Like a Story from a Video Game Fantasy? pooled of acid... a room where the floor has knives coming out of it... how/why do people believe this?! !? hilarious tales? (
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3473588?
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20966946? 5.3 years ago
Here's a slightly bigger version of the text, although it's still "fuzzy".
Here's my favorite Jew bullshit story: The HoloCauster
20980922? 5.3 years ago
Wow, have you ever seen Dan Akroyd's "Nothing But Trouble?" Can't be coincidence. What is the movie trying to tell us?
21230736? 5.2 years ago
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20966946? ago
Here's a slightly bigger version of the text, although it's still "fuzzy".
Here's my favorite Jew bullshit story: The HoloCauster
20980922? ago
Wow, have you ever seen Dan Akroyd's "Nothing But Trouble?" Can't be coincidence. What is the movie trying to tell us?
21230736? ago
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Posted automatically (#72134) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.