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21185230? ago

Good Post! You have said what needs to be said. So the one that thinks he is Jesus is still here? I have not caught him here for awhile. I believe you and me have spoken about him before. About 4 months ago. He is the double space guy correct?

21188065? ago

He’s not writing like that. He’s now just saying his DNA is everywhere. Writes normal. Some stuff is quite inspiring. But anyone coming onto Qrv saying he’s Jesus is... well, you get it.

21188313? ago

We spoke before and shared his posts. If you see any, try to let me know. BTW I did get him to state he was JC a few months ago. Made me sick.

21193542? ago

Here’s the other:

He was probed by OP into edgy territory so instead of having a dialogue there, he wrote the post the same day or quickly thereafter. Wanted more eyes. Understandable. But not legit.

Once you start tracking someone, you can see the BS piling up. In his case literally. Lol.