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I know it's really the anti-white-male agenda, but for what it's worth I've always tended to choose female characters in video games simply because I know I'm going to be looking at them for a long time so they might as well be pretty.
Black guy here. I've noticed this for the last 8 years or so. And its always the same bitch character too. You can take any female lead in any genre its quite literally cookie cutter. The irony of all of it is you have to be anti-female sociopath (i think they call them feminists) to enjoy this shit or a lesbian. Real women can't relate to any of this shit.
I saw Temple of Doom a little while ago, hadn't seen it in years. Amazing movie. It was also amazing to see a female character act and behave exactly how a real woman would if they were trying to escape from being sacrificed. And honestly, her fear actually made the movie feel more real, like you as an audience member also get anxious because you don't want to see any harm come to her.
Honestly, when I see women in movies manhandling guys who easily have 100 pounds on them I feel nothing for them.
That being said, an attack on white men is an attack on all men. It's a war against masculinity, and (((they))) know you're the only real threat. That's why you see all this interracial bullshit, or propaganda to get you to not reproduce. (((They))) need you to exist in small numbers so they can always scapegoat white folks for (((their))) sins.
They are getting rid of the white race. Best way is to remove them from everything. All mentions in all media unless it's bad. Replace at their jobs with H1B indians. They know women follow money, status and security so they are removing white men's ability to earn good money. Hence the decades long program of moving factories over seas and now the tech jobs are going to foreigners. So much for 'Learn to code'
Yes this is how propaganda works. And yes, making girly men and manly girls is part of the destructive plan. Same with transgenital mutilation, gays in every show, even how people in shows start every relationship with spontaneous sex. It’s called Destroying The American Family 101.
The purpose is to make women believe they can achieve greatness without a man. This is to degrade the moral fabric of society, family. It is to make people believe their foundation is government, not their family and God. It is proven that married women are happier than single women. Ask any woman with single friends. All my single girl pals are all "successful" but miserably lonely.
One Straight Out Of The Marxist C☭mmie Play Book. Devide by Race, Devide By Class, Devide By Sexual Orientation, Opress Freedoms Of Speech, Devide By Religious Ideology. After Everyone Is Eliminated by Opression Move Others To Re-Education Camps.
Now The Socialists Will Remove Anything & Everything That Made You A Nation. Now You're A Conquered Memory That Will Be Removed By Force If You Speak Of It.
Those movies are all shit. The opposite might be intended?
Need to hear a female opinion on these recent female supremacist movies. I'm guessing a normal woman (tattooless debtfree virgin) won't like the storyline nor acting of these movies.
Don't forget dosing the crap out of boys in the school system. Every time a boy acts like a boy they put them on mind altering drugs until they fade into the background.
This actually started with the Beatles. People didn't realize they were creating effeminate role models with the long hair. It was a "rebel" thing instead. But if you listen to the words of many of the Beatles songs, you'll realize they are Bolsheviks and Globalists. Then we saw the 60's and 70's. Suddenly men were wearing these ridiculous one piece lounge suits or multi-colored things - It was bizarre then and looking back, I don't know why men bought into it. They had guys in super high heel shoes, too. The movement towards emasculation was slow and steady. Drip Drip Drip. Incrementalism is a dangerous thing.
Now here we are in 2019. Look at trends which an analytical eye. Manscaping -- you guys are all supposed to get rid of all that hair. Women are too, but that's to make us all look like prepubescent girls to fulfill the elite's pedo fantasies. And anal sex... shit, (no pun intended) we never even talked about that in the 70's. I'm sure it was going on in a subset of the culture. But it wasn't an automatic thing or supposedly pushed by females. Think about how that plays out... women don't get pregnant (fulfilling the population goals...) and women don't really feel a lot of pleasure. Sorry guys, most of the women who say they love it are lying. Granted, we're all different, but it really hurts and there's no prostate gland in there to make it feel better.
Which brings me to the increase in homosexuality and the messages to try that. There have always been gay people. I don't have a problem with that. If it's really who you are, (and there is some possibility of extra chromosomes) then good for you. Live your life how you want. But the increase in the number of gay people is an anomaly. Throughout history the numbers stayed around 2% of the population, even in countries where it was no big deal. Now we're seeing an increase because again, it lowers population, and it emasculates males. Whichever one is the "bottom" is relegated to the feminine role. It also interferes with formation of traditional families. So [they] are hitting it out of the park with the whole disruptive LGBTQRMNOPYZ movement. All part of the agenda. We can't stay free if our strong men have been turned into whiny little girls. And no matter how strong these fake men are that populate hollywood, they're no match for the Genghis Khan type hordes that will pour across all our borders if given the chance.
Sorry for the rant. As a female, this just pisses me the hell off. Pedowood needs to leave our masculine men the fuck alone. Give me a man with lots of hair everywhere, a safe full of guns, and enough testosterone to take on the bullshit. I'll be by his side, but I sure as hell don't want to be in front of him leading the charge.
You make a lot of sense, coming from a long-haired guy who shaves twice a week (before Bible study ie: about 2 hrs ago) and Sunday before church. That's it. Safe full of guns, ammo, and you forgot the SILVER for hard times, there. Think: prepper over time type. Love women but can't deal with much manufactured drama; life has plenty. But cats over each, cats are lower-maintenance though. I'm sure it's hard to find a good man for you gals out there just as it is the other way around for us guys. I'm one of those INFJ types that nobody really understands and I don't care to take on someone else's hobbies. Just gimme a small cabin in the mountains, a fireplace, plenty of firewood and food and some good books and I'm fine. Oh, and a couple of cats, they're too damned hilarious to watch interact. For that, just see the last Monday Night Football game for a hint. ;)
No problem on the rant, people in generall are just doofuses anymore, aren't they? Not enough critical thinking, way too much "do what makes you feel good and the Hell with the consequences on anyone else!"
This has been going on for years - it is just now becoming super obvious. Before it was commercials. The white guy was always wrong or the one that needs explaining to. In the cartoons all the dads are morons. Except the CIA dad... he was dumb but at least could act like a badass. And he was a Republican.
Yes one of their goals is to feminize men and to masculinize women. It is a precursor to the downfall of any civilization, to pervert and turn upside-down the natural order of things. Baphomet is both masculine and feminine. Have you noticed how true masculinity is now called *toxic" and true femininity is considered a sign of weakness?
Have babies and teach them the opposite of all this crap. Dont fall for the dont have kids BS they have been pushing on the West for too long. Raise smart strong boys into MANHOOD. We need strong redpilled leaders in the future.
You will find out why it as you correctly observe. Pure evil satanic attack on the strength of society with the sole purpose of breaking and subjecting it.
I'm a woman. I LIKE manly-man movies, not the vagina obsessed crap they put out today. Haven't been to a movie in years...perfect excuse to get a projector and watch an oldie outside in the backyard. Grill some burgers, have a beer, watch a GOOD movie.
It's not a coincidence that the main MARVEL director (Jon Favreau) and nearly every Marvel actor screams against Trump.
The change from the first GOTG to darkness of the 2nd (which literally depicts human trafficking) and the decision for "Captain America" to totally forgo his red white and blue shield and outfit for 'black' was telling. He even began to cuss claiming he wasn't all that good.
They literally are trying to make acceptable (in slow increments) ANY traditional and patriotic value including the encouragement of men to use their natural predilection to protect and provide, and for women to be the nurturers. I UNDERSTAND THAT those traits ARE NOT UNIVERSAL , but many studies have already shown - taking the role of provider and protector from men, has devastating psychological and sociological impact.
I was 10 when the original Superman movie came out and I was SOOOO angry when they had him sleeping with Lois Lane! They did that for the movies because that didn't start in comics until waaaay later. In comics, Lois was just Superman's girl-friend in reference and that was about it. Didn't have to spell it all out in the movies, but even at my age then, I could tell it was Hollywood being wrong....
The creatures that are doing all this are Pathetic little impotent Runts -
and are extremely Envious of White Hetero Men and are Scared of them - recognising that White Men are the biggest danger to them
A very disappointing aspect to this evil agenda is just how many whiite women have proven to be so extremely feeble minded and have been so easily manipulated to also act against their own Menfolk , thats their Fathers ,Sons, Brothers etc remember
It matters not what they do, but what you do about it, by that I mean supporting them. I give them nothing, certainly not my money for the trash they sell such as movies or their crappy china imports, nothing. I drive a 14 year old car and do not spend money on clothes, movies, or the latest iPhone. Just yesterday I went to Target to return a gift given to me and a young lady was inquiring about a new iPhone. It was 1000.00 dollars! For a freakin phone! They survive because we allow it. Just think of the impact we would have collectively if we just stopped giving them our money. Yes, they are feeding us their version of what our world should look like but we don't have to accept it. For the past 20 years I've been begging people, especially family, to stop buying anything from China, our biggest threat, they didn't get it then and some still don't now. But this is what it takes. Stop consuming their garbage. I know it feels good to get something new but you're shooting yourself in the foot.
Check out Jonathan pageau's YouTube channel the symbolic world. He has done a great breakdown of this exact topic called "the lilith girl ascending." or you can find it reposted more recently at the YouTube channel transpocalypse. Both extremely valuable sources.
Yup. And we need to stop calling our selves "white men". It is an assault on our identity. African-American, Latin-American, Asian-American, etc. What is a "white man"? Oh yeah. We are European-Americans. Why are European American men under attack? Because Christianity flourished for 1500 years in Europe and it was the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in European Christian men that brought about the inventions and understanding of the laws of science that prospered us. It is our Christian roots that is under attack.
What ever they are doing, it is dangerous to tell women they can beat up men who out weigh them by 100 pounds. Do you know why there are very few women race car drivers? because they can't see as well as men, especially moving objects, or when they are moving.
The collective western society has been set in favour of women. Jobs are being advertised exclusively to women because companies want to get more women into certain roles, which is discrimination against men because we don't even get to apply let alone be selected. Why women in the workplace is so vital? It takes them away from the family and/or stops them wanting/having children. Population control and population replacement etc. I've posted elsewhere about one ideology that is alive at the moment that I suspect to be behind this. It's basically Communism but slightly altered in places. It's called "Municipal Socialism" or "Libertarian Municipalism". Founder Murray Bookchin (Jewish). I can provide a couple of links if anyone wants to learn more.
We can take some pride in the implicit acknowledgement that only white men have the self-confidence to laugh off such demeaning representations. Imagine how the chimps would react to a black Homer Simpson?
Just wait and see what happens to these ladies once civilization collapses. I betcha they'll be looking for men to protect them once again. We build it they break it. The cycle repests
I am 47. I remember as a kid in the 70s playing in the living room when I was visiting my grandparents. My grandpa came home from work and the TV was on. Dont remember what the show was. After grandpa changed clothes he came in and ask grandma, "Whatcha watching? Anything good?" I'll never forget my grandma saying, "Of course not. Just another dumb show where the man is the buffoon and has to be rescued from himself by his genius wife"
Grandpa: "Well, they dont call it the Boob Tube for nothin". Yeah. This shit has been going on for a LONG time.
It's just a continuance of the agenda to overthrow sanity for a satanic wicked world where trannies are getting close and cozy to kids, concealed as fun a innocent while it really is a gay pervert sexual pedo agenda. And the escalation of it all is because of Trump and patriots.
Second episode of season 2 "Jack Ryan" series on Amazon, some doofus explains that he's married the same cunt 3 times because "she's a formidable woman, that's so rare these days" or some shit. lol
They're trying to brainwash all the girls to be ball busters because they think that's what most men want.
A lot of men are becoming like that in response because they think it's normal to be a mamma's boy.
It's because they are after the loyal "Lifetime Movie Network" and trying to grow that. They think if they continue it has to grow. Lifetime aka the man hating channel. Every man is a bad guy and niggers are always good. Jewish propaganda.
The target is women. Women without men focus on the collective female group, once they have a family they turn conservative.
Brainwashing women into being mindless progressives with constant reassurances they don’t need men and can have it all on their own is the ultimate genocide tool they have. By the time women realize they have been bamboozled it’s too late, their eggs are dead, and they have no one to tell about it because the next batch are being raised on the same drug that poisoned them and won’t listen.
It's part of the plan to get men to start identifying as women. If all you see on TV and movies is women, you start to have women role models, then you start to wish you were a woman.
This has been the way of all movies and advertising for some time. There is also a push to have children lecturing adults and men being emasculated on a regular basis.
There have been lots of women in lead roles in recent years, like alien for instance. No one ever batted an eye. It's only now that this whole goofy modern feminist narrative is being pushed that women are put in these fully unwatchable pieces of political propaganda. Really, the ones suffering here are the women with brain cells because all of this shit is getting carried out in the name of women when its in fact (((them)))
Did you see Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom to Fascism"? He becomes pals with Rockefeller who tells him that they invented the women's movement to get women into the workplace so they could collect more taxes. And take over the children, I might add.
War targets men. Humiliate them, make them emotionally weak, physically weak, mentally weak. Make the women resent them. Make mothers abuse them. Dissolve the fabric of society.
It's not so much a psyop as it is Marxist Colleges, Retarded Human Resources, and moronic selection bias. We are currently witnessing the cohort of hollywood writers who graduated from the tops of their Humanity's Courses. They applied to work with Hollywoodn Human Resources Departments that believed top school graduates would equate to top writers. This cohort then went on to write movies that appealed to their indoctrinated little brains. Unfortunately for the Investors in the Hollywood companies, the best and brightest writers of our time do not attend legacy indoctrination camps. Instead of going to college, the best and brightest went elsewhere, due in no small part to the pro-active discrimination college admissions applies to them based on their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation. The irony is delicious.
What I like most about thus comic book movie trend of girl power.
Men create badass female characters, male readers buy the comics and love the characters. Then feminist make a movie about that badass female character and turn her into an empowered woman instead of a badass and then call men sexist because they can't handle a strong female character....
I've also noticed men in commercials are typically of the feminin gay type. They try to make it seem like hays make up 1/3 of the population it seems. I've only met 2 or 3 gay people in my entire life.
And to make you forget that men do well over 90% of the difficult, dngerous jobs needed to put food on your table, a roof over your head, and save you from danger.
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Frogistani gave the Statue? Africans, Latinos and Asians each have an entire continent. Jews have an ethnostate. Muslims have 50 nations under Sharia. Why are we giving them US/Europe?
Goog Jewgle these days, Street shitting programmers very obvious anti-Western, Anti-White and make results to favor jihad niggers
Hollywood is directed by the CIA and they kiss the ass of China while dumping on everything that made America great. The newer RED DAWN was supposed to be about China invading the USA but Hollywood and the CIA changed it to N KOREA . They push the gay agenda big time and white people especially men and Christians are treated like shit. They are also pushing the climate change hoax in almost every movie and transgenders are becoming more and more common. Basically the CIA and Hollywood are demonic.
I don't own a TV but I hear that the UK "Doctor Who" (who?) has transformed into an ugly, black-skinned woman. As a child, I used to hide behind the sofa when the Daleks appeared. I imagine my grandkids will be hiding when this woman appears!
Yes. I seen it explained really good some where. Can't find it now. The dominant female protagonist and the submissive males. Netflux is full of shows like that. All part of the programming.
The recipe is the same Everytime...beta orbiter ultra cucked faggot is allowed to live. Woman saves everyone's ass by being smarter and better while she tolerates the evil stupidity of a weaker dumber set of white males until, with the help of the mythical heroic nigger genius, often a young nigger girl, they kill all the bad white men and save the day and allow beta cucks to finally be safe to worship the women in the shadows like good slaves.
Not only are they doing this, they are also destroying classic movies in reboots/relaunches on purpose to destroy the pop culture and of course people cheer them on because they believe that they are "woke" when in reality they are enemies of the state and should be dealt as such.
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." - George Orwell, 1984
and neo - Hollywood Is a Sex-Grooming Gang.... Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; The Shriners in White House & Oval Office? Why is Rothschild unhappy with Q ?? Wow, have you ever seen Dan Akroyd's "Nothing But Trouble?" Can't be coincidence. What is the movie trying to tell us?
And if a white man is in a movie and not the bad guy then he is pathetic and or a faggot.
The Jewish psychological war against Europeans is tiresome.
Our patience will not last forever. Them living in our countries isn't benefiting us at all. All of the Jews in Hollywood and the lying press should be stripped of citizenship and deported to Israel.
Our patience will not last forever. Them living in our countries isn't benefiting us at all. All of the Jews in Hollywood and the lying press should be stripped of citizenship and deported to Israel.
How about the anti-europeanism from Jewish supremacists who own and run the lying press and Hollywood?
European Communists and pedos exist, i have no loyalty to these vermin hang them all for treason. Could you say the same about Jewish Communists and pedos?
It is Jews pushing for Mass immigration. And Jews who run the lying press running pro ethnic cleansing and anti-European propaganda 24/7. If they don't want to be attacked they should stop there war against us.
You probably still think the Germans used gas Chambers on Jews during ww2. Go read and learn more before running your mouth in defense of your masters.
In the off chance your a Jew who really doesn't know, the top caste considers the lower working class Jews expendable and pushes the same lies on you so you will circle the wagons defend them. It makes you the canary in the coal mine, it isn't too far of a leap to say the working class Jew standing up for epstines or propagating the Holocaust lies is doing so maliciously instead of just being manipulated by the enemy like everyone else. It Could be more blatant?...Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"?
As far as I'm concerned, they were completely complicit in child rape island, all the bullshit in Jewllywood and all the attacks by simple minded shitskins on whites. Nevermind Afghanistan, Iraq, 9/11 and WW2. Never forget, they were given their own country where they all were given the opportunity to live, but instead, they get their own country and get to invade all other countries across the earth. The innocent, if there are any, should be carted of to Israel to live in their desert hell hole and the rest should get the rope.
(((They))) ARE the "USA" not you. You need to find somewhere else physically or at least mentally to 'belong'. That's what I don't understand about Qoomers, or anyone thinking there is a political solution to the real problem. There are no solutions for you in this system that rely on the system becoming what you need or deserve. You need to believe in and create that, like your ancestors did. The battle for whatever you believe the 'USA' should be or become was lost years ago...
Yes! Probably didn't realise where they were posting! God Bless and protect President Trump as he guides us through this time of trial!! It's all happening and we are part of it!
Fair enough but no one should be interested in mass casualty scenarios like civil wars. We need to find a way to transition to our new system. Why the hell should I lose my roads, power generators and food supply chain when we paid for it? We can work them. Dont need a government for that. I'm tired of the tear it down attitude. We need positive change guided by truth and understanding. We need to act like God's children again.
I heartily agree with all that. I guess I'm feeling now that it all starts at home and in your community and the one you build. As far as I can tell no hope exists in any modern city and we will thrive where we always have, in the rural and frontier advantage. But it really is an ideology now, family first and family last.
I tend to be less extreme on qrv so new eyes won't run off and actually think about it.
All people who claim to be American and have citizenship on paper that have committed treason should face the harshest punishment available for that crime.
Well obviously. If we let traitors suddenly say ahh I was a citizen of Paraguay or whatever the fuck and let them skip town we’ll that wouldn’t set a good example to future traitors now would it. Once the mass majority understand this simple concept and apply it to say China, Saudi Arabia, or Canada or New Zealand then we’ll finally understand the meaning of what it means to be citizens.
I like the way that you think, but if the "new eyes" are so sensitive that they can't take a little justified venting or some true facts, don't worry about scaring them away. In a sense, you're still limiting your ability to speak freely.
Putting cracks in the dam the enemy has put in every westerners mind is valuable. Even if they disagree initially it puts the seed of truth in their heads that they wouldn't have been exposed to.
Saying Hitler was right puts normies mental conditioning shields up all the way and nothing will get thru.
They might be so sensitive they could never join us and we don't want or need them but if they aren't sure what side to be on they won't pick up a rifle and point it in the wrong direction.
All that said sometimes it's good to push the overton window by talking far right of what you actually are okay with. Got to pick and choose what's best for what thread, this one is Anon so you can do some of one or the other.
Also in commercials, if you see a white guy selling something or being the genius of a company or he's the head honcho...... It's a jew passing as a white. Also in movie's if it's a white dude that's doing great for his part or is the main role character.... It's a jew.
This is propaganda...people will see it regardless of whether they go to the movies. It's not about getting an Oscar or. A blockbuster, it's about a propaganda mill that creates jewish sympathy for people that need genocide instead.
These are front companies funded by communists to destabilize America. The mission is your children and probably your wife watching and believing the niggerjew fantasies set forth in almost every movie or other media made. It's working...
Your comment is referencing two groups of people and your response right here is one group of people that instead of calling 'them' or 'they,' you called 'those.'
The Ghostbusters remake should have been been the shot across the bow that got them to turn around but they seem intent on running the ship aground. Get woke. . .
Bit torrent for free, at least you didn't pay for garbage and it ain't no skin off your taint to delete it. Comment for help tormenting and I have 3 free invites to a private torrent community.
I used to do that from a site I trusted. However, it ended, I tried a different site and then had computer problems. So, I just get DVD TV series and movies. I know it costs me now, but I don't have to worry about my computer. Oh, and I haven't had internet this year. I use the hotspot from my phone.
Just read the rules and it says no mobile but i use my phone on it almost exclusively via cell data and various wifi. I think what they are trying to stop is people seeding from multiple devices simotaniously. Good thing I saw that because I was about to use like five phones to cut seeding time. Ttyl.
Sure what's the email you want it sent to. Besure it's right because no do overs.
They have rules for seeding and ul/dl restrictions if minimum 1 to 1 ratio. Means you can't dl more than you upload and you start with credit to can do stuff and bonus points per hr to turn in for up load credit. Also can donate to skirt rules for periods of time. I never donated over the last decade.
Anyways yeah , use a throw away email or whatever. Just be sure you can access it and the address is correct and send it next when I hear back.
Since The Rock has become a movie star he had to crossdress on camera somwhere. It's a rule they have, if you want to be famous you have to wear a dress.
Real women starve themselves and have their bottom ribs removed trying to look like men in VS bathing suits, adding lots of unwitting suspects to the "end human reproduction" agenda.
Pumps women full of the idea that they can compete with men physically and intellectually, which drives them into opposition with their husbands and ruins the family unit.
They want to get rid of gender entirely as the next step towards separating us from our instincts and commodifying humanity, i.e. turning us into cattle.
22352433? ago
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22176972? ago
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21241209? ago
Yes and whites are replaced by niggers. However, no white villains are replaces by them because niggers don't commit crimes.
21238805? ago
Yep. Said this just the other day.
21238163? ago
Video games too...
21237148? ago
celebrate low birth rates (sterilisation) // whites only // netherlands, engerland, portugal, singapore
21236861? ago
no, i dont notice this because Hollyweird is dead to me and long buried
21236508? ago
I know it's really the anti-white-male agenda, but for what it's worth I've always tended to choose female characters in video games simply because I know I'm going to be looking at them for a long time so they might as well be pretty.
21236109? ago
Black guy here. I've noticed this for the last 8 years or so. And its always the same bitch character too. You can take any female lead in any genre its quite literally cookie cutter. The irony of all of it is you have to be anti-female sociopath (i think they call them feminists) to enjoy this shit or a lesbian. Real women can't relate to any of this shit.
I saw Temple of Doom a little while ago, hadn't seen it in years. Amazing movie. It was also amazing to see a female character act and behave exactly how a real woman would if they were trying to escape from being sacrificed. And honestly, her fear actually made the movie feel more real, like you as an audience member also get anxious because you don't want to see any harm come to her.
Honestly, when I see women in movies manhandling guys who easily have 100 pounds on them I feel nothing for them.
That being said, an attack on white men is an attack on all men. It's a war against masculinity, and (((they))) know you're the only real threat. That's why you see all this interracial bullshit, or propaganda to get you to not reproduce. (((They))) need you to exist in small numbers so they can always scapegoat white folks for (((their))) sins.
21237651? ago
((They)) also operated the slave ships, and are blaming it on white folks.
21253983? ago
Yep. 100% projection. 9 oldest synagogues built in east coast all line up with the old slave ports.
21235797? ago
Stop watching their garbage
21235514? ago
They are getting rid of the white race. Best way is to remove them from everything. All mentions in all media unless it's bad. Replace at their jobs with H1B indians. They know women follow money, status and security so they are removing white men's ability to earn good money. Hence the decades long program of moving factories over seas and now the tech jobs are going to foreigners. So much for 'Learn to code'
21235078? ago
Yes this is how propaganda works. And yes, making girly men and manly girls is part of the destructive plan. Same with transgenital mutilation, gays in every show, even how people in shows start every relationship with spontaneous sex. It’s called Destroying The American Family 101.
21235010? ago
Every father figure is oppressive and abusive too.
21234551? ago
21234472? ago
The purpose is to make women believe they can achieve greatness without a man. This is to degrade the moral fabric of society, family. It is to make people believe their foundation is government, not their family and God. It is proven that married women are happier than single women. Ask any woman with single friends. All my single girl pals are all "successful" but miserably lonely.
21234250? ago
That’s been happening forever.
It’s even worse when it comes to fathers.
Pretty much all fathers are either abusive or idiots or cowards
21233928? ago
And notice the continuing decline in ticket sales? People don't want their bullshit PC crap.
21233448? ago
One Straight Out Of The Marxist C☭mmie Play Book. Devide by Race, Devide By Class, Devide By Sexual Orientation, Opress Freedoms Of Speech, Devide By Religious Ideology. After Everyone Is Eliminated by Opression Move Others To Re-Education Camps.
Now The Socialists Will Remove Anything & Everything That Made You A Nation. Now You're A Conquered Memory That Will Be Removed By Force If You Speak Of It.
21233396? ago
Those movies are all shit. The opposite might be intended?
Need to hear a female opinion on these recent female supremacist movies. I'm guessing a normal woman (tattooless debtfree virgin) won't like the storyline nor acting of these movies.
21233234? ago
same with kids movies
21232969? ago
Don't forget dosing the crap out of boys in the school system. Every time a boy acts like a boy they put them on mind altering drugs until they fade into the background.
21232909? ago
And the movie FLOPS!
21232654? ago
No, if gender is 'fluid' as we are now informed then there are no women.
21232552? ago
This actually started with the Beatles. People didn't realize they were creating effeminate role models with the long hair. It was a "rebel" thing instead. But if you listen to the words of many of the Beatles songs, you'll realize they are Bolsheviks and Globalists. Then we saw the 60's and 70's. Suddenly men were wearing these ridiculous one piece lounge suits or multi-colored things - It was bizarre then and looking back, I don't know why men bought into it. They had guys in super high heel shoes, too. The movement towards emasculation was slow and steady. Drip Drip Drip. Incrementalism is a dangerous thing.
Now here we are in 2019. Look at trends which an analytical eye. Manscaping -- you guys are all supposed to get rid of all that hair. Women are too, but that's to make us all look like prepubescent girls to fulfill the elite's pedo fantasies. And anal sex... shit, (no pun intended) we never even talked about that in the 70's. I'm sure it was going on in a subset of the culture. But it wasn't an automatic thing or supposedly pushed by females. Think about how that plays out... women don't get pregnant (fulfilling the population goals...) and women don't really feel a lot of pleasure. Sorry guys, most of the women who say they love it are lying. Granted, we're all different, but it really hurts and there's no prostate gland in there to make it feel better.
Which brings me to the increase in homosexuality and the messages to try that. There have always been gay people. I don't have a problem with that. If it's really who you are, (and there is some possibility of extra chromosomes) then good for you. Live your life how you want. But the increase in the number of gay people is an anomaly. Throughout history the numbers stayed around 2% of the population, even in countries where it was no big deal. Now we're seeing an increase because again, it lowers population, and it emasculates males. Whichever one is the "bottom" is relegated to the feminine role. It also interferes with formation of traditional families. So [they] are hitting it out of the park with the whole disruptive LGBTQRMNOPYZ movement. All part of the agenda. We can't stay free if our strong men have been turned into whiny little girls. And no matter how strong these fake men are that populate hollywood, they're no match for the Genghis Khan type hordes that will pour across all our borders if given the chance.
Sorry for the rant. As a female, this just pisses me the hell off. Pedowood needs to leave our masculine men the fuck alone. Give me a man with lots of hair everywhere, a safe full of guns, and enough testosterone to take on the bullshit. I'll be by his side, but I sure as hell don't want to be in front of him leading the charge.
21233612? ago
You make a lot of sense, coming from a long-haired guy who shaves twice a week (before Bible study ie: about 2 hrs ago) and Sunday before church. That's it. Safe full of guns, ammo, and you forgot the SILVER for hard times, there. Think: prepper over time type. Love women but can't deal with much manufactured drama; life has plenty. But cats over each, cats are lower-maintenance though. I'm sure it's hard to find a good man for you gals out there just as it is the other way around for us guys. I'm one of those INFJ types that nobody really understands and I don't care to take on someone else's hobbies. Just gimme a small cabin in the mountains, a fireplace, plenty of firewood and food and some good books and I'm fine. Oh, and a couple of cats, they're too damned hilarious to watch interact. For that, just see the last Monday Night Football game for a hint. ;)
No problem on the rant, people in generall are just doofuses anymore, aren't they? Not enough critical thinking, way too much "do what makes you feel good and the Hell with the consequences on anyone else!"
21232434? ago
This has been going on for years - it is just now becoming super obvious. Before it was commercials. The white guy was always wrong or the one that needs explaining to. In the cartoons all the dads are morons. Except the CIA dad... he was dumb but at least could act like a badass. And he was a Republican.
21232390? ago
Hey the jews in hollywood have decided that they need to step up the removal of white goys. And you will like the movies.
21232377? ago
Emasculation of men, feminizing them, making them ridiculous, all for the purpose of making heterosexual men unattractive for mating.
21232330? ago
My dad noticed back in the late 60s early 70s that white men were under attack... I'm almost seventy and it's been a long road for Agenda 21.
21232329? ago
hollyweird revenue must be declining too.
21232256? ago
Yes one of their goals is to feminize men and to masculinize women. It is a precursor to the downfall of any civilization, to pervert and turn upside-down the natural order of things. Baphomet is both masculine and feminine. Have you noticed how true masculinity is now called *toxic" and true femininity is considered a sign of weakness?
21232237? ago
21232230? ago
Been noticing that creeping in for about 10 years now.
21232211? ago
Only took you about ten years but better late than never....
21232147? ago
21232121? ago
Tell me if you see a single commercial without a black person in it, even if only 8% of population.
And its always black men and white women......can impregnate to get rid of whitey quicker that way.
21232044? ago
I'm cool with the villain. The superheros are always super gay.
21231958? ago
I stopped watching what Hollywood produces years ago. I prefer not to infect my mind with satan's offspring.
21231881? ago
I hope you are not expecting any sympathy from me. I am British and the number or Brits who appear in American films as baddies is incredible!
21231837? ago
It started with ghost busters remake
21231758? ago
Boycott movies. They're garbage, anyway.
21231750? ago
Please quit watching TV and movies. I stopped about 2 1/2 years ago. I watch some things on YT and I read the bible.
21231729? ago
all new movies suck! "hollywood" or magic wand
21231714? ago
Pedowood has gone full throttle against the white guy. It is failing too if you notice the financial loss they are getting hit with.
Terminator Dark Fate is failing
21231665? ago
Have babies and teach them the opposite of all this crap. Dont fall for the dont have kids BS they have been pushing on the West for too long. Raise smart strong boys into MANHOOD. We need strong redpilled leaders in the future.
21231613? ago
Oh, sure, that and all families are now multiracial.
21231557? ago
Read neon revolts articles on #sorosrentboy
You will find out why it as you correctly observe. Pure evil satanic attack on the strength of society with the sole purpose of breaking and subjecting it.
21231357? ago
I'm a woman. I LIKE manly-man movies, not the vagina obsessed crap they put out today. Haven't been to a movie in years...perfect excuse to get a projector and watch an oldie outside in the backyard. Grill some burgers, have a beer, watch a GOOD movie.
Bastards even ruined James Bond.
21231340? ago
get rid of white men entirely...NWO cabal want to rule low IQ brown race.
21231329? ago
It's not a coincidence that the main MARVEL director (Jon Favreau) and nearly every Marvel actor screams against Trump.
The change from the first GOTG to darkness of the 2nd (which literally depicts human trafficking) and the decision for "Captain America" to totally forgo his red white and blue shield and outfit for 'black' was telling. He even began to cuss claiming he wasn't all that good.
They literally are trying to make acceptable (in slow increments) ANY traditional and patriotic value including the encouragement of men to use their natural predilection to protect and provide, and for women to be the nurturers. I UNDERSTAND THAT those traits ARE NOT UNIVERSAL , but many studies have already shown - taking the role of provider and protector from men, has devastating psychological and sociological impact.
21233650? ago
I was 10 when the original Superman movie came out and I was SOOOO angry when they had him sleeping with Lois Lane! They did that for the movies because that didn't start in comics until waaaay later. In comics, Lois was just Superman's girl-friend in reference and that was about it. Didn't have to spell it all out in the movies, but even at my age then, I could tell it was Hollywood being wrong....
21246785? ago
Wow. Didn't know that. Thx
21231327? ago
The creatures that are doing all this are Pathetic little impotent Runts -
and are extremely Envious of White Hetero Men and are Scared of them - recognising that White Men are the biggest danger to them
A very disappointing aspect to this evil agenda is just how many whiite women have proven to be so extremely feeble minded and have been so easily manipulated to also act against their own Menfolk , thats their Fathers ,Sons, Brothers etc remember
21231294? ago
It matters not what they do, but what you do about it, by that I mean supporting them. I give them nothing, certainly not my money for the trash they sell such as movies or their crappy china imports, nothing. I drive a 14 year old car and do not spend money on clothes, movies, or the latest iPhone. Just yesterday I went to Target to return a gift given to me and a young lady was inquiring about a new iPhone. It was 1000.00 dollars! For a freakin phone! They survive because we allow it. Just think of the impact we would have collectively if we just stopped giving them our money. Yes, they are feeding us their version of what our world should look like but we don't have to accept it. For the past 20 years I've been begging people, especially family, to stop buying anything from China, our biggest threat, they didn't get it then and some still don't now. But this is what it takes. Stop consuming their garbage. I know it feels good to get something new but you're shooting yourself in the foot.
21231288? ago
Watch BlackPilled on youtube
21231233? ago
Same in pop music & dance music. They are being eradicated. Just look at youtube's top 40
21231201? ago
Check out Jonathan pageau's YouTube channel the symbolic world. He has done a great breakdown of this exact topic called "the lilith girl ascending." or you can find it reposted more recently at the YouTube channel transpocalypse. Both extremely valuable sources.
21230920? ago
Yup. And we need to stop calling our selves "white men". It is an assault on our identity. African-American, Latin-American, Asian-American, etc. What is a "white man"? Oh yeah. We are European-Americans. Why are European American men under attack? Because Christianity flourished for 1500 years in Europe and it was the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in European Christian men that brought about the inventions and understanding of the laws of science that prospered us. It is our Christian roots that is under attack.
21230890? ago
The Hustle is just a bad remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and that wasn't even a very good movie.
21230855? ago
Nope never noticed....
21230800? ago
Yeah. It is ultra realistic when a 100 pound woman kick fights her way past 6 former Spec Forces run by the evil white guy.
21231913? ago
They even did it in an Iron Man movie, with Happy the bodyguard defeating one guy while the bitch took down an army.
21231927? ago
Wondering if those digits might be prophetic? Like, the Federal Reserve started in 1913, and may end in ... ah shit.
21230749? ago
What ever they are doing, it is dangerous to tell women they can beat up men who out weigh them by 100 pounds. Do you know why there are very few women race car drivers? because they can't see as well as men, especially moving objects, or when they are moving.
21230703? ago
The collective western society has been set in favour of women. Jobs are being advertised exclusively to women because companies want to get more women into certain roles, which is discrimination against men because we don't even get to apply let alone be selected. Why women in the workplace is so vital? It takes them away from the family and/or stops them wanting/having children. Population control and population replacement etc. I've posted elsewhere about one ideology that is alive at the moment that I suspect to be behind this. It's basically Communism but slightly altered in places. It's called "Municipal Socialism" or "Libertarian Municipalism". Founder Murray Bookchin (Jewish). I can provide a couple of links if anyone wants to learn more.
21230570? ago
Man i stopped watching super hero movies a couple years ago. only ones i finished was avengers.
21230561? ago
I haven't noticed because I stopped watching Hollywood shite years ago.
21230557? ago
Yep. Not looking forward to cardboard acting Padme Thor. I like my uperheroes male, masculine, and preferably white, thanks. - femanon
21230539? ago
Yep. Like white men are most likely to be terrorist, rapists, low level criminal thugs.
21230538? ago
That's been the trend for 20 years.
We can take some pride in the implicit acknowledgement that only white men have the self-confidence to laugh off such demeaning representations. Imagine how the chimps would react to a black Homer Simpson?
21230498? ago
Old news this has been going on near a decade. Whos district is holliweird? <
21230426? ago
Very much so.
21230422? ago
Of course, you nailed it! The one thing (((they))) fear the most are tough white men, the single greatest threat to the NWO run by (((them))).
21230395? ago
Just wait and see what happens to these ladies once civilization collapses. I betcha they'll be looking for men to protect them once again. We build it they break it. The cycle repests
21230245? ago
Yeah no shit, quit watching movies.
21230117? ago
Really... I had no clue....
Follow up.. How recently have you left reddit, fucking retard
21230102? ago
This has been going on for yrs
21230093? ago
Men aren't buying the movie tickets.
21230025? ago
It's in TV too for along time, men are the buffoons.
21230877? ago
I am 47. I remember as a kid in the 70s playing in the living room when I was visiting my grandparents. My grandpa came home from work and the TV was on. Dont remember what the show was. After grandpa changed clothes he came in and ask grandma, "Whatcha watching? Anything good?" I'll never forget my grandma saying, "Of course not. Just another dumb show where the man is the buffoon and has to be rescued from himself by his genius wife"
Grandpa: "Well, they dont call it the Boob Tube for nothin". Yeah. This shit has been going on for a LONG time.
21230017? ago
I dont watch (((movies)))
21230007? ago
This has been happening for a long time.. much more overt now though.
21230001? ago
It's just a continuance of the agenda to overthrow sanity for a satanic wicked world where trannies are getting close and cozy to kids, concealed as fun a innocent while it really is a gay pervert sexual pedo agenda. And the escalation of it all is because of Trump and patriots.
21229979? ago
I haven't paid to see a movie is 15 years.
All movies are free on the net. if you know how to get them.
21229978? ago
I just keep asking when does the backlash begin? Then I look at the Beta soy retards all around me and realize the future is completely fucking toast.
21229913? ago
It's been that way for a while. What's really getting bad are the tv commercials, you won't find a white family in any of them.
21229888? ago
White men are more feminine compared to black men
21229859? ago
Also, remaking classic songs having niggers or women sing them to replace the original white male artist.
21229828? ago
They're marketing feminism non-stop.
Second episode of season 2 "Jack Ryan" series on Amazon, some doofus explains that he's married the same cunt 3 times because "she's a formidable woman, that's so rare these days" or some shit. lol
They're trying to brainwash all the girls to be ball busters because they think that's what most men want.
A lot of men are becoming like that in response because they think it's normal to be a mamma's boy.
21229794? ago
Just look at the new Apple TV shows. They have all women lead characters. I just love watching a 120 pound woman beating up a 250 pound man 🙄
21229780? ago
It's because they are after the loyal "Lifetime Movie Network" and trying to grow that. They think if they continue it has to grow. Lifetime aka the man hating channel. Every man is a bad guy and niggers are always good. Jewish propaganda.
21229769? ago
No! because MY family dont watch movies....only ignorant F fools watch tv/movies~ Msm. And of course they will fall FAST...
21229767? ago
No not to make men effeminate, it's to lose or more accurately, launder, as much money as possible.
21229726? ago
The target is women. Women without men focus on the collective female group, once they have a family they turn conservative.
Brainwashing women into being mindless progressives with constant reassurances they don’t need men and can have it all on their own is the ultimate genocide tool they have. By the time women realize they have been bamboozled it’s too late, their eggs are dead, and they have no one to tell about it because the next batch are being raised on the same drug that poisoned them and won’t listen.
21229599? ago
Wtf. Common sense in v/qrv. The end times must be here.
21229559? ago
There's no doubt.
Netflix 100 has an 8-9 mo pregnant women fighting battles.
It's just laughable.
21229527? ago
Yeah I did notice. The worst part is it's faggot men making it happen.
21229482? ago
Welcome to the party, pal.
21229471? ago
and the kikes are making everyone jewish, especially super heroes like Wonder Woman. kek Jews are the biggest cowards on Earth.
21229450? ago
It's part of the plan to get men to start identifying as women. If all you see on TV and movies is women, you start to have women role models, then you start to wish you were a woman.
21229424? ago
This has been the way of all movies and advertising for some time. There is also a push to have children lecturing adults and men being emasculated on a regular basis.
21229413? ago
There have been lots of women in lead roles in recent years, like alien for instance. No one ever batted an eye. It's only now that this whole goofy modern feminist narrative is being pushed that women are put in these fully unwatchable pieces of political propaganda. Really, the ones suffering here are the women with brain cells because all of this shit is getting carried out in the name of women when its in fact (((them)))
21232284? ago
Did you see Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom to Fascism"? He becomes pals with Rockefeller who tells him that they invented the women's movement to get women into the workplace so they could collect more taxes. And take over the children, I might add.
21237677? ago
Same thing could said about immigration. Bring more people in, more taxes, more mortgages, debt, consumer purchasing, more profit.
21229406? ago
War targets men. Humiliate them, make them emotionally weak, physically weak, mentally weak. Make the women resent them. Make mothers abuse them. Dissolve the fabric of society.
21229385? ago
It's not so much a psyop as it is Marxist Colleges, Retarded Human Resources, and moronic selection bias. We are currently witnessing the cohort of hollywood writers who graduated from the tops of their Humanity's Courses. They applied to work with Hollywoodn Human Resources Departments that believed top school graduates would equate to top writers. This cohort then went on to write movies that appealed to their indoctrinated little brains. Unfortunately for the Investors in the Hollywood companies, the best and brightest writers of our time do not attend legacy indoctrination camps. Instead of going to college, the best and brightest went elsewhere, due in no small part to the pro-active discrimination college admissions applies to them based on their skin color, gender, and sexual orientation. The irony is delicious.
21231535? ago
kek, "is this good for the company?" -- they could play office space during the retraining programs
21229339? ago
What I like most about thus comic book movie trend of girl power.
Men create badass female characters, male readers buy the comics and love the characters. Then feminist make a movie about that badass female character and turn her into an empowered woman instead of a badass and then call men sexist because they can't handle a strong female character....
21229236? ago
"Anyone notice something that's been going on, blatantly, for years?" Um, yeah.
21229231? ago
I've also noticed men in commercials are typically of the feminin gay type. They try to make it seem like hays make up 1/3 of the population it seems. I've only met 2 or 3 gay people in my entire life.
21230148? ago
You've probably met a lot more than that but you don't have "gaydar".
21229187? ago
Yes it's to feminize men so they won't fight back.
21229142? ago
And to make you forget that men do well over 90% of the difficult, dngerous jobs needed to put food on your table, a roof over your head, and save you from danger.
21229131? ago
They have been doing this slowly over the past few decades.
It is cultural marxism, as it is colloquially known.
The idea is to humiliate the population into submission.
It started out where there would just be a few of these examples here and there.
If you pointed them out, "hey it's just a movie, don't get your panties in a wad."
Now if you say this, you are a "bigot, racist, etc," and it is industry standard, not just a few here and there.
Soon it will be against the law to cast white males in these roles, and or there will be hate speech laws to punish you for wrong think.
They know it doesn't reflect reality. You know it doesn't reflect reality. They know that you know that it doesn't reflect reality.
That isn't the point. The point is obedience, and it will only get worse if the same (((people))) remain in power.
22351784? ago
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21244299? ago
Frogistani gave the Statue? Africans, Latinos and Asians each have an entire continent. Jews have an ethnostate. Muslims have 50 nations under Sharia. Why are we giving them US/Europe?
21233628? ago
This was so good I had to post it to my twitter. thanks.
21230747? ago
Goog Jewgle these days, Street shitting programmers very obvious anti-Western, Anti-White and make results to favor jihad niggers
21229113? ago
Yup and did you notice the disastrous profits movies are earning this year COINCIDENCE?
21229673? ago
The real story is that they don't care.....the money is irrelevant.
21232050? ago
There is no money involved. Only FRNs.
21229110? ago
Hollywood is directed by the CIA and they kiss the ass of China while dumping on everything that made America great. The newer RED DAWN was supposed to be about China invading the USA but Hollywood and the CIA changed it to N KOREA . They push the gay agenda big time and white people especially men and Christians are treated like shit. They are also pushing the climate change hoax in almost every movie and transgenders are becoming more and more common. Basically the CIA and Hollywood are demonic.
21229109? ago
Yes, unfortunately. This old lady still prefers to see the prince save the day and win the princess. We don't enjoy these macho women movies.
21229107? ago
I don't own a TV but I hear that the UK "Doctor Who" (who?) has transformed into an ugly, black-skinned woman. As a child, I used to hide behind the sofa when the Daleks appeared. I imagine my grandkids will be hiding when this woman appears!
21229133? ago
Dr. Ho
21229097? ago
Yes. I seen it explained really good some where. Can't find it now. The dominant female protagonist and the submissive males. Netflux is full of shows like that. All part of the programming.
21229074? ago
Anyone notice how the joos run Hollywood?
Probably just a coincidence.
21229039? ago
Sure. It's just Blacksploitation by another snowflake demographic.
21229025? ago
ALL of it is to exterminate the White male Y chromosome.
In the old days the invaders would kill the men of the tribe and take the women.
It would seem the method of doing this has evolved for the modern age.
Invade under the guise of "refugees" and not let anyone notice it is all males of fighting age.
21229022? ago
Or stupid.
Or if there is a non-white, they are smart and whites are morons.
21229148? ago
The nigger kid genius is my favorite jew myth.
21229565? ago
nigger female hacker archetype.
never exists anywhere on the planet except hollywood
21229002? ago
They aren't replacing them with women. They are replacing them with trannies.
21229001? ago
The recipe is the same Everytime...beta orbiter ultra cucked faggot is allowed to live. Woman saves everyone's ass by being smarter and better while she tolerates the evil stupidity of a weaker dumber set of white males until, with the help of the mythical heroic nigger genius, often a young nigger girl, they kill all the bad white men and save the day and allow beta cucks to finally be safe to worship the women in the shadows like good slaves.
21230506? ago
Meanwhile in the real world ... not a single female cop can make an arrest of a tough guy without calling in the men to do the job for her.
21228987? ago
Hope you had a nice sleep, Rip Van Winkle. Welcome to 2019.
21228982? ago
Women in lead roles first, because it’s an easy sell. Then minority men. Then trannies. Then animals. Then robots.
21228973? ago
Not only are they doing this, they are also destroying classic movies in reboots/relaunches on purpose to destroy the pop culture and of course people cheer them on because they believe that they are "woke" when in reality they are enemies of the state and should be dealt as such.
21232083? ago
"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." - George Orwell, 1984
21233301? ago
"Every movie remade..."
21230729? ago
and neo - Hollywood Is a Sex-Grooming Gang.... Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; The Shriners in White House & Oval Office? Why is Rothschild unhappy with Q ?? Wow, have you ever seen Dan Akroyd's "Nothing But Trouble?" Can't be coincidence. What is the movie trying to tell us?
21229665? ago
Dismantling the white man is as much psychological as it is physical. Once you're attuned to this, it is as clear as day.
21229986? ago
To this end there is a marked increase in the black presence on tv as well.
21230119? ago
Jokes on them. I quit watching TV many years ago. They can talk all they want. I’m done listening
21228972? ago
And if a white man is in a movie and not the bad guy then he is pathetic and or a faggot.
The Jewish psychological war against Europeans is tiresome.
Our patience will not last forever. Them living in our countries isn't benefiting us at all. All of the Jews in Hollywood and the lying press should be stripped of citizenship and deported to Israel.
21248521? ago
Weren't they all just called "home". Maybe we shouldn't let them come back.
21241977? ago
It's the dnc and deep state and big banks funding the subversion and propaganda.
21243223? ago
Those are all run by ethnic Jews, stop deflecting.
These fields that are supposed to be separate are all marching lockstep and one ethnicity benefits while all others suffer.
21236587? ago
I disagree
"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video
Website • Twitter • Facebook • Instagram • All Videos
21236622? ago
What about the Jews on the far left?
Would you fight them as well?
How about the anti-europeanism from Jewish supremacists who own and run the lying press and Hollywood?
European Communists and pedos exist, i have no loyalty to these vermin hang them all for treason. Could you say the same about Jewish Communists and pedos?
21235785? ago
Villains always blond and blue eyed
21235813? ago
Because the writer is a Jewish pedophile redirecting it's own guilt.
21233387? ago
White straight men are all toxic goyfriend!
21234243? ago
Beauty and Light is only toxic to ugliness and evil.
21231234? ago
God I hate seeing top comment MAH Joo shilling and lying to cover up that the real culprits are ALL part of the Luciferian Cult. Period.
Not fuckin Jews or Muslims or whatever the Fuck.
fucking lying agents
21234655? ago
So... Jews?
21233218? ago
Are you a kike or a retard?
It is Jews pushing for Mass immigration. And Jews who run the lying press running pro ethnic cleansing and anti-European propaganda 24/7. If they don't want to be attacked they should stop there war against us.
You probably still think the Germans used gas Chambers on Jews during ww2. Go read and learn more before running your mouth in defense of your masters.
In the off chance your a Jew who really doesn't know, the top caste considers the lower working class Jews expendable and pushes the same lies on you so you will circle the wagons defend them. It makes you the canary in the coal mine, it isn't too far of a leap to say the working class Jew standing up for epstines or propagating the Holocaust lies is doing so maliciously instead of just being manipulated by the enemy like everyone else.
21230695? ago It Could be more blatant?...Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"?
21229457? ago
If they have committed crimes of intentional subversion of the USA, then they should not just be deported. Just saying.
21231710? ago
As far as I'm concerned, they were completely complicit in child rape island, all the bullshit in Jewllywood and all the attacks by simple minded shitskins on whites. Nevermind Afghanistan, Iraq, 9/11 and WW2. Never forget, they were given their own country where they all were given the opportunity to live, but instead, they get their own country and get to invade all other countries across the earth. The innocent, if there are any, should be carted of to Israel to live in their desert hell hole and the rest should get the rope.
21230176? ago
(((They))) ARE the "USA" not you. You need to find somewhere else physically or at least mentally to 'belong'. That's what I don't understand about Qoomers, or anyone thinking there is a political solution to the real problem. There are no solutions for you in this system that rely on the system becoming what you need or deserve. You need to believe in and create that, like your ancestors did. The battle for whatever you believe the 'USA' should be or become was lost years ago...
21232941? ago
That is What MAGA is All About.
21233018? ago
Yes! Probably didn't realise where they were posting! God Bless and protect President Trump as he guides us through this time of trial!! It's all happening and we are part of it!
21230312? ago
Fair enough but no one should be interested in mass casualty scenarios like civil wars. We need to find a way to transition to our new system. Why the hell should I lose my roads, power generators and food supply chain when we paid for it? We can work them. Dont need a government for that. I'm tired of the tear it down attitude. We need positive change guided by truth and understanding. We need to act like God's children again.
21230373? ago
I heartily agree with all that. I guess I'm feeling now that it all starts at home and in your community and the one you build. As far as I can tell no hope exists in any modern city and we will thrive where we always have, in the rural and frontier advantage. But it really is an ideology now, family first and family last.
21229535? ago
I tend to be less extreme on qrv so new eyes won't run off and actually think about it.
All people who claim to be American and have citizenship on paper that have committed treason should face the harshest punishment available for that crime.
21237708? ago
Well obviously. If we let traitors suddenly say ahh I was a citizen of Paraguay or whatever the fuck and let them skip town we’ll that wouldn’t set a good example to future traitors now would it. Once the mass majority understand this simple concept and apply it to say China, Saudi Arabia, or Canada or New Zealand then we’ll finally understand the meaning of what it means to be citizens.
21230836? ago
I like the way that you think, but if the "new eyes" are so sensitive that they can't take a little justified venting or some true facts, don't worry about scaring them away. In a sense, you're still limiting your ability to speak freely.
21231203? ago
I speak freely elsewhere.
Putting cracks in the dam the enemy has put in every westerners mind is valuable. Even if they disagree initially it puts the seed of truth in their heads that they wouldn't have been exposed to.
Saying Hitler was right puts normies mental conditioning shields up all the way and nothing will get thru.
They might be so sensitive they could never join us and we don't want or need them but if they aren't sure what side to be on they won't pick up a rifle and point it in the wrong direction.
All that said sometimes it's good to push the overton window by talking far right of what you actually are okay with. Got to pick and choose what's best for what thread, this one is Anon so you can do some of one or the other.
21229586? ago
hmmm, strategic thinking.
True that many normies are not ready for the truth.
21231289? ago
Give them a piece at a time.
My barometer for holding nothing back is if they know Holocaust truth they can handle anything.
Anything less than that and the enemy has blocks in their mind they havn't got rid of yet.
Normies can't even entertain the idea that they have been lied to about something that big so they won't do any research or critical thinking.
I wonder what lies of theirs we still believe. Pre-burning of the library of Alexandria (both times) history is probably mostly false.
21228966? ago
Also in commercials, if you see a white guy selling something or being the genius of a company or he's the head honcho...... It's a jew passing as a white. Also in movie's if it's a white dude that's doing great for his part or is the main role character.... It's a jew.
21228937? ago
The jews did this.
21229009? ago
Netflix jews especially.
21228919? ago
At least they haven't stained "Ow! My Balls!" with this nonsense
21229934? ago
Fuck you, fag.
21228873? ago
You have something against Hot Women?
21229237? ago
Nope. Something against the war on masculinity.
21229256? ago
What war on masculinity?
21229291? ago
Look at yourself right now. You know which one
21229336? ago
Why should I look at myself? I am not conceded.
21233577? ago
*conceited.... but with that said, you should now concede.
21231159? ago
I concede your conceit, and can seed my garden until it's too dark, then I can't see!
21229589? ago
you mean conceited? kind of a dumb fuck piece of shit aren't you kek?
21228872? ago
What is a movie, ahh now I remember those things I used to go to before they got all out of whack.
Avatar was the first one I wanted to walk out of but at lease they waited till the end
21228855? ago
Get woke, Go broke syndrom. All the movies/TV shows doing that have tanked.
21229036? ago
Soros funded doesn't matter if they make money your kids will still wind up eating jew propaganda
21228845? ago
Have you been in a coma for the past decade? Or new here from reddit?
21228835? ago
It's not just movies, it's every sort of media. Even shows back in 2014 were doing this.
21228821? ago
I've also noticed that not as many people are going to the movies.
21229046? ago
That doesn't matter. The movies still get watched by impressionable minds nationwide
21228804? ago
The Gaggle of Reporters shouting at Trump is 85% Female.
Shows like 'Outnumbered' on Fox and ALL of MSNBC is dominated by females and minorities.
This entire psyop is about insulating their political attacks from criticism of bias.
You misogynistic racist.
21228801? ago
Lucifer is the ultimate single mother - she wants total feminine control of a planet of, basically, orphans who can be manipulated into anything.
21228793? ago
Anyone notice that all of these movies are flopping big time at the box office?
21229080? ago
Have you noticed that isn't the point?
This is propaganda...people will see it regardless of whether they go to the movies. It's not about getting an Oscar or. A blockbuster, it's about a propaganda mill that creates jewish sympathy for people that need genocide instead.
21229297? ago
Actually, bankrupting them is the point. Get woke go broke. "Too bad they've got blackmail material on ya"
21233028? ago
These are front companies funded by communists to destabilize America. The mission is your children and probably your wife watching and believing the niggerjew fantasies set forth in almost every movie or other media made. It's working...
21229982? ago
Who is 'them' and who is 'they' in your comment?
21230011? ago
Those who would tweak the Western mind into self destructive tendencies
21230033? ago
Your comment is referencing two groups of people and your response right here is one group of people that instead of calling 'them' or 'they,' you called 'those.'
21230074? ago
You really don't like it when other people eat your lunch, eh?
21230194? ago
Who would like that?
21230202? ago
People with a valid argument who are capable of dialogue would never have it happen to 'em.
21230220? ago
I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
21230235? ago
My Point Exactly.
21230059? ago
Fuck off
21229111? ago
Wong foo much?
21228914? ago
The Ghostbusters remake should have been been the shot across the bow that got them to turn around but they seem intent on running the ship aground. Get woke. . .
21228949? ago
They had to put Terminator into the mix to compete for the dumpster fire.
21228789? ago
Don't have TV and have a DVD collection of older movies.
Haven't seen new movies, they have not inspired me to watch anything new. I look at Red Box list occasionally, and nothing looks interesting.
21229596? ago
Bit torrent for free, at least you didn't pay for garbage and it ain't no skin off your taint to delete it. Comment for help tormenting and I have 3 free invites to a private torrent community.
21232394? ago
I used to do that from a site I trusted. However, it ended, I tried a different site and then had computer problems. So, I just get DVD TV series and movies. I know it costs me now, but I don't have to worry about my computer. Oh, and I haven't had internet this year. I use the hotspot from my phone.
21231760? ago
I am looking to join up. Please send me an invite.
21233988? ago
Drop a valid email here.
21231077? ago
Can I has invite? Tired of using shitty and unsecure sites
21231410? ago
Just read the rules and it says no mobile but i use my phone on it almost exclusively via cell data and various wifi. I think what they are trying to stop is people seeding from multiple devices simotaniously. Good thing I saw that because I was about to use like five phones to cut seeding time. Ttyl.
21231312? ago
Sure what's the email you want it sent to. Besure it's right because no do overs.
They have rules for seeding and ul/dl restrictions if minimum 1 to 1 ratio. Means you can't dl more than you upload and you start with credit to can do stuff and bonus points per hr to turn in for up load credit. Also can donate to skirt rules for periods of time. I never donated over the last decade.
Anyways yeah , use a throw away email or whatever. Just be sure you can access it and the address is correct and send it next when I hear back.
21231409? ago
Cheers bro,
[email protected]
21231447? ago
Is that for real?
21228784? ago
No worries. Men will be back into those roles once they identify as female. Imagine The Rock dressed up as wonder woman.
21229997? ago
Since The Rock has become a movie star he had to crossdress on camera somwhere. It's a rule they have, if you want to be famous you have to wear a dress.
21228760? ago
I don't watch movies.
21228735? ago
Just like in real life. /s
21228715? ago
Nope. Don’t watch movies.
21228997? ago
Why should we watch something meant to harm us?
21228700? ago
Almost every cmmercial too.
21228681? ago
Did it really take you this long to notice? The only “white” leads are jews.
21228672? ago
Yes and the women have no figures, must be aiming for androgynous, like the chick in the Elton John video 'Nikita.'
21228810? ago
Most of the women inside the screen are trannies.
21228846? ago
I'm afraid you're right, I've seen info about that.
21228857? ago
Real women starve themselves and have their bottom ribs removed trying to look like men in VS bathing suits, adding lots of unwitting suspects to the "end human reproduction" agenda.
21228654? ago
Pumps women full of the idea that they can compete with men physically and intellectually, which drives them into opposition with their husbands and ruins the family unit.
21230184? ago
Islam is right about women.
21229172? ago
And creates a spy for the state in the white man's home, free of charge. Useful idiots.
21228628? ago
21228555? ago
Jezebel Spirit is very real
21229417? ago
21229983? ago
Search it out its way deeper than anything Q.
Men have been attacked 25+yrs
The same spirit is now after the women,they too will be torn down.
Seed of the Serpent/Seed of the Woman.
21228511? ago
Purpose is to create havoc and division.
They do it every chance they get.
They as in ((((THE JEWISH OVERLORDS)))
21230828? ago
Google vs DuckDuckGo | Search engine manipulation, censorship and why you should switch, ?
21230526? ago
Speak for yourself, only in thier minds not my owner.
21230122? ago
They want to get rid of gender entirely as the next step towards separating us from our instincts and commodifying humanity, i.e. turning us into cattle.
21228778? ago
Thank you for your wisdom imam
21228869? ago
You are most welcome AI idiot box.
21228508? ago
Uhura replacing McCoy in most important scences in the new Star Blecch movies is an example.
And Khan went from being ethnic to white.
21231978? ago
I am not looking forward to "Picard."
They really should have let that character and all of TNG lie. Now they will dig up TNG's corpse and make it speak SJW.