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21241722? ago

Our is it waking up out of the matrix?

Our true selves waking, this illusion going away.


21242112? ago

Why that date?

21242358? ago

7 years post 12/21/2012, and 2 years post 12/21/2017.

Significant things happened on those dates.

21242451? ago

The problem with this is the 12-21-12 date. In the voat post it’s stated as the date that the great awakening started but that’s it, only this statement with no sauce or anything else to elaborate or substantiate it. I get the 12-21-17, the corruption EO but nothing in the other date. The last cycle on the Mayan calendar ended that date.

21242728? ago

12/21/12 was the return of 'Q' aka Quetzecoatl, the feathered rainbow serpent. Look into the things brought up in that thread.

Snow white and the 7 dwarfs is not what we think either, its about pure white light refracting into the 7 color spectrum we live in, the 3d holographic realm.

Our pure self is snow white. By destroying the 7 dwarfs (our divided self) we have no choice but to return to our original state of pure white light.

Hence, in the Bible 'the wise will shine like the sun' and Jesus transfiguration.

We must return to the CENTER... the Emerald City