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VicariousJambi ago

Law of One?

Wazhappenin1 ago

What is that law of 1?

VicariousJambi ago

Here's a comment I made about it when someone asked about why people are all about "raising their vibrations" lately.

Corpse_washer ago

Sounds like eleatics with new age icing.

maurice1 ago

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

As with everything, it is dualistic. I like your comment on that thread. It does explain the concept in a simple way.

VicariousJambi ago

I usually have no idea what to say when someone asks me "what is the Law of One" ? It's kind of hard to explain with just that question since it attempts to explain how the universe works and how everything relates to everything else (since we're all one).

I really only specifically went over the ritual / research group background and the question about vibrations, which I could have gone more in depth with by relating it to other things like evolution, love, light, the creation of the universe, why we're here, etc.

maurice1 ago

If your will is that of self, self serving narcissism is the outcome.

If your will is service to a better understanding, you will tend to find those in need, even when you are not seeking them out, actively. I know this ripple effect, very well.

Wazhappenin1 ago

What I meant to say is it looks like a deep comment and I need to spend more time reading it that I can this moment

VicariousJambi ago

It's definitely a lot to take in, there's no real short summary to it. As I always say I'll take any questions about it, but I do think it's better to just go over it yourself.

When I first started getting into the Law of One I decided to follow the groups journey myself instead of going after any of the supplemental material. I mostly listened to the youtube playlist robot voice. I had to go over the first 30 sessions what must have been a dozen times before I started to understand all of the verbiage.

Take your time, no rush. I appreciate your comment.

And to respond to your other one in more detail I would say that I'd like a more enlightened conversation here as well. Too many here seem short tempered and willing to throw their morals out of the window just because of specific groups have historically been bad. Morals should be able to be applied universally to every one and every thing.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I will but it's wicked long and lots of links I can't do it now because I'm supposed to be working I just finished lunch. But yeah I'm super glad that I've made your online acquaintance because my goal on vote is to move away from the echo chamber and discuss things that mean something to me and it makes me feel good to know other people have similar greater and lesser thoughts about the matter of life in this crazy world we live in as the world awakens to a new reality where centralized systems of governing perhaps have run its course. In fact I was talking to @maurice1 about this the other day and I would like to see what we can do to engage in discussions which are productive helpful pragmatic and enlightening without the need to get influenced by the security state. Remember we're just a bunch of wingnuts and that's fine with me because almost everyone I've met face-to-face agrees more or less with my Outlook or they are surprisingly curious to learn more.