21251101? ago

1 John 3:12, ESV: "We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother's righteous." 1 John 3:12, KJV: "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother.

21248902? ago

Magellan meets the giants in the new world. http://www.reformation.org/magellan-meets-giants.html

21247390? ago

Oh wonderful. More posts that make QRV subscribers look batshit insane.

Exhibit a: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3504907/21239046

21247565? ago

Look another AI shillbot. Nothing but a deep learning machine that has no soul.

We have opened our eyes bot. We no longer care about your opinions regarding anything.

Leave. You stink.

21247684? ago

I suppose you’re the same nut job who posted the other article, too. I’m not an AI bot because an AI bot wouldn’t call you a nigger, nigger. You need to stop larping as serialbrainless. It’s getting old.

Btw, I’ll post my username if you’ll post yours. I’m not afraid to prove I’m not a bot. And that I’m a q follower.

21250677? ago

You're fighting the Luciferian Cabal and you don't even know the basis of their belief system? Do some digging. You're making us look stupid.

21247014? ago

How does a human woman have a giant baby? Are the giants tiny at birth? Or is their birth more like the Alien movies? Also, if there was a worldwide flood, it seems like giants would be more likely to survive, relative to nongiants. Whatever, to each his own, but don't be surprised if you get labeled giantfags. Peace.

21247355? ago

They start as normal sized children. Their growth is phenomenal. Ended up eating men...sound familiar?

Oh they are no friend of man. The watcher's are still alive and here on earth.

21246667? ago

What about this document?

Emerald Tablets of Thoth


Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic.

Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten.

Long ago in the days of the first man,

warfare began between darkness and light.

Men then as now,

were filled with both darkness and light;

and while in some darkness held sway,

in other light filled the soul.

Aye, age old in this warfare,

the eternal struggle between darkness and light.

Fiercely is it fought all through the ages,

using strange powers hidden to man.


"In this sign thou shalt conquer".

21247519? ago

We know nothing of the real truth of our beginnings. We know nothing of the powers granted to us by God once united.

It's time we start learning our place among the stars, and that can only be accomplished by freeing ones mind from bondage of modern day trappings.

All of us must draw on the knowledge that has been kept hidden from us, we carry it in our DNA. Darkness is now understanding just how powerful the light is in all of us.

Everything was created to distract us from talking to our creator, breaking the bond of Father/son, Mother/daughter. Breaking the communication with our Creator was thier main goal. Breaking down society was their ultimate goal.

The Creator has had enough of this I believe. Big changes are coming our way patriot.

Thanks for being here with me.

21249866? ago

Yes, thanks for your post and reply.

The Creator is in control, so I'm not anxious. I have been touched by the Divine and my life was teansformed.

Before I leave this dimension I may explain the Language of the Divine but for now J will wait upon the יהוה

21246099? ago

What's your point? Are these guys supposed to be the Planet X aliens?

21245831? ago

300 cubits = 500 feet

If the average male is 5’ 9”, and his penis is 5.2” (shockingly small compared to mine), then these giants had a 37.6” penis on average?

So basically you’re telling me, the book of Enoch is about big dicks. Considering Michael Obama has a big dick, you’ve made a stunning correlation!

21248281? ago

Wow even the .6 is impressive to me

21246825? ago

That is quite possibly the best line of thinking ever to be scribed on the world wide web.


The internet can now be closed, nothing will top that.

21246408? ago

You seem excited about this topic

21245417? ago

Eve was beguiled in the garden by the serpent.

Satan slept with Eve and Eve had their child, Cain.

We don't say his name because McCain means "the son of Cain"

21246641? ago

"For in the very instant of his glory, the serpent came and found Eve alone, and seduced her." The Protevangelion, 10:5 (author said to be James, Jesus' brother)

"The devil is the evil spirit of the lower places, as a fugitive he made Sotona from the heavens as his name was Satanail, thus he became different from the angels, but his nature did not change his intellignece as far as his understanding of righteous and sinful things. And he understood his condemnation and the sin which he had sinned before, therefore he conceived thought against Adam, in such form he entered and seduced Eva, but did not touch Adam." Secrets of Enoch, 31:4-5

The Original Sin


Who is Cain's Father?


21246083? ago

And this is why the Luciferians favor the descendants of Cain and the Christians favor the descendants of Abel.

"And I will put enmity

between you and the woman,

and between your offspring[a] and hers;

he will crush[b] your head,

and you will strike his heel.”

Genesis 3:15

For some reason, this whole history has been kept secret with only a few select groups of people knowing about it.

21245847? ago

Sauce or STFU. Where is it told that Eve had Satan’s baby?

21246060? ago

2 Corinthians 11:3

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

21246181? ago

What is that! That’s not any version of the Bible I’ve ever seen.

“But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭11:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


All that verse is saying is that Eve was tricked by Satan to eat the fruit. Not that she had sex with him.

Here is an article to help you with your serpent and the seed doctrine. That doctrine is not from God and therefore would be from Satan himself. So be careful about the teachings you follow.

21246455? ago

Funny how you left out the KJV version... check out what eve says in gen3:13 in kjv

21248006? ago

Oh ye of sad single version dependency. Let me recommend to you that if you’re argument for KJV is that it’s more accurate, that would be incorrect. The beauty of the Bible these days is that it is translated many times and with one click you can compare.

Here is the comparison:


Genesis 3:13 tells a story of Eve explaining she was tricked. Not fucked by or had intercourse with or got down with Satan. Big difference.

Much like Satan worshipers who go around masquerading as Christians under the veil of Seventh day Adventist’s, you appear to cling to poor interpretation which leads down the wrong path.

The word you’re clinging to, it means tricked basically:


If you think beguiled means fucked, then I guess we won’t be able to agree on that word either. Haha.

21250614? ago

Much like Satan worshipers who go around masquerading as Christians under the veil of Seventh day Adventists...

That's a new one on me. Proof?

21246214? ago

(((They))) believe it, that's what matters.

21245663? ago

The world is gaining this knowledge...what I am experiencing personally, watching the world see what I see is flat out the most awesome thing ever.

Really I hope you can see Half of what I see.

21245458? ago

You just fucking said it!

21245377? ago

this is really interesting, but I'm not well-versed in Enoch, can you give a quick explanation? are there 'giants' that we are 'feeding'?

21245511? ago

The got wiped out in the flood.

21245473? ago

There were, with two rows of teeth. They were killed off.

21245562? ago

Supposedly there are some of those giants in stasis, like a null-time field in which they slumber.

21245615? ago

thanks, that must be what OP was getting at...

21245650? ago

Yes, many believe the giants that are Nephilim offspring are in stasis chambers in Antarctica. Check out Corey Goode and David Wilcock's info if you want to know more. It has even been said that some of them are now "waking up".

21245701? ago

thanks for the reply, I will definitely look into CG/DW and the nephilim.