SearchVoatBot ago

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Rezlung ago

You’re a fucking pathetic retard for even taking the time to look this horseshit up, let alone making a post about it. The only reason I’m bothering to respond is because I hope you fucking kill yourself and make the world a little less stupid.

LongyyBearr ago

what The fuck are you going on about?

VicariousJambi ago

If you want an actual answer instead of these people replying about the obvious retards buying crystals you can look into the Law of One. It's all free, no buying anything. At least I haven't yet.

Yeah it's some new age stuff, but once you get past the weird "sci fi" shit it actually gets pretty philosophical.

A short background summary that I can give, probably not 100% correct. Basically a "research group" does a ritual, puts one person (referred to as "the instrument") in a trance and then a "higher density" (Higher plane of existence) being known as Ra, the same Ra that contacted the Egyptians, speaks through the instrument. Ra prefers the sessions to be a Q n A, so basically the questioner just asks Ra questions. At first hes a fucking retard about stuff, but eventually starts to ask some good philosophical questions about the universe. A few sessions he apologizes in the beginning for asking stupid questions even.

The "raising your vibrations" refers to the 2 paths. The Service to Self and the Service to others path. The more you follow one path the more you raise your vibration. Service to Self path is how narcissistic / unempathetic you can be. You only serve yourself as much as possible above all. Sine all is one, you are all, and the more you focus on yourself, the more you focus on all. The service to others path is the one people are referring to when they say to raise you vibration. How much you can help others / the world at large. I would like to note that some people might wrongly think that service to others means enslaving yourself to others. While that might be true in part, a greater service to others wouldn't be being a fucking cuck. It'd be raising children, defending your nation and whats right.

Real or not, it's helped me think about my place in the universe, what I want to do with my life, how a lot of thing in the universe operate, why things are the way they are, etc.

Ra quotes

"The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.”"

“I am Ra. The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.”

Links - Very short Synopsis of The Law of One - Introduction to the material - First session Link A Text To Speech Program Audio reading of all sessions (mostly what I used) - Dialogue with "Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider (I suggest reading this after you get some base knowledge, its easier to see the connections) A Book by the "Instrument"

If you poke around the llresearch site you can find pretty much all of their released books for free on there. At least that I've seen!

SearchVoatBot ago

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physicscat ago

Sounds a lot like the tenets of Buddhism and Christianity. Doing things for others to gain happiness.

Ocelot ago

Sounds ridiculous, and especially more so when you try to harmonize it with nationalism. No matter how you look at it, nationalism sets a nation apart from the rest of the humanoid world. "All is one" mindsets only engender nigger-loving and egalitarianism. You can acrobat your way about and use this Law of One hogwash to justify nationalism, but such philosophies will only lead to anti-nationalism if brought into the light of the majority.

VicariousJambi ago

If not taught properly, much like how Christianity has been lately, I would agree with you that people would misinterpret it as nigger loving.

In the frame of the service to others path - Giving everything to niggers doesn't serve them any good. An example I think might be a good one would be wanting your children to succeed in life. Any good parent knows that doesn't include just handing everything to them. They never learn anything that way. Life is a journey that they need to choose to experience for themselves with their free will. They need to learn how to adapt, evolve, and better themselves instead of being.... fucking niggers.

sirRantsalot ago

Lucefarian mumbo jumbo bullshit. Fuck off

VicariousJambi ago

Why do you think it's Lucefarian?

sirRantsalot ago

Because we wuz kangs

sirRantsalot ago

History is all fucked up. There's always only been one God.

VicariousJambi ago

History is all fucked up.

I'd agree with that 100% The law of one does point this out as well.

There's always only been one God.

And if we're talking about the Law of One, thats still correct. All is one. The higher up you "raise your vibration", the more you follow the service to others path, the more you follow the teachings of Jesus, the closer you are to God, the closer you are to oneness.

sirRantsalot ago

Sure! Something like that.

VicariousJambi ago

Well ok then.

anamazonslittle ago

That's a very well thought out answer. Thank you.

VicariousJambi ago

You're welcome! Let me know if you'd like to know anything else about it.

Nosense ago

Its butt stuff. They need to know how many rpms your butt stuff is set to.

shmuklidooha ago

It's just another word for 'aura', 'frequency' or 'chi'. Just bullshit new age stuff.

madhatter67 ago

well, frequency is an easily defined scientific concept, not exactly new age

chi and aura are terms used for the elctromagnetic field we, and all life generates

of course, most people who talk about that sort of shit are clueless hippies. But it doesn't mean there isn't some truth in there

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

They're buzzwords slapped onto scientific words so normies can understand them in a very minimal fashion


Oh No! It's all very true and real! And for the low low price of only $19.99 + shipping and handling costs I will send you my Fabulous New, "Guide to unlocking the Full Potential that is Inside You", Right to your Door! Hurry and order Now before supplies run out!

Ocelot ago

I'd do that but it'd cut into my money I send to charities for Africa and Israel.


Hahaha! Good answer!

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

Just some new-age woo. It's the current buzzword meaning "buy my [book/seminar/crystal/ect.] and feel temporarily better about yourself".

acheron2012 ago

I am happily ignorant of this particular sham.

My guess would be some crystal Mumbo Jumbo that “is different this time” because of the equally Mumbo Jumbo-y String Theory. Which in itself set physics back 50 years.

OH! And let’s have a Beach Boys tie in. Because who doesn’t love classic rock, right?