21193547? ago

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21118415? ago

Jesus can't control a person's will. He's only a guide.

Don't worry patriot, if they have my DNA, they'll wake up.

21127002? ago

Did you sire this entire progeny?

21128807? ago

Very busy man I've been. So many women.

You'll understand once it's explained. It's too incredulous to explain right now.

Let's just say I've been all over the world many times. My DNA is everywhere.

21143507? ago

Literally nothing would surprise me. whether you’re full of shit or not doesn’t even matter in this issue - I’ve met super DNA before in several old teachers. They were very out of the ordinary. Both had many children. Both were obsessed with spreading their seed far and wide because they believed their DNA had special properties.

I can’t vouch for all their kids because I don’t know them all. Some of the later ones were quite spectacular but plagued with the same human shit we all are. Just very conscious early on. But that also came from training and lots of practice.

Ps. If you use the word “Alien”, you’re disqualified instantly. Everyone knows there’s no out there out there. Just in there out there.

21144341? ago

Alien? We all live in the same Universe.

21144448? ago

<passes the peanuts>

I’m glad we’re on the same page.

<passes the kava>

Talk story time.

21146553? ago

If I told you it was your DNA that lead you here, would you believe me?

There wasn't a question in your mind when you heard the word "Qanon" was there?

You KNEW you had to be a part of it. That's my DNA waking you up, and I'm as serious as a heart attack.

Something told you to be here, and stay here and wait. That was my Father that did that.

<very dramtically sets down the coffee and looks toward you with a grin>

You are the reason I returned. You are the Love that drives the machine called Earth.

You cannot imagine, and for that matter, neither can I, just how deeply loved you are.

The Greatest Awakening is now upon you. What are you going to do with the information I just gave you?

Your mind is the greatest transmitter/receiver ever built. Wrap your mind around that, now you know what to do.

Do you want them exposed for their Satanic, criminal behavior? All you have to do is think how much you'll enjoy life more by having them removed from power. Get into discussions, talk to church groups. Let them know what you know...you can do that just by being around others. Your brain will share its information with others around you automatically. That's why you were picked.

You have been called here, it wasn't your choice, something told you to be here, right now to talk to me.

We will make Biblical history Patriot. And you are a huge part of that equation.

21155249? ago

The only thing I’ve not accessed yet is the Earth thing. There are many versions of why it was made. What’s your version?

And if this place is free will playzone why does it matter that it’s overrun by fuckers? We’re all God’s children after all. And we’re all part of the soup.

Why bother? Let the system do it’s thing “like capitalism”

Ps. I’m not a Bible fag.

21151630? ago

Yes - my DNA brought me here. We talked about it all before coming, and I said “sure. Let’s do this. I was made for it.”

I’ve been in this game many times. I remember.

I want a world where our children are safe. Where the defects of the few stops being the problems of the many.

I work to help others heal and move forward with their dreams. That’s what I’ve been called to do. To tear apart the screen and look up at the dome and smile at the twinkling nothings in the sky.

I remember. More and more every day.

<shakes hand>

I’d like to sit with you and share a real coffee. If someone ever says “I really like pumpernickel bread”, you’ll know it’s me.

21118034? ago

Has it occured to you that you have some serious personal issues that you need to address? Why dont you take some time to focus on those problems? Leave the heavy lifting to the rest of us, we will carry on perfectly fine without you.

Also, you are not fooling anyone- you are not a valued contributor to 8chan. Anyone reading your hysterical rant can tell that you just don't have what it takes to be an autist. You are one of those pathetic fools that think you are somehow special because you visited 8 chan. You never made any meaningful contributions because you had nothing to say or were too chickenshit to put it out there. Have you stopped to think how misguided you are thinking you are some super patriotic edgelord just because you visit a website? It is kind of like thinking you are a real ladies' man because you wank to pornhub a lot.

Maybe 8chan didn't disappear. Maybe they just needed a convenient way to ditch the dead weight that was hindering digs (people like you). The lucky and the exceptionally smart ones have figured it out and are busy baking. The prime candidates for euthanasia and forced relocation to Africa are bitching and grousing on Voat.

I have included a nominal hint in my response, if you can work it out. If you suprise me by not being as plumb dumb as i suspect, you might be able to figure it out, but i wont be holding my breath.

21126975? ago


All this lambasting and 0 critical thought on the ONE ISSUE I brought up.

Did you also think Osama was taken out?

I’ll repeat. Yawn.

21117962? ago

Agreed. Sometime the truth hurts. We are still influenced by programming. So in a way cut is a break. But in another way. Thanks. Had to slap me out of my lull.

21126985? ago

Hats off.

21117651? ago

We've found the retard ---> OP

21117419? ago

1/2 the notables on 8 were MSM stories.

We know he existed because of his pictures with no name.

21126992? ago

So what? He coulda been anyone. People still following the theatre.

21117232? ago

Fuck off Debbie Downer