21185230? ago

Good Post! You have said what needs to be said. So the one that thinks he is Jesus is still here? I have not caught him here for awhile. I believe you and me have spoken about him before. About 4 months ago. He is the double space guy correct?

21188065? ago

He’s not writing like that. He’s now just saying his DNA is everywhere. Writes normal. Some stuff is quite inspiring. But anyone coming onto Qrv saying he’s Jesus is... well, you get it.

21188313? ago

We spoke before and shared his posts. If you see any, try to let me know. BTW I did get him to state he was JC a few months ago. Made me sick.

21193553? ago

Did he literally say it? How funny. He hasn’t admitted it to me “yet.”

21193682? ago

yes he did. I called him out on it and he disappeared. I will look and see if I can find the dialogue.

21193542? ago

Here’s the other: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3490564

He was probed by OP into edgy territory so instead of having a dialogue there, he wrote the post the same day or quickly thereafter. Wanted more eyes. Understandable. But not legit.

Once you start tracking someone, you can see the BS piling up. In his case literally. Lol.

21193505? ago

So here’s the one he wrote a few days ago.


Nice enough. But go look to where people are asking him who he is and how he tells (me) that he’s been around the world many times and that DNA is in shit and since it’s in shit I have it in me.

Sooooo.... yeah. There’s that. Haha.

21193718? ago

Yeah I saw that one and did not voat on it. I viewed it as a bit weird and not my cup o tea.

21194798? ago

The key component I’m realizing now is that he’s talking about focusing ON the darkness. So he’s taking people’s attention and wanting to influence it to go towards the dark. Which is the opposite of what you want. I almost didn’t make this post but I feel it’s part of my “job” to help see the nuances.

21194852? ago

You did right. He thinks he is superior to you and me. He actually believes he is the one. I could not find that conversation. As I recall I had kind of baited him in and then started asking him questions to the point he more or less told me who he thought he was. It was like 4 months ago. I realized tonite that I talk too much on here! Went through a mile of comments and could have gone another 10!.

21184649? ago

Nope no questions. You sum it up pretty good. Thats coming from a irritating trolling hermit.

....,(o,o),.... Yo , sup....

Stop upvoting stupid shit just cuz it sounds good. Especially the one line shit trolling post with no body to the headline. How obvious a troll post is that shit.

Any posting worth its salt, the OP is probably watching it and responding.

21184379? ago

Legit, troll, who cares? It shows there are plenty of people out there who are inspired by and give support to someone who wants to fight their addictions. 26+ years without a drop of alcohol for this blackout drunk. I love hearing stories about people casting off their chains. Eff you to the demon(s) that want to ruin my life and kill me.

21184316? ago

This is An exercise in discernment. Good resonates with the Heart and soul. This is all we need.the inner knowing to tell what is what who is who and send love anyway. Good gives us that ability because we all have an ion of God inside us ..a tiny spark that lights the dark. Knowing this is freeing.

21188094? ago

Agree. To a degree.

Lots of popular people were frauds who got crowds moving in a direction they preset.

Your inspiration can blind you to the true motives of those who use positive affirmation to steer you wrong.

21189663? ago

Nope.they cant .I wont allow it. How do.you think david icke stays alive. Cos he wills it. This is the lesson im learning. The power is within.. No victim of myself.

21193386? ago

Haha. David is a family member. Go do your research. He’s as fake as they come.

21196570? ago

Family member ? Regardless I'm talking about mastering one's own sovereignty. The only way the dark can create is to get us to do it for them in thought action and deed. That's why they use sigil magic to focus our energy . They are not supported by the light. Therein lies their weakness and our strength. They have no permission unless we give it to them all the have is the power to persuade. We have live we have light. David serves their purpose in not providing the solution. But he knows it. I just described it.

21197169? ago

He’s a family member. Of “the extended family.” There are maaaaany of them. He’s one. If this sounds new, please reread the Q drops. Then go check out Miles Mathis’ paper on David where he digs up his geneology.

You and I have heard the same story : they need permission. I buy that theory because I buy that I have free will. It feels like I do. But who actually knows for sure. Who actually knows if they need permission? Maybe that’s another lie they fed into the groupthink. Who knows.

But Without going farther down that particular rabbit hole, I do agree that we create our reality with our minds because I experience it every day - when I focus on shit, I get shit. When I focus on good, I get good. I get amazing. Etc. and of course there are times when I’m tested and must climb out of the deepest hole I’ve ever seen.

21184124? ago

i was just sad to see i was saved get 400 upvoats... shill gas lighting?? or do they not know how ccp works

21184076? ago

Bang on patriot

This needs more upvoats

21184001? ago

Your title is pure gold. Thanks.

21183993? ago

It was just a coincidence that registrations were opened up right before the return of 8kun/Q

21183917? ago

THANK YOU. fucking 450 upvotes...we don't even have that many members. My bullshit radar went off instantly.

21183845? ago

Attack post after attack post .... pathetic shills have been given their orders .... never have the attacks been heavier than just as Q comes online again. These people are stupid.

21183743? ago

I was the one who wrote the "i got rescued" post. I had no idea it was going to blow up like that. I wrote it on a whim before I took a nap because I just wanted to get it out there. When I woke up, I was surprised and spiritually uplifted to see it on the front. I'm no shill. I been with this movement from the start. I'm not lying. I came back from hell. The dark fucking hole I crawled of, I will tell you right now it would not have been possible without God. I know it sounds bizarre that a person can do all those drugs but its true.

And I agree with you. Love is what heals you. I agree with you more than you think. I don't agree with everything in the Bible because it was put together by the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican Library already hides many manuscripts that would probably redefine a lot of parts of the Bible, such as the Book of Thomas, the Book of Mary, the Book of Enoch.

I believe that Jesus was a real person that wanted us to connect to love, not worship him.

God doesn't tell you to be kind. God taps your shoulder when you are in the right place at the right time to know what the right thing to do is.

I never mentioned anything religious in my post. It was me being vulnerable and asking for help and being answered.

You can call God whatever you like, Gaia, Life Force, Supreme Being, 5th dimension, Spirit, Creativity, Infinity, whatever you want. I just use the term God.

The source of life that we all connect to.

And I was disconnected for so long. Rotting away. But now I am healing and almost there, I feel it at the tips of my fingers.

Just a guy who wanted to contribute to the positive energy that engulfs this movement.

You can worry all you want about religion and this and that, but Christianity is the closest thing right now to the karmic forces of the universe.

And there will be a day when religion won't be necessary, but why do you want such instant gratification?

Hasn't this Q movement showed you patience, that there are people who haven't slept in years, waiting for this opportunity?

Religion is no different in this cultural revolution.

It will evolve and adapt as our consciousness rises.

I don't believe in good or evil. I believe in love and lack of love. Everything we perceive as evil only exists because of the lack of love. And thus, we tend to repeat many processes because we follow this duality.

Kindness can be love, but is not always love.

And more than just people saying "awww good job" to me, I perceive it more as "look at the beautiful things that are happening around us."

When a fellow brother or sister has rose from the dark pits of their heart, we should all celebrate.

I don't care if you are Christian, an atheist, or whatever. When a fellow human being has the courage to announce that they have conquered their fears, we celebrate. Because we are all in this together.


21185157? ago

You did good Anon, OP here is the one glowing, not you.

21184187? ago

I love you

21183931? ago

I didn't read any of this. You are a pure disinfo shill or a young naive retard.

Post studies to perpetuate the bullshit dick shrinking pot lies. Studies clearly mention they use roids.

You didn't even read the fucking bible.

You're going to hell for lying.

21183793? ago

I’m a deeply spiritual person. No need to sell me on it. And if you are the one who wrote it, and it wasn’t just pure bullshit, good.

To be clear, my comments re: bible and spirituality were directed at the first individual I describe. He insinuated he’s Jesus, without saying it, and many are lapping it up.

Doing lots of drugs is not what’s “funny” about the story. What’s funny is the lack of detail. The broad strokes. It didn’t taste true. And if I’m wrong, I’ll take it.

21183907? ago

I meant it to be broad. I was getting it off my chest and wanted to be straight forward without any embellishments. I wasn't expecting the response it received. It was more of a declaration to myself of the path of freedom I am finally on.

21183598? ago

Also watch out for flat earthers trying to hijack every other conspiracy subject including Q and calling them flat earth "proofs".

21183595? ago

I would trust the discernment of a Christian over a secular asshole any day. The Holy Spirit provides the discerning wisdom. Secular people only rely on their own perceived witty knowledge of popular culture.

Seems like OP is butt hurt that his shitty anger posts only get 14 likes. Who cares about likes man it’s an anonymous board. Move along.

21183658? ago

I would not let you baby sit any kids, regardless of your thumping of my God's word, a white washed sepulcher full of dead man's bone's I suspect. How many children cried, "stop"?

21183609? ago

Being a Bible thumper doesn’t make you susceptible to hearing the Holy Spirit.

In the same vein, the Holy Spirit is everywhere and so can make anyone hear them.

You assume I’m secular because? Because I’m logical too?

Go home.

The tool you think is Jesus... well isn’t Jesus. Sorry.

21183586? ago

I agree. The problem that we often face is being susceptible to manipulation. Often times when people want to manipulate a population they start by culturing them and gaining their trust. After they have some trust they start to divert people's attentions and beliefs/morals into a specific direction. That's the threat of certain threads here on QRV; some of the good stories are meant to manipulate us in the end, and its hard to recognize it.

A good rule of thumb I go by is this:

"Is the message being said through emotion or through logic?"

Which will be followed by:

"What is the intended take-away from this message?"

21183615? ago

I definitely feel into my body. My body resonates with a lot of assholes saying truthful things because it’s the truth that resonates. Not the asshole.

And you’re right. They will take an idea and twist it.

Be careful out there.

21184099? ago

You could try some spicy food, that will make your asshole resonate

21183937? ago

I think thats just your asshole resonating my guy.

21188044? ago

First chakra my man. The asshole is a receptor.

21188151? ago

excellent reply lmfao.

21193448? ago

Yep. But don’t laugh your “ass off”. You need it. :)

21183565? ago

Ok, first off you are fucked because I am both the devil and god and so are you ass face. Both manifest themselves through us and we represent the warfare, it is fought on this prison planet by us. Be selfless and produce light and blessing and you are manifesting God in you, be selfish and cruel and produce destruction and you are manifesting Satan within. It is moment by moment , choice by choice

21183583? ago

Good. Some discernment in this one.

21183527? ago

You are exactly correct. These shill/troll posts that have popped up are coordinated efforts. Stop falling for them.

21183506? ago

This makes you susceptible to being trolled because your hearts are kind.

Here's the problem with shills who post hate facts about Jews and Negroes or try to slide using posts about Jesus...

...I don't mind.

Legitimate research is invaluable, but it doesn't hurt to remind Christians about the importance of faith, even if the intention of the message is insincere.

"Hate facts" are welcome too because after the Jew World Order war is over, we'll still have 6% of our population (male niggers) committing more than half the crime and murders. Patriots need to be red-pilled about this too.

21183724? ago

"No true Christian" fallacy. I'm a Christian AND a LSC believer, gfy.

21183485? ago

The programming of fakebook normies to upvoat crap is amazing.