VicariousJambi ago

Law of One?

Wazhappenin1 ago

What is that law of 1?

VicariousJambi ago

Here's a comment I made about it when someone asked about why people are all about "raising their vibrations" lately.

Corpse_washer ago

Sounds like eleatics with new age icing.

maurice1 ago

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

As with everything, it is dualistic. I like your comment on that thread. It does explain the concept in a simple way.

VicariousJambi ago

I usually have no idea what to say when someone asks me "what is the Law of One" ? It's kind of hard to explain with just that question since it attempts to explain how the universe works and how everything relates to everything else (since we're all one).

I really only specifically went over the ritual / research group background and the question about vibrations, which I could have gone more in depth with by relating it to other things like evolution, love, light, the creation of the universe, why we're here, etc.

maurice1 ago

If your will is that of self, self serving narcissism is the outcome.

If your will is service to a better understanding, you will tend to find those in need, even when you are not seeking them out, actively. I know this ripple effect, very well.

Wazhappenin1 ago

What I meant to say is it looks like a deep comment and I need to spend more time reading it that I can this moment

VicariousJambi ago

It's definitely a lot to take in, there's no real short summary to it. As I always say I'll take any questions about it, but I do think it's better to just go over it yourself.

When I first started getting into the Law of One I decided to follow the groups journey myself instead of going after any of the supplemental material. I mostly listened to the youtube playlist robot voice. I had to go over the first 30 sessions what must have been a dozen times before I started to understand all of the verbiage.

Take your time, no rush. I appreciate your comment.

And to respond to your other one in more detail I would say that I'd like a more enlightened conversation here as well. Too many here seem short tempered and willing to throw their morals out of the window just because of specific groups have historically been bad. Morals should be able to be applied universally to every one and every thing.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I will but it's wicked long and lots of links I can't do it now because I'm supposed to be working I just finished lunch. But yeah I'm super glad that I've made your online acquaintance because my goal on vote is to move away from the echo chamber and discuss things that mean something to me and it makes me feel good to know other people have similar greater and lesser thoughts about the matter of life in this crazy world we live in as the world awakens to a new reality where centralized systems of governing perhaps have run its course. In fact I was talking to @maurice1 about this the other day and I would like to see what we can do to engage in discussions which are productive helpful pragmatic and enlightening without the need to get influenced by the security state. Remember we're just a bunch of wingnuts and that's fine with me because almost everyone I've met face-to-face agrees more or less with my Outlook or they are surprisingly curious to learn more.

pushthis ago

The purpose of faith is that, no assertion of will can be made without it.

To move a mountain is possible, at least a huge peice of it. Only with faith in his self, is the doer ever to accomplish the task. Its a lofty statement to move a mountain but at least in todays world it isnt unreal.

The buddha was definatly trying to tell people somthing really usefull and self verifiable. One thing depends on another often. When one thing is explained by the buddha, the listener can search for proof for themself and the amount of faith required is very small, guess like a mustard seed. Like, ''unskillfull effect comes from an unskillfull cause. while the unbinding of all dukkha(stress)(skillfull effect) is caused by the noble eight-fold path. (Its worth mentioning, Right View, is stated as these four noble truths. And the 4th noble truth, can be described as the 8 fold path. Right view, is... Special.)

I gotta eat rnow

Wazhappenin1 ago

Whatever we do we must as men do it with intent not like a robot but with intent intention can be spiritual and can lead to greater things then just doing something. Plus even if it leads to nothing it like two something like getting home safely after driving through a rainstorm that basically grinds traffic to a halt things like that. The pragmatism that my spirituality which I have developed over the last 7/8 months has shown me so much and I look forward to my future path. Enjoy your food

pushthis ago

So you are trying to figure the universe out on your own or do you reach out reference materials?

Wazhappenin1 ago

The only reference materials I look for right now AR what the opinions of the goats are. My background of philosophy and religion and science that I caught in University and my world travels not to mention me speaking with thousands of people over the last 30 years plus. I can't even begin to tell you how many people I spoke with as a Jehovah's Witness full time knocking on doors speaking with people I was a great conversationalist not a great proselytizer. I enjoy hearing other people's viewpoints and I got to know them as friends and many of them I still have his friends even though I've been kicked out of the org. Thank God.

pushthis ago

blumen4alles ago

Don't let the doubters bring you down. There is truth to your statement/question. All is mind. Physical is an illusion. It is just consciousness slowed down, way way down.

There is also great wisdom in "Don’t try to change the world; just change yourself."

Have you ever experienced extended synchronicity? It is a sign you are going with the flow.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Absolutely. This is sort of why I posted this idea just to see and hear comments like this. Thank you for your Insight. I think some of the secret knowledge the elite possess is stuff like this. The Cult of Isis which moves into Freemasonry and other secret societies try to protect this knowledge from the ignorant masses. Have you ever looked into Pythagoras?

blumen4alles ago

Haven't looked into Pythagoras specifically, but I will do some reading and see what jumps out.

Your comment made me think of the quote:

Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do. (J.P. Morgan)

Just planning according to the moon cycle benefits you. Starting new projects with the new moon. Aiming to finish a project up on the full moon. You can go deeper into astrology, like paying attention to when Mercury goes into retrograde.

Going back to your original post, even considering the impact prayer has on people fits in with your idea.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I'm totally going to do what you suggested see if it works for me. Awesome idea. I don't care how something like that works I just want to know if it does.

Wazhappenin1 ago

That's interesting because last night on Renegade Tribune it was a great article about Saturn. And it had an astrological bent. Take a look at it the comments are even more interesting I would be very very interested your opinion. As I know absolutely nothing about astrology other than you know regular stuff.

maurice1 ago

And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Beautiful. Thus careful what we think because it may be manifested. Like how fear can cause you to slip.

maurice1 ago

The beauty of words like these is, they can mean so many different things.

You mention particles and simulation theory.

How can someone know they will be with you until the end of time? I highly doubt the man had a clue of particle physics or anything close to simulation theory.

But think of this, all particles are related due to the nature of the big bang. Henceforth, "I am with you always, yes, to the end of time."

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Again, I highly doubt this man had any clue of such matters as quantum theory. Again though............we know our reality appears to be a reflection of what we think. Part of simulation theory.

Buddha and Christ Buddha were great men. Very wise in their times and still so in ours.

maurice1 ago

For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

More subjective proof of him trying to explain the fourth dimension.

maurice1 ago

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Even the lord your god. This concept is the foundation of understanding simulation theory.

Some ideologies, prescribe we are "god". All of that aside...........

To love your neighbor as yourself. He is attempting to explain part of simulation theory, or could be said he is..............everyone is the same, ego is what separates us. From the fourth dimensional aspect, we are one combined consciousness. You living your life from your perspective. Me from mine. From the fourth dimension, we would be living both lives, simultaneously.

You are yourself and your neighbor and at the same time, you are every living creature. You are even "the father".

Ego misguides this concept. Our words are only as good as our understandings of the definitions of words.

And again, we can read much into little. The beauty of experiencing reality from individual perspectives.

maurice1 ago

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Again......looking to simulation theory. Think it, to actualize it, in short.

I know you see the parallels. The knowledge isn't hidden. It is everywhere for everyone. Learn it, live it, or don't.

The beauty of it is your choice.

Dogma, rhetoric, traditions, etc...........all cloud the knowledge and seek to control others with it, in the here and now.

"Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall be answered."

maurice1 ago

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Virtually all philosophies speak of ways to live righteously. Even new age ideologies speak of how to "raise your vibration".

"Let you light shine before others".

Glorifying you in heaven? Perhaps a reference to the fourth dimension? The place where in theory all consciousness is combined. The place of no space or time.

We can read much into little. Can't we?

Does this negate the wisdom? Not to me. The wisdom of these men and many other teachers has guided me.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I bet this might have influence Pink Floyd this light of thought. Think Dark Side of the Moon

maurice1 ago

Always keep in mind...........each path, each subjective. All written material on any aspect of this, any source material. Any view points, any opinions..........all subjective. In the end of it is a journey for you to take alone.

You will meet many others. Most with similar views.

The "right way". The "correct way". Etc. all opinions of others. That does not negate the importance. But it does point out, there is no single method. No cookie cutter approach.

Only guides with various opinions based on their understandings and experiences. All subjective.

At the end of the day, it is looking within yourself. There you will find the answers.

Wazhappenin1 ago

We live with life's goal as a purpose and end in itself. Who knows what happens next. But never let it be said that we fail to live each day to the fullest to our abilities and never close the door 2 opportunities.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I like to think about it as Gathering things into our basket of knowledge that works for us. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work for others vice versa

Wazhappenin1 ago

I can't agree more. Because in the end it's all about what we did is individuals not what others did. We can't blame we can't cast justifications we can only live and die based upon the choices we make. Now of course this does not include innocent children. But for grown adults it's All About Us. And some people's paths join ours 4 a Time sometimes longer! Regardless we pick up and drop along the way Notions we thought were true we found out to be false and falsehoods we found out to be true all tested against the background of our brains neuron Network.

maurice1 ago

There is virtually no one in 2k years, uninfluenced by all of this. We could even argue the time-frame due to the general knowledge being older than this particular messenger.

XSS1337 ago

The only illusion recognizing Israel as a state and Jews as people.

Burn the Balfour Declaration

Wazhappenin1 ago

That's one way of looking at it. But there's another way it has been expressed before.

Do you and I really care what goes on in the Middle East? I don't however there's a precedent that has been set. Ethnostate. Religious and racial. Now what's a better way to look at the Middle East problem trying to solve the intractable? Killing all the Jews which some recommend to their own demise. Or continually remind the white people and people interested in ethnostate creation that Israel is a model.

All ethno States will be Savage at some point. If Israel did it why can't we?

XSS1337 ago

Trade is important. That is the only reason I care about the ME.

I often plot to get every Jew back to Israel and cause a massive collapse and take us back to 1901 when 600k Jews magically started roaming around Europe looking for a handout from stable nations that could not bare them without collapse themselves. Now many say that was the tactic for the Jews to establish a state within a state aka a parasite state to bleed the host nation to collapse. ............ Now imagine that in Israel .... a parasite feeding off itself to its own destruction...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Do you and I really care what goes on in the Middle East?

You keep outing yourself, israeli kike. American taxpayers own israel. Yes, we care what goes on. We care that IDF murder little babies and women in Palestine. How do you feel about israel's illegal nuclear weapons?

Wazhappenin1 ago

Oh please stop virtue signaling you sound like a bleeding heart liberal. For you to pretend that you care about little babies a woman please God be honest with yourself. I have no feelings about Israel's illegal nuclear weapons at all. I don't give a flip about the Middle East. I don't know or care about anyone there any more than I care about anywhere else other than my family friends good food my job Etc. Holy Saints care about other people that are not related to them. I do of course have great Affinity to the great European culture and music art and literature because it's the best. Not a single culture can top Opera classical music architecture weaponry philosophy literature and attempts at governing the masses. So instead of worrying about other cultures and other people's I interned use that energy and time to learn and enjoy mine.

Care about women and children God that's funny. Are you a Christian you go to church? A moralistic standpoint in life it's not the one I take. Prescribed morals written by men with an intent and purpose to influence others is weak. Read Nietzsche. Or have you already?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Oh please stop virtue signaling you sound like a bleeding heart liberal

Jewish talking points

For you to pretend that you care about little babies a woman please

I do care when israeli jew demons funnel billions of American taxpayer money yearly. That means the American people pay for israeli terrorists to murder women and children in cold blood all while wearing diapers.

I have no feelings about Israel's illegal nuclear weapons at all. I don't give a flip about the Middle East


Holy Saints care about other people that are not related to them

You sound just like a jew.

So instead of worrying about other cultures and other people's I interned use that energy and time to learn and enjoy mine.

oy vey look the other way, goys

Care about women and children God that's funny. Are you a Christian you go to church?

The jew is dripping from your posts, rabbi

Read Nietzsche.

Read Talmudic quotes.

Paranoiaattack ago

I think there is something to be said for collective conscious and meme magic.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Agree and perhaps something like the sort is happening worldwide like a revelation of sorts. I know I feel more awake and enlightened that I've ever felt before

Corpse_washer ago

Its a really wrong direction, buddhism, in my opinion.

Doglegwarrior ago

It might be wrong but buddism is about 1 million times more peacefull then christianity. Look at the wars the murder the rape majority christian countries if not majority they are thousand times more violent then buddist countries.

Corpse_washer ago

Who cares about violence. Look up what they do to their dead. I talk about their techings. They dont believe in the individual. Everything you see is made by the individual. All that peace and loving, its christianity on steroids tailored for the asian mind. Nothing lasts etc... it is a terrible direction to go in my opinion.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Civilization is Conquest. And Conquest is always violent

Morbo ago

One thing for sure is that whatever you have been smoking is 100% real. Lay off the drugs, man.

Wazhappenin1 ago

😇👍 life is what you make it.