21193575? ago

This is now an official #JESUSANON post. Noted and following.

21203477? ago

Jesus died. He won't be coming back.

Forget about Jesus returning.

He has a new name, new purpose this time, it ain't Jesus and it ain't to teach either.

21236530? ago

What’s his new name? Or is it the other one from the garden you claim to be?

21238985? ago

That's an easy one for you to answer by yourself. Find out who God really liked in the Bible.

There's one name that God mentions over and over, because he loves him.

Find that name. Also think along the lines of the age we are closing...it won't take you long.

21251623? ago

God liked a lot of people. You claim not to be Jesus. But then assert you are. Then you threaten people.

Not a good look.

21253271? ago

Go away. Oh ye of little faith.

If I threatened you, you'd know it.

21260928? ago

Don’t worry, we’ll become good friends in time. I’ll be everywhere- making sure your psyop is visible.

21210270? ago

Clearly not to teach.

21193514? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#71724) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

21180870? ago


21170709? ago

I think you are talking about creating an Egregore. It's something of a collective thought bubble. That's how the media manipulate cultures. They tell you a certain thing over and over and eventually maneuver into telling you that you are the only one left that doesn't agree that it's true. If they had told everybody suddenly in the 1990s that it's normal for men to be marrying men, and that children can decide if they want to be boys or girls, and it's good to teach them that from a very young age, they would have been thrown in mental hospitals or had their broadcast stations burned down. So they tune and re tune the collective thought patterns of the masses until they calculate they have reached critical mass, and then you who disagree with them have become the outcasts and bigots, shunned in public and never to be invited to the cool parties. Occultists consider this as equal to actual conjuring of dark forces to do the dirty deed in Magic rituals, as it accomplishes the same task. It may be more time consuming, but it comes at less peril.

21169710? ago

I prefer to focus on the solution as I understand it.

21169664? ago

And that's why the Demonrats will lose cause it takes 10 times the Energy to Lie ,Steal,Cheat,Hate that's why they use Fear and Children as fuel!! We use Love and the Truth takes way less that is why TRUMP is full of

ENERGY and runs circles around them!!! They are Destroyers We/Trump are Builders

21169068? ago

I understand and have heard many of the same teachings from other sources. Curious how you were able to "wake up?"

21171329? ago

Q woke me up. But, that was the plan to start with.

"He will be hidden among you. He will be no one special, no one will notice him"

Had to wake up at some point.

21167907? ago

Good post. needed it

21167356? ago

Great post, mind fag!

21167390? ago

Not mine. But you already know who I work for.

It seems you stand out to me.

21166804? ago

Not our minds but our souls, the most important bit about us.

21167216? ago

(that comes later, right now I need our mind)

21166448? ago

Damn this whole thread is a race to who can be the most woke. Take that SJW shit outta here.

21167222? ago

Turn your brain on dammit and join the rest of us.

We aren't fucking around.

21169069? ago


I am here at your disposal. What do you need? <

21169522? ago

Are the comment numbers important? If so, how?

Not the OP. Thank you

21169564? ago

Yes they are! I do not believe in co-incidences, right down to the most minute level.

Numbers are ALIVE, and are inseparably connected to Letter, and Sounds, geometry, and have multiple meanings esoterically and manifest in the spiritual realm, and then in the physical realm.

The 3 2s got my attention, as did ther 2 2s in your next comment.

They are signs. I am watching for them all the time, so I notice them more than most people, as well as the fact I have OCD and Synesthesia.

Numbers are super important to me, as are what people say. Every last word. The timing. Hand gestures. Eye contact. It creates an Apperception of the Conceptual, not otherwise possible > It means REALLY paying attention to the most minute detail. I study people carefully. <

21166369? ago

"Set your mind on the things of heaven, not the things of earth." Colossians 3:2

21167247? ago

Really, I am only the humble messenger.

The Creator is genius. Pure and simple genius.

This is all tying together like the best written novel ever conceived.

God wins...He tends to always win.

21166091? ago

I find it ironic that most of you think you have some sort of special mind, when you can't even see the real truth right in front of you. You buy into the heliocentric universe nonsense and aren't even bright enough to figure out the biggest lie ever told. We try to reason with you, bring facts, experiments that you can try yourself, but you just hand wave it away and say "we're some chosen ones".

You couldn't be more wrong. You're still sheep to me and the rest of us who are FULLY awake.

21167267? ago

Nope. You seem to be marching out of step to 100000 troops and insisting that you're the one instep.

You may not agree with it, really I don't care. It's happening, without you.

21166337? ago

You mean flat earthers as “the rest of us”?

21166404? ago


21166515? ago

How do you know who here believes what unless you explicitly ask?

21167980? ago

I've been here long enough to know. 99% of ppl buy into heliocentric nonsense. Although at one point, we were about 50/50 here.

21166033? ago

I want to call this guy, Jesus anon.

I think we had a chat about DNA earlier. ;)

21167277? ago

At this point, all of you should know me.

ALL of you.

21169077? ago

Yes I know you Anon. Thanks for being here. <

21168450? ago

Then please tell us exactly who you are.

21168785? ago

They will.

21170059? ago

Ugh. Just another door knockin psyop. Way to get peoples hopes up just to be some weirdo with a Jesus complex.

Once again.

21171337? ago

If you think I asked for this job, think again.

21182704? ago

Who do you think you are.

21184324? ago

I'm the one that they knew would return.

21188003? ago

Oh Jesus, what’s up my man. Still sporting that beard? Curious how you got all that DNA into all them women if you were celibate. Just curious. All these people talking smack. But I believe. Just curious.

21188267? ago

DNA can be transmitted by shit. Apparently your mother didn't tell you?

God is amazing...And since I've traveled all around the globe several times, I guarantee, you've eaten the remnants of my shit.

That's how I sneak my DNA into you. That's how this all works.

21193436? ago

Omg. I ate Jesus shit.


You are officially dooone here. Everywhere you go? I will link to you. And show everyone what you are.

Thank you for making this easy.

21194836? ago

Anytime I can help.

You are finished here.

Whatever you folks want to do to this individual is fine with me.

Threatening me isn't cool around here. Erase his comment too.

Si us Plau

21195578? ago

I’m actually getting a hard on now.

You really are a fucking twat.

But just for shits and giggles, because not everyone can work out the implications of your d-baggerry here: Jesus would NEVER SAY THAT. ESPECIALLY TO ONE OF HIS BABIES.

So with that, and HIS love, I forgive you for being a faggot. In every sense of the word.

21174397? ago

You’re using genesis as a baseline for information. Asserting things not in there. Claiming not everyone is of the root DNA. Which is. IMPOSSIBLE.

So yeah, you’re wrong.

21174515? ago

Nope. Garden of Eden.

Satan's seed was in Eve.

God made sure that child would never have the ability.

What ability? Why does it matter to you? my typing is wasted on the non believer.

Pay attention. Enmity on HIS seed. Not ours.

21182698? ago

I believe in truth. You, I’m not sure about you’ve yet to prove you’re anything more than just another flapping mouth.

You have a lot of proving to do. People shouldn’t take anything for face value around here.

21184328? ago

You will.

21182344? ago

Who is Satan to you?

Who. Specifically.

21184331? ago

The person that just lost the war.

21187965? ago

So it’s a person. Gotcha.

21165657? ago

Nah, not gonna focus on evil.

21165700? ago

Good on you Anon, much better to focus on the good. Don't feed the wicked.

21165386? ago

It's hard when you realize everyone around you lives by "do as though wilt". Its so deeply imbedded in our culture now. It's satanic. We need to spread the good word! Teach people how to be selfless and to love thy neighbour.

21167320? ago

All you have to do is one simple thing. Have Faith that can move mountains.

Besides, you have me, and I have the Creator. We're good :-)

They will come around.

21165121? ago

Yes, focus on what we want to happen to the evil people. Our thoughts and words hold great power and create energy.

21165695? ago

Yeah well I've spent time seriously focusing on a tree falling on my evil neighbor's head and it hasn't happened yet. I mean I really focus and it just isn't working. Any suggestions?

21165794? ago

Maybe if I focus on it too. We need lots of people focusing on this. Requires lots of energy. So I'll help you out and start imagining this as happening.

21165882? ago

Okay. It should be easy enough, he's out cutting trees for no good reason at least twice a week. Just leaves them there, doesn't even use them for firewood. It really would be best for everyone if he just rotted under the tree.

21165923? ago

So is this the only reason we want him gone? Because he cuts trees for no reason? If I'm going to send my energy your way, I need to know that this man really deserves it.

21167561? ago

You of course realize I would never ask you to do that no matter what. I should have the balls to put a bullet in his head myself but I don't want to play God.

I lived in a paradise for about 18 years. We have about 100 acres of open/forested land surrounding our house that wasn't used anymore by the elderly couple who owned it and we were free to enjoy the river, woods and all the creatures who called the land home. I walked it every day of my life and considered myself a steward of the land. This kept me sane and in good physical condition. Other surrounding neighbors also used the land for fishing and hiking. It was a beautiful place. At least it was until the greedy piece of shit I have to call a neighbor weaseled his way into possession of it through lies and deceit.

After he bought the land he immediately started cutting down the forests and burning everything in his path. He destroyed entire habitats just because he could. He threatened anyone he ran into with arrest for trespassing, including me. He kills every living creature he can find. Some of the trees he cut were strategically done to herd the deer onto his property so on one else could get any. Mind you, the people he bought it from were told he would keep it just like it was and conserve it. He has done just the opposite.

One sunny day in July there were three deer grazing in my yard while I worked in the garden, a mother and two youngsters. I lost track of them after they wandered into the woods and then I heard three shots followed by an evil laugh. The motherfucker shot the deer just so I couldn't enjoy them. He is no good and I really do hope a tree falls on him but seriously I don't expect you to hope with me.

21168371? ago

Oh my God! If this story is true, this man is pure evil. Yes, I will help you! A tree must fall on this man! I will begin to envision this scenario in my head each day. My thoughts will generate energy toward this happening. Get others to do this as well.

21168382? ago

The story is true and there is more to it. He is evil walking the earth.

21168390? ago

Well, I will seriously start envisioning this man having Karma catch up with him!

21168449? ago

I have been doing that for years. So far no luck.

21165099? ago

I can't tell if this is a psyop to drive people insane or not.

21165296? ago

No. That psyop is called "matrimony" drives most men insane eventually.

Edit: I love you dear.

21165353? ago

I've lost friends and family over this shit. So the idea that you're going around telling people to think about it more without addressing some of the serious problems, and just telling people to dwell on that?

I have no idea what your motivations are. Who knows.

21165382? ago

Your mind is far more powerful than your mouth patriot.

Use it well.

21165786? ago

Hence the Anons prickling at focusing on the negative. That message does not match my experiences, or it would appear the experience of others. What good comes from meditation on evil? The choice is simple, face the light or face the dark. What you focus on defines your view. My gut tells me to nurture the good so it may flourish. Expose the wicked when you find it, but don't dwell and let it consume your precious energy.

21164184? ago

from: doglegwarrior

hey QRV and Qanon people we were here long before you... we were naming the jew first not waiting till the end.. we were woke we were passing out red pills... way to get in here and act like you made the great land of goats known as voat what it was... we did this we fucking kept the faggots nigger kikes out by explaining what the deal is.. we say nigger not because we are racist because we are free men... i hope yall are right but god damn have some respect for the people that established this beach head

21166354? ago

What does this have to do with anything? OP isn’t on about the QRV board alone. If you woke, you woke.

And thank you for your service.

21165968? ago

u alright dog. qrv knows about jews finally kek

21171408? ago

from: doglegwarrior

all good i hope yall really getting shit done and if yall are legit i hope you win if you dont its bad news for america and really bad for white americans

21164672? ago

Amen! I found voat last year right before the reddit shutdown. Thought I knew a lot, 20-years I've been in this. But y'all fully explained the JQ and everything makes so much more sense now. KEEP IT UP!

21164043? ago

Yes! This is all about Jesus.

Jesus is our mind!!

21163947? ago

Yep. All this torment is too keep us from discovering our true power of love and belief. A frightened mind manifests fear.

A calm, loving and collected mind can manifest heaven on earth

21165826? ago

Much love Anon, thank you for playing your part.

21169864? ago


21163839? ago

Any other empaths here? I was wondering if we were in some way summoned here.

21169057? ago

Yes. Present. <

21166898? ago

I am one. Unfortunately I live in a part of Europe where some Rothchilds live, along with some red shoed people, evil and mean looking. I have had to switch off my empathic sense as this is a town where love and happiness come to die. My faith in Jesus will never die though.

21167506? ago

Damn. Sounds like a Steven King movie.

21165676? ago

I stopped wondering a while ago. You knew the answer before you asked the question.

21167754? ago

Yeah, I probably did. I wasn't aware of the term or meaning until very recently. Made so much sense. I was testing the waters here to see if there were others who self identify. It changed my perspective so profoundly!

21164155? ago

I heard the calling christmas 2-3 years ago. Things really snowballed from there

21163301? ago

Wow you're like a prophet or something.

21165914? ago

Think mirror.

21164486? ago

And you're like my protector or something.

21165837? ago


21163191? ago

I used to walk around like I had a big ol dick swinging between my legs but now I walk around like I have a big ol brain. It's changed me as a person and kind of scares me somtimes

21163328? ago

It's not easy to part ways with who you (thought) you were.. But, you GOT this anon!! Trust <3

21163589? ago

It's definitely been my own personal awakening bit I'm along for the ride!

21166307? ago

It’s all about the personal awakening. That’s how it becomes a global awakening. :) well done.

21163936? ago

Me too, and I feel lucky to have gotten a nearly ticket instead of the crash course many others will get!

21163008? ago

You were sent here by Q to learn the truth about jews. Put on the fucking glasses https://files.catbox.moe/vbvpdg.gif

21162964? ago

The Great Awaitening

21162838? ago

What about all the people who are coming her to express their hatred of Jews? How do they fit in to this picture?

21164731? ago

They are obsessed with assigning ethical status to genetic lineages (mirroring their professed enemy counterparts) and wrapping that up in a cosmic theodicy. From philosophical and sociological points of view, it's some of the most pathetic garbage I've ever come across on the Internet, period. The irony that they position themselves as everyone's wake up call.

Cue Jooz shill replies

21167406? ago

Found the ...

Just kidding. That makes sense.

21162718? ago

The heart transmits (electromagnetic energy, torus field)

The mind receives

21162806? ago

1 in 1000 transmit their thoughts strongly to others > telepathy.

Empathic abilities manifest themselves when tuned correctly > Feel the emotions of others as if they are your own. <

It is like turning on a light when walking into a room > Everybody notices instantly. <

21164756? ago


21168956? ago

Excellent. Me too. <

21170138? ago

Empathy can feel like a curse.. picking up on 'vibes'. Feeling others true feelings or intent, and being able to tell if they are lying or uncomfortable.

Its been very elevated the past year or so...

21170192? ago

"Feeling others true feelings or intent, and being able to tell if they are lying or uncomfortable"

I can read people like a book now. I don't have many friends anymore. <

21170430? ago


21170444? ago


21163474? ago

So what you are saying is that the more people we wake up to what the jews are doing, the more likely people are to rise up and destroy them?

21168926? ago

Never interfere with an Enemy when they are in the process of destroying themselves...

21166298? ago

We will engulf and transform them.

21162557? ago

We win by hanging all the jews.

21163487? ago

ovens are ok, too

21164170? ago

Well that would actually be the first time.

But highly innefective. As proven by many holohoax pedes

21162545? ago

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

21164583? ago

Thanks for this. I've been struggling for a while and these are the right words at the right time.

21162894? ago

That is excellent anon thank you^

I believe this John Wesley quote is related and inspired by that verse:

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, for all the people you can, as long as ever you can.

-John Wesley

21162463? ago

Good post. Send your love to the collective consciousness every day and you will receive love back many times over that which you send. And be sure to be mindful of the energies you transmit; the same goes for negativity.

21162336? ago

Victory is assured.

I've heard when the grid goes down, the lack of EMF will allow us to more easily hear eachothers' minds. And for normies, their own minds.

I understand all in divine timing, but I feel so impatient. I've been thinking though, that that's kind of on purpose and part of the plan, to have it stay on the transmitters' minds so we can assist with manifesting victory and spreading knowledge to the collective subconscious.

21162297? ago

I see evil everywhere. I trust God to deal with it. I read the Bible and pray.

21162334? ago

Focus is all I ask when you are in group settings. Just a single minute of focus.

21162246? ago

Im here because I have a bigger weiner than all of you

21162364? ago

No i am here because i have a bigger wiener than all of you

21162528? ago

Yeah right!!!

21162581? ago

I'm focusing all of my intention on how small your wiener is and therefore your wiener is small.

21164227? ago

My hair is a bird, so ur argument is invalid

21165249? ago

You guys dont know anything about wieners. Let the pro do the talking

21169859? ago

A wiener PRO?

OMG! Slap like now 😂

21161949? ago

Start with the Jew obsessed goats. Get rid of them.

21162142? ago

Ok Patriot. Here it goes.

Those that call themselves JEWS are really controlled by Satan himself. The Roman Catholic Church is worshiping Satan by proxy, it's a completely ((Zionist Jew Organization from the top down)) controlled by the Jesuit Jews, who aren't really Hebrew Jews, just say they are.

Patriot we love the normal peace loving Jew. The Jews that KNEW Jesus was their promised messiah. We never get the two confused either.

Once I was exactly like you in thought, until the Creator sorted out my thinking.

We are united to ending the Zionist Satanic Jews reign over mankind.

Above all we hate nothing. Love everything that promotes peace and love.

Hate is a tool that ((they)) use without abandon. Love is the tool we use.

When I say I love you patriot, it means I love you peacefully and with the utmost kindness.

The are the problem, and until you realize that we've been bamboozled for 12,000 years by them, you aren't truly awake

If you would like to learn more, I'm always on QRV, at least five or six times per day.

We are united against those that call themselves Jews, but in fact aren't Jews at all, they work directly with Lucifer and Satan to rule the world.

21163519? ago

Are you sure there are peace loving jews? Don't those go by the name of "Christian"? I agree, we love the Christian jews. But the regular jews who call themselves jews (rather than christians) are really just satanists. we dont like satanists here. anyone who goes by the name is either a satanist or someone who is deceived by satan. I am ok red pilling those who are deceived so they can become christians. but I am not ok with letting satanists in.

21164546? ago

God will sort them out.

We'll do the rest.

21162151? ago

Jesus Fucking Christ, this dude just jumped the shark 3 times.

Go home, you're drunk

21162228? ago


No idea what jumping the shark is Fonzie...can you explain your statement more?

Also patriot, the day isn't over, not by a long shot.

21162022? ago

Rabbi it seems you are glowing.

21162034? ago

One trick pony posting the same ol bag of responses. Errbody a jew, right?

21163926? ago

Rabbi. you are glowing harder.

21161922? ago

Also focus on the light of our collective human spirit. Make the collective thought bubble aware, but filled with positivity for the future and how WE WILL shape it, instead of anger at the past.

21193606? ago

Why is this asshole (OP) telling us to focus on the evil?

Pretty backwards right? Because what you focus on persists.

This guy is pure evil.

He told me (further down) that his shit is everywhere and that’s how he got his DNA in me. Because he’s Jesus. Not kidding.

JESUSANON strikes (falsely) again.

21225532? ago

Well I wondered that at first too, but I think what they meant is - hold the knowledge in your field and transmit it out to those around you when in crowded places.. So the red pilled knowledge gets shared telepathically - even if briefly. We are electrical beings after all. I don't think they meant dwell on it though. Or at least that's the way I trust they didn't mean it ;)

21236525? ago

He’s an odd one. Been threatening people.

21165070? ago

Part of the hardest part of staying positive is letting go of the past. People who can let go easily are the ones who embrace positive more often. For some others, it's hard to let go.

21163829? ago

What does Loosh mean?

21163986? ago

Human energy which entities feed off. Think, emotional/energetic version of physical pain.


21165494? ago

This is why you're here.

Now you know the real answer.

21163618? ago

Sorry but this is Pagan

21163892? ago

Nonsense ;)

21163599? ago

It's hard when the DS is currently hunting you because you exposed them. Many of us would like to stand up and expose evil but those who do without public notoriety face nearly certain destruction.

21164054? ago

Expose them with your (mental) attention & focus like OP said. Even that will assist in the 100th monkey effect.

21169008? ago

Human beings are MUCH more powerful than anyone realizes. (((They))) know and fear us. <

21163286? ago

I'm not being an ass. Forgiving your parents for their mistakes is one of the first steps to living a positive life. Understanding they too were young adults without a clue how to raise you. You're alive though and reading these forums with like minded people; that's pretty awesome.

21163766? ago

There's a lot of power in forgiveness. It's like a huge burden gets lifted. I can't even imagine how shitty of a parent I could've potentially been at age 25, sheesh.. lol

21168990? ago

You forgive others so that YOU can move on. Not for them really.

21165183? ago

Easy, yet over-looked. Forgiveness begins with one self. Hard for most, 'cause they want you unhappy. You are an awesome child of God; realize your magnificence. Forgive yourself, then forgive those you come in contact with. Seek those, that pee'd in your corn flakes. They need it the most. Forgiving unleashes unconditional LOVE. Dive into the light. NOW is our time.

21165485? ago

Yes, 110%!! <3

21163477? ago

I forgave my parents 2 years ago. Took me 3 weeks to write a letter. Told them they are products of their own childhood as we all are. Told them I loved them and don’t judge them. Set me free. The biggest hurdle is forgiving ourselves and releasing any guilt or burdens. I love you all. Just as you are.

21163437? ago


this is where one should listen to advices of dr. Jordan Peterson

also I grew up in real toxic family

when I grew up and had my own kids I understood finaly my parents

They did not know any better, they knew less than me now much less they did their best but failed me lot of times.

I am sorry I did not had a chance to say proper goodbye but I aam healed and all is forgiven and in order ...

21162171? ago

Come here you, you need a huge hug!!!

Exactly on point.

21163248? ago

Received - thank you <3

21166037? ago

Might of been the gayest faggot reddit exchange I've ever seen on voat

21169599? ago

Downvote understood.

He's not wrong.

21161921? ago

Focus on exposing the Evil that surrounds us. Focus on exposing that the Evil has made its way into positions of power and trust.

21164014? ago

He'd be in jail a hundred times already if dems had precrime laws already. He must be doing this to wake us up.

21164135? ago

Naw, you fuckin idiot.

21163444? ago

this will elevate our vibration and the world's and bring us the change we need.

21164115? ago

It already is. And nice digits you got there confirming a great sentiment, anon!


21165524? ago

111,1111,101,121,131,141,1001 etc. indicates that a lesson to be learned is available.

222 or the similar variations above indicate, upon acceptance of the lesson indicated by the 111, that the lesson awaits set up in the life experience to ensure continuity. Sometime People and things must be positioned to make the lesson meaningful, and time is required for that to happen. That setup may not be needed, and one may get other numbers with the 222.

333 indicates “Yes” or you are seeing a positive example.

444 indicates “No” or you are seeing a negative example or what not to do.

555 indicates that the lesson is a mastery lesson and the successful completion will mean a significant change in one’s life when learned. Expect the lesson to be significantly difficult with more stress and more difficulty in navigating.

666 indicates that the lesson deals in the carnal or physical realm (outer)

777 indicates that the lesson deals in the spiritual realm (inner)

888 indicates the lesson is complete and all that occurred between the 111 and the 888 contains all the lesson elements and confine your attention to what happened between the 111 and the 888.

999 means that the lesson, its purpose and meaning was learned to completion

111 begins the new lesson cycle.

21168483? ago

Are you honestly saying the answer to this is NO?

this will elevate our vibration and the world's and bring us the change we need.

If so, what is your source?

21175265? ago

21177280? ago

For sure, TY. This as well ;)


21181217? ago

That is awesome I love it. Ty very much .. They tie together so nice. We create anew Our world.

21172872? ago

Thank you for the link. I will take the time to read it with an open mind.

21166191? ago

I have never heard 444 meaning NO. It’s only ever been presented as “Angels arebwith you” in all definitions I’ve seen. What is the source of these definitions?

21170070? ago

http://www.roage.com/res/html/CheatSheetMarkV.html.... I place it with you as I am testing this living theory. Please let me know How confirmations play out. I would like to See if this is correct. So far it has been working for me .

21170254? ago

I am reading through his thing. It’s pretty on point. A bit verbose and convoluted. Trying to EXPLAIN. But good overall. I’ll let you know if it confirms.

21161913? ago

I agree, and I appreciate your posts.

nice to know that others are able to see what I see...

21162209? ago

Soon the world will see what we all see. Those that cannot hear the Creators voice will be left behind.

You see, God has huge plans for us. Only those that have HIS DNA will hear his voice.

The others will be scrambling, scared and afraid once they learn they weren't part of God's rescue plan.

Just remember the word "enmity" and the Garden of Eden. You'll understand soon enough.

God is flat out just amazing...reminds me of my Father for some strange reason!

21166207? ago

Everyone has HIS DNA. How could they not? Not all created the same? How is that possible when we were created in His image?

21167343? ago

Garden of Eden Patriot.

Not everyone has HIS DNA.

Read Genesis.

21170054? ago

Everything was created by the ONE. There is no other way.

Nothing on Genesis points to anything else. You’ll need to be far more specific.

21168403? ago

The wonderful thing is that regardless of the DNA a person has, if they believe in Jesus as their savior, they instantly become a NEW CREATURE in Christ. Whoever wants to -- may receive Christ.

21165405? ago

You have some serious ego issues, you see. Your god wouldn't approve.

21162797? ago

"flat out".

Sounds like you mean that "Flat/Concave Earth" is part of the plan.

I'm typing gibberish 'cuz I want to me noticed.

21162763? ago

I hear HIS voice, and The Holy Spirit walks with me. <