that Q is coming out of deep cover to come back into the spotlight.

21239418? ago

Im pretty sure we all know that by now, rig for silent is as well....

Multiple meanings. -op

21239342? ago

Dude... everyone else on here is gonna say "Wow, great post", "how insightful". These people are certifiably dumb and don't know jack shit.

What you're posting doesn't even pass for a cohesive rational train of thought. It's rambling, makes wild connections and jumps, and ultimately makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

My advice for you? Take your fucking meds dude.

21239207? ago

Thanks for the great post, OP!

21239178? ago

Class OP - just Class, thank you.

21239159? ago

Saved....Thank you...! This is such a great post and very well written. Much appreciated, fren. :)

21239431? ago

Thank you.

Try searching 'peace and love patriot' to find my other threads.

21239080? ago

Fantastic post OP!

You tie together much of my learning and contemporary events.

Now will spend my day researching more on Quetzecoatl.

Very Toltecian - we dream this place, we author this life.

21239480? ago

I have so much to say...

Look into 'west world' and 'the maze'

Compare tower of Babel and Dantes inferno and purgatory.

The only way OUT is IN my friend.

21239073? ago

Great job. Very nice.

You are close to the truth.

21239483? ago

Help me bridge the gap then ;)

21240462? ago

Ok. I'm the Returning Christ. How's that?

21240823? ago

Then you must be me.

21241111? ago

You want the job?

21241130? ago

Yes I want to serve. I want this block on my heart removed.

21241578? ago

Remove it already. God's back, what are you waiting for?

21241747? ago

Yes, it's on me to do. It's buried deep - I've had a lot of demons and fuckery to dig myself out of. Getting there.

21242513? ago

Have faith. Always have faith.

21239046? ago

Posts like this are why the rest of Voat mocks this sub. And I’m a Q follower.

21247401? ago

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21239166? ago

This is the ego that must vanish. Expand your thinking.

21239206? ago

So you think that for the first year of trump’s admin they thought about ways to talk in code that relates to the Mayans? It’s fucking retarded. Re. Tar. Ded.

21239400? ago

I think the entire movement is ABSOLUTELY a spiritual journey as much as it is a fight against evil. YUP

21239468? ago


21239621? ago

You continue on your Godless quest...we'll see who's correct.

21240345? ago

Ahh yes because if trump were making decisions based on godliness the first thing he would do is consult the Mayan traditions.

Re. Tar. Ded.

21239055? ago

Uh huh... sure you are

21239219? ago

Nigger I came to Voat when r/pizzagate got banned. I was already here when GA was banned and everyone migrated over.

21239003? ago

Yes. This world is evolving from our current 3rd dimentional conciousness dominated by ego into something more. Almost all the religions point towards some kind of harvest and the splitting of humanity into two separate timespace dimensions (heaven and hell?). My best conclusion is this universe is a training sim where we learn and hopefully mature before we are allowed access to the rest of creation.

21239042? ago

Have you seen 'immortality' by veri doctores on YouTube?...

You might 'get it'...

21239586? ago

I have not but future me has...

21239687? ago

.....well that was short. Content consumed. That Michael video resonated somehow too. Funny they have 11:11 at the center of the video...I see that everywhere for years. Other numbers too...it's nuts.

21238943? ago

Lots of naval and submarine terms.

21239048? ago

List them por favor

21252729? ago

Maybe not a lot of actual terms but the imagery he uses to explain things reminded me of submarine forces. Rig for red and rig for silent are two. Rig for red is used when coming to periscope depth to scope out the target or check for other things in the area. Rig for silent is when you're near potential targets or in enemy waters so they can't hear you. Sound travels easily through water. Dropping a cup or hitting a pipe in a ship can be heard from another vessel listening in the water. The mention of Kappy's Periscope has the word periscope in it, submarines carry Navy seals, BOOM reminds me of boomers which are ballistic missile submarines, the age of Aquarius part reminded me of the missile capabilities of ships being able to strike sea and land.

21253474? ago

Got it. Thanks

21238836? ago

nicely written

21238710? ago

So what now? Are we focusing on the trivial? The politics of the day being a waste of our time? It seems so. How do we prepare?

21242201? ago

Exercise, eat healthy, get rid of addictions

21238689? ago

Exceptional post, Patriot! saved offline

I love it when people find the connections between Q, the Bible and ancient cultures.

On this point:

The focus is on WAITING for the harvest and allowing evil to rise up with the good. I am assuming its to allow the trials good people go through as a way to refine their spirit.

Also we are bringing everyone to awareness so that they can consciously choose between good and evil. People who were abused/demonized, brainwashed by school/tv, or born into some satanic cult are going to get a chance to see that the system is evil, and decide if they will defend it or if they will defect. The wicked meanwhile will become more visible, unable to hide from justice. "At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street."

BTW I don't believe the Ego is such a villain as you say. The Ego can be healthy or unhealthy. We ought to have a healthy Ego if we want to exist. The Ego tells us which mouth to put the food in when there is hunger. It takes ego, really to sign up for any of this work... there is an "I" that feels the need and makes the choice to heal, and to right the wrongs. Ego-annihilation doesn't go well for people, it's a sort of escapism that catches up to people. It is better to build self-love and let the ego come into healthy alignment - it can serve spirit. You can even live powerfully!

Another way to look at it... Think of the yogis who can stand on their heads while taking a nap, or whatever. Wow, such non-ego, very enlightenment. And yet their surroundings are a disgusting shithole. Like, you could pick up some trash for starters, instead of doing that. There's work to do in this physical realm!

21239485? ago

im glad yall are anynomouw at this point you a sound like fucking schitzo fucking retards no womder the jews and mossad and the deep state have no fear if this is the resistence white race is doomed.

21239436? ago

Wow, such non-ego, very enlightenment. And yet their surroundings are a disgusting shithole. Like, you could pick up some trash for starters, instead of doing that. There's work to do in this physical realm!

Funny you should say that. It is actually a nonsequitor. The shitholeness is only a judgment of reality that is eternally perfect and this reveals the undeveloped view. Ultimately there is nothing to do because everything is already perfect.

I don't mean to put you down and there's much truth in your comment, but there's more to discover.

21240054? ago

Like I haven't heard the "it's already perfect" thing before? Gee, thanks for that one.

It looks like God wants us to take care of some business down here, hence Q and the helpers he has sent to guide us. Maybe you don't believe in what we're doing here? Maybe you are not a person that is called to spiritual warfare, or maybe that calling has yet to reach you.

Maybe you think you've "discovered" what is beyond all of this already, but I doubt it... people "bypass", they skip the arduous legwork and go for the top-shelf teachings. It seems to work at first, until reality catches up. Seen it so many times. Yes it's all perfect on some level, that it's necessary for our awakening, I get that.

21242578? ago

I hope everything works out for you. Much Love.

21259786? ago

You too fren. Sorry I got a little bristley at you there - thanks for helping me see some work that is needed around this.

21239180? ago

Great, thought provoking comment.

21238570? ago

Thank you. I feel the shift.

21238482? ago

I don't like all of the Christ consciousness stuff because I don't understand it. Can you explain it to me OP? I know the cabal has perverted religion and changed things around. I am a firm believer in the triune God though. From what I know about Christ consciousness is that it teaches there is no real Jesus. Jesus is very real to me.

21239613? ago

You are correct. Christ consciousness is a new age/luciferian concept. In 1 John 4:3 it says that every spirit that denies that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is the spirit of the antichrist. The whole point of Christ is that he was God in the flesh, and was a pure and perfect sacrifice for our sins; that only He Himself is worthy to break the bondage and curse of sin. Therefore, our faith in Him, along with repentance and accepting His ways over our own (we die with Christ -to our flesh, and are raised with Him into a newness of life) is the only true way to redemption and restoration with our creator. We are not God and we can not come to a "Christ consciousness" or state of one with God on our own will, it is only in Christ and Christ alone. Also,quetzalcoatl- the feathered serpent is the equivalent of satan, the "light bearer" the bringer of false light who was identified as Venus, the morning star, as was lucifer.

21240661? ago

"This is a bright new Age, the Age of Enlightenment. " --Q+

Deal wiht it!

21243093? ago

That literally proves nothing. You have added absolutely nothing of value to the conversation. Nice try though, I appreciate it.

21243594? ago

Not trying to prove anything. Just a clue for you as to what's going on. Enjoy the unfoldening my friend.

21238898? ago

I used to think anyone who says "Christ consciousness" was an airy-fairy brainlet, and frankly, almost all of them are. They know nothing about ethics and they think of Christ as some totally "accepting" carefree hippy-type who would have been cool with whatever sloth or degeneracy they are into - essentially another satanic inversion. Of course that's not how it is.

Those people are "poisoning the well" ... it's a red herring that makes it hard for smart people to move into the archetypal/allegorical mind - this is part of what Q is teaching us.

But. There is something to this Christ concsiousness if you can work with it correctly. OP is using the term in a legitimate way.

It is about moving past the idea of Christ as an external savior that we are supposed to pray for and wait on. And rather, as we heal ourselves and learn to love, that we actually come into His likeness. It's not that Jesus isn't real, it's that he isn't separate from you.

You might like the book "Resurrecting Jesus" by Adyashanti. The story of Christ is really a metaphor for your personal awakening!

John 13:34 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

John 14:12 "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

21241332? ago

Thank you for this

21240846? ago

Very well said. That’s a useful expansion on the OP

21238776? ago

Read the Secret of the Flower of Life books.

21238473? ago

Thank you for helping me expand my thinking.

21240617? ago

Mexico Freemason mumbo jumbo, they connect to illegal trafficking. Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the "Q", is a Masonic invitational body, weird Day of Dead obsession and connect to the Dallas structure. Another Saturn cult and symbols all across hollyweird, Famous persons and List of Celebrities & Politicians

21238463? ago

That last paragraph is what I've always believed. Great write up, anon.

21238372? ago

ha ha ha U funny

21238304? ago

Nicely put together. I enjoyed reading that.

21238999? ago

Q'uetzecoatl, a Masonic order of Freemasonry mostly perverts in a Mexico pan Latin America lodge ... 'Order of the Q'

21239989? ago


Masons are perverts, digits confirm!

21239576? ago

Op misrepresented the order of the Castles in his link.

"One Tzolkin cycle of 260 days is divided in five castles, always following the same sequence: Red, White, Blue, Yellow, and Green." Then tells us, "You see, the spirit can be water to those who are in tune with source, refreshing, chakras aligning like antennae in tune with 'above' (as above so below) Macro of the micro..."

As above so below is a Satanic belief that is so commonly referenced in their "church" that JayZ has it on a shirt he was wearing for a photo op.

So fuck this Satanic piece of shit who is trying to warp biblical teachings into leading everyone into a Satanic frame of thought.

21241384? ago

As above so below is a Satanic belief

Haha, seriously? U need to expand your thinking. Start with Lords Prayer

On Earth, as it is in Heaven

What do you think Jesus meant by this?

21243424? ago

Obeying God's will on earth as it is in heaven isn't anything like the Lucifarian belief that man is God's counterpart and equal with power that can be tapped through the use of magic.

Go away with your evil, the devil won't be teaching me any false lessons through you today.

21240117? ago

As above so below is a Satanic belief

Nah, it's just the way things are. Some principles are neutral, can be used for good or evil. Your enemy knows how to work with these principles, but you don't. You are defenseless against their schemes if you deny how things are.

21238643? ago

OP: so creative, you pulled yourself out of your own asshole.

21238828? ago

With a back pack on.

21238326? ago

Thank you patriot!

21238137? ago

All religions that seek the Light reverberate the same tones. Our vibrations are higher and higher as we reach the Light.

21239357? ago

Pretty sure that's called schizophrenia.

21238768? ago

Who's the light bringer?

21239408? ago

lucifer. pretty sure this is all devil mumbo jumbo.

21238926? ago

In Truth, or in the satanic inversion matrix?

21239041? ago

Either. It was just a thought that came to me

21239160? ago

Lucifer literally means "light bringer" in Latin. But this is a trick, it is a false light.

21239187? ago

But when people tell you how to find the light, I suspect that's what they're talking about, oftentimes.

21239419? ago

certainly was the case for carol-anne. in real life and in the movies. poor little girl. the justice that's coming.....hooboy. one would almost feel sorry for these bastard. almost.

21239222? ago

Often so. But you have a guide within you that is waking up.

21238333? ago

"Light bodies"

Jesus "Transfiguration"

Daniel "those that are wise will shine like the sun, even like the stars for ever and ever"

Paul "in a flash, in the blink of an eye, we will all change"