21170498? ago

In Utah? Oh boy, of course... We have the Freemasons, Mormon cult, and fundamentalist Mormon polygamist cult... many disguised trafficking rings.. I wouldn't expect this in any other state

21168913? ago

If one's body is inviolable and subject to one's own will, does that not apply to the unborn as well?

21168322? ago

These people are sick

They are not even covert about it

"Can you tell us a secret about Steven Spielberg?"

"He eats babies. Whole. Babies."


21168313? ago

Oh fuck off and pray

21168266? ago

It's going to be in the Mor(m)on State. How convenient.

21167883? ago

Makes sense since they like UN being in their backyard.

United Nations Silences Utah Journalist



21168084? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3456444 A Year Ago - Lindsay Lohan tried to steal some kids? Former Child Actress, Disney Lohan Beach Club. She spoke in a weird Arabic accent, made threats about Pakistan with immigrant strangers??

21167579? ago

I had some fucking homo send me a work ticket today asking about why an LGBTQ... He made sure not to forget that Q... He wanted to know why that degenerate option wasn't on some survey, for professors mind you, and I had this urge.....


My imagination was going crazy. I can reply to this cucked cocksucking faggot with many things. I have a template that just says (type text here)

So my brain was... My gut didn't agree... Was telling me to tell him to go Fuck himself but considering everyone would see it.. that wouldn't work.

So I just told him in nice French that that option did not exist.


He came back with emotes in a pro setting like a true cucked fudge packer.

Fuck all Luciferians and MAH Joo shills.

21168064? ago

Hollyweird? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3481629 Anonymous - What's the deal with this Hollywood actor? Why is he raising his son to look like a girl?

21167526? ago

Probably only 4 or 5 real satanist, the rest are just trendy / edgy.

21168025? ago

Pakistan's Intelligence Agency Logo - Symbolism will be their downfall. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397625

21168256? ago

I meant in this group specifically, I know they are a global issue.

21167463? ago

These people are harmless

21167968? ago

That's what Shriners tell you about the refujihadi

21167341? ago

Clown world.

Mandate to not reproduce via infringing others' rights

21168102? ago

Little Mix is a British band that was put together in the UK x-factor a few years ago.. They've been one of the more successful bands from that show but it's clear here that the ultimate goal of that show is to promote 'the agenda' to the younger generation..

It's interesting, one of them was in the news here recently revealing that she was assaulted by a producer or something like that, I forget exactly because I don't pay any attention to these fake processed bands.. It did seem to fit in with the 'sell yourself in the form pf sexual favours and you'll be famous' brigade though..


21167242? ago

How is the satanic temple “non theistic” when it worships it’s own god, satan?

21167414? ago

“ Founded on April 30, 1966 c.e. by Anton Szandor LaVey, we are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man’s true nature—that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence. To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body. He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions.

As Anton LaVey explained in his classic work The Satanic Bible, Man—using his brain—invented all the Gods, doing so because many of our species cannot accept or control their personal egos, feeling compelled to conjure up one or a multiplicity of characters who can act without hindrance or guilt upon whims and desires. All Gods are thus externalized forms, magnified projections of the true nature of their creators, personifying aspects of the universe or personal temperaments which many of their followers find to be troubling. Worshipping any God is thus worshipping by proxy those who invented that God. Since the Satanist understands that all Gods are fiction, instead of bending a knee in worship to—or seeking friendship or unity with—such mythical entities, he places himself at the center of his own subjective universe as his own highest value.

We Satanists are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm. Magus Gilmore’s essay “What, The Devil?” from The Satanic Scriptures discusses this in greater detail.”


21167358? ago

Satanism is a “religion” that mocks religion.

21167704? ago

Satanism mocks God.

21166902? ago

What kind of patch will we make them wear?

21168175? ago

You dont see the symbols ...Miley Cyrus gets tat of snake eating a child. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3393827/21065567 Of all the "romantic" things she saw in Italy to inspire a TATOO forgodsakes, she picked THIS?!! Demonic.

21167932? ago

Twitter Tick

21167215? ago

lmfaooooo shadilay.

21166762? ago

Fucking losers. They follow the predestined loser.

21166759? ago

This is where I keep seeing the reports of UN on US soil.

21168123? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3397615 Woody Allen is pictured leaving Jeffrey Epstein's mansion after lavish party in Prince Andrew's honor that was also attended by Katie Couric,Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopolous

21166746? ago

Tell them they do have a Satanic church in SLC. It is the Mormon Church.

21167987? ago

the new FBI drops warned of a network

21168094? ago

I heard about that, but have been too busy to look. Do you have a link? I can read it this weekend.

21168234? ago

They dropped Epstein files, Bill Cooper files and https://voat.co/v/QRV/3489632 the Finders cult, later it was seen on the official twitter

21168351? ago

Thank you! I will catch up then.

21166551? ago

So what NEEDS to happen in order to say "THE PLAN" and "THE GREAT AWAKENING" by Q was all a farce? Or will we continue to believe it. I still hope and believe the satanists & Russia hoax will be exposed will be brought to justice but I'm losing hope and losing it fast. One thing is if FLYNN gets sentenced. If he goes to jail, It's over. We've lost the country.

21166652? ago

None of that is happening you stupid christ faggot

21166463? ago

i wonder how they feel about vaccine mandates

21167964? ago

Why the ritual obsessions? There seem to be a shit ton of these Satanic faiths or Lucifer temples or maybe Same religion yet different names, different faces ...Genio maligno or Le Malin génie the Masonic Demiurge Jaa Bal On Theory, polytheistic religions with new gods and old demons, Baal/Bael (Christian demonology), Fictional Lovecraft-ism which has become something of a cult, Jinn (Islamic demonology), Lili (Jewish mythology)

Lilith ( Jewish folklore) Hindu Indian thuggees (Kali worshippers who strangle travelers)....these weird fuck ups seem to be political cancer, a shitty real life horror show with no respect for life.

21169080? ago

They all have one thing in common. They are in the business of attacking God. Since man is the crown jewel of God's creation, made for fellowship with God... Satan, working through willing participants (cultists) attack humanity. Why? Because humanity is the image of God, therefore the target. "Let us make man in our image" (Gen. 1:26) Attacking humanity through abortion, opioids, vaccines, promoting sexual deviation, and others... these are attacks on God's treasure, and thus an attack on God personally. God redeems broken lives, through faith in Christ, and formerly ruined lives are restored. Sunday morning pulpits are filled with former gang members, addicts, and such. He gives "beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning" (Isa 61:3) Restored lives (Christians)

love to humiliate the kingdom of darkness, and proclaim God's supremacy. This is why the left goes insane over Trump. He openly shames the darkness and proclaims God.

God's exchange program!

21170117? ago

Srs qstn: if God has 'won' why has the post-1945 period been so horrific?

21177492? ago

Good question. Man is a free moral agent, and self determinant. God does not violate our free will. The evils of the world are caused by fallen men who curse God in their hearts. God allows Himself to be hated by corrupt men, but invites them to

a new life, through faith in Christ. God "won" when the evils of humanity were charged to the account of Christ, as he died on the Cross. God was then "just" ... to forgive every individual person who wanted to become accepted by God, and relate with God. The invitation is universal, and no one is turned away by God. Jesus paid it all... Christians are a holy army in the World, doing God's business, and setting an example. God "won" by defeating the accuser and enemy of man, Satan - because through the Cross, Satan lost the title deed, any rightful claim to condemn humanity. Jesus, the Redeemer, paid the cost of freedom. Man is free to walk away from satan and toward God at any time, and the ticket to freedom was paid on the Cross.

21167010? ago

They are my allies on this one. My body is my body. Vaccines will not go in my body because I said no. The body growing inside my body is NOT my body but it is IN my body. For that reason, killing that little body inside my body is murder. People can do what they like with their own body, but you cannot do what you will with another's body, this goes for the baby in the womb.

21168195? ago

Common sense.