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21247390? ago

Oh wonderful. More posts that make QRV subscribers look batshit insane.

Exhibit a:

21247565? ago

Look another AI shillbot. Nothing but a deep learning machine that has no soul.

We have opened our eyes bot. We no longer care about your opinions regarding anything.

Leave. You stink.

21247684? ago

I suppose you’re the same nut job who posted the other article, too. I’m not an AI bot because an AI bot wouldn’t call you a nigger, nigger. You need to stop larping as serialbrainless. It’s getting old.

Btw, I’ll post my username if you’ll post yours. I’m not afraid to prove I’m not a bot. And that I’m a q follower.

21250677? ago

You're fighting the Luciferian Cabal and you don't even know the basis of their belief system? Do some digging. You're making us look stupid.