hookednosedjoooo ago

Another important fact about Ghislaine that doesn't get mentioned enough is her MOSSAD connection. Excerpt from Wikipedia:

shortly before Maxwell's death, a former employee of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate intelligence agency Ari Ben-Menashe, had approached a number of news organisations in Britain and the United States with the allegation that Maxwell and the Daily Mirror's foreign editor, Nicholas Davies, were both long-time agents for Mossad. Ben-Menashe also claimed that in 1986 Maxwell had told the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu had given information about Israel's nuclear capability to the Sunday Times, then to the Daily Mirror. Vanunu was subsequently kidnapped by Mossad and smuggled to Israel, convicted of treason and imprisoned for 18 years.[41]

Ben-Menashe's story was ignored at first but eventually The New Yorker journalist Seymour Hersh repeated some of the allegations during a press conference in London held to publicise The Samson Option, Hersh's book about Israel's nuclear weapons. On 21 October 1991, two Members of Parliament, Labour's George Galloway and the Conservative's Rupert Allason (also known as espionage author Nigel West) agreed to raise the issue in the House of Commons (under Parliamentary Privilege protection)[47] which in turn allowed British newspapers to report events without fear of libel suits. Maxwell called the claims "ludicrous, a total invention", and sacked Nicholas Davies, known also as Nick Davies.[39] A year later, in Galloway's libel settlement against Mirror Group Newspapers (in which he received "substantial" damages), Galloway's counsel announced that the MP accepted that the Group's staff had not been involved in Vanunu's abduction.[48]

isthisreality ago

(is there any way to edit title? lol. I just noticed my typo- oops)

Lockeye ago

I don't know, but I find it compelling what you posted about. It's like saying "oh, I'm investigating myself, guess I'll just let this slide"