21168137? ago

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21026872? ago

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20319339? ago

Is Handler actually a skeezy whore, or does she just pretend she's one on TV for financial purposes? Isn't she best buds with either Aniston or witherspoon or something?

20320877? ago

Shes friends with both. I read one of her books and yes she is a skeezy whore with alcohol and drug problems.

20320941? ago

She can't be all bad then. She's just as fucked up as the REST of us cattle then. IMO. I've been down the RONG roads before.

20317152? ago

Woody Allen is a pedo? Nooooo really... 🤪

He reminds me of Polanski. And Polanski is propably into some shady shit besides raping a 13 year old back in the days.

The whole manson family thing killing his wife and unnorn child reeks of evil kikery

20316841? ago

Epstein was arrested flying in from France. Same country Roman Polanski uses to escape us prosecution

20317592? ago

Aus, Mexico, Canada, Israel, England and some moslem kingdoms might be part of the same criminal shit show. A lot of US name and people from Hollywood, the French are probably deep in the shit for years it could possibly open flood gates when they get exposed https://voat.co/v/QRV/3323474 Epstein Avenue Foch 2dd Paris 75116 F

20316192? ago

I really don't think Woody Allen is the type who's into little gir....oh, wait....

20317720? ago

Satanic? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3353568/19910800 The "Mystery" religion is Luciferianism.

20316030? ago

POTUS, "yeah George (Stephanopolous), I bet you have some regrets". Priceless

20314770? ago

This is clearly a party where children were abused and sexually molested.

20314423? ago

I hope Chelsea sleazeball Handler is implicated in something and found guilty in a court of law.

20314848? ago

The Anons of Voat followed this shit for years, ever since Bernie was screwed over and the wikileak before the election, some knew the conspiracy many years again before. Weird parties, Masonic Symbols, human smuggling you name it ... 'pizzagate' was modded by some corrupt mods who wanted to take the sub in a different direction and focus totally on some pizza restaurant and not the winder details of a possible network ... the posts with info ....

yup. was thinking more along the lines of the daughter's origin story. - was she born with epstein's tastes - did she turn him out, or he turned her out? - if her, who groomed her from within such a large family circle

People in circles obviously know who she is. I imagine nepotism, with the type of leverage these people have, certainly extends to something as minor as getting away with sex crimes, or whatever—


it's a sitter

preservation of "international waters" (where criminal laws don't apply!) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1442563/6968448


https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1442348 how many connections do we have to make?? Human Trafficker with Ties to the Elite https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1844757 Maxwell is Jewish and it was, after all, a Jewish wedding. Even with lots of plastic surgery, Chelsea still looks like her biological father: Webster Hubbell https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1843653 data search technology company used by the FBI ! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3325495/19654605 Interesting, for some reason I remember Aerojet Corp being a CIA front op. Not sure where I read this in the past, but I do know they have a location in Camden, Arkansas, funny enough near Little Rock. Isabel, is connected to the World Economic Forum and Muhammad Yunus. FBIAnon mentioned Yunus.. link muhammad yunus & grameen bank + norway connection + tied to organ/sex trafficking of women


Many links within post.

Members of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Habsburg and Soros families supported nonprofit founded by Ghislaine Maxwell https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3336780/19785950 fresh money coming in via ... Swiss philanthropist Hansjörg Wyss, of the #WyssFoundation has pledged to donate $1 billion over the next 10 years to fund conservation efforts.

20314182? ago

Talmudic (Judaism Tradition in the Films of Woody Allen


There are three different “holy” books that are associated with the Jews:

1) The Torah: This term is generally used, in Judaism, to refer to the Old Testament of the Bible, or more specifically, the first five books of the Old Testament, written by Moses. However, it is important to know that the Jews don’t live by the Old Testament. It is only used as an icon, in the form of scrolls that are paraded through the synagogue as a ritual.

2) TheTalmud:Thistermreferstothe“writtendown”oraltraditionsofthe Pharisees that Jesus rebuked so severely as “making the Scriptures of none effect.” Jesus said to the Pharisees:

“You make the Word of God of none effect by your traditions.” Mark 7:13

The Talmud consists of 2 parts: the Mishna and the Gemara. The Mishna is, as stated above, the oral traditions of the Pharisees that were written down around 200 A.D. by the Rabbis. They are a series of endless rules that govern every moment of the life of an orthodox Jew. It was at this time – 200 A.D. - Judaism began, long AFTER Jesus was on earth, was crucified and ascended to heaven, in about 30 A.D., and even long after the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D.

Thus, there were NO Jews during Bible times – whether during the time of the Old Testament or the New Testament. The word “Jew” is not even in the Bible. It has been “written in” by the translators. The word mistranslated “Jew” is actually the word Judean or Judahite, and refers to those who worshipped the God of the Bible, and were looking forward to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Jesus was from the tribe of Judah, and the temple, where the Israelites worshipped, was in

Jerusalem in Judea. Thus, they were called “Judeans” – which has been incorrectly shortened to the word “Jew.”

Furthermore, the words Judean and Judahite, refer to whom that person worshipped. They worshipped the one true God, whereas the “nations” – incorrectly translated “Gentiles” – refers to those who worshipped many pagan gods. So the designation is one of worship -and NOT of ethnicity!

Because the Israelites were looking forward to the Messiah – Jesus Christ – they were actually Christians. Again, they were NOT Jews! And Jesus, Himself, was NOT a Jew! Jesus was God – in human form – and God is NOT Jewish!

There are two other branches of Judaism, Secular and Reform, that don’t adhere to all these endless, and minute, rules of the Talmud. But these branches of Judaism do NOT denounce the Talmud. In a general way, the Talmud is still the “guiding light” of all Jews. It is the means by which the elitist Jews control the rank and file Jews.

The Talmudists have a censored version of the Talmud that eliminates all the hateful passages referring to non-Jews. This is the only version of the Talmud that “Gentiles” are allowed to see.


20330505? ago

So filled with misinformation. The 12 Tribes of Israel were the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Old Testament is filled with their history. A remnant of them followed their Messiah Jesus and most rejected Him. A True Israelites today, in the spiritual sense, is one who is a follower of Jesus and saved by His Blood. Such are the true children of Abraham (which is defined by faith rather than earthly genealogy. None the less, the New Testament shows that Jesus was indeed an Israelite, (in His human sense) born of the Tribe of Judah. His 12 apostles were all Jews. The destruction of the temple and sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD spelled the end of their earthly existence, at least until the end of the age. Jesus spoke to the woman of Samaria, correcting her and showing her that “Salvation is through the Jews,” meaning that He, the Messiah was brought into the world in His human side, as a Jew (son of Abraham). He lived a perfectly sinless life, thus purchasing salvation for all of His children (whether Jew or Gentile) throughout the ages, until He comes again. The word “Jew” is in the Bible, specifically (one example) in John chapter 4 where Jesus told the woman that salvation was from (through) the Jews.

Of course God is not “Jewish “ but He founded the children of Abraham and used them as a vehicle for His revelation and to bring forth the Messiah, Jesus the Saviour of the whole world.

20333538? ago



You believe there is NO difference in these two words?

20317333? ago

That was a very interesting read. Thank you.

20314888? ago

Shriners, euro elite, CFR, satanists, jewish occult, the Vatican, DC deep state, Jesuits, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, CIA, MI6, all the Monarchies, etc. all buddies, one big fucked up team of degenerates!


Babylon America.

I've never heard it like that. It is falling and Patriot America will have it's return.

20314056? ago


20314050? ago

The Jewish culture embraces rank immaturity – and in fact infantilism. The actor Woody Allen, has made a fortune in movies by just “being Jewish.” Gentiles who watch his movies think his behavior is so outrageous that it is humorous. But his behavior is that of the quintessential Jew – the most “perfect” example of Jewishness: constant whining, bitchiness, immense insecurity masquerading as arrogance, the right to do whatever he wishes, seeking fulfillment from promiscuous sex.

Remember, Woody Allen (real name Allan Konigsberger, in real life had sex with his teenage adopted daughter, while he was married to Mia Farrow, then divorced Farrow to marry this child who was about 40 years his junior.

20314415? ago

What a god damn degenerate.

20313716? ago

Jews are sexual degenerates and should be expelled from all white nations.

20317661? ago

The Jihad blames the Kike while the Jew blames the Kebab. Republicans blame Clinton for his death. Democrats blame Trump. Meanwhile...

20313438? ago

Pay to fuck kids was Epstein's business. He did very well.

20316043? ago

Podesta is still doing very well. and no spotlight on him/them.

20312797? ago

Pragmatists have stuck their wet little fingers into the wind and realized the wind has changed, and are now trying to show the truth before it hits them right between their eyes!

20312750? ago

Let's remember these people are created , they are born into the cult or orphans , or stolen from invaded countries, child services .... They are brought up to be useful or die. They only know this twisted cult from hell . They are brought up in darkness. And all while their doing it they are asking us for donations . Then you have the elite trying to populate the earth with their seed . What is large scale is also small scale where ever evil exsist , and island , a town , a village , and don't forget the catholics and other religions . Religious college's ? Missionaries ? Look at everything again .

20314915? ago

I've heard that Bill Clinton is David Rockefeller's kid, probably the result of what you describe.

20317255? ago

Yes and Hillary , and if you look at old photos you will see the resemblance of Tom Hanks and his son . Between inbreeding and the demons and the belief that cruelty and torture are good they are very messed up. Every sin and evil tendency festering with insatiable desire.

Sure makes us see freedom clearer .

20314290? ago

The fake Haiti Christian Charity... and Entertainment media? ABC & Vanity Fair interviewed girls who claimed to be abused by Jeffrey Epstein. Their stories were never published. Then-Editor Graydon Carter was allegedly threatened by Epstein but said the stories weren't published because they didn't have 3 sources.... https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1165015923528364033 ...and Miley Cyrus gets tat of snake eating a child...Johan Lindeberg its tons off photos of him with the (club) ... French models groups, Mossad Israel Blackmial? the British Royals https://voat.co/v/AnonNews/3330363/19701789 Chandler, father is a top surgeon at UCLA medical centre in Santa Monica. Hmmmm....

20312662? ago

Roman Polanski and Woody Allen are %100 proof that PEDOWOOD can’t be saved and needs gone

The fact that both of them are not only accepted - but fucking idolized there? That’s says everything

20314332? ago

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20313646? ago

Woody Has been a pedo since before Rosemary's Baby... He was the poster perve back then & a catalyst to pubnlic scrutiny of Hollyweird & molesting minors.

20314893? ago

Whoa whoa whoa, you're saying that Woody is a pedophile? Okay, now I've heard everything!

20319992? ago

Ahhh, I love a good #sarcastic comment, Thanks 4 the laugh, patriot!

20316616? ago

That shocks you... Why? Ham bone f-ugly, Say Whisper, he'll blow away? Or looks too intellectual? Mia Farrow/Woody saga of creepy/purvey & his DD

20313723? ago

And satanic helter skelter promotion.

I’m still convinced Polanski groomed Manson into the Tate ( ritual sacrifice of own kid ) and Labianca murders

20316346? ago

Everyone from Beach Boy (Brian ?) out & Up. Add a fact that Spook offspring mixed in w/Musicians, SIngers/signed & not, budding/& has been actor/actresses including a Director or two, some commune living, hippies (like B. Sanders) wedged within the Mulholland Drive area. Then sprinkle all over like mana from above, sheets of T. Leary's 4-way windowpane.... Mmm... It's pretty possible,Purvey, Pedophile playing, Polanski procured, petted, & prodded & poked his maniacal brisket no doubt more. Not a saint but some want people to believe the Director/Artist only once he let his professional passion get out of control making Lolita.

20316018? ago

Tate murder was an obvious hoax. Not sure about Labianca.

20312598? ago

Interesting. Trump knew Epstein too.

In a 2002 interview, Trump called him ‘a terrific guy,’ and noted a similarity: His penchant for young, beautiful women.

Trump: “He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump was quoted as saying. “He likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Trump also flew on the “Lolita Express,” from LaGuardia to Palm Beach. For the better part of two decades starting in the late 1980s, Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump swam in the same social pool. They were neighbors in Florida and friends for years. Photos and articles captured the men together over the years, Trump and his then-girlfriend, Melania Knauss, double dating at a celebrity tennis tournament at Mar-a-Lago. Partying with Britain's Prince Andrew. Hanging out with National Football League cheerleaders. Dancing, laughing, palling around at a party Trump threw to celebrate his "freedom" after he divorced his second wife, Marla Maples.

So does that mean Trump is a pedophile too? Are people now guilty by association?

Well .. are they?

Trump: If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, I'd be dating her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diMp241gAcwYouTube

20312889? ago

As soon as Trump found out Epstein was into underaged girls he banned Epstein from his club and cut off all contact.

20312944? ago

Wrong. They had a dispute over property they were both trying to buy in Florida back in 04. Nice try.

20313036? ago

You are a lying shill. Fuck off.

20317115? ago

You've heard of fake news, right? Idiots like you fall for it. They print bullshit all day long, and leftist shills like you believe it. Moron.

20318462? ago

You mean like Q? LOL

20313134? ago

Lmao falling back on vanityfair as a source. Holy shit we really are winning the information war.

20313159? ago

3 sources. Nice try.

20313177? ago

Hilarious that you havent given up with fake news. Trump spearheaded the awakening, keep trying to project your own filth onto the righteous folks

20313349? ago

Trump is the only witness who worked against epstein in 2008, he is no fan of JE. Go ahead and try to muddy the waters around a pedophile trafficking ring

Im so glad the deep state funding for your propaganda dried up that its becoming obvious just how desperate the left is. Its glorious

20313527? ago

Not a Lefty or a Righy Bubba. Not affiliated with any political party. They ALL LIE. I am Anti-government. Always will be.

Yes that is true that Trump cooperated with the investigation. No doubt. However you deny the truth that they had a falling out because of a property dispute.

You do this because it doesn't fit into your delusional narrative. LOL

20313531? ago

so you are an edgy reddit anarchist who doesnt know shit and believes headlines

20328505? ago

This cunt is an AI bot. Move along Pal.

20344357? ago

Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?

20347376? ago

Free speech dick head. Even yours is allowed around here.

20313715? ago

Take your own advice retard

20313794? ago

I'm not a Q'tard. You are. LOL

20313807? ago

Im a staunch trump supporter and campaigned for him in early 2015. I thought Q was initially a deep state larp and im glad to admit I was wrong. There was elaborate shilling done from 2015-2018 that really took a lot of effort to dissect.

Now, you are literally reaching for the stars. Keep shilling.

20318680? ago

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by those Rulers.

Coopting or preempting a resistance Q movement to neutralize the threat that a grassroots movement would pose to an established power structure.

Hijack the goals and actions of an organization or Q movement for purposes other than those that were the original intentions of the grassroots movement.

Give the public the false illusion of choice by presenting a political party or Q organization that superficially speaks to the desires or frustrations of the people but whose actions do not further the stated goals of the organization.

Disinformation or deception of the Q-tist's. Steering the Q-tist's in the wrong direction or misdirect their energies, beliefs and actions.

Act in such a way that superficially appears to benefit the Q opposition, but in truth furthers the ends of the controlling NWO Globalist Demonic Elite.

All leaders in the position of power are playing a role. This is why many if not most people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE that a Veil of deception has been pulled over our eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players but the same GAME and many people fall for it every single time.

20312264? ago

I believe it. Any household names, get used to it, they are implicated.

20315011? ago

Link ... drive.google.com /drive/folders/1YLsJjRcfur4PjGJTjIgYmWaUFyuzlDRm .... Strange Trees, the vegetation, July 2013 and December 2014 it looks like a building right at the center of the island disappears

20314857? ago

I'm waiting for the pedo-Pope to fall flat on his evil face.

20316700? ago

The ultimate redpill!!

20313596? ago

That blackmail island ... Who benefits? @Nigloo_Dismantler @MrBoutros ? @mralexson @Sitnikoff @PatrioticAmerican ??

20313898? ago

Israel benefits, of course. Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the Mossad's blackmail operation (which is currently operating in all 50 states btw)

20311825? ago

Interesting. Trump knew Epstein too.

In a 2002 interview, Trump called him ‘a terrific guy,’ and noted a similarity: His penchant for young, beautiful women.

Trump: “He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump was quoted as saying. “He likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Trump also flew on the “Lolita Express,” from LaGuardia to Palm Beach. For the better part of two decades starting in the late 1980s, Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump swam in the same social pool. They were neighbors in Florida and friends for years. Photos and articles captured the men together over the years, Trump and his then-girlfriend, Melania Knauss, double dating at a celebrity tennis tournament at Mar-a-Lago. Partying with Britain's Prince Andrew. Hanging out with National Football League cheerleaders. Dancing, laughing, palling around at a party Trump threw to celebrate his "freedom" after he divorced his second wife, Marla Maples.

So does that mean Trump is a pedophile too? Are people now guilty by association?

Well .. are they?

20313125? ago

Wow these shills are like leftovers from 2 weeks ago. Are you even being paid a decent amount anymore?

20313150? ago

Can't deny the truth. The truth always comes out in the end like the cream of the milk rising to the top. The shill thing is old bud. No one is getting paid. We are just here proving the TRUTH..

20312295? ago

There is a difference and that's what I was pointing out. Trump has never denied knowing Epstein but it seems others are scrambling to distance themselves and deny deny deny. Handler is one of the ones who if Trump burps shes in an alcoholic and drug haze screeching on twitter about how nasty Trump is. This was a perfect set up for her but she hasn't said a peep. Why? Because she knew Epstein. She is also known as one of the nastiest people around so it was no shock to me to see her name associated with him.

20312370? ago

Trump denied knowing anything as well.

20312245? ago

If Trump was a pedophile we wouldn't have gone thru the whole fucking russia collusion bull shit.

Case closed.

20312259? ago

Political Theater and Controlled Opposition

20312289? ago

If Trump had committed ANY crimes what so ever we would have not gone thru the Russia collusion bullshit.

The MSM hysteria has proved to me Trump is clean and the man.

Case closed.

20312380? ago

Political Theater and Controlled Opposition

Look it up and get educated.

Case closed.

20312410? ago

Not time for that now for this DS players. Trump is a real and tangible threat. If they had pedo charges they'd be out. They faked russia and I'd didn't work. Nothing had worked. Now they will lose the election and hang for treason or rot in a cell.

20311919? ago

So does that mean Trump is a pedophile too? Are people now guilty by association?

No, but we know Woody Allen's a paedo because he fucked his own step-daughter.

20312064? ago

...and incestuous.

20312025? ago

Trump: If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, I'd be dating her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diMp241gAcw

20311530? ago

Well the DOJ can go ahead and show signs of actually trying to uphold JUSTICE and the RULE OF LAW any time now. We were told to Trust Sessions who sucked. Trust Wray who sucks. We were told Mueller was the big road block. Told Coates was the hold up.

20313109? ago

Not faith? Vote for Biden you spineless wonder.

20313237? ago

I'm saying let's get on with the show!

20314255? ago

What do you mean, "let's"? You have no idea of what it takes or how to go about it correctly.

20312168? ago

Relax...Coates just left 9 days ago...Give the General or Admiral a buffer zone to get a feel for how corrupt these mf'ers are b4 we pull the plug in the tub! Time is on OUR side, not theirs...We can sew shit up nice and tight so there's no hope of these slippery cucksuckers weaseling their way out of what's waiting for them! If u dont see what's happening, ur not paying close enough attention...

20316659? ago

The pedo shills are shitting cinderblocks. They don’t know what else to do. They may be low (life) level cocksuckers but they will get theirs too. They want all the attention on the big fish hoping that will be the end of it. Boy are they wrong.

20311726? ago

courts have to be shut down, this is a constitutional crisis and I don't believe that any peasant should have to face a judge and jury if the criminal elite don't ever have to.

20314870? ago

That is a given when martial law is declared. It all stops.

20313556? ago

You don't want to sling the CC words around loosely like that. This is not some 1 State BFE sic twisted case of a few. It's massive Nationally & WW. When this shit hits full frontal, there will be SJW's everywhere screaming the "CC it's not fair" Song everywhere. No victim Words/plays, just pain! lol

20311287? ago

The pizza tsunami has arrived!

Msm is printing story after story about these sex slave operations.

Something is coming, its big if all these powerful people aren't protected.

The msm is redpilling the shit out of the normies for us now. What the hell is going on?

20314527? ago

These all are surveillance videos. Who else would be outside of Epstein’s apartment in the cold to film activity? If it had been the paparazzi they would’ve used it shortly after it was taken in 2010.

These are probably leaked videos from an Intelligence operation.

20314753? ago

I think the NSA got their hands on MOSSAD files.

20315070? ago

Interesting idea. That would be a double whammy.

Funny how they waited until Andrew had made an official denial before they released the earlier video showing the party guests.

It completely fucked Andrews excuses.

The damage this has done to the uk royals can not be overstated!

20314141? ago

With Multiple Epstein Co-conspirators/Recruiters https://voat.co/v/QRV/3390103/20242713 Click on "connections " and look at the people shes connected with. Almost all private profiles but the profile pics alone are fucked. Two girls sitting inside a pentagram (mel and steph hausberger) , a little toddler covered in black ink standing naked in a bathtub, some ither fucked up looking ones ... old Myspace photos?

20312468? ago