21237897? ago

Great post OP. The ladder reminded me of the huge gap in the lower rung of the ladder into the vanderbilt pool

21237553? ago

These people are sick - bring the pain already

21236168? ago

The walk way at the top of the stairs is on wheels so it can be moved away from the stairs.

21233817? ago

Soros > david Brock> James Alefantis > Podesta> chicken lovers

Ancient evil cult of child snuff and diddling

21229848? ago

What no down voats??????????


Shills scared, or alefantis and crew deaded?

@arewesure - fuck off

21229598? ago

Makes me want to puke

21229391? ago

JA went berserk when this naive anon confronted him directly about Pegasus. He totally implicated himself imo.

21229034? ago

Why would anybody ever want to go to that room. It is odd, seems like a dungeon. There is no explanation for what could be going on their except ritual sacrifices.

21229553? ago

Funny you say 'dungeon'.


21232037? ago

So THAT'S why Trump keeps repeating the phrase "DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS" > It means DND or DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS. <

So The Dungeons refers to the kids locked up in cages in dungeons essentially, and it is being done by Dragons [THE FALLEN].

This is exactly what POTUS means, and I will do the Gematria and a deeper analysis on it shortly and post for you.

Thanks heaps.



21231299? ago

pics dont seem to be reachable anymore. I have not researched pizzagate heavily. But have read enough to know some horrible shit was going on and probably still is.

21228888? ago

You are hands down a full-on fucking retard. Nothing about that space suggest child abuse.

KYS, freak.

21231448? ago

Fuck you!

21229068? ago

So what does this space look like to you? What is it's purpose?

21228844? ago

Ping pong table dimensions.

Hint: everything's 13.

Its fucking scary

21227872? ago

Here's a 5 min segment from the legendary journalist, Ben Swann that is tailored for normies who have no idea what any of this is about. He got fired over this.


21227736? ago

Thank you, OP.

21227197? ago

Why, why are they still alive? At what point we are beginning with the real Hollywoodmovie The Purge of the Selfcalling Elites? 3 years in charge, he´s absolutely unimportant why is he still alive/free?

21227064? ago

Pizzagate was proven to be FALSE ... NO BASEMENT Buwahahahaha.

21228331? ago

That was all misdirection put out by psyop Alex Jones. See it worked!!

21228095? ago

Same shill in many threads, ur BOLD style and mocking laughter are easy to catch.

U seem lost shill SBBH is back that way ^^^ Buahahahaha

Take the other 3 shills w you bawhahahaha

+3 MARK OF THE SHILL < How to spot a shill thread, always those same 3 nagging upvoaters

21228200? ago

No Basement Buwahahaha

21230709? ago

Yes and Alefantis pics are quite normal, just joking about taping little girls to table, nothing to see here, we should stop digging xD

21226907? ago

Here's a 10 year old YT clip from a guy who for whatever reason films various traffic/public safety hazards all around DC. He happens to set up a camera in front of Comet one random night because they were playing ping pong during peak traffic time and catches some interesting audio. Turn up the volume as loud as you can. Read the comments as well. Anything here?


21229286? ago

I did that, and this was my analysis and conclusion.


21227326? ago

Haven't yet read comments, (want to remain as objective as possible) but to me it sounds like a child screaming "help me".

21227798? ago

That's what I heard before reading anything. It looks like the man walking by pauses and turns right around that time.

21226759? ago

What is it with Portland, Oregon...so much Moloch....

21226630? ago

What does "Pong Pong" mean in the underbelly of the occult symbolism world?

21232338? ago

Ok. That's it. Please just 'disappear' these evil freaks. Let's not bother wasting time or money. DO IT.

21228197? ago

Where's you hear that?

21227260? ago

No way... And this place has "ping Pong" in its name?

21227381? ago

And its ping pong paddle logo mimics the pedo symbolism publically provided on the FBI list.

21227626? ago

No way...

It's almost like James keeps his sauce in his basement like he said years ago.

21228357? ago

They store the sauce at Bucks Fishing and Camping a couple doors down.

21228783? ago

No, James said in an interview that he keeps his sauce in the basement. He may not remember the interview, but it definitely exists.

21229822? ago

I saw that too. But I think he owns several D.C. businesses, Comet may not have the basement but one of them does.

21230092? ago

No, he's talking about the pizza store for sure. He's wearing an apron and everything.

21239171? ago

Yes you're right, I've seen it

21226625? ago

The problem with thinking the split-level basement garage is somehow to restrain kids down there is that besides the garage doors, and two entry doors, there is also the original narrow staircase, and a window well. The original tasteless joke was #killroom, and while they were remodeling the floor was dug up. JA could have buried a body there, but it's my opinion that the Pegasus Museum was used as a location for parties. The install of the metal dormers upstairs wasn't shared, despite the extensive custom work, possibly because the bedroom areas were off limits for photos. If children were abused at these parties they could easily have come and gone with little notice from the neighbors because of the park, and the private alley/driveway in the back.

As time goes by I'm more of the opinion that JA collects friends who have no connection to his predatory sex life. It's incredibly likely he was involved in staging the attack on CPP, and that he was selling CP from the computer in the closet there. If there was somewhere the elite were killing kids it probably was more discrete than at a property in JA's name. Maybe the DuPont Underground, they actively went in there and cleaned up, getting rid of evidence?

21226877? ago

I think it's more of a symbolic location than anything. The real acts are probably committed in a more discrete location that resembles what we see here.

21226944? ago

Yeah... you're way off, buddy.

This is where shit went down. It's absolutely clear that this location had a nefarious purpose, especially considering we're talking about Cummings and Alefantis.

21228374? ago

It's not "absolutely clear" that anything nefararious happened here - this is all theory - but I'm certainly suspicious of the location given both what you've outlined and how hard JA went after that guy who, awhile back, made a video exposing it.

21226976? ago

Maybe I am but either way Symbolism will be their downfall...

21226555? ago

Anon made this: Underground tunnels map (comet ping pong, pegasus museum)


21232370? ago

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21232356? ago

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21227739? ago

How did they do this?

21226523? ago

I would be very supprised if this investigation just stopped. I belive they have it all.

Think we are in for quite the showdown of good vs evil very soon.

No datefaggin. But it feels like the whole universe is trembling in anticipation

21226517? ago


Wanna DEEP dive??? Go look at the connections between Alefantis and the Pig Farm in Emittsburg, MD owned by a friend of his who happens to also be an Anesthesiologist..... (https://americandigitalnews.com/index.php/2017/11/12/riddle-alefantis-pig-farms-podesta-common/)

Check out the road leading to the PIG farm....It's got a ROOSTER pointing down the DEAD END road to the farm...Why have a ROOSTER denoting a PIG farm???


21226609? ago

'that little baby loved the farm'

the most bone chilling IG post ever made :(

21227334? ago

Isnt that the Caris James baby? The one with the rare coloboma defect in the eye that Soros, Prince Philip, Madeline Mccain all have.

21226365? ago

Did we ever figure out what the objects on the table are?

21226431? ago

Industrial 'art' from Alefantis bestie, Scott Cummings

If there is a secret use for those metal fabrications, I'm not aware of it.

But look at this fabrication from him >> PEDO TRIANGLE

21226349? ago

Is the "roosting" Instagram photo from recently? I've never seen it before. Did somebody break into his friend list on Instagram recently?

21227001? ago

No, It's quite old. I forget how old exactly but it was roughly 2013 or something like that. If you open up the instagram to the nearby Little Red Fox you'll find a pic like this one which I think is from the same event. It's at the very beginning of their page. This was Pegasus BEFORE the remodelling when 'Squareform' (Cummings/Wills etc) were based there. The remodelling then changed the roof, windows, most of the building really. I've got some images from a couple of years back but even they will be outdated now.

21227727? ago

Does anyone have an actual archive instead of just screenshot?

21230617? ago

For the performance pics at Pegasus when they're up on the rolling Mezzanine or all posted in the original post?

21226251? ago

At the very bottom on the left of the "roosting" pic. Is that coomer!?

21226825? ago

Damn, it does look like him. /pol/ would go crazy with that connection.

21226155? ago

I’ve been waiting for this guys name to come back to the spotlight.

21225946? ago

Jews gonna jew...

21225792? ago

Alefantis threatened Ryan for talking about this. Ryan where are you nowadays?

21228976? ago

21229065? ago

Wow, good to see you Ryan. Are you still in the same area? Hope you're doing well.

21229643? ago

I'm not Ryan, I was just tagging him. Looks like he hasnt been on in a while.

21229787? ago

Oh, sorry. Yeah looks like it's been 8 months.

21227310? ago

I remember that. Didnt he do a video about JA telling him personally to take down a Voat post? I had never heard of voat til then...

21229968? ago

Yes, who's the person In the look out post.its fucking alefantis's mum. (Dome at top of Pegasus - orange suit)

He got called out.

He went ape and stated, don't bring my mum into this.

21227660? ago

Yeah I believe that is right.

21225810? ago

Talking about this in 2016 brought gangstalkers to my house.

true story

21226215? ago

It brought attacks on all fronts..

21226041? ago

Dude I remember you video when JA called you. Freaked me out. Was praying for you. Justice seems to move slowly but it's coming for pizza creep and his minions

21227852? ago

What happened back then?

21230357? ago

Thanks. What was actually in the Pegasus video?

21230847? ago

Just a breakdown of the exterior I think.

21226305? ago

I am not Ryan, but thanks for your comment.

21225387? ago

This is all very true. The stairs can be would up so they can no longer be climed. I previously found it interest the with the table there is a coat hanger impression. On the ground. Coat hangers can be used for botched abortions

Your missing a couple of pics, there is an object which is attached to the ceiling and it appears as if it can be lowered. You may wanna check out this post and comments.


Unortunately the photos have been removed as not long after that got posted the image site got shut down. I wonder why...

21228107? ago

Prince Andrew? Saudi Royals, French Traffickers, Arabia, Rome, S.America and Hollyweird? The IMDB summary of Automatic at Sea produced by James Alefantis produced has been edited to remove mention of secret pizza Let's keep a lookout for "soda" as another codeword on the list? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3486951 As someone who's worked in IT over half their life, and also has been lurking almost every day since summer 2016 all the way from PG -> Q, this is incredible. Great work anon!!! Thank you for sharing!

21230243? ago

Edit, I was Alfifantis worst nightmare.


Now let me explain.....

Found his old archived Facebook, which had been doxed by the Chinese (nice people) they did a thorough job.

Any ways, as soon as I let slip, all people started to not follow and delete there account. Happend in real time, epic.

Podesta was the one above. /will keep quiet now.

Anon did a load of research n my post,mspecially who deleted there accounts etc..

At the time he thought it wasn't relevant.

21229753? ago

No problem brother / sister. Our paths have crossed before.

IT all my life, well after skool. Take care and atay safe.

Summer 2016' till now.... It's been a long hard slog.